"Judge David Andrews acknowledged the emotional effect the offences had on the victim. "The complainant who has suffered continuing grief as a result of your offending, feels even now.....that she's not confident enough to enter into a relationship as a result of what you've done," Mr Andrews said. "You were a person in whom considerable trust had been given." In sentencing Harvey, Mr Andrews told him he had taken into consideration the fact he had already been punished by the church and through the breakdown of his marriage. "And I take in to account also your good prospects of good rehabilitation, which seem to be demonstrated by your willingness to admit these things, and your lack of offending in the long period since this offence." He was sentenced to two and a half years jail, which will be suspended after he serves eight months." I know that the recommendations from the Australian Royal Commission into Child Abuse are not due to be submitted to the Australian Government, until mid-2017. Still I would have expected that an Australian judge would have been familiar with the work of the Australian Royal Commission and would be aware that the policies and procedures for dealing with child abuse, according to Jehovah's Witnesses, have already been publicly assessed.
Seems like a light sentence. I understand he apparently has shown some repentance, but he also has ruined at least one young ones sexual identity and homeostasis. This will follow the offended person much longer than eight months. Frank