"Decieved by a prophet"

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Get out of her, Dec 30, 2021.

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    Get out of her

    Get out of her New Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Are we beginning to better appreciate just how thoroughly we have been deceived and misled by the "disgusting thing" that is always "put in place" of the "continual sacrifice" by means of an "apostasy" of Jehovah's appointed earthly shepherds? (Da 11:30-32) (2 Th 2:1-4) Is the fact that ones like the Apostle Paul and the Apostle John spoke prophetically of FUTURE occasions for which a "prophesying," "suffering/killing" and subsequent call from heaven for "two witnesses" to "come up here" would be "RESERVED"? (Re 11:3, 7, 8, 11, 12) (He 9:26-28)

    Well due to the fact that Jehovah happens to be a God of "UNDESERVED kindness" and even tender mercies, these things most certainly SHOULD begin to make sense to us. Once again the setting we are considering here in 1 Kings Chapter 13 is one in which Jehovah is yet again sending prophets or even "two spies" that he has appointed to "inspect" what is now a "great city" that is yet again in line for complete destruction, to see if there is a tiny "Rahab"-like portion of this "prostitute" that is prepared to "discreetly" demonstrate "REPENTANCE" for this spiritual "harlotry." (Jos 2:1) (Lu 19:44) Because if so, these two figurative "spies" are more than prepared not only to "die INSTEAD" of these "few," but even also to arrange for this "Rahab" entity to marry a Judean prince. (Jos 2:14) (Mt 1:5 22:14 25:1, 2, 10) In turn, just as was illustrated for us also with the ancient Rahab of Jericho, this holy marriage results in yet another "BIRTH of a SON, a male who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod." In stark contrast to the rather promiscuous "DAUGHTER of God's people" or even "DAUGHTERS" that are always conceived by the adulterous spiritual relations involved with a broken holy marriage covenant, this RESTORED covenant gives birth to a "SON" who is now "caught away to God and to his throne." (Mt 1:5) (Jer 8:11) (Eze 23:1-4) (Isa 1:21) (Re 12:5)

    But did we (just as we have long been programmed to) overlook which particular "trumpet blast" we are considering here at the moment, or otherwise which one of the "seven" foretold "kings" or foreign world powers it would be associated with? (Re 17:10) In other words, would the "birth of the barren woman" being prophesied here in Revelation 12 qualify as the one that Paul identified as the "LAST trumpet"? And would it therefore by extension be connected with the "harvest of the firstfruits" or "resurrection/birth" of the "incorruptible and immortal" spiritual shepherds who would not even actually EXPERIENCE a literal death? (1 Cor 15:51-53)

    Yes the question here really is whether or not we are dealing with the birth of the long anticipated Millennial Reign here in the 12th Chapter of Revelation? The answer can be discerned by simply continuing on with our reading of Revelation. For one thing Jehovah's "woman" does not "fly into the wilderness" with the "disgusting" or "loathsome" "wings of an eagle" to be "away from the face of the serpent" in such a setting. (Re 12:14) Compare (Da 9:27) (Le 11:13) In fact if anything PARTICULARLY in a setting in which a renewed kingdom or holy marriage covenant gives birth to "incorruptible and immortal" spiritual shepherds, these heavenly "kings and priests" are the very ones who PERFORM the "feeding" being spoken of here. (Re 5:10)

    It is actually when we get to the end of the 14th Chapter of Revelation that we read of the harvest or "reaping" that Paul is referring to there in 1 Corinthians 15:51-53. (Re 14:15) The fact is there are TWO births of "comings of the kingdom" associated with the "last trumpet," the latter of which would be connected in some manner with what the Apostle John identified as a kind of "EIGHTH king." (Re 17:11) This final foretold restoration or resurrection of Jehovah's authority and power on the earth would of course not even be connected in any way to a rise of a HUMAN world power or "king" AT ALL, let alone a foreign one. The "gentile times" would end with the SPIRITUAL "fall" of the SEVENTH foreign "king" spoken of there at Revelation 17:10 and pictured with the seventh head of the "seven headed wild beast."

    In other words, this cyclical phenomenon of the "appointed times of the NATIONS" which was ALWAYS described as like "seven marches AROUND" a kind of "great city" with a "prostitute" by the name of Jericho would end in the same manner that ANY "circuit" would; namely in the very same manner it would BEGIN. (Lu 21:24) (Jos 6:3-5) (Mt 10:23) (Re 17:18) Just as the prophet Jeremiah explicitly stated in the opening words of his first book, this 2,520 year period of foreign "exile" of God's people began with the spiritual adultery of a Judean king by the name of "JEHOIAKIM." (Jer 1:3) This king began his reign in the year 609 BCE, and his spiritual "fall" soon resulted in the first foretold rise of a FOREIGN "king" or world power that would qualify as a "SERVANT" of Jehovah until IT TOO would experience one of the "SEVEN" spiritual "falls" spoken of there at Revelation 17:10 or 18:2 (Jer 25:9)

    Therefore even if we choose to ALTOGETHER IGNORE the fact that a SEVENTH foreign world power AFTER Babylon appeared on the earthly scene around the year 1898 (according to historians) which came to be known as the Anglo-American one and almost IMMEDIATELY crawled into bed with an "EIGHTH king" that went by the name –"The League of Nations" at the time, the 2,520 year time frame ALONE that was assigned to these "seven times" points directly to the year 1912 as precisely the moment in which this "seventh king" would have violated Jehovah's holy marriage covenant. The "gentile times" ended in 1912. But is it not already glaringly obvious to us that this time frame actually marked the very OPPOSITE thing that we have always been taught by the Watchtower organization?

    You see a broken holy marriage covenant between Jehovah and mankind has ALWAYS of course marked a spiritual DEATH of his nation, not a birth or establishment of such! While scriptures like Daniel 7:12 and Revelation 17:12 indicate that satan would have lost all authority over the earth at this time, scriptures like Galatians 4:26 and Hebrews 12:22 nonetheless make it PERFECTLY clear that the HEAVENLY "camp" of the Messianic kingdom was established the moment that Jesus experienced his resurrection in 33 CE. (Song 6:13) What we are currently in desperate need of is the resurrection or "reaping" of the EARTHLY facet of Jehovah's kingdom that is foretold for us there at Revelation 14:15. Moreover the mere fact that you are currently and FINALLY learning the TRUTH of these spiritual matters is proof enough that this final foretold birth of the holy nation is already well under way.

    Nevertheless among the things that this information clarifies for us is that ministry, death and resurrection of the "two witnesses" we are reading of in the ELEVENTH Chapter of Revelation in connection with the "SIXTH trumpet" blast is actually pertaining to the rise of the BRITISH world power which would simply be another way of saying—"the SIXTH king" or "SIXTH birth of the barren woman." (Re 9:13 11:3, 7, 8, 11, 12 15 12:5 17:10) (1 Sa 2:5) This would certainly seem to account for things like the rather impressive EARLIER magistrates of this world power like Sir Isaac Newton who established a reputation not only as an EXTREMELY wise and just ruler, but also as quite the Bible scholar. Most people are unaware in fact that he had pointed to the early 1900s as the end of the "gentile times" TWO CENTURIES before the International Bible Students Association did.

    Yes we are dealing with yet another foretold "birth of the barren woman" here as well as the spiritual death and uncleanness that always creates the need for a "coming of the kingdom" in the first place. (1 Sa 2:5) (Jer 15:9) (Isa 54:1-4) It is simply not Jehovah's WILL that his salvation would remain out of reach for repentant ones among mankind. Just as is the case with essentially the ENTIRE BIBLE, what we are considering here has EVERYTHING to do with what we are reading about in 1 Kings Chapter 13, whether we currently realize it or not.

    But in view of information such as this, are we already beginning to understand why this "man of the true God" is pictured in this setting of a broken kingdom covenant as being sent NOT to God's people, but rather to an entity that is pictured as even BLATANTLY idolatrous? Are we already beginning to better appreciate why this prophet was forbidden by Jehovah to "take sustenance" in the place he was sent to, or accept a "gift" from what is represented here by King Jeroboam in this setting of national apostasy? Are we beginning to recognize what is being symbolized with the fact that this prophet would also not be able to "return by the way in which he had come" to encounter this "Jeroboam" entity?

    Let’s by all means endeavor to pick up the discussion with these questions beginning with my next post.

    Agape love;

  2. 41
    Get out of her

    Get out of her New Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    I will continue to demonstrate with the scriptures that if or when we individually succeed in obeying the divine commands that are ALWAYS issued to the anointed ones in these post –apostasy/pre-kingdom time frames that we once again find ourselves in at this very moment, so many scriptural truths or teachings that should have ALWAYS seemed simply self evident by employing even the most basic logic will indeed suddenly appear as exactly that. The spiritual "sleep" that is induced even upon the anointed "virgins" and "widows" of the previously broken marriage covenant when their spiritual adultery allows satan to begin repetitively programming them with false teachings at least SHOULD prove a very humbling experience for them. (Mt 25:1, 2, 5) (La 1:1, 4) (Isa 1:21) This is because awakening from the spiritual "sleep" spoken of at Matthew 25:5 or otherwise "catching sight" of what Jesus speaks of at Matthew 24:15, 16 forces us to realize just how easily we were blinded by "expressions inspired by DEMONS" or even "teachings and commands of MEN as doctrine." (Mt 15:9 24:15, 16) (Re 16:14)

    In other words, a large part of the reason that the ministry of Jehovah's prophets towards "Christ's domestics" or Jesus' own "BROTHERS" in these time frames immediately prior to another foretold "coming of the kingdom" is described as like a fiery testing process that the vast majority of them will fail is for the very same reason that after the ministries of the "two witnesses" of the first century there were only 11 people on the entire earth that Jesus was able to renew the kingdom covenant with. (Mal 3:2, 3) (Mt 3:11 22:14 24:45 25:40) (Ro 9:33) And even when it same to THESE ones, we might recall that what they most often needed counseling on was their pride. (Lu 9:46 22:24)

    Yes particularly when it comes to the anointed "virgins" who tend to pride themselves on their unusual degree of Bible knowledge and understanding in these settings of a broken holy covenant, it's normally quite challenging to come to terms with rather self evident truths such as the fact that if they were NOT essentially a foreign and even "leprous" chieftain in desperate need of yet another baptism or spiritual cleansing and rebirth in the figurative Jordan River in these settings or time frames, there would of course be NO NEED for another "coming of the kingdom" in the first place. (2 K 5:1, 19, 14) Once again this is what Paul is explicitly STATING in accounts like 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4.

    The simple fact is that from the time of 33 CE forward, when God's nation HAS existed on the earth with a kingdom covenant in good standing with Jehovah, it has obviously done so IN THE FORM of Christianity. To even speak of the EXISTENCE of the "Great Harlot" or anointed "virgins/widows" or for that matter even a "faithful and discreet slave" is to openly acknowledge that this holy marriage covenant has once again been violated with spiritual adultery on the part of Jehovah's appointed earthly shepherds. (Re 17:1) (Isa 1:21) (Mt 24:45 25:1, 2) (La 1:1, 4) NONE of these entities EVEN EXIST in a setting of a renewed and inaugurated kingdom or law covenant or otherwise one in which TRUE Christianity does. As is ultimately the case with ANY nation, its very EXISTENCE is FOUNDED on the establishment of its LEGAL AUTHORITY. Once again this is the reason that when this divine law covenant is violated with spiritual adultery, the "Great Harlot" or "daughter of Jehovah's people" that is BORN from these unclean relations is also identified as the "man of LAWLESSNESS." (Jer 8:11) (2 Th 2:3)

    Basically speaking, to even IDENTIFY ourselves as a Christian while we at the same time are eagerly anticipating the Millennial Reign is to insist that there is NO NEED for this final foretold "birth of the barren woman." (Jer 15:9) (1 Sa 2:5) Regardless of whether we are speaking of fleshly Israelites or spiritual ones, they EXIST when their NATION does. The ENTIRE HISTORY of Jehovah's nation has made it perfectly clear that whether it is established or RE-established, it is done so with a renewed and inaugurated holy covenant. In turn it REMAINS in existence as long as this covenant is "KEPT." (Ex 19:5) (Lu 22:28, 29) (He 9:16-18) When we find ourselves dealing with the "tribulations" or "pangs of distress" involved with yet another foretold "BIRTH" of this figurative "barren woman" such as we obviously are at this very moment, this of course means that the nation she always gives birth to has once again experienced one of its foretold DEATHS! (1 Th 5:1-3) (Mt 24:21) (Isa 54:1-4 66:7, 8)

    Regardless of whether we are considering the ministry of Jeremiah and Ezekiel in connection with the relatively brief existence of divine authority and power that was manifested with ancient Babylon and the divine appointments of Daniel and his three Hebrew companions, the "prophesying" of Haggai and Zechariah in connection with the "anointing" of theocratic "shepherds" such as "Cyrus" of the Medo-Persian empire, OR that of John the Baptist and Jesus in connection with the SECOND foretold manifestation of the Roman world power, these foretold "comings" or "births" of Jehovah's nation have ALWAYS begun with EXACTLY what was laid out for us with the prophetic words of the Apostle John at the end of the first century. (Da 2:48, 49) (Jer 25:9) (Isa 44:28 45:1) (Es 2:17 10:3)

    This is a "prophesying" of "two witnesses" that is designed to reestablish the LEGAL AUTHORITY of God's nation on the earth by means of a renewed and inaugurated kingdom covenant with the more "repentant" and "discreet" ones among the anointed "virgins" and "widows" and by extension reestablish a GENUINE theocratic shepherding fold. (Re 11:2, 7, 8, 11, 12) (Mt 3:1, 2 4:17 25:1, 2) Is it not the case that basically the very reason most if not all of us are here at websites such as this in the first place is because we have finally "caught sight" or awakened at some point to the fact that there indeed is no longer a legitimate theocratic shepherding fold on the earth? (Mt 24:15, 16 25:5)

    Up UNTIL the moment in which this divine kingdom covenant is renewed, REGARDLESS of how successful satan and the demons or even WE have been at convincing ourselves of how very great and special and knowledgeable perhaps even an ANOINTING has made us as genuine "Christians," the tragic reality is we basically are anything but. (2 Ti 4:3) The fact that Jehovah's prophets are always compelled to INFORM us of these rather "fiery" or even "offensive" realities is largely why very "few" of these anointed "virgins" are able to respond favorably or even "discreetly" to these ministries directed towards Jesus' "brothers." (Mt 22:14 25:40) (Mal 3:2, 3) (Rom 9:33) This taking of offense in turn accounts for much of the persecutions or trials and tribulations that these prophets THEMSELVES must successfully endure in these prophetic time frames. (Mt 16:24) (Am 3:7)

    So particularly with this information in mind, I would suggest the question here would be this:

    When it comes to this SPECIFIC prophetic/symbolic drama we are considering here at 1st Kings Chapter 13, how exactly would the fact that even the PROPHETS Jehovah DIRECTLY appoints to INITIATE this fiery spiritual cleansing and rebirth of his nation have also found even THEMSELVES in an EXTREMELY unclean and even "DEVASTATED" spiritual condition or standing with Jehovah in these settings be represented or symbolically pictured? (Re 11:8) (Mt 24:28) (Eze 38:8) Bear in mind that accounts like Isaiah 53 help us to understand that in the sense that he was required to accept the burden or responsibility of this tremendous "guiltiness" and spiritual uncleanness in order that it could be removed from before Jehovah with his fleshly sacrifice, this dire condition applied even to Jesus himself at the time of his earthly ministry. (Le 4:3 16:10) (Zer 3:8)

    Well did we happen to take note of the fact that whether we are considering this "man of the true God that had come out of Judah," the very idolatrous Samaritan king he was sent to, OR the "old prophet" that was ALREADY IN Samaria, ALL of them are pictured in a very humiliated or even devastated condition, spiritually and otherwise? The reason for this is because what we are actually dealing with here with these three distinct characters is three different facets of what is ultimately the VERY SAME ENTITY? Even more specifically however this is a symbolic representation of what IN this specific prophetic time frame or "season" qualifies merely as the next POTENTIAL shepherding fold of Jehovah's nation. It is as if ALL of them were merely "maidens" or "virgins" like the ancient Esther who could only do their utmost to ultimately be selected as the queen of the next incoming world power or even WIFE of its foremost ruler. (Es 2:16, 17) (Mt 25:1, 2, 10) (Re 21:2, 9)

    Once again the Christ is ultimately identified in the scriptures as a "body of MANY members" of anointed theocratic shepherds, and it is precisely the deception and betrayal that is ALWAYS part and parcel of a broken holy marriage covenant that transforms the Christ into something much more akin to an extremely idolatrous king of a nation that technically can no longer even QUALIFY as Samaria. This is now an "APOSTATE nation" whose open rebellion against Jehovah has reduced it to something like a "Queen Vashti" as opposed to a "Queen Esther," a "prostitute" as opposed to a "faithful town," or a "disgusting thing that causes desolation" as opposed to the "CHRIST" or "continual sacrifice"! (Isa 1:21 10:6) (Es 2:1-4) (Da 11:30-32) This is now a "Great City" that is once again in line for outright DESTRUCTION, and just as was pictured for us with ancient Jericho the only question is- will there be at least a "few" among this "prostitute" who will demonstrate the repentance and "discretion" that was illustrated for us with Rahab when she encountered "two" figurative "spies" or "inspectors"? (Jos 2:1) (Lu 19:44) (Re 17:18) (Mt 22:14) (Isa 47:1-4)

    Are we beginning to appreciate that just as choosing in these time frames to join with Jehovah's prophets in their efforts to spiritually "feed" and "clothe" these anointed "virgins" would be recognized by Jesus as doing that very thing unto HIM, the very same thing applies when genuine theocratic shepherds betray and deceive this figurative "bridegroom" with spiritual adultery. (Mt 25:10 25:34-40) THIS is what is being pictured or illustrated here with the deceptive behavior of the "OLD prophet in Bethel." (1 Ki 13:11) Just like the OLD queen or wife of the ancient King Darius, this unfaithfulness had ALREADY transpired well before this "man of the true God from Judah" or representation of the "two witnesses" had been SENT to this "King Jeroboam" entity. The completely devastating RESULTS of this spiritual "harlotry" are the very reason these "appointed slaves" are ALWAYS sent to the anointed "virgins" and "widows" in these time frames. (Mt 24:45) The extremely alarming results THEMSELVES in this particular drama are being represented or illustrated most predominantly with King Jeroboam and the rather alarming events and circumstances surrounding him.

    Yes ALL THREE of the characters performing in this prophetic/symbolic drama must ultimately demonstrate" repentant" or even "discreet" behavior if they would seek to in effect be chosen as the next foretold figurative "Esther." (Mt 3:1, 2 25:1, 2) Since this prophet from "Judah" is representing the "two witnesses" in this case or "appointed slave" and a SUCCESSFULLY PERFORMED ministry on their part always ends with the sacrificing of their own flesh and blood, we should not at all find it surprising that this very thing was represented here in his case. Rest assured it is no coincidence in fact that his death was "typified" or pictured in essentially the very same manner we find at Revelation 11:7, 8 with the "two witnesses" that the Apostle John spoke of prophetically at the end of his earthly life. (He 8:5) Compare (1 Ki 13:24, 25)

    It is the ones among Jesus' "brothers" who favorably or appropriately RESPOND to this ministry of Jehovah's prophets that are being represented by BOTH the "old prophet" AND King Jeroboam in this instance. The mere fact alone that Jeroboam was HEALED of this "leprosy" is indication enough in his case, while the very remorseful actions of the "OLD prophet from Bethel" on the other hand is the primary indicator in his case. (1 Ki 13:29-32) We are essentially considering a repeat of this very same symbolism in accounts like Mark 15:43-46. So why then do we seem to find King Jeroboam soon returning right back to his very idolatrous ways?

    This is for the same reason we find this spiritual "leprosy" of a kind of foreign chieftain in dire need of being cleansed ultimately "SEVEN TIMES" with seven figurative "plunges into the Jordan River" there in 2 Kings Chapter 5, or the fact that this same phenomenon is symbolically represented with "seven strikings of the shepherd" or "seven births of the barren woman." Etc. (Da 4:23) (2 Ki 5:1, 10, 14) (Le 26:23, 24) (Mt 26:31) (Jer 25:9) These spiritual deaths and rebirths or "plantings and harvests" would continue in a cyclical pattern until ALL of Jehovah's appointed shepherds would qualify as the "incorruptible and immortal" ones Paul spoke of in 1st Corinthians Chapter 15. (1 Cor 15:36-38 51-53) (Jos 6:3-5) (Mt 10:23) (Ge 41:22-24) (Eze 10:13) The way that King Jeroboam quickly returned to his former idolatrous ways is perfectly reflected for us also in accounts like Ezekiel 16:8-15.

    But once again, what exactly can we glean now from the symbolisms involved here with how this prophet from Judah was forbidden to accept any sustenance or gifts from this rather idolatrous King Jeroboam entity? And what exactly is being conveyed in this symbolic spiritual language concerning him being unable to return by the way in which he would initially have come to King Jeroboam? (1 Cor 13:7-10) Could these "carefully concealed sacred secrets" perhaps become much less like "hidden treasures" particularly upon some prayerful consideration of reference scriptures? (Col 2:3) (Mt 13:11) (Pr 2:4) Let's by all means endeavor to pick up the discussion with these questions beginning with my next post.

    Agape love;

  3. 4,500

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

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    PaulAche Guest

    May 15, 2021
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    I find your discourse hard to follow but extremely compelling at the same time regarding the seven births. I won't debate with it as I need to reread all of it again to try and make sense of what is being said. However, assuming what you say is true, there is a point which I have quoted that should be adjusted. I recently read an article clearly identifying the United Nations as the 'image' of the beast rather than the 8th King. If you would like to read it, it can be found here. Thanks for your work.
  5. 41
    Get out of her

    Get out of her New Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    I appreciated your comments here brother Paul and I genuinely wish I had more time to to read things like the article you linked us to here. I actually made an effort to do so in this case and while I certainly agree with many things that are being pointed out I also soon began to encounter positions or understandings that I both can and in fact already have completely overturned with the scriptures and the most basic logic on other websites if not also this one. I'm hoping in this case you might instead simply make an effort to be very specific on how you recognize the scriptures themselves might indicate I am incorrect on this particular point as opposed to the understanding that a certain person might have on them.

    In the meantime just to be clear, when I endeavor to completely ignore the seemingly countless teachings or views found in religious literature and instead focus strictly on things like prayer and the scriptures themselves as I have for several years now, among the things that soon appear rather self evident on this particular topic is that the "image of the wild beast" and the "eighth king" are one in the same. Also based even simply on the prophetic time tables ALONE laid out for us in accounts like Daniel and Revelation, l am left with no option but to recognize the League of Nations and United Nations as the very same entity that simply took on a new name after WW2. In other words the death that it is ALREADY beginning to experience I am compelled to recognize as the ONLY one it will or WOULD ever undergo.

    Agape love;
  6. 41
    Get out of her

    Get out of her New Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Rather than continuing to recognize these scriptural symbolisms as simply among the many we find illusive or even confusing here in this prophetic drama of 1st Kings Chapter 13, my determination here is to demonstrate that if anything we should only begin to appreciate how they in reality actually contribute to clearing up any mystery we might assign to passages like Matthew 24:17, 18 in connection with the "signs of the times." Immediately after we are issued the command by Jesus to "flee to the mountains" upon recognizing or "catching sight" of the "disgusting thing that causes desolation standing in the holy place" with the eyes of spiritual understanding that an anointing of holy spirit provides us, we find ourselves considering the following in the two subsequent verses:

    17 "Let the man on the HOUSETOP not come down to collect the goods out of his HOUSE; 18 and let the man in the field not return to the HOUSE to pick up his outer garment." (Mt 24:17, 17)

    The unveiling of the "hidden treasures" that do indeed exist in this symbolic spiritual language will be expedited all the more when we take into account that the setting we are considering here in these verses of Matthew is precisely the same one we are dealing with in verses 8-10 of 1 Kings Chapter 13 where we find that the prophet sent by Jehovah to King Jeroboam is forbidden to "eat bread or drink water" in the place he was sent to. (Pr 2:4)

    First of all we would do well to appreciate that ultimately is it of course FIGURATIVE or even SPIRITUAL food and water we are dealing with here as scriptures like Hebrew 5:12, 13 endeavor to make clear to us. But when Jehovah in his tender mercies is sending his prophets to essentially the very same "house" that even HE HIMSELF was compelled to "abandon" on account of all the idolatry and false teachings that a broken holy covenant ALWAYS result in, do we imagine for even one moment that these prophets are being sent to actually partake of the "leavened bread" or even spiritual "VOMIT" that now fills "EVERY TABLE" of this "house"? (Mt 23:38) (Mr 8:15) (Isa 28:8)

    Jehovah of course sends his prophets to FURNISH people with spiritual food, certainly not to procure it from them. And if this is the case even when this "Bethel" or –house of God is NOT "abandoned" by Jehovah and correspondingly occupied by a "disgusting thing" that actually even "DESTROYS" this "temple" spoken of in accounts like 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17, then how much more so would this be the case when an "apostasy" has resulted in a counterfeit REPLACEMENT anointing or "ANTI-christ" now occupying a place where as Jesus said—"it ought not." (Strong's #473) (1 Ki 13:11) (Mr 13:14) (Da 11:30-32) (2 Th 2:1-4) Are we beginning to appreciate what actually is being represented here in 1 Kings 13:8-10 with these commands of Jehovah being issued to what in reality would most often comprise the "two witnesses" in such a setting? (Re 11:3) If not, there are many other reference scriptures which shed ever more light on these scriptural symbolisms.

    Among these would be how the "two spies" that were sent to ancient Jericho (once again in this very same setting immediately prior to an outright annihilation of the "Great Harlot") were prophetically pictured as ending up actually not IN the house of the "prostitute Rahab" but rather on her "ROOF" or "HOUSETOP." (Jos 2:6) (Mt 24:17) Once again we are dealing with a setting in which the spiritual unfaithfulness or even adultery of what really WAS a wife-like figure of a heavenly "bridegroom" would be much better described now as even a "CONTENTIOUS wife." (Pr 21:9 25:24) As the ancient Solomon said under inspiration, any husband of such would now be better off on a "corner of his rooftop" than actually inside such a house.

    Yes we are not simply dealing with symbolisms that are pointing to a husbandly AUTHORITY in the case of what is actually a divinely "APPOINTED slave" in this setting of a broken holy marriage covenant, but also a kind of "separateness" that will CONTINUE to exist until if or when this figurative woman that in some sense is represented by ALL THREE of these figures or more specifically the two entities they represent succeed in renewing their wedding vows with humble "discretion" and "repentance." (Mt 24:45) (2 Cor 6:17) In other words the GOAL of this "prophesying of the two witnesses" or "feeding of Christ's domestics" is ALWAYS to ultimately lure this now "prostitute"-like woman (the tiny repentant PORTION of the "great harlot" in these very brief periods of the exclusive ministries to Jesus' "brothers") into actually JOINING them on this figurative "housetop" just as was in fact pictured in this same prophetic drama. (Jos 2:8, 9)

    The complexities and deeper spiritual meanings involved in this restoration of family or even MARITAL relations of a now alienated and even "widowed" and FOREIGN woman to a kind of Judean entity (on this occasion being pictured with this "man of the true God from Judea" here in 1st Kings 13) being represented here is precisely what is being illustrated for us also with prophetic dramas such as with the relations that occurred between the ancient Judah himself and his widowed foreign daughter in law by the name of Tamar. (Ge 38) (La 1:1, 4) (Mt 25:1, 2) (Isa 54:1-4) Rest assured it is no coincidence that much like the ancient Rahab of Jericho who ALSO ends up having marital relations with a Judean representation, the rather "discreet" Tamar at some point is associated with the concept of harlotry in this extremely symbolic drama. (Mt 1:5)

    You see just as was demonstrated for us also immediately prior to the renewed kingdom covenant in the early part of the first century, the moment that discretion and repentance among at least a few of the disciples or even anointed "brothers" of Jesus and John the Baptist had exhibited the degree of repentance and discretion to merit being extended an invitation to actually JOIN them in this ministry, these two "inspectors" were able to grant these disciples the very same divine power and authority that had ALREADY been assigned to THEM by Jehovah. (Mr 3:13-15) (Lu 19:44) This divine authority now effectively placed THEM on this same figurative "housetop" had which by extension meant that this Rahab entity now had the necessary power and authority required to do PRECISELY what she was pictured as doing next. This was namely the gathering together of OTHERS among her "household" to survive the immanent destruction that the "Great City" or "Great Harlot" is ALWAYS in line for. (Jos 2:18, 19)

    In other words, "BEFORE" these "two witnesses" or figurative "spies" could "LIE DOWN" or surrender their souls in a priestly manner "INSTEAD of you people," this granting of legitimate theocratic power and authority to a kind of repentant and discreet prostitute meant that "SHE HERSELF" had now in effect "COME UP TO THEM on the roof." Her repentance and discretion (along with Jehovah's undeserved kindness and tender mercies of course) had now qualified her as really the very same Judean entity. It's as if what WAS a spiritually "sleeping" prostitute as well as a "widowed" and even "BARREN woman" had now succeeded in engaging in marital relations with or had even now become WEDDED to this figurative heavenly "bridegroom." (Jos 2:8, 14) (Mt 25: 5, 10) (La 1:1, 4) (Isa 54:1-4) (Re 21:2, 9) (Jer 15:9)

    Yes what we are considering here is simply yet another way of illustrating precisely what we find in accounts like Mathew 25:34-40. In this case the "two witnesses" or "spies" are being considered just a few verses earlier at Matthew 24:45 while the ones among the "domestics" who actually respond in a favorable way to this "inspection" are in turn pictured there in the subsequent chapter of Matthew. (Lu 19:44) NONE of these people however are permitted to partake of the "leavened" bread of the figurative Pharisees and Sadducees. In fact obeying the command to no longer even "TOUCH" things like the meetings and literature of organized religion in these prophetic time frames is even one of the PRIMARY ways in which these anointed "virgins" and "widows" can demonstrate this "repentance" and "discretion" in the first place. (2 Cor 6:17) (Mt 3:1, 2 4:17 16:6 25:1, 2)

    Such being the case then, why do we find this "man of the true God from Judea" here at 1 Kings 13:19 doing exactly that and then even being put to death by Jehovah for this unlawful partaking of spiritual food? Yes, the partaking of the spiritual sustenance that is described in accounts like Daniel as the "delicacies of the king and his drinking wine" when ones should only be engaged in eating something which in these time frames would generally be recognized as much more like bland "vegetables." (Da 1:8, 12)

    To be continued
  7. 41
    Get out of her

    Get out of her New Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    There are actually two reasons for this. First of all, just as was pictured for us with prophetic dramas such as a newly anointed shepherd BOY or "virgin" by the name of David feeling compelled to "run away" or "flee to the mountains" at some point from a now apostate King Saul after playing a kind of "new song on a harp" for him right inside his HOUSE, ALL of us actually become guilty of feeding on this spiritual "vomit" on EVERY occasion that the holy kingdom covenant is violated with spiritual adultery by Jehovah's earthly shepherds. (1 Sa 16:23 19:18) (Re 14:2, 3) (Ps 33:3) (Eze 33:31-33) (Mt 24:15, 16) (Isa 28:8) Obviously we have no control over if or when this "sin of the priest, the anointed one that brings guiltiness upon the PEOPLE" occurs, and when it DOES, often a good measure of time elapses before we would even "catch sight" of the fact that this spiritual "prostitution" has indeed unfolded! (Le 4:3) It is in fact largely for the very reason we at some point would become aware that we INDEED ARE actually partaking of this spiritual "vomit" that would prompt us to "run away" to seek out the "Samuel" entity in "Ramah" or "Naioth" (the heights or "MOUNTAINS") in the first place! (1 Sa 19:18) (Mt 24:15, 16)

    Secondly, we realize of course that as is ALWAYS the case in these prophetic time frames, the "two witnesses" or "son of man" entity must ALWAYS accept even FULL responsibility for ALL the spiritual uncleanness and guiltiness involved in a broken holy covenant in order that it may be removed from before Jehovah with a priestly "crushing" of their flesh. (Re 11:2, 7, 8, 10, 11) (He 9:16-18, 26-28) (Eze 3:1) (Isa 53:10) (Re 6:11) In this particular prophetic drama found here at 1 Kings Chapter 13, Jehovah has chosen to symbolize these two things in the manner laid out for us in verses 19 and 24. It is of course ultimately or even primarily this FLESHLY death or priestly sacrifice that gives birth to Jehovah's nation or otherwise serves to "inaugurate" and make official the renewed holy kingdom covenant that results in a SPIRITUAL birth of the kingdom. (He 9:16-18) We would do well to bear in mind however that scriptures like 1 Samuel 2:5 and Jeremiah 15:9 are among MANY that are designed to help us grasp the following REGARDLESS of how thoroughly and effectively an entire lifetime of false programming from the religious leaders of this satanic world would have us believe or understand otherwise:

    These "births" or manifestations of genuine theocratic power and authority on the earth and by extension TRUE worship of Jehovah would appear on the earth (however briefly) "seven times" in the 2,520 year time span identified as the "appointed times of the nations" ALONE! (Lu 21:24) (Da 4:23, 32) (1 Th 5:1-3) What is more, the moment we grasp the fact that this scriptural language is referring to manifestations of divine authority that would involve a foretold march of seven FOREIGN "kings" or world powers beginning with the ancient Babylonian one, it basically does not even MATTER if we personally fail to recognize or appreciate the 2,520 year time frame the scriptures have associated with this phenomenon. (Re 17:10)

    This means that even if we choose to altogether reject the fact that the foreign "exile" that Jehovah's people would experience in connection with the spiritual births and subsequent spiritual deaths of these "seven kings" would begin with the reign of ancient "King Jehoiakim" in 609 BC as Jeremiah clearly pointed out and which is confirmed by simply counting backward 70 years from the time that EVERY historian concedes as when the 70 year captivity of the Jews in Babylon ended, pinpointing the END of these "gentile times" nonetheless suddenly becomes basically as easy as KNOWING HOW TO COUNT TO SEVEN! (Jer 1:3) But REGARDLESS of the fact that the FINAL foretold "birth" involved with this figurative "barren woman" (namely the Millennial Reign) would NOT unfold in this time frame since it would NOT involve any foreign or even HUMAN world power, when it comes to these foretold "comings of the kingdom" or actual "births" THEMSELVES, the question I would pose here is this:

    ARE WE GRASPING the PRICELESS information on them that a more careful and prayerful consideration of prophetic dramas LIKE this one here in 1 Kings Chapter 13 actually REVEALS? For example, are we not right at this very moment being helped to understand things such as both why and how these foretold births would actually unfold in TWO steps or stages? Are we NOT considering an INITIAL ministry that would be directed EXCLUSIVELY to "Christ's domestics" or Jesus' "brothers" in this case as opposed to one that would immediately follow and be directed instead towards "people of ALL the nations" the moment that Jehovah's holy covenants would be renewed and inaugurated with a priestly offering of the "two witnesses"? (Mt 10:5, 6 24:45, 25:40 28:18-20) (Lu 12:32) (Joh 10:16)

    Yes I'll insist that particularly by means of comparing reference scriptures while taking careful note of the SETTINGS they are found in, we have just now shed MUCH light on expressions of Jesus such as found at John 4:22 where he pointed out to a "SAMARITAN woman" that "salvation ORIGINATES with the JEWS." And yes we have been HEAVILY programmed to overlook things like that fact that Jesus never said- A Jew here as once again this "Christ" was in fact ALWAYS identified as ultimately comprising a "body" of even "MANY members." This is regardless of whether a spiritual birth would qualify them as "many members" of a "faithful town" or an act of spiritual adultery (a spiritual DEATH) would transform them into a "harlot." (1 Cor 6:15-19 12:12) (Isa 1:21) (Da 11:31) (2 Th 2:4)

    So really then, if the DEATH of God's nation occurs in two distinct stages, namely with a "sin of the priest" that results in a "despoiled" shepherding fold followed shortly by a complete corruption of what is always now a "FLOCK meant for the KILLING," why would the BIRTH of the holy nation not ALSO occur in two stages? You see expressions such as found at John 4:22 should in reality go very far in helping us actually grasp OTHERS such as found at Ezekiel 23:1-4. But why exactly would anyone suggest this?

    Well not only do we once again find ourselves ultimately considering TWO figurative and rather promiscuous "daughters" involved in this birth or even REbirth of the holy nation, but now might be a very good time to consider the literal definition of the OTHER figurative "daughter" here, which was identified by Jehovah as "Oholibah" as opposed to "Oholah." You see since this prophetic drama here in 1st Kings Chapter 13 is actually focusing our attention on a spiritual cleansing and rebirth of some rather troubling and humiliated "PROPHETS" or otherwise a divine SHEPHERDING entity that has ALWAYS been directly associated with "JERUSALEM" or "JUDEAH" as oppose to "Samaria," we might now find the literal definition of Oholibah even EXTREMELY interesting.

    As opposed to simply the meaning of HOUSE in the case of "Oholah," the literal definition of "Oholibah" is actually—my house is IN her. Once again the setting we are considering here is a BIRTH of Jehovah's kingdom, and the "salvation" that is ALWAYS associated with it "ORIGINATES with the JEWS"! In these time frames the "Jews," which ones like Paul and the writer Luke ultimately distinguish as experiencing a spiritual cleansing or "circumcision of the heart by SPIRIT" (spirit anointed SHEPHERDS) are very much like a "PREGNANT WOMAN" with the "Oholah" entity right inside her! (Ro 2:28, 29) (Ac 19:24, 25) This "Ephraimite" or "full equivalent of NATIONS" entity ALWAYS begins to be gathered together for salvation or deliverance from the complete destruction of the "great harlot" that ALWAYS occurs after a holy kingdom covenant is renewed and inaugurated. (Ge 48:19)

    When it comes to these FINAL foretold "pangs of distress upon a pregnant woman" that Jesus made clear would comprise an UNUSUALLY "great tribulation" there at Matthew 24:21, it should come as no surprise that he even foretold "WOE" for what he identifies here as none other than a–wait for it—"PREGNANT WOMAN"! (Mt 24:19) (1 Th 5:1-3) We realize of course that the unusually trying times that we have ALREADY long been experiencing are "woeful" enough even ASIDE from the priestly sacrifice Jehovah's prophets must ALWAYS perform in these periods. But do we imagine it is merely a coincidence that Jesus is associating this very same "pregnant woman" with all the things we just covered there in the preceding verses along with several of their reference scriptures? (Mt 24:15-19) We can be certain that it is not!

    The leaving behind of the "outer garment" that this newly anointed shepherd BOY or "virgin" entity with a "field" or assigned ministry to Christ's "brothers" as OPPOSED to the "Oholah" or "flock" entity INSIDE him must perform for the moment is a symbolic representation of the "discretion" and humble "repentance" of the "few" who will arrive at the next foretold "marriage feast." (Mt 22:14 25:1, 2, 10) This is actually with reference to the "OFFICIAL outer garment" we find being represented in prophetic dramas such as with the ancient prophet Jonah being sent to what on THIS occasion is represented as a "king of Nineveh" AS OPPOSED to something like an idolatrous "king Jeroboam" or even "leprous Syrian army chieftain" in desperate need of even "SEVEN" figurative "plunges into the Jordan River." (Jon 3:6) (2 Ki 5:1, 10, 15)

    In other words GENUINELY "catching sight" of the "disgusting thing" that an apostasy of Jehovah's appointed shepherds ALWAYS positions in the "holy place" involves the humble and repentant recognition that any LEGITIMATE theocratic shepherding authority and power has been completely forfeited by this broken "holy covenant." (Mt 24:15, 16) (Da 11:30-32) This means that until IF OR WHEN we personally receive an assignment directly from Jehovah himself to begin "prophesying" or otherwise directly from one of these "two witnesses" or "appointed slaves" who actually HAVE an assigned ministry in these time frames, ANY continued efforts on our part to engage in actual Bible teaching will only serve as evidence of a LACK of humble repentance and discretion on our part. (Re 11:3) (Mt 24:45)

    So Jehovah willing, lets by all means see what additional things we can glean from a continued consideration of 1 Kings Chapter 13.
  8. 62

    PaulAche Guest

    May 15, 2021
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    I'm pretty sure the scriptures are laid out quite clearly in the link I sent to you. The UN doesn't fit the prophetic pattern already established throughout history to be the eighth king.

    [​IMG]Consider the first seven heads of the beast. These were sovereign nations that each had their own culture, their own people, their own customs and religious practices, their own Gods, their own language, their own currency, and they all had their own border relatively speaking. This is a pattern, established throughout history, which is easy to identify and acknowledge as true. Therefore, when John sees that one of the heads suffers a death stroke, but is revived, it must follow the preexisting pattern established by the previous seven heads throughout history.

    The 'image' of gold that Nebuchadnezzar makes is 6'x6'x60'. This is an obvious prophetic foreshadowing to the 666 we see in at Revelation 13:18.

    “. . .Neb·u·chad·nez´zar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was sixty cubits [and] the breadth of which was six cubits. He set it up in the plain of Du´ra in the jurisdictional district of Babylon. ” Da 3:1“

    . . .“. . .it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived... the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.” Re 13:18​

    We can already see a strong parallel connection between these two verses. Both have an image being made, and the numbers 666 are associated to both of them. The pattern established first in Daniel, is now being followed in Revelation.

    Nebuchadnezzar next tells all the peoples, national groups and languages under his reign, that when they hear the music they are to fall down and worship the golden idol/image set up by the king. The image of the beast in Revelation ALSO requires all persons, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves, to worship it as well.

    “. . .And the herald was crying out loudly: “To YOU it is being said, O peoples, national groups and languages, 5 that at the time that YOU hear the sound ... YOU fall down and worship the image of gold that Neb·u·chad·nez´zar the king has set up. 6 And whoever does not fall down and worship will at the same moment be thrown into the burning fiery furnace.”. . .” Da 3:4-6​

    “. . .And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast.. . .And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves. . .”.” Re 13:15​

    The parallels between the two are incontrovertible; between the golden 'image' set up in Babylon by the King, and the 'image' of the beast set up by the Eighth King. All the people under either rule, Nebuchadnezzars or the beast in Revelation, are required to worship the image, lest they be killed.

    So how does this prove that the 'image of the beast' set up by the eighth king in Revelation is the United Nations in it's new role?

    The United Nations is a conglomerate of all the jurisdictions, or countries in the world, brought together to serve the interest of the Leader(now NATO) of the world. The future 'image' of the beast is set up to serve the interest of the Eighth King. This follows the pattern already established in Daniel and the statue of gold. The golden statue, or image, set up in Babylon, was to serve the interest of Nebuchadnezzar, the leader at that time. Notice who is at the inauguration of the golden image.

    And Neb·u·chad·nez´zar himself as king sent to assemble the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the police magistrates and all the administrators of the jurisdictional districts to come to the inauguration of the image that Neb·u·chad·nez´zar the king had set up.” Da 3:1-2​

    Babylon was the world power at that time, and Nebuchadnezzar was Uniting the whole of Babylon power under the image he had set up in Dura. It was a United Nations of the time, only instead of nations it was all the districts with Nebuchadnezzars control. Following the prophetic pattern, the United Nations is the same type of conglomeration but on a world wide scale. The 'image' of the beast comes to power when the kings of the earth give their power to the wild beast, and this is when the United Nations will take on the role as the ultimate idol set up by Satan for the world to worship, the ’image of the beast’.

    “. . .“And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast. 13 These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast.” Re 17:12-13​

    The framework of the United Nations clearly fits this prophetic scripture, for the Ten kings represents the conglomeration of the worlds countries into a single coalition, a United Nations on steroids. A newly born authoritarian regime imposed on mankind to force the worship of Satan. This image, or idol, is Satans masterpiece, manifesting in the world after seven thousand years of planning and preparation. His triumph over all those who bow down and worship him as their God.

    Of interest in the many prophetic patterns we have seen between Daniel and Revelation, the following is quite interesting.

    “. . .And the herald was crying out loudly: “To YOU it is being said, O peoples, national groups and languages, 5 that at the time that YOU hear the sound of the horn, the pipe, the zither, the triangular harp, the stringed instrument, the bagpipe and all sorts of musical instruments, YOU fall down and worship the image of gold that Neb·u·chad·nez´zar the king has set up. 6 And whoever does not fall down and worship will at the same moment be thrown into the burning fiery furnace.”. . .” Da 3:4-6​

    “. . .And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast.” Re 13:15​

    In both Daniel and Revelation we see that a breath of some sort was needed for the images. Horns, pipes, and bagpipes all require air, or a breath, to be heard. So too the image of the beast is brought about by a 'breath'. The parallels between these two accounts stand as evidence to what is being taught, that the United Nations will be the 'image' of the beast when it is given its new role in the future. Just as the League of Nations was a stepping stone to the United Nations, so the United Nations will be a stepping stone to the 'image' of the beast.

    Satan isn't very original, for he only knows what he learned in heaven. Just as Jesus Christ is the perfect image of God, and reflects his glory, so too the United Nations becomes Satans perfect reflection of his evil glory on earth, and becomes his image in manmade form.

    Although we are never told which head receives the death stroke and climbs out of the abyss, it really doesn't matter because the eighth king will be different than all the other previous heads, and will no doubt combine many characteristics of all the heads together. This simply adds more merit to the case that the image of the beast IS the United Nations, for remember it is an 'image' of the eighth king. It is as perfect an image, or reflection, as Satan could muster up in manmade form to reflect his nature, hence the ultimate 'image' of Satan.

    The eighth king represents one of the heads that was slaughtered, most likely the last head in power. The eighth king also springs from the seven, therefore it also represents the entire beast, which is to say all the seven kingdoms prior.

    “. . .And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth [king], but springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction.” Re 17:11​

    Because the eighth king represents all the kingdoms prior to it, the image must also do so as well since it is an 'image. The framework of the UN clearly harmonizes with that description of representing the kingdoms of the world, which means the UN fits right into the role it was meant to fill as the 'image' of the beast. It is a perfect fit.

    JoshuaStone, or Get out of her, whoever you are...the evidence is simply too strong to believe anything else. To insist that the UN is the eighth king without offering any kind of supporting evidence is not scriptural or sound reasoning, but manmade interpretation based off of speculation and conjecture. Sorry to take away from the original posts theme, however because this topic was brought up as evidence to suggest that a clear understanding of scriptures was taking place by Get out of Her, they should at least speak the truth when they do so, and if they want to be credible. Not to mention, this reasoning is MUCH easier to follow than what Get out of Her is trying to say.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2022
  9. 62

    PaulAche Guest

    May 15, 2021
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    I Would love to see the scriptures and most basic logic you used to overturn what is being stated in the post, thank you.
  10. 41
    Get out of her

    Get out of her New Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Thank you brother Paul for your reply to my inquiry first of all.

    I sometimes wonder how it is exactly that perhaps particularly when it comes to Bible topics or discussions, people who even most often see largely eye to eye on things quickly seem to begin focusing strictly on the things they disagree on and even in an emotionally charged manner to some degree or other which of course will only tend to hinder any potential forward progress.

    Paul wrote:

    "The UN doesn't fit the prophetic pattern already established throughout history to be the eighth king."

    Since I very much agree with this statement I have to assume that where we differ here is that I basically recognize this fact as simply among the reasons that what is identified or described also as a kind of "eighth king" in the scriptures was distinguished or pictured as in some sense set apart and unique from the "seven kings" that precede it there in Revelation 17:10. (As if the "gentile times" or foretold period of foreign "exile" were now completed and what we are considering now was a world power that NEVER entered into a covenant relationship with Jehovah and thus was something that would exist in the time frame spoken of at Daniel 7:12 with NO genuine authority, much like an illusion/reflection or mere "IMAGE" of what had preceded it?) This is despite the fact that WHATEVER this "eighth king" actually comprises, these verses here as well as the entire context surrounding them point to it being directly connected in some manner to the previous seven.

    You are likely aware of the fact that people often write even entire books that at least APPEAR on the surface to even many people as compelling or even rather impressive and which may in fact contain even a good measure of factual information, but which nonetheless turn out to be based entirely on a false premise or a foundation that is altogether nonexistent. Even if it was completely unintended, the tragic result of this is that they have ended up only contributing now to all the confusion and misinformation that basically prompted them to undertake the writing in the first place. Worse yet, when it comes to spiritual matters the implications of this should of course be recognized as rather serious or sobering.

    I'm certain that one thing both of us can agree on here is that when it comes to topics like this, it is of course the Holy Scriptures that must serve as the foundation or point of authority for ANY fruitful discussion, along with what the Apostle Paul identified as some sound "reasoning" on them. (Ro 12:1) (Ac 17:11) (Isa 8:20) At the same time however, scriptures like Matthew 16:6 and 2 Corinthians 6:17 make it clear that PARTICULARLY in a setting of yet another national "apostasy," this scriptural study very much needs to be completely devoid of basically any and all religious literature and teachings OUTSIDE of the Bible. (2 Th 2:1-4) (Da 11:30-32)

    So with this objective in mind brother Paul of actually establishing a genuine scriptural foundation here in connection with this topic that we can truly begin building on and in a manner that won't soon result in everything crashing down on us, I would like to begin by posing some things for you to consider which I'm certain upon any serious contemplation you will recognize as very relevant and important to factor in.

    We both likely realize that Jehovah has had people on the earth that he chose to recognize as his own in at least some manner as far back as even well before the great flood of Noah's day. These included ones such as the ancient prophet Enoch as well as of course Noah himself along with his family. Moreover, just as was the case ALSO with Noah, these people even came under an official or formal agreement between themselves and Jehovah which the scriptures refer to as a COVENANT relationship. At this point they could even be referred to as Jehovah's COVENANT people. Could we agree on this?

    Sometime later, another divine formal agreement or holy covenant was formed with the ancient Abraham concerning a kingdom or NATION that would come into existence at a future time and which he would be connected with in some manner. We realize of course that this future time Jehovah was referring to would eventually begin with yet ANOTHER holy covenant that was formed and officially adopted at the base of Mount Sinai in the Arabian Desert immediately after the great exodus out of ancient Egypt. Could you and I agree brother Paul that a rather significant change had just occurred here at this point in connection with how one would even DEFINE what would qualify one as an Israelite or even as Jehovah's people or "special property"? (Ex 19:5)

    This by extension already raises the question of what would it really even MEAN for Jehovah's people to enter into a foretold time frame of foreign exile and captivity, or what specific event would trigger it? If Israel did not even QUALIFY as a nation until the Mosaic Law covenant was formed and officially adopted at Mount Sinai, then the question is of course—is it actually even POSSIBLE that the 430 years the Hebrews spent in Egypt COULD be included among this foretold time period of foreign "exile and captivity"? Moreover if there would actually be no NATION of Israel until AFTER the exodus from Egypt and any LAND associated with this new nation would remain only "PROMISED land" for even another 40 years AFTER the establishment of the Mosaic Law Covenant, then of course we are facing yet ANOTHER serious dilemma here. This is the rather problematic scenario of how would it even be POSSIBLE to exist in a state of "exile" FROM Israel if NEITHER Israel NOR its land would even EXIST at that point in time?

    You see initially at least, qualifying as one of Jehovah's people had nothing at all to do with being associated or identified as an Israelite. Obviously at some point such a thing DID indeed involve this term, but for even the next several centuries being IDENTIFIED with this name only pointed to being a natural descendant of a man named Jacob who later was assigned a NEW name by Jehovah. The identity of an Israelite conveyed no NATIONAL or LEGAL meaning until the moment the Mosaic LAW Covenant was formed and officially agreed upon by a rather large group of people MOST of which actually were NOT descendants of Jacob. (Ex 12:37, 38) It would seem that deeper symbolic meanings were being pointed to by Jehovah from the very beginning.

    Nevertheless from this point forward what we are now dealing with is an actual NATION of Israel, which like ANY nation or kingdom is established with a legal constitution or law that is formally agreed upon between the ones who will RULE this nation and the ones who desire to comprise its citizenship. What is more, if even the very DEFINITION of what QUALIFIES as an Israelite and by extension one of Jehovah's people would now comprise being recognized by Jehovah as formally coming under holy LAW covenant and which would include also the "KEEPING" of this covenant, then are we not now facing even ADDITIONAL issues that are rather important to address?

    To begin with, particularly in view of the fact that this nation HAS INDEED violated its holy law covenant in the course of its history and in fact SEVERAL times, (regardless of whether we are considering the one for fleshly OR spiritual Israel) the first question I would suggest is crucial to consider here is whether or not one could even claim that Israelites would truly even EXIST on the earth between the periods of a BROKEN covenant and a subsequently RENEWED and inaugurated one? And if Israel and by extension Israelites indeed WOULD exist in these interim periods, then just exactly what need would there be for ANOTHER foretold "coming of the kingdom" or "birth" of this figurative "barren woman." (Jer 15:9) (Isa 66:7, 8) (Re 12:5)

    But when it comes even more specifically to these "seven kings" and ultimately also an "eighth" that we find in accounts like Revelation 17:10 and 11 as well as how the information I just covered might have even a rather significant impact on how such accounts should be accurately understood, I would respectfully suggest it would be very prudent to begin factoring even a few MORE rather key things that ALSO never seem to be addressed or accounted for.

    Based ALONE on the fact what would QUALIFY as "Jehovah's people" would actually CHANGE over the centuries or even millenniums, not to mention there would be periods in which they would not exist AT ALL, when it comes to this proposed list you have produced of world powers that have existed on the earth in connection with this foretold period of foreign "exile" and "captivity" of God's people, would it not be a very wise approach to begin by first establishing the following things?:

    Paul posted:

    "The seven headed beast in Revelation is the symbolic manifestation of the world powers that have held position over Gods people over the last five millenia. Starting with Egypt, each of these heads represented Satans system on earth, and a dominant empire, during the time in which it ruled. The Bible calls the heads mountains, and each head is king in its own right.

    The seven heads/mountains/kings are:

    • Egypt
    • Assyria
    • Babylon
    • Medo-Persia
    • Greece
    • Rome
    • Anglo-America"

    Do the scriptures give us any indication that this foretold period of the "gentile times" would be interrupted at some point, such as with Gods people being allowed for many centuries to reside on their own soil with their own rulers after perhaps experiencing deliverance from their "EGYPTIAN captivity"? Are we to understand that this foretold period of foreign dominance would suddenly pick up again at some point with the time frame in which ones like Daniel and his Hebrew companions would find themselves serving as powerful rulers alongside a "servant of Jehovah" by the name of King Nebuchadrezzar in ancient Babylon? (Jer 25:9) (Da 2:48, 49)

    Particularly in view of the fact that the ancient Assyrian Empire only EVER took captives into exile who in turn were only EVER recognized as Samaritans AS OPPOSED to Judeans, and Judeans in turn or more specifically the genuine theocratic or legitimate LEGAL shepherding authority they have always been used to symbolize is precisely what always CONSTITUTED Jehovah's nation as such, do we really have any reason to even BEGIN recognizing Assyria as factoring into this picture AT ALL? (Zec 11:14-17) (Ro 2:28, 29) (Ac 18:24-28) This is not to mention the fact that the law covenant that these former Samaritans violated which in turn RESULTED in their foreign exile was by THAT time precisely what had QUALIFIED them as God's people in the first place. Once again a pivotal part of this formal agreement was that it be "KEPT." (Ex 19:5) What is more, in stark CONTRAST with the scriptural record involved with ancient Babylon, there is NO record whatsoever of Jehovah's holy covenant being renewed in ancient Assyria. (Eze 17) You see in order for Jehovah's people to be held in foreign "exile and captivity," they would of course first need to actually QUALIFY as Jehovah's people.

    To be continued
  11. 41
    Get out of her

    Get out of her New Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    These factors alone should already begin pointing to the issue now of what specific foreign king of these "seven kings" or world rulers did the SCRIPTURES actually point to in connection with the start of this foretold time frame identified with terms such as "the appointed times of the nations"? (Lu 21:24) In other words could the real problem we are dealing with here have something to do (however innocently or otherwise) with a failure on people's part to actually begin obeying the divine commands that are ALWAYS issued to the spiritually "sleeping" "virgins" and "widows" of the LAST broken marriage covenant such as to "watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees" or "flee to the mountains"? (Mt 16:6 24:15, 16 25:1, 2, 5) (La 1:1, 4)

    Even ASIDE from the fact that we even CONSISTENTLY find the scriptures directing our attention to the Babylonian world power and even specifically by NAME on one occasion in connection with this "appointed times of the nations" or foretold period of foreign "exile," (Da 2:36-40 7:4) here are a few MORE issues we would undoubtedly do well to contemplate:

    Did we ever stop to ponder the reason why one of the scriptural epitaphs for this foretold period of time was "Babylon the Great" or otherwise a period specifically associated much more with BABYLONIAN captivity and exile? And when this entity would experience a spiritual "fall" and by extension NO LONGER be associated with powerful and righteous rulers like the prophet Daniel in Babylon or Jews by the name of Esther and Mordecai in ancient Persia, are we not now required to "get out of" something much more associated with Babylon AS OPPOSED to Egypt? (Re 18:2, 4) Have we ever personally made a genuine effort to truly research for ourselves whether or not the SCRIPTURES actually DO OR DO NOT pinpoint even the precise YEAR that this period of foreign exile would begin, and could that year alone explain things like how this scriptural epitaph was never known as EGYPT the Great or otherwise associated with EGYPTIAN captivity?

    The simple fact is that there has NEVER actually been ANY mystery involved with NEITHER the starting point of this foretold "exile" NOR its completion, provided we actually begin paying strict attention to the SCRIPTURES THEMSELVES rather than continually allowing ourselves to be distracted by a very misleading concoction of both truth AND lies that ALWAYS begins to overtake "EVERY table" of spiritual food on the earth the moment a holy marriage covenant is violated with spiritual adultery. (Isa 28:8) The prophet Jeremiah explicitly pinpointed the starting time of this "exile" when he identified it with the year that the ancient "king Jehoiakim" began to reign. (Jer 1:3) What is more, this starting point is confirmed in at least THREE different ways; the first being that we arrive at this very same year of 609 BC by simply counting backwards 70 years from the time EVERY historian agrees that Babylon was overthrown by what was foretold as the SECOND of these "seven kings" of Revelation. (Re 17:10) (Da 7:5 8:20, 21)

    This now brings us to two ADDITIONAL ways that this starting point is confirmed. You see the moment we actually make an effort to factor in things such as that the nation of Israel actually came into existence in ARABIA, as well as things like the fact that even DURING this foretold march of seven foreign powers MORE THAN ONE of these benevolent rulerships allowed the Jews to REOCCUPY the land of Israel as well as even reconstruct the temple in Jerusalem, are we beginning to grasp the fact that basically no one even truly recognizes what this "exile" the scriptures speak of actually COMPRISES in the first place? How about the fact that we already know that Jehovah NEVER allows people who TRULY belong to him to experience things like military overthrow and exile IN THE FIRST PLACE! Would ANY of these things possibly prompt us to begin rethinking our current understanding of topics like the "seven times" or "seven strikings of the shepherd"? (Da 4:23) (Le 26:23, 24)

    Just as was made very clear to us in accounts like Hebrews 8:5 and Galatians 4:24-26, EVERYTHING about ancient fleshly Israel or for that matter essentially the entire Old Testament altogether amounted to symbolic/prophetic dramas or …"typical representations and shadows"… of the things to come with SPIRITUAL Israel which of course would experience the first of ITS foretold "births" in 33 CE. Just as the very EXISTANCE of the ancient literal temples actually represented the EXISTANCE of the genuine theocratic shepherds that Paul spoke of at 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17, up UNTIL the first century at least the OCCUPATION of the land of Israel BY Israelites represented the fact that the holy covenant that always CONSTITUTED them as such was currently in good standing with Jehovah. This is precisely why they were perfectly free to RE-occupy the literal land of Israel when a holy covenant was renewed with repentant ones who would obediently exile THEMSELVES or "flee" to the NEXT incoming world power, such as was demonstrated for us by the ancient Daniel and his three companions. (Mt 24:15, 16)

    In other words we are ultimately speaking here of a FIGURATIVE or SPIRITUAL exile and captivity which is also referred to in the scriptures as a condition of "bondage, slavery, darkness," or otherwise what would ALWAYS result from "leaving the holy covenant" and the commensurate "removing of the continual sacrifice" from the "holy sanctuary" and the "putting in place the disgusting thing that causes desolation." (Da 11:30-32) As the Apostle Paul pointed out, this now effectively EXILES us to "the authority of DARKNESS." So do we find any evidence in the scriptures then that Jehovah would have been compelled to recognize his holy kingdom covenant as having been completely violated right around the time that King Jehoiakim began to reign? How about the fact that he even went so far as to form an entirely NEW formal agreement with Pharaoh Necho of Egypt and even began to pay taxes to him as a mere PUPPET king? (2 Ki 23:34, 35)

    Yes the year 609 BC is precisely when a SPIRITUAL exile and bondage began and NOT actually or INITIALLY with God's people, but more specifically what would BECOME his people for relatively brief periods of time over the next couple of Millenniums with renewed and inaugurated covenants that would occur with more humble and repentant ones who because of their relatively obedient actions would find themselves sitting in front of "two witnesses" or even the "son of man" such as Haggai and Zechariah in ancient Persia and actually at some point "LISTENING" to them! (Eze 3:1) (Hag 1:12, 13) (Re 11:3, 7, 11, 12) So what then would be a THIRD way we could confirm this starting point that Jeremiah identifies in the opening verses of his book? (Jer 1:3)

    Well even if we would choose to completely ignore the 2,520 year time frame that the scriptures at some point associated with these "times of the nations," a scriptural calculation that Sir Isaac NEWTON was evidently the first to discern in the holy writings AS OPPOSED to the International Bible Students Association some two centuries later as we have all been taught, are things at this point not basically as simple as knowing how to count to seven? Are we not dealing here with a very clear and consistent prophetic pattern of Jehovah renewing and inaugurating holy marriage covenants with more "discreet" ones FROM 609 BC forward that would at least temporarily transform foreign kings like the ancient Cyrus of Persia into genuine "anointed" theocratic "shepherds" for as long as they would "KEEP the covenant"? (Isa 44:28 45:1) (Ex 19:5)

    Yes I realize that likely most people would at this point be inclined to understand that with the removal of both Egypt and Assyria from the list of seven world powers that has long been pushed on us, if anything this new scenario would only tend to REFUTE the case I have just made here with the scriptures. Once again however this is because we have actually been PROGRAMMED even our entire lives to pay more attention to mere "teachings and commands of MEN as doctrines" rather than learning to rely strictly upon things like prayer, sound reasoning, and the scriptures THEMSELVES. (Mt 15:9)

    The reason that even MANY scriptures including ones like Philippians 4:22 seem so confusing and contradictory to most people is because there is ALWAYS a rise of a new world power in conjunction with a renewed and inaugurated kingdom covenant which will be ruled by "HOLY ONES" until they too violate the "holy covenant." This up and coming world power immediately begins to render Jehovah's adverse judgments upon the previous one even if this "conclusion of a system of things" or even "bowl of the anger of God" would amount to a massive civil war such as occurred with the Roman world power in the first century. (Mt 13:39) (Re 16:1)

    The first century historian Flavius Josephus pointed out that it was an entirely new manifestation of the Roman world power that defeated the apostate Jews in Jerusalem in 70 CE and finished them off entirely at the fortress of Masada shortly thereafter. This is because JEHOVAH'S armies NEVER experience defeat. He also revealed that the reason General Cestius Gallus suddenly withdrew from Jerusalem in 66 CE was because he received word that he no longer actually HAD a nation to fight for.

    So from a genuinely SCRIPTURAL standpoint, here is the list we would actually be considering when it comes to the foretold march of world powers that would be connected with this "seven times" or "gentile times" prophecy:






    Great Britain


    At this point don't the scriptures strongly suggest that we should be thinking simply in terms of when it was exactly that this Anglo-American world power began experiencing a decline as a world power when it comes to determining the foretold conclusion of the "appointed times of the nations"? Historians point to the year 1898 as around the time it ROSE to world dominance, which would confirm this as the general time frame in which a holy kingdom covenant was once again renewed. What was foretold all along as a very SHORT LIVED world power is also recognized as having reached the PEAK of its power around the year of 1911 before GOING into decline which in turn already begins to point to the very same year that a 2,520 year calculation would if we began with the year 609 BC, namely 1912. We realize of course that JEHOVAH'S nation NEVER experiences a decline. Merely 8 years later however we find a rather strong clue as to exactly why this began to occur when this nation took the leading role in announcing the League of Nations as the NEXT world power.

    Now since we are already well informed by scriptures like Daniel 11:30-32 and 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 that a broken holy covenant removes JEHOVAH'S authority from the earth, and ones like Daniel 7:12 and Revelation 17:12 in turn make it clear that from the end of these "gentile times" forward even the "DRAGON" would no longer have ruling authority, then what really would that imply in connection with this "eighth king" mentioned here in Revelation 17:11? (Re 13:2) For one thing it would certainly explain why the "wild beast" that preceded it there in Revelation 13:1 that it seems to want to REFLECT like a mere "image" actually HAS "diadems" or crowns on its head while this "EIGHTH king" suddenly does not. (Re 17:3)

    You see this final king no longer possesses even the authority that Jehovah temporarily granted to SATAN back in the Garden of Eden when our forbearers chose him over their creator as their ruler. (Lu 4:6) This information alone places the existence of this final "wild beast" directly in the time frame we find ourselves in today and by extension excludes it from the time of the "golden image on the plain of Dura" set by King Nebuchadnezzar over two millenniums earlier. (Da 3:1) But since the SEVENTH king obviously possessed even JEHOVAH'S authority for at least a short time, and countless hordes of people were therefore rightly SERVING this king when it very much in the same manner as ancient King Jehoiakim suddenly RELINQUISHED this authority and power to an entirely SEPARATE kingdom that clearly was NOT in a covenant relationship with Jehovah, do we see how this would constitute this mere hollow reflection or "image of the wild beast" also as even a very IDOLATROUS image? Would not all the service that was being rendered to JEHOVAH up until that moment now find itself directed towards a great idolatrous image of false worship or otherwise exactly what is laid out for us in Revelation 13:8, 14 and 15?

    I would lovingly and respectfully suggest brother Paul that we now at this point are indeed actually dealing with a genuine scriptural foundation for the topic of the "seven kings" and how they would relate to this time period the scriptures distinguish as the "appointed times of the nations." (Lu 21:24) This in turn makes me much more inclined to engage in a discussion on it that I could actually begin recognizing as even remotely meaningful, provided someone could at least acknowledge even a fair degree of cohesion here with both the scriptures and sound reasoning.

    Agape love;

  12. 41
    Get out of her

    Get out of her New Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Getting back now to the discussion on 1 Kings Chapter 13.

    11 "And a certain old prophet was dwelling in Bethel, and his sons now came in to him and related to him all the work that the man of the true God had done that day in Bethel, and the words that he had spoken to the king, and they went on relating them to their father. 12 Then their father spoke to them: "Which way then did he go?" So his sons showed him the way that the man of the true God that had gone out of Judah had gone. 13 He now said to his sons: Saddle the ass for me." Accordingly they saddled the ass for him and he went riding on it.

    14 And he went following the man of the true God and got to find him sitting under the big tree. Then he said to him: "Are you the man of the true God that came out of Judah?" to which he said: "I am." 15 And he went on to say to him: "Go with me to the house and eat bread." 16 But he said: "I am not able to go back with you or to come in with you, and I may not eat bread or drink water with you in this place. 17 For it has been spoken to me by the word of Jehovah, "You must not eat bread or drink water there. You must not go back again by the way by which you went."

    18 At that he said to him: "I too am a prophet like you, and an angel himself spoke to me by the word of Jehovah saying: "Have him come back with you to your house that he may eat bread and drink water." (He deceived him.) "

    Please take a moment to ponder the following questions:

    Let’s imagine for a moment that it fell to US at some point, that WE were tasked with an assignment to illustrate the setting we are considering here in 1st kings Chapter 13. When it comes to what would ultimately comprise SEVERAL "times" in which Jehovah would become determined to extend a forgiving hand to mankind with the intent of reestablishing his genuine theocratic authority and power on the earth after his holy marriage or kingdom covenant had yet again been violated with spiritual adultery on the part of his appointed shepherds, how exactly might YOU go about endeavoring to symbolically "typify" it? (Da 4:23) (He 8:5) (Ga 4:24) Assuming that even WE OURSELVES were actually granted a genuine understanding by Jehovah of the situation his prophets or "two witnesses" would be encountering in these time frames, would we not still be facing an enormous challenge when even the anointed ones or Jesus' own "brothers" would find themselves in desperate need of spiritual "feeding" and "clothing," and in fact are even described by Jehovah in these periods as completely "devastated" and even spiritually "SLEEPING virgins" and "widows"? (Mt 25:1, 2, 5, 34-40) (La 1:1, 4) (Eze 38:8)

    You see even if many of these anointed "virgins" have begun to "catch sight" of the fact that a very "disgusting thing" seems to have taken over and occupied a place that they formerly had recognized as "holy" and have begun to "get out from among and separate themselves" from it only to find themselves in a kind of "wilderness" or spiritual no-man's-land like this website we are currently considering, would they not still be dealing nonetheless with a tremendous degree of fallout or even baggage that would naturally come from what they are only BEGINNING to recognize was an entire lifetime of nothing but mere "teachings and commands of MEN as doctrine"? (Mt 24:15, 16) (2 Cor 6:17) (Re 12:6, 14) (Mr 7:7) In a setting or prophetic time frame in which "EVERY table" of spiritual food has LONG been filled with nothing but "vomit," would not the TRUE teachings of God's word that begin to emerge from the mouths of Jehovah's prophets invariably sound like an altogether foreign language or completely "new song" if not downright HERETICAL to such ones? (Isa 28:8) (Ps 144:9 149:1) (Eze 33:32, 33) (Re 5:9 14:3)

    So the question we might really want to consider here is how might JEHOVAH go about illustrating or symbolically representing things like the REACTION or RESPONSE that his "two witnesses" or "appointed slaves" would almost INVARIABLY experience upon engaging in the dissemination of genuine spiritual food to these anointed "brothers" and sisters? (Re 11:3, 7, 8, 11, 12) If it would always be the case that only a "few" of these anointed "virgins" would ever end up actually having the holy marriage covenant renewed with them in these time frames at the hands of Jehovah's true prophets, then what might even MOST of these anointed ones begin to do upon hearing what seems some very unusual and even strange teachings from one of their brothers or sisters? (Mt 22:14) In at least many cases would they not begin endeavoring to produce or offer some spiritual food OF THEIR OWN to Jehovah's appointed teachers, even in an often innocent effort set them straight or bring them around to the "correct" understanding of things?

    Are we beginning to actually grasp what is being illustrated here for us in these above verses of 1st Kings Chapter 13 with the way that the prophet Jehovah actually SENT is even CONSTANTLY being offered food or sustenance that he is OF COURSE forbidden to accept? This alleged spiritual food ITSELF actually comprises at least a PORTION of the "deception" being represented here in verse 18. But no doubt particularly since Jehovah prophets ONLY have authority in these time frames to minister to their fellow anointed ones or Jesus' "brothers," and ALL such ones would naturally possess a more unusual degree of scriptural knowledge, are we perhaps beginning to recognize yet another facet of the deception that is being pictured here? (Mt 10:5, 6 25:40) While bearing in mind that in the case of sinful and imperfect humans, knowledge has a tendency to "puff" ones up with "pride," we might recall not only that this was the thing even Jesus' own APOSTLES most often needed counseling on, but it evidently on one occasion this moved Peter to want to CORRECT Jesus or set him straight on something he said. (1 Cor 8:1) (2 Ti 3:4) (Mt 16:22, 23)

    Once again JEHOVAH is the one presenting this illustration to us and in HIS eyes at least, ANYONE who presumes to contradict or correct the words of his own prophets SUCH AS this "old prophet from Bethel," would of course be placing THEMSELVES in the position of a prophet, albeit a rather "deceptive" or even "false" one in this case. (1 Ki 13:11, 18) But have we already forgotten that this very same "false prophet" entity that is persistently offering spiritual food to this "man of the true God from Judah" had ALREADY been represented as very unclean and idolatrous "KING" extending this very same offer? (1 Ki 13:7) And with that in mind, has not this very same spiritually "leprous" entity here in these same settings of national "apostasy" or spiritual adultery also been represented to us in the scriptures as BOTH a "false prophet" AND an unclean king or what is now a "WILD beast" after crawling into bed with the "dragon"? (Re 16:13) (2 Ki 5:1, 10, 14) Compare (Da 4:33 7:4) (Re 12:14)

    But are we actually grasping the additional points here, or what should be recognized as ADDITIONAL facets of this very same phenomenon that Jehovah has clearly felt compelled to illustrate in even MANY different ways throughout the scriptures in view of just how far beyond or "unreachably high" ANYTHING that originates from him really is for mere sinful and imperfect humans? (Ps 148:13) (Isa 55:8, 9) (Ro 11:33) (Eph 3:18, 19) For example the extremely devastated and even "LOATHSOME" condition of the ancient Job in this very same setting in which a prophet of Jehovah ("Elihu" in this case) was sent to him and his "troublesome comforters" was simply among seemingly COUNTLESS ways Jehovah has illustrated the very same things we are considering here at 1 Kings Chapter 13. (Job 2:7, 8 16:2 19:17) (Le 11:13) Rest assured it is no coincidence that we ONCE AGAIN find ourselves considering a representation of people even CONTINUALLY determined to offer spiritual sustenance to this Job entity which he OF COURSE would need to reject in view of the deception involved in it. (Job 42:7)

    The fall from what was initially an extremely blessed and protected condition of Job and the access that satan suddenly had to him is simply another way of symbolically picturing what would always occur with Jehovah's nation when its appointed shepherds would violate Jehovah's "holy covenant" with spiritual "harlotry." (Da 11:30-32) (1Sa 16:14) (2 Th 2:1-4) (Re 17:10, 18:2) Just as is also the case here in 1st Kings Chapter 13, ALL of the characters in this prophetic drama INCLUDING Elihu are representing merely different facets of what is ultimately the very same phenomenon in these prophetic time frames when this figurative "barren woman" would experience a spiritual DEATH of the "son" always born to her as opposed to one of its "seven" foretold "births." (Jer 15:9) (Re 12:5) (Isa 54:1-4 66:7, 8) More specifically this would be a spiritual death or even "sleep" of the EARTHLY "camp" of this "Shulammite" or Jericho* ("moon beneath her feet") portion of Jehovah's "woman." (Mt 25:5) (Song 6:13) (Re 12:1, 2 17:18)

    [*Evidently the name Jericho literally means- moon city]

    At the end of this particular prophetic drama, as opposed to the ultimately remorseful "old prophet from Bethel" who is even represented as a "FOLLOWER" of Jehovah's appointed slave, (1 Ki 13:14) we find Job himself being used to represent the "few" of the anointed "virgins" in these "seasons" of a "time" who ultimately respond with humble and repentant obedience to the prophets Jehovah always sends to them in these settings immediately prior to another foretold "coming of the kingdom." (Mt 22:14 25:1, 2) (Job 42:1-6) (1 Ki 13:29-31) (1 Th 5:1-3) Rather interestingly in fact, when it comes to Jehovah's subsequent judgments upon the "FOOLISH virgins," the Job account chooses to focus strictly on the ones among them who would prove MERELY "foolish" as opposed to also downright "wicked and sluggish" such as found in the parable of the "minas" or "talents" in Matthew 25 and Luke 19. (Mt 25:26-30) (Lu 19:23-27) In the final verses of Job we very much appear to encounter a symbolic representation of these more "TROUBLESOME comforters" losing out on their opportunity to actually comprise a PART of this priestly sacrifice or "inauguration" of a renewed kingdom covenant and instead suddenly finding themselves in dire need of the atoning benefits of it for the sake of what will now be an EARTHLY hope. (Job 42:7-9) (He 9:16-18) (Ps 37:29)

    Nevertheless are we recognizing what is CONSISTENTLY being presented THROUGHOUT the scriptures in this case, namely a very clear prophetic PATTERN of a VERY unclean, idolatrous, foreign, and even HARLOT-like entity being at the receiving end of the ministry of these "two witnesses" that Jehovah always "appoints" in these periods? (Re 11:3) (Mt 24:45) In other words this figurative "inspection" or "spying out of the land" being performed by Jehovah prophets in these time frames is intended to identify a tiny repentant PORTION of the "great harlot" which very much like "Rahab the prostitute" of the "great city" of "Jericho" can be SALVAGED from the complete destruction that is once again in store for it.

    But are we also recognizing that the MANNER these seemingly COUNTLESS parables and prophetic dramas are being presented to us continues making it perfectly clear that even these genuine PROPHETS THEMSELVES that appear in these time frames would bear upon themselves this exact same uncleanness or spiritual "leprosy" as the ones they begin to minister to? Moreover it would REMAIN upon them until their priestly sacrifice or end of their earthly life. The fact is this spiritual uncleanness and even "guiltiness" applies even to the "HEAD" or "foundation cornerstone" of Jehovah's spiritual "temple" (or more specifically what would BECOME such upon his death and resurrection to heaven in 33 CE) even if only in the sense that he like ALL of the "two witnesses" he would need to accept full RESPONSIBILITY for it in order that by his priestly sacrifice this "guiltiness" could be ATONED for. (Isa 53) (Col 1:18) (1 Pe 3:6)

    Yes we would do quite well to understand that the "sin" that is being atoned for on what would ultimately prove to be SEVERAL occasions throughout human history is more particularly the one that would violate Jehovah's holy kingdom, law, or MARRIAGE covenant! This would be the "sin of the PRIEST, the ANOINTED ONE (Christ) that brings guiltiness upon the PEOPLE," which in turn is explicitly identified for us in accounts like Daniel 11:30-32 and 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4. (Le 4:3)

    Once again this is the reason Jesus himself POINTED to this account in Daniel when he was foretelling future occasions when a very "disgusting thing" would yet again be found in a place "where it ought not" even at the very moment he himself was once again assisting Jehovah with CLEANSING and RESTORING his holy "temple" on the earth. (Mt 24:15, 16) (Mr 13:14) (2 Cor 3:16, 17) In fact up until the moment that this holy covenant would be renewed with at least a "few" "discreet" and "repentant" ones among the anointed, Jehovah's appointed prophets would actually take the LEAD in expressing or demonstrating this humble repentance! In THIS particular prophetic drama here in 1 Kings Chapter 13, the humility involved with this repentance is even PRIMARILY being represented with how this "old prophet from Bethel" is not only "following" Jehovah's prophet, but doing so while on an "ASS." (1 Ki 13:13) (Mt 3:1, 2 4:17)

    Upon reading about this however, did we forget that in this very same setting in the early part of the first century Jesus himself was pictured in this very same manner? (Mt 21:5) Was not his FELLOW "witness" also represented in this very same humiliated fashion? (Mt 3:4) Yes basically the ONLY thing that distinguishes the "two witnesses" from the ones they are assigned to minister to in these post-apostasy/pre-kingdom settings is that they will serve as the figurative "carcass" or "corpse" in this figurative "wilderness" or even "mountainous" place that ALL of Jesus "brothers" must "flee" to in these time frames. (Mt 24:28) (Re 11:8 12:14) The ones they minister to on the other hand would qualify as the "unclean EAGLES" that are pictures as FEEDING on what here in 1st Kings Chapter 13 is described as a "DEAD BODY THROWN UPON THE ROAD."(1 Ki 13:24) Are we still imagining that all these things are mere coincidences that just happened to randomly find their way into really ALL the illustrations found in the Bible in some form or other?

    But if ALL these illustrations or prophetic dramas found in the Bible are truly just MANY different ways of symbolically representing ultimately the very same phenomenon as I will continue to assert as well as demonstrate, then here is something else that would undoubtedly be well worth contemplating in connection with 1 kings Chapter 13:

    Now that we have become aware that the divine command for us to "flee to the wilderness" upon "catching sight" of the fact that a "disgusting thing" once again occupies a "place where it ought not" at some point began to point even more specifically to the "MOUNTAINS" in this spiritual no-mans-land and by extension the legitimate theocratic power and authority that THEY have always been used to symbolize, would this "mountain"-like power and authority perhaps be represented in some manner also here in 1st Kings Chapter 13? (Eze 20:35, 36) (Re 12:6) (Zec 14:5) (Mt 24:15, 16) Bear in mind that in the case of this humble and REPENTANT character here in this drama, it was specifically a search for a true PROPHET OF JEHOVAH that moved him to embark on a journey that took him away from a "Bethel" or –house of God that was currently represented as very unclean or even "leprous." So since there is no mention of any mountains here in this particular drama in connection with Jehovah's prophets, could we perhaps call to mind an ADDITIONAL way in which the Holy Scriptures have pictured this very highest manifestation of authority and power that is actually in a position to produce genuine sustenance and shelter for even all of mankind and beast?

    Yes Jehovah has also used a "big tree" to symbolize even the "SALVATION" that his nation or kingdom has to offer with a renewed and inaugurated kingdom covenant. (Da 4:10-12) Rest assured it is no coincidence that when this humble and repentant person riding a donkey FINDS Jehovah's true prophet, he finds him "sitting under the BIG TREE." (1 Ki 13:14) Moreover hopefully we realize at this point that it is always a broken kingdom covenant that results in the "chopping down" and "fall" of this figurative tree just as it is a RENEWED covenant that removes the "copper and iron bands" subsequently installed upon its figurative "stump" or even "root of Jesse." (Da 4:13-15) (Re 17:10 18:2) (Ro 15:12) "Seven times" would pass over this "Babylonian" or "FOREIGN" entity because there would be "seven KINGS" or world powers that would rise and fall in CONJUNCTION with these renewed and subsequently broken kingdom covenants DURING the period of time distinguished as the "appointed times of the NATIONS!" (Da 4:16) Compare (Da 7:4) (Lu 21:24) (Re 17:10)

    Hopefully at least by now we have come to appreciate that there are VASTLY more "hidden" spiritual "treasures" to be found in this prophetic drama than we likely ever imagined. (Pr 2:4) But assuming that we indeed have come to recognize that a GENUINE approach to Bible study is in fact VERY MUCH like a treasure hunt, let's by all means continue to search for further clues as we continue our consideration of 1st Kings Chapter 13 beginning with my next post. (Mt 7:7, 8)

    Agape love;

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

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    Because, if you don't study opposing views in depth you will always be wrong.

    "Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment." Pr 18:1
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    19 "So he went back with him that he might eat bread in his house and drink water. 20 And it came about while they were sitting at the table that the word of Jehovah came to the prophet that had brought him back; 21 and he began to call out to the man of the true God that had come out of Judah, saying: "This is what Jehovah has said, "for the reason that you rebelled against the order of Jehovah and did not keep the commandment with which Jehovah your God commanded you, 22 but you went back that you might eat bread and drink water in the place about which he spoke to you: "Do not eat bread and drink water," your dead body will now come in to the place of your forefathers."

    To begin addressing these next few verses, let's please start in this case by considering the very same question as last time, but now with a slight alteration:

    What if it fell to us personally NOT ONLY to illustrate the situation or setting being considered in accounts like 1st Kings Chapter 13, but also to do so in a manner that would qualify it as among the "carefully concealed sacred secrets" or "hidden treasures" that in fact permeate or even comprise the ENTIRE BIBLE? (Col 2:3) (Mt 13:10, 11) (Pr 2:4) Yes what if just as indicated here at Matthew 13:10, 11, the deeper or even "carefully concealed" MEANINGS being conveyed in this symbolic spiritual language would need to be worded in a manner that ONLY a true prophet of Jehovah could reveal, and ONLY to the spiritual "virgins" and "widows" that Jehovah would WANT them unveiled to? (Da 2:28) (Mt 15:1, 2) (La 1:1, 4)

    In such a scenario, why would it really NOT be the case that yet another foretold "time" or even "season" AMONG these foretold "SEVEN times" in which a ministry and subsequent death of "two witnesses" would be required to renew and inaugurate another kingdom covenant would be illustrated in VERY MUCH the way we are considering here in 1 Kings Chapter 13? (1 Th 5:1-3) (Da 4:23) (Jer 15:9) (Lu 22:28, 29) (He 9:16-18 26-28) (Re 11:3, 7, 8, 11, 12) But if just as indicated also by scriptures like Proverbs Chapter 2 and verse 4, what we are dealing with here in the case of the holy writings should also be recognized as a kind of treasure hunt, then should we not rightly expect to find a trail of clues here in these same scriptures? Regardless of whether it be represented as "seven TIMES," "seven strikings of the shepherd," "seven plantings and harvests," "seven baptisms," or even "seven births of the barren woman," if this phenomenon could even be recognized at least in part if not in whole as even the very THEME of the Bible as I will continue to assert and also demonstrate, then should we not CONTINUE to find confirmations that we are indeed considering yet another symbolic representation of one of these foretold "times" here in 1st Kings Chapter 13?

    Well first of all, let's not forget that among the "SEASONS" of one of these "times" we would be dealing with Jehovah at some point becoming determined to essentially extend his forgiveness to a tiny repentant "Rahab"-like portion of what a broken holy marriage covenant had once again transformed into a "Great Harlot." (1 Th 5:1-3) (Eze 16:8-14) Now if Jehovah's purpose at this point is to heal and RESTORE what would now qualify as a "FALSE prophet" that had crawled into bed with a "dragon" and a "wild beast" back into a TRUE prophet in a renewed alliance with HIM, then are we not considering even a PERFECT way of illustrating that very thing?

    Perhaps we failed to take note of the fact that what had initially been represented as a deceptive or FALSE prophet here in this drama is suddenly pictured as anything but. Yes the "word of Jehovah" is NOW suddenly pictured as "coming" to the "OLD prophet from Bethel" even INSTEAD of the "man of the true God from Judah." It would seem in fact that at least for the moment Jehovah had even "FORSAKEN" the prophet that he sent to this very idolatrous and "leprous" king Jeroboam entity, and of course this is soon confirmed as being factual in at least some sense with this prophet's subsequent death. (Mt 27:46) Compare (Joh 14:12)

    Yes it would very much seem as if what we are dealing with here is simply yet another of MANY ways in which Jehovah has chosen to illustrate the following: Namely that the "season" of the sacrificial "bull" or otherwise the events that would ALWAYS pertain to essentially transforming a "loathsome eagle" that had been transformed into such by a BROKEN holy covenant into something more akin to a "man" as well as even a "CHERUB" by means of a RENEWED covenant. Additionally, the fact that this healing and restoration would involve two figurative "spies" or "inspectors" of a rather "discreet" "prostitute" experiencing a death "INSTEAD" of these spiritually "sleeping virgins." (Jos 2:1, 14) (Eze 1:10 10:14) (Re 4:7 12:14) (Le 11:13) (Da 7:4) (Isa 1:21) (La 1:1, 4) (Mt 25:1, 2, 5, 10)

    But now that these particular spiritual "treasures" are becoming manifest to us, are they not in turn beginning to shed more light on even MORE "sacred secrets" that are ALSO actually sitting right here before us and even also in this very same prophetic/symbolic drama? Ones in fact that up until now likely seemed as rather mysterious or even as if it were "carefully concealed" from our spiritual vision?

    For example, when we continue thinking more in terms of how what is being "typified" here in 1st Kings was actually FULFILLED over the millenniums and even several "times," we might begin to recall things such as how the ministries of two "prophets to the ("unclean") NATIONS" or even an entity identified as the "son of man" well over two millenniums ago soon resulted in the creation of a NEW prophet of Jehovah named Daniel. (Jer 1:5) (Eze 3:1) We might also recall in fact how this new prophet very quickly began to "do things even GREATER" than these two very humiliated and oppressed "spies" or "witnesses" that came before him. (Joh 14:12) This was because the spiritual "leprosy" that was ultimately cleansed by their ministry now meant that in stark CONTRAST to prophets like Jeremiah and Ezekiel, this new prophet could begin serving as a very glorious and powerful theocratic RULER as opposed to MERELY a prophet. (1 Ki 13:4-6) (2 Ki 5:1, 10, 14) (Da 2:48, 49)

    Yes once again what we are ultimately considering here is an ongoing cycle or "circuit" of events that would be repeated "seven times" in connection with a "great city" and a "harlot" before the manifestation of the long anticipated Millennial Reign. (Mt 10:23) (Jos 6:3-5) But particularly in view of the fact that the "wheelwork" we are considering here in the OLD Testament was ultimately designed to "typify" or prophetically foreshadow the "births of the barren woman" that would eventually unfold with SPIRITUAL Israel, we might want to pay SPECIAL attention to exactly how what would be much like a TRANSFER of genuine theocratic shepherding power and authority from one prophet to another was fulfilled in the early part of the first century. (Eze 10:13) (He 8:5) (1 Sa 2:5) (Jer 15:9) Yes the transfer we just considered here in 1st Kings Chapter 13 was simply another way of symbolically representing the exchange pictured between Elijah and Elisha in the very next book of the Bible. (2 Kings 2) But once again, this phenomenon and essentially everything CONNECTED with it is symbolized or "typified" for us in MANY ways even THROUGHOUT the Bible. In fact we are at times even reading about FULFILLMENTS of these prophetic dramas since the Bible of course serves simultaneously as a historical RECORD.

    In this case we would undoubtedly do well to bring to our minds the precise moment in which the "two witnesses" of the first century were able to accomplish the very thing we see being represented in the book of Haggai in connection with the ministries of Haggai and Zechariah that occurred roughly a century after that of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. (Hag 1:12-14) On the occasion here of what would actually comprise the FIFTH "birth of the barren woman" with the renewed and inaugurated kingdom covenant that transpired in 33 CE, we might pay special attention to the moment in which a mere ANOINTING that Jesus described as a "calling" of "MANY" in these time frames would progress to the point of an actual theocratic APPOINTING of merely a "few" who could ultimately be recognized by these figurative "spies" or "inspectors" as "discreet." (Mt 22:14) (Lu 19:44) (Jos 2:1) In other words, the issue here at the moment is what precisely would transform what might initially be recognized as mere "disciples" at best of Jehovah's prophets into actual "Apostles" or appointed ones, as well as why it would even be rather crucial for us to understand this?

    Any genuinely serious and prayerful contemplation invested on this specific issue should most definitely begin drawing our attention to at least one of the reasons that what really amounts to the very same phenomenon is ultimately represented or illustrated for us throughout the scriptures in MANY different ways. (1 Ti 4:15) You see among the things we have NEVER been taught and in fact never WOULD be taught by the "man of lawlessness" or "antichrist" is that there is actually a total of THREE distinct anointings of Jehovah's Holy Spirit upon people when it comes to the spiritual cleansing and rebirth of his holy nation on the earth. Each of these seemingly COUNTLESS prophetic dramas or parables/illustrations are designed to highlight various facets of this phenomenon that others do not. While ancient accounts such as the one that begins with the apostasy of King Saul and the subsequent transfer of Jehovah's Holy Spirit to a shepherd boy or "virgin" by the name of David are among ones that ultimately draw our attention to and even specifically delineate ALL THREE of these anointings, most are actually much like the one here in 1st Kings Chapter 13. (1 Sa 16:13, 14) (2 Sa 2:4 5:3) The focus in this particular illustration is really on only ONE of these three anointings. But what exactly is the point I am getting to at the moment?

    While ALL of these anointings are actually touched on here in the "sacred secrets" or symbolic spiritual language of 1st Kings Chapter 13, the FOCUS in this case is actually on the SECOND of the three. In other words while the "CALLING" spoken of in Matthew 22:14 or FIRST anointing involved in this was represented in this case with the way in which the "old prophet from Bethel" HEARD about what had transpired with King Jeroboam (as in hearing this "CALL"?) and the messenger Jehovah had sent to him, and the THIRD anointing which ALWAYS eventually transforms anointed "virgins'" into full fledged theocratic RULERS even also over the "flock" (an anointing that endows them with power and authority also over "Israel" as opposed to merely the "shepherd" that is represented in turn by "Judah") was symbolized in this case simply with the cleansing/healing of a leprous arm of KING Jeroboam, (ruler over ISRAEL as opposed to JUDAH?) can we already discern that MUCH more time and effort in this case was expended on an anointing that would effectively transform a FALSE prophet into a TRUE one? (2 Sa 2:4 5:3) (Zec 11:14-17)

    Once again when we begin directing our attention more on actual FULFILLMENTS of these prophetic dramas and particularly in connection with the "reality" that this "copy" here in the Old Testament was designed to "typify" in an illustrative sense, we can attain to a VERY accurate understanding of what this secondary anointing actually comprises. (He 8:5 9:24) Do we not recall the moment in which at least a "few" people in the early part of the first century began to engage in the very same prophesying that John the Baptist and Jesus were performing at that time? (Mt 22:14) And just as was clearly indicated also in the prophetic words of Jesus or even the Apostle John regarding FUTURE ministries of "two witnesses" donning [figurative] "sackcloth" or "appointed SLAVES" as opposed to glorious theocratic rulers or even kings, what exactly was the was the REASON the kingdom covenant was renewed with these ones? Was it not because they both ACCEPTED this assignment to actually share in the very same spiritual "feeding" and "clothing" of Jesus' "brothers" and then "STUCK WITH" these very humiliated and oppressed prophets until the end of their earthy ministry? (Mr 3:13-15) (Mt 24:45 25:31-40) (Re 11:3, 7, 8, 11, 12) (He 9:26-28) (Lu 22:28, 29)

    Yes the moment these spiritually "sleeping virgins" humbly accepted a preaching assignment by one of Jehovah's prophets, not only did these disciples become FELLOW prophets along with the "two witnesses," but as we can see here in the book of Mark they received a SECONDARY anointing that not only EQUIPPED them for this prophesying, but also gave them authority and power even over the DEMONS! (Mt 25:1, 2, 5) (Mr 3:13-15. We would do quite well to appreciate that while parables such as at Mathew 25:14-23 are focused much more on the first two anointings that the "INSPECTORS" of the "sleeping virgins" would experience in these post-apostasy/pre-kingdom time frames, ones such as found at Matthew 25:3, 4 and 25:24-30 on the other hand are focused much more on the "domestics" these "appointed slaves" are assigned to minister to. (Lu 19:44) (Mt 24:45)

    In other words the additional "oil" that the "discreet virgins" had succeeded in attaining in their "receptacles" is simply another way of representing the secondary anointing they would receive upon humbly and repentantly accepting a preaching assignment from an "appointed slave" or "man of the true God from Judah" who in these periods would be dealing with a measure of Holy Spirit that in comparison to theirs would be well illustrated with the distinction in "silver monies" between a "banker" and a "depositor." (Mt 25:27) "Discreet virgins" or spiritual "widows" in effect "deposit" their Holy Spirit with these figurative "bankers" by means of demonstrating the level of humility and repentance involved in actually becoming genuine students or "disciples" of them. (Mal 3:2, 3) (La 1:1, 4) This in turn is precisely what paves the way for a final thing that is represented here in the symbolic spiritual language we are considering in verses 19-22 of 1st Kings Chapter 13.

    Yes what appears as a rebellion against Jehovah on the part of this "man of the true God from Judah" and a subsequent punishment for it is in reality simply another way of symbolically illustrating the acceptance on the part of these "two witnesses" of even the FULL responsibility for ALL the "guiltiness" that comes upon ALL the "people" when a holy kingdom covenant that qualifies them as belonging to Jehovah in the first place is violated with spiritual adultery or even "prostitution." (Le 4:3) (Isa 1:21) (1 Cor 6:15) Is the extremely troubling prophesy of the Apostle John at Revelation 13:7, 8 beginning to take on new meaning for us? If not this is because the relentless "tickling of the ears" that ALWAYS results from a broken holy marriage covenant has succeeded in blinding us from things like the fact that these verses of Revelation are among the things foretold to occur during the period of the "last trumpet" that the Apostle Paul spoke of at 1st Corinthians 15:51-53. (Re 11:15) (2 Ti 4:3)

    The "two witnesses" actually accept this full responsibility largely by making themselves AVAILABLE for this very humiliating and oppressive ministry all the way to its finish which is ALWAYS met with mostly outright contempt by even the vast majority of the anointed "virgins." (1 Pe 2:8) Their humble and repentant acceptance of this burden aids Jehovah in once again furnishing atonement for this guiltiness with the priestly sacrifice now of his prophets and thus producing the final foretold "ARK" of this renewed "covenant" for the purpose of extending salvation to EVERYONE who will now respond favorably to a genuine PUBLIC ministry which on this final foretold occasion will be performed by the "incorruptible and immortal" ministers spoken of in accounts like Daniel 12:3 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-53.

    In other words, just as was demonstrated for us also in the early part of the first century, as opposed to a divinely authorized ministry that would be directed exclusively towards "Christ's domestics" or Jesus' "brothers," the moment a genuine theocratic shepherding fold actually once again EXISTS with a renewed and inaugurated holy "covenant" or what was actually REPRESENTED by ancient Jerusalem itself, this figurative "ark of the covenant" commences with the function it was constructed for in the first place. (Mt 24:45 25:40) (Ga 4:24-26) As opposed to a ministry merely towards what could be described as "LOST sheep of an ("abandoned") HOUSE of Israel," we are now dealing with one for "ALL the nations…" (Mt 10:5, 6 23:38 28:18-20) We are now considering a GENERAL harvest as opposed to merely that of the "firstfruits," or a MASS exodus out of "what in a SPIRITUAL sense is called Sodom and Egypt" as opposed to what was initially represented by a "running away" merely on the part of Moses alone and his subsequent shepherding work over a kind of "little flock" of "Jethro" in the "wilderness" or "mountains." (1 Cor 15:23) (Re 11:8 20:6) (Ex 2:15 3:1) (Mt 24:15, 16) (Lu 12:32) (Joh 10:16)

    There is something rather noteworthy here however that all of us would undoubtedly do well to factor into all this. While everything we have just covered would qualify as even an EXTREMELY well established prophetic pattern in connection with this foretold "gentile times" or period of foreign "exile" and "captivity" for Jehovah's people, the fact is we are no longer even DEALING with this foretold time frame. While the "pangs of distress" or current events on the world stage ALONE should make it exceedingly clear to us that we are indeed on the very cusp of yet another foretold "coming of the kingdom," and this final foretold "birth" is indeed foretold to occur in the time frame of the "SEVENTH" or "LAST trumpet," we should not overlook that it was nonetheless pictured all along as set apart or distinct in some manner from the "seven kings" or "seven births of the barren woman" that would precede it. (Re 17:10, 11)

    But aside from the obvious fact that this final foretold manifestation of genuine theocratic power and authority would not involve any foreign world power or for that matter even any HUMAN rulership whatsoever, would there perhaps be even ADDITIONAL implications for us to ponder here? And assuming they would actually have some kind of impact on the way we would want to understand this material we are currently considering here in the scriptures, what exactly might this entail?

    I will endeavor to pick up the discussion with these questions beginning with my next post.

    Agape love;

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

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    Why do you ignore an opposing view? Do you feel you are hand chosen, predestined to bring us truth?
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    Get out of her

    Get out of her New Member

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    When we endeavor to bear in mind the rather significant and even dramatic things that were foretold for the Millennial Reign, and particularly the things that would distinguish it even from the tremendous blessings that preceded it with prior manifestations of genuine theocratic authority and power on the earth, I would strongly suggest that among the things we would do well to prayerfully contemplate would be the following:

    If there are foretold to be not only no FOREIGN kings or shepherds involved in it, but even no HUMAN rulers whatsoever, then when it comes to the FINAL foretold ministry of Jehovah's prophets that the earth is dealing with right at this very moment, what NEED would there even be for Jehovah's prophets to even IDENTIFY humble and repentant ones among "Christ's domestics" or "brothers," let alone renew a broken covenant with them?

    We realize of course that "…the sovereign Lord Jehovah will NOT DO A SINGLE THING unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets;" and that prophets are referred to as such because they of course prophesy. (Am 3:7) But if the earthly "camp" of this "Shulammite" entity spoken of in Song of Songs 6:13 would not even be COMPRISED of humans for the Thousand Year Reign, then perhaps we have every reason to once again be thinking in terms of this foretold cycle of events the scriptures always refers to in some form or other. Yes this "circuit," "wheelwork" or even "march AROUND" a "great city" with a "prostitute" that always seems associated with a kind of "fall." In fact since a cycle always ends in the very same way it begins, are we not even COMPELLED to be thinking in terms of Jesus states there in Matthew 19:28-30 in connection with this final foretold "re-creation"; namely that …"first will be last and last first"? (Mt 10:23) (Jos 2:1 6:3-5) (Re 17:10, 18 18:2) (Eze 10:13) But what exactly is the point here?

    The point really is that PARTICULARLY if we happen to be among the ones who very much yearn to be AMONG the "incorruptible and immortal" NON human entities that WILL soon comprise even also the EARTHLY "camp" of the ones …"judging the twelve tribes of Israel," should we not currently be doing our very UTMOST to pay heed even to "EVERY UTTERANCE" that comes out of the mouth of Jehovah through his word or prophets? (Mt 4:4 19:28) (1 Cor 15:51-53) You see especially when we are thinking more in terms of "last being first and first being last" while at the same time appreciating that we are no longer even DEALING with this foretold period of the "appointed times of the nations," there are some words found here in this same scripture of 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 that really should capture our attention in a manner they likely never have before:

    "Look! I tell you a sacred secret: We shall NOT ALL fall asleep [in death], but we shall be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye during the last trumpet."

    Do these words perhaps call to our minds the very FIRST time a prophet of Jehovah existed on the earth? (Ge 5:23, 24) Compare (He 11:5) We realize of course that the ancient Enoch appeared on the earth even well before the 2,520 year time frame of the "exile" of Jehovah's people began in 609 BC with an apostasy of "King Jehoiakim." (Jer 1:3) But particularly upon considering the rather interesting way the end of his ministry correlates with what we read here in 1 Corinthians 15:51, did we ever for even one moment devote some serious thought to how the number of 365 found there at Genesis 5:23, 24 directs our attention YET AGAIN to the concept of a cycle or circuit, and by extension the notion of "last being first and first being last"?

    We would all do quite well to appreciate that Jehovah does not NEED ANYTHING from ANYONE! In fact scriptural accounts like Luke 19:40 should remind us that ultimately Jehovah doesn't even need PROPHETS! It is due to qualities and attributes of his such as his undeserved kindness and tender mercies that he has CHOSEN to make his "reply" to the one "taunting" him in the manner that he did. (Pr 27:11) The manner in which Jehovah does and says ALL THINGS is indeed "marvelous" as Jesus himself also acknowledged. (Mt 21:42)

    Nevertheless it is DUE to such "unreachably high" qualities Jehovah has chosen to allow even mere sinful and imperfect humans who bear the community responsibility of a broken holy covenant the PRICELESS opportunity to have a share in making this "reply" NOT ONLY to lies and accusations made against Jehovah, but also to ones leveled against even US as humans. (Ps 148:13) (Ge 3:4, 5) (Job 1:9, 10 2:4, 5) It is DUE to his "tender compassions" that Jehovah has made it clear to us that the WAY we can humbly and repentantly "bear this reproach" and have a share in this "reply" to Satan is basically to perform a "Sabbath" or "complete rest" from ALL the "work" or even "slavery" that EVERYONE (unwittingly or otherwise) begins to perform in behalf of SATAN or otherwise the "disgusting thing" that is ALWAYS "put in place" of the "continual sacrifice" in Jehovah's earthly "sanctuary"/"temple" the moment an "apostasy" against him devolves to the point of "leaving" his "holy covenant." (Lu 1:78) (Zep 3:18) (Da 11:30-32) (1 Cor 3:16, 17 6:15) (Le 4:3) Are we finally beginning to grasp what exactly was being symbolized all along with this ancient holy observance ad the reason it was always associated not only with yet ANOTHER cycle, but specifically a cycle of seven in this case or that of a week?

    Nevertheless this extremely shocking act of idolatry on our part or otherwise what Jehovah identifies as the sin of …"the priest, the anointed one (Christ) that brings guiltiness on the people" is precisely what accounts for rather troubling prophesies such as found at Revelation 13:8, as well as ones which point to "reserved' periods BEYOND the first century in which what is ultimately a "body of MANY members of the Christ" would be performing acts of priestly atonement. (Le 4:3) (1 Cor 12:12) (He 9:26-28) (Re 11:3, 7, 11, 12) During these foretold periods of a broken kingdom covenant which is precisely what always creates the NEED for another "coming of the kingdom" in the first place, Jehovah's prophets along with ANY who truly and fully pay heed to them "BEAR this reproach" or humbly and repentantly ACCEPT full responsibility for a broken kingdom covenant by in turn accepting the assignment of the "ministry to Christ's domestics" or otherwise the spiritually "sleeping" "widows and virgins" OF this broken marriage covenant either FROM Jehovah OR one of his prophets. By extension they gladly accept all the persecution, opposition, and even mockings that ALWAYS come with it FROM these "brothers" of Jesus. But are we actually getting the point here? (Mt 24:45 25:1, 2, 5, 40) (Lu 9:23) (Mal 3:2, 3) (1 Pe 2:8)

    Even aside from the fact that we find no record in the 66 books of the Bible we are familiar with of ANYONE paying any real heed to what he had to say, doesn't the rather intriguing account of ancient Enoch and its correlation to scriptures like 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 and Hebrews 11:5 already produce a strong indication of the following two things?:

    1. Ultimately it may prove to be the case that there will only be ONE genuine prophet of Jehovah on the earth in our time period!

    2. If there will actually BE no humans receiving kingly authority and power from Jehovah for the Millennial Reign, then why would it even MATTER to him if the ministry of his prophet on this final occasion meets with the response that the "son of man" by the name of Ezekiel seemed to encounter? (Eze 33:30-33) Would a voluntary offering or priestly sacrifice of MORE than one prophet even be REQUIRED for Jehovah to accomplish his purpose on this final foretold occasion?

    Yes it should be rather clear to us at this point that if anything the anointed ones at this time should be thinking in terms of going ABOVE AND BEYOND the relatively repentant actions or efforts recorded for us of the "disciples" of John the Baptist and Jesus that prompted the invitation from them to SHARE in this ministry as fellow workers PRIOR to the "inauguration" of a renewed holy covenant. (Mr 3:13-15) (Lu 22:24-29) (He 9:16-18) As would ALWAYS be the case, it was precisely this genuine demonstration of humble repentance on their parts that even made it POSSIBLE for them to have a share in the ministry to Jesus' "brothers" spoken of also in a PROPHETIC manner by Jesus there in Matthew 25:34-40.

    Beginning with my next post, let's by all means see what more can be gleaned from a deeper or more comprehensive and prayerful analysis also of the next few verses of 1st Kings Chapter 13. While doing so, let's please also remain on the lookout for even FURTHER confirmations of the points we have already covered.

    Agape love;

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    23 And it came about that after his eating bread and after his drinking that he at once saddled for him the ass, that is for the prophet that he had brought back, 24 and he got on his way. Later a lion found him on the road and put him to death, and his dead body came to be thrown on the road. And the ass was standing beside it, and the lion was standing beside the dead body. 25 And here there were men passing by, so that they got to see the dead body thrown onto the road and the lion standing beside the dead body. Then they came in and spoke of it in the city in which the old prophet was dwelling.

    26 When the prophet that had brought him back from the way heard of it, he immediately said: "It is the man of the true God that rebelled against the order of Jehovah; and so Jehovah gave him to the lion, that he might crush him and put him to death, according to the word of Jehovah that he spoke to him. 27 And he went on to speak to his sons saying: "Saddle the ass for me." So they saddled it. 28 Then he got on his way and found the dead body of him thrown onto the road with the ass and the lion standing beside the dead body. The lion had not eaten the dead body nor had it crushed the ass." (1 Ki 13:23-28)

    Even if the very unusual behavior of the animals in his account has not already prompted us to begin thinking more in terms of deeper symbolic meanings being conveyed in this prophetic drama, shouldn't some rather consistent scriptural patterns found here do so? All the more so I would insist when we also begin to compare the respective settings they are found in and discern not only that they are all the same, but also specifically that of what is ALWAYS involved with the renewing of a broken holy covenant, and thus the re-establishing of Jehovah's nation or kingdom on the earth.

    So especially since we already know we are in fact always dealing ultimately with a kind of spiritual treasure hunt when it comes to a genuine study of the Holy Scriptures, let's by all means examine at least a few of the reference scriptures I am speaking of here and see what clues a more careful and prayerful analysis of them might actually uncover:

    "Be very joyful O daughter of Zion. Shout in triumph O daughter of Jerusalem. Look! Your king himself comes to you. He is righteous, yes, saved, humble, riding on an ass, even upon a full grown animal, the son of a she-ass." (Zec 9:9)

    "Well when they got close to Jerusalem and arrived at Beth'phage on the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent forth two disciples, saying: 2 "Be on your way into the village that is within sight of you, and you will at once find an ass tied, and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to me. 3 And if someone says anything to you, you must say: 'The Lord needs them.' At that he will immediately send them forth.

    4 This actually took place that there might be fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet, saying: "Tell the daughter of Zion, 'Look! Your king is coming to you, mild tempered and mounted upon an ass, yes, upon a colt, the offspring of a beast of burden. 6 So the disciples got on their way and did just as Jesus ordered them. 7 And they brought the ass and its colt, and they put upon these their outer garments, and he seated himself upon them." (Mt 21:1-7)

    7 "And when they have finished their witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. 8 And their corpses will be on the broad way of the great city which in a spiritual sense is called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was also impaled." 9 And those of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their corpses for three and a half days, and they do not let their corpses be laid in a tomb." (Re 11:7-9)

    Is it not becoming increasingly obvious that these verses of 1st Kings 13:23-28 that I initially cited are simply among a seemingly endless stream of ones that are pointing prophetically and symbolically not only to the Messiah, but even more specifically to the "strikings" of this anointed shepherding entity or spiritual cleansings and rebirths ("baptisms") foretold for it? (Mt 26:31) (Le 26:23, 24) (2 Ki 5:1, 10, 14) But let's get past the obvious here. Can we ALSO discern further confirmations here that this Messiah or Christ comprises something just a bit different than what we have always been led to believe?

    Yes at this point here in verses 23-28 of this prophetic drama in 1st Kings Chapter 13 we find the roles of these two prophets being represented as interchangeable. First we find the "Old prophet from Bethel pictured as the one saddling the ass for the "man of he true God from Judah" and then we subsequently find this same "OLD prophet" represented as the one the ass is being saddled for. BOTH characters are ultimately represented in this humiliated condition riding an ass up to what we of course realize is even more specifically Jerusalem as opposed to simply Judah, or what the Apostle John here in Revelation identifies as "in a SPIRITUAL sense Sodom and Egypt WHERE their Lord was also impaled." (Re 11:8)

    Once again not only does the word Messiah or Christ simply mean –anointed or anointed one, but just as ones like the Apostle Paul explicitly pointed out on a number of occasions, when a broken holy marriage covenant has transformed this "body of MANY members" of the Christ into "members of a HARLOT," the most CRITICAL part of the spiritual cleansing involved in RESTORING the genuine theocratic power and authority that was forfeited by this act of spiritual adultery is precisely what is being represented here in ALL of these accounts! At ANY point in time in which we find ourselves in dire need of another foretold manifestation of Jehovah's nation or kingdom on the earth, a priestly sacrifice of one or more of Jehovah's prophets is required to produce blood atonement and by extension serve to "inaugurate" a renewed holy covenant. (He 9:16-18, 26-28) (Re 11:3, 7, 8, 11, 12) However this is not the ONLY thing being conveyed in this symbolic spiritual language found in the above citations that goes beyond the obvious.

    By COMPARING all the above accounts, did we observe that there are actually TWO distinct "killings" or deaths being represented here simultaneously in connection with these foretold "sowings" and subsequent "reapings" or "births of the barren woman"? (1 Cor 15:35, 38) (Gen 41:22-24) (1 Sa 2:5) (Jer 15:9) (2 Ki 5:1, 10, 14) (Re 14:14-16) Could this in fact be among the reasons we are ultimately considering TWO prophets here in essentially ALL these cited passages? Particularly in view of accounts like Revelation Chapter 11 and Hebrews 9:26-28, did it ever seem as strange to us that NO organized religion has EVER reminded us of how John the Baptist experienced a brutal execution even BEFORE Jesus? What would be even more important for us to discern however are the REASONS we are considering more than one death or "killing" in ALL these above passages.

    When it comes to at least ONE of these reasons, among the major clues provided for us here to actually grasp these more "carefully concealed" treasures is the word "conquer" here in verse 7 of Revelation Chapter 11. (Col 2:3) You see scriptures such as John 16:33 and Revelation 12:11 make it perfectly clear that if anything it is the "TWO WITNESSES" or even "HOLY ONES" spoken of here in Revelation 11:7 and 13:7 that have achieved the "conquering" when it comes to this priestly sacrifice or blood atonement. On this basis alone there would be yet another "killing" or even "destruction" from what in fact is explicitly IDENTIFIED as even a "SON of destruction." (2 Th 2:3) But what exactly is this additional death?

    The death that is simultaneously being represented for us here in this scriptural symbolism is the SPIRITUAL "conquering" that WOULD ALWAYS create the need for this priestly sacrifice in the first place, namely the "destruction" of the figurative or spiritual "temple" that Paul speaks of at 1 Corinthians 6:17, 18. Once again Jesus himself directed our attention to Daniels account in Chapter 11:30-32 when speaking of this "disgusting thing" to insure we understood that this "destruction" occurs with the spiritual adultery involved with these same "holy ones" "acting wickedly against" and even "LEAVING the holy covenant." It is the process of RENEWING this covenant that is being symbolically pictured here in ALL the passages cited above. (Da 11:30-32) (Lu 22:28, 29) (He 9:16-18) But the question in this case would be how exactly these things tie in more specifically with verses 23-28 of 1st Kings Chapter 13?

    It should be clear to us at this point that the "lion" in this case is being used to represent the political and religious system that is always born from the spiritually adulterous or even "harlotrous" relations involved in violating the holy marriage covenant. (Isa 1:21) This covenant is of course the kingdom or law covenant that began to be formed as far back as with the Mosaic Law Covenant at the base of Mount Sinai. From the first century forward it would be manifested in the form of the "law of love" or what is also identified as the "New Covenant" or "Kingdom covenant." (Ro 13:10) (Lu 22:20, 28, 29)

    In either case, as accounts like 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8 make perfectly clear, it is a holy covenant that not only must be officially FORMED, but also "KEPT." (Ex 19:5) When it is NOT "kept," this "beast" that by means of a RENEWED covenant would have initially been domesticated in the sense of having its figurative "disgusting" or "loathsome wings of an eagle PLUCKED OUT" and its "heart of stone" replaced with a "heart of a man," would now with a BROKEN covenant be transformed back into a "WILD beast" with all these "disgusting things" restored to it. (Da 7:4) (Eze 11:19) (Le 11:13) (Re 16:13) (Mt 24:15, 16) But particularly in light of the insights that reference scriptures such as these ones we are currently comparing have to share on the topic, are we beginning to discern the things that are being symbolized now with the DEAD prophet that this "lion" refuses to eat and the now UNBURDENED "ass" that it refuses to "crush"?

    As accounts like 1st Corinthians 3:16, 17 and 6:15 make rather clear, this broken holy marriage covenant means that what WAS a TRUE prophet is now what scriptures like Revelation 16:13 identify as a "FALSE prophet." In other words, why would the "dragon" essentially eat OR bury this SPIRITUALLY dead prophet when he can now use it as a very effective tool to begin misleading precisely what is represented in turn by the "ass." You see, why would satan now choose to at least LITERALLY "crush" the FLOCK of this co-opted shepherd when he can now simply use this "false prophet" to lead them all into idolatry, or otherwise precisely what is spoken of in accounts like Revelation 13:14?

    Once again however the main thrust of prophetic dramas such as found at 1st kings Chapter 13 is about what Jehovah always does to RECTIFY this horrible situation, or as the Apostle John put it, "BREAK UP the works of the Devil." (1 Joh 3:8) This foretold cycle of spiritual "births" would be ongoing even if their positive results would prove rather short-lived all the way up to the Millennial Reign. (Jer 15:9) It would be as if the spiritual cleansings and rebirths of Jehovah's nation would be much like the baptisms of a kind of "leprous FOREIGN chieftain" that would ultimately FAIL to remove its spiritual uncleaness until after the "SEVENTH" figurative "plunge into the Jordan River." (2 Ki 5:1, 10, 14)

    So beginning with my next post, let's see what can be gleaned now from the remaining verses of this prophetic drama here in the 13th Chapter of 1st Kings.

    Agape love;

  18. 41
    Get out of her

    Get out of her New Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    29 "And the prophet proceeded to lift up the dead body of the man of the true God and deposit him upon the ass and to bring him back. Thus he came into the city of the old prophet to bewail and bury him. 30 Accordingly he deposited his dead body in his own burial place; and they kept wailing over him: "Too bad my brother!" 31 And it came about after his burying him that he went on to say to his sons: "When I die you must bury me in the burial place in which the man of the true God is buried. Beside his bones deposit my own bones. 32 For without fail the word that he called out by the word of Jehovah against the altar that is in Bethel and against all the houses of the high places that are in the cities of Samaria will take place." (1 Ki 13:29-32)

    Particularly in view of how the deeper symbolic meanings of this prophetic drama are becoming increasingly evident, when we consider how very reminiscent these verses are with what is recorded for us in accounts like Matthew 27:57-60, do we really imagine this is merely a coincidence? The possibility of this becomes all the more implausible when we factor in that we are ultimately considering the exact same context or setting with these two separate accounts, even if this one here in 1st Kings is merely an illustration. But do we not now already find ourselves in a much better position to actually grasp the additional "sacred secrets" or "hidden treasures" that are crying out to be uncovered in these verses? (Mt 13:10, 11) (Pr 2:4)

    As we have already established with the scriptures, when it comes to this dead prophet we are actually considering a symbolic representation of TWO deaths or killings simultaneously, with the latter one consisting of the LITERAL death or priestly sacrifice designed to atone for the SPIRITUAL death that preceded it. (Ro 5:17) Among the things we have all been heavily and relentlessly programmed by the "disgusting thing that causes desolation" to overlook however is that these priestly sacrifices are something that always HAVE and always WILL be associated with a renewed holy marriage covenant, or what is also referred to as a "KINGDOM covenant." (Lu 22:28, 29) Are we currently anticipating another foretold "coming of the kingdom"? Well whether we realize it or not this means we are anticipating yet another sacrificial death of a genuine prophet of Jehovah to "INAUGURATE" this renewed covenant, or otherwise actually make it valid or official! This is precisely what ones like the Apostle Paul and the Apostle John are endeavoring to make clear to us in accounts like Hebrews and Revelation. (He 9:16-18, 26-28) (Re 11:3, 7, 11, 12) But the question at this point is—are we DISCERNING how these points are being illustrated or even CONFIRMED for us also here in these verses of 1st Kings Chapter 13?

    It should be rather apparent to us first of all that genuine REPENTANCE is among the things being pictured for us in this illustration. After an "apostasy" or a BROKEN holy covenant has resulted in the "REMOVAL" of the priestly sacrifice or even "CONTINUAL sacrifice" being represented here by this "dead prophet," what is it again that the figurative "spies" or "inspectors" Jehovah subsequently sends are most interested in finding among the spiritual "widows" of this broken marriage covenant? (Da 11:30-32) (Jos 2:1) (Lu 19:44)

    The prophets or "two witnesses" that Jehovah appoints in these periods are of course primarily interested in identifying ones who begin to demonstrate humble "repentance." (Mt 3:1, 2 4:17) You see while the sacrificial death of the "man of the true God from Judah" is the primary thing that points to a renewed and inaugurated COVENANT here, the repentance of the "OLD prophet" on the other hand is pointing to HIM as a representation of what this covenant was renewed WITH. However this is only the first indicator of this fact to be found here.

    We realize of course that a renewed and inaugurated holy covenant RESTORES the Christ or "continual sacrifice" to Jehovah's earthly "sanctuary." This amounts to reinstalling a GENUINE theocratic shepherding fold in the "temple" spoken of in accounts like 2 Corinthians 3:16, 17, or otherwise a direct reversal of what is subsequently covered in Chapter 6 and verse 15. (1 Cor 6:15) Basically the entire PURPOSE of this restored theocratic shepherd is to RECOVER the flock that a previous "apostasy" on its part had ultimately led AWAY from Jehovah. Particularly since the unburdened ass in this case is being used to SYMBOLIZE this flock, it should come as no surprise that we now find ourselves considering a prophetic picture of it being REUNITED with this "continual sacrifice" that the dead prophet is symbolizing here. (1 Ki 13:29) (Da 11:31) But which character is it exactly that is represented here as mending this "broken staff" (as it were) that always unites the Judean entity with the Samaritan one? (Zec 11:14) (Joh 10:16)

    Obviously it was the actions of BOTH prophets that accomplished this. Nevertheless the "OLD" and now REPENTANT prophet is pictured as performing this re-coupling, which serves as yet ANOTHER confirmation that he in this case is being used to symbolize the anointed "virgins" in these prophetic time frames who are ultimately recognized by Jehovah as "discreet." (Mt 25:1, 2) Just as was demonstrated for us also in the early part of the first century, the "few" disciples that Jesus was able to renew the broken covenant with were by consequence soon endowed with all the theocratic power and authority needed to perform EXACTLY what is being pictured here with this "old prophet from Bethel." (Mt 22:14)

    Yes THEY THEMSELVES now qualify as genuine spirit anointed and even APPOINTED theocratic shepherds. This by extension means they are FELLOW stones of Jehovah's spiritual temple ALONG WITH this deceased prophet, (more specifically what he represents) or otherwise now among the "MANY members of the body of the Christ." (1 Cor 12:12) As such, they are in line for the VERY SAME kind of death or priestly sacrifice and subsequent heavenly resurrection that is being pictured by the deceased prophet in this case. It is in fact what the Apostle Paul spoke of as …"becoming UNITED WITH him in the likeness of his death"…and the …"likeness of his resurrection" that is being represented for us here in verses 30 and 31. (1 Ki 13:30, 31) However what we subsequently read in verse 32 is actually ANOTHER confirmation of ALL these points. How is this?

    Verse 32 is actually pointing to a very key distinction between the PUBLIC ministries spoken of in accounts like Matthew 28:18-20 and the very brief ones that always precede it which by contrast is directed entirely toward the anointed ones. (Mt 10:5, 6 25:40) We might notice that what this "old prophet" is pictured as responding to in a repentant and obedient fashion is explicitly identified as a ministry or even a prophesying associated with things that "WILL take place." (1 Ki 13:32) You see the ministry to "Christ's domestics" or "brothers" is basically all about a "kingdom that has DRAWN NEAR." (Mt 4:17) When it comes to any legitimate or divinely ordained PUBLIC ministry on the other hand, this does not even BEGIN until Jehovah's nation actually once again EXISTS on the earth! Just as was demonstrated for us also in the first century, a public ministry did not begin until a renewed and inaugurated kingdom covenant once again created theocratic shepherds who were in a POSITION to perform this ministry. (Lu 22:28, 29) (He 9:16-18)

    Rest assured that when mankind is dealing with genuine APOSTLES on the earth, we are considering a public ministry that is VASTLY different from ANY we are currently experiencing! What is more, the "incorruptible and immortal" ministers that will very soon be conducting the FINAL foretold public ministry will make even the one that occurred in the first century pale by comparison. (1 Cor 15:51-53) You see GENUINE theocratic shepherds …"SHINE like the brightness of the expanse, like the STARS to time indefinite"…; and this is among the reasons they have no trouble at all with …"bringing the MANY to righteousness"…. This would be the "MANY" as opposed to the "few" or even "little flock" that is gathered by the very humiliated prophets who immediately precede these rather majestic holy shepherds. (Da 12:3) Compare (Mt 3:4 22:14) (Lu 12:32)

    33 After this thing Jeroboam did not turn back from his bad way, but he again went making priests of high places from the people in general. As for anyone delighting in it he would fill his hand with power, [saying]: "And let him become one of the priests of high places." 34 And in this thing there came to be a cause of sin on the part of the household of Jeroboam and an occasion for effacing them and annihilating them from off the surface of the ground." (1 Ki 13:33, 34)

    Do these final verses of our discussion perhaps remind us of ones such as found at Ezekiel Chapter 16 where no sooner do we finish considering a symbolic picture of a spiritual cleansing and rebirth of Jehovah's nation we find it represented as falling yet again into spiritual prostitution and idolatry? (Eze 16:15-19) This is because BOTH of these accounts are among MANY that are specifically depicting the "seven births of the barren woman" that were foretold to occur during the period of time identified as the "appointed times of the nations." (Jer 15:9) (Lu 21:24)

    What we want to appreciate here is that as long as the spirit anointed shepherding fold that these renewed and inaugurated kingdom covenants give birth to would be comprised of sinful and imperfect humans, these relatively modest manifestations of theocratic authority and power on the earth would remain vulnerable to the attacks of Satan. Fortunately however they would remain long enough for Jehovah to gather or "harvest" enough of these figurative stones of his spiritual temple to present mankind with NOTHING BUT the "incorruptible and immortal" shepherds foretold for the Millennial Reign or FINAL "coming of the kingdom." (Re 20:6)

    This final foretold birth of Jehovah's nation would of course be manifested immediately AFTER these initial "SEVEN" spoken of in accounts like Revelation 17:10, and as we can discern from this same account its emergence would coincide with a complete destruction of a kind of "EIGHTH king" that we read about in verse 11. (Re 17:11) Up UNTIL this time however, obviously in at least some sense it would be as if the initial SEVEN spiritual baptisms of Jehovah's nation never succeeded AT ALL in removing the figurative "leprosy" that was pictured on the idolatrous "King Jeroboam" here, or even "King Uzziah" in a very similar drama? (2 Ch 26:18-20) (1 Ki 13:4) With this information in mind, wouldn't the prophetic drama found in 2 Kings Chapter five of the leprous Naaman begin to appear as even a PERFECT way of illustrating this phenomenon? (2 Ki 5:1, 10, 14) We can see here that it was only AFTER Naaman had completed all seven of his assigned "plunges into the Jordan River" that his leprosy was actually removed from him.

    Well my sincere hope is that at least one or more people here have appreciated this coverage of 1st Kings Chapter 13 and have begun to recognize it as far more than merely another story in the Bible that mystifies and confuses them. In reality it is simply yet another example of the seemingly COUNTLESS treasure troves of spiritual food that are just waiting to be uncovered by Jehovah in behalf of the ones he (as Jesus said) would "GRANT this understanding" to. (Mt 13:10, 11) Regardless, I am looking forward to engaging in further scriptural discussions with my dear brothers and sisters here.

    Agape love;

  19. 62

    PaulAche Guest

    May 15, 2021
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    Hi GOOH(just easier to type). Thank you for your reply, and I do apologize for the delay in the response back. I have read your reply, and your 'most basic logic', if you want to call it that, for there is nothing 'basic' about what you write. To be honest, I question if you are merely typing things at such length to merely cause people to waste their time in reading it. A gaslighting of sorts with the intent of nothing other than taking up a persons attention. I'm just being honest with you as that's what I am beginning to see with the repeated extended posts.

    You claim through prayerful consideration you have taken this opportunity to share this biblical wisdom, which means you feel it is an accurate representation of what Jehovah has hidden within these prophetic stories. What this means is that if there are any holes in your perspectives that can be shown to counter what the Bible teaches, or not harmonize with it, then even through prayerful consideration, your perspective is wrong, and perhaps MORE prayerful consideration should be made. I would encourage that prayer to please include for Jehovah to help you in making your explanation more clear to others, as it is now on the verge of clang, clang when I read it.

    I have quoted part of your post here to show that your perspective does indeed have FLAWS, and since this part is a conclusion of other parts you took 15 long paragraphs to build up to, your FRAMEWORK must be also flawed, for if the conclusion has an error then most certainly the EVIDENCE to support it does also.

    Johns depiction of the seven headed beast relating to seven kings at Rev 17:10 shows the flaw, in your conclusion, of the seven kings, and who they represent.

    “. . .And there are seven kings: five have fallen, one is[Rome], the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while.” Re 17:10​

    At the time John wrote this, Rome obviously was the ascended power. Rome was the one in 'one is'. Because five had already fallen, as the verse states, Rome is the 6th, leaving one more of the seven to come to power. Even if your perspective was true of the first five, which it isn't, your 6th king in line is Great Britain. Was Great Britain even a country in the 1st century GOOH, when John wrote this? Of course not, the Kingdom of Great Britain was not even created until 1707.

    Not to mention, your list of seven kings has Rome as the 4th and 5th head, yet according to John the first five had already fallen. I'm sure you can see the easy to discern contradiction when comparing your perspective with what the Bible verses state.

    To claim your perspective is 'from a genuinely scriptural standpoint' cannot be taken literally when your conclusion of the seven kings cannot even be reconciled with the scriptures.

    I would honestly like to see the 'other' websites you are referring to here. Failure to provide them really draws into question your credibility at this point. I'm not trying to attack you, but rather looking for evidence from you to prove you right. I need your help in doing so, and providing the websites you already mentioned several posts ago would be insightful for me.

    There is no cohesion when your conclusion has a glaring error. That is not sound reasoning but manmade interpretation. I imagine you will have a difficult time finding anybody to acknowledge your perspective.

    GOOH, are you JoshuaStone? Please provide evidence of the 'other' websites you have contributed to or a blog you have, no doubt a person as wordy as yourself must have a repository of articles and posts other than this website to reference to. Please don't take my critical examination of this one conclusion as an attack, but simply a step to be taken for truth to come to light. If you are sincere then take that into consideration on your reply.
  20. 4,500

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    You have got to be kidding me... You obviously have not read anything I have written.

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