Family From Osmington, Western Australia, Australia

Discussion in 'In The News' started by wallflower, May 17, 2018.

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    wallflower Moderator

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    Australia (the Big Island)
    On Friday 11 May, 2018, there was a murder-suicide tragedy in the Western Australian town of Osmington.

    There are seven people who are deceased. Grandparents are Peter and Cynda Miles. Katrina is the daughter - she has four children - Taye, Ryland, Ayre and Kayden.

    The four children had autism.

    Katrina is estranged from her husband Aaron Cockman, who has publicly identified himself as being one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    It appears that the grandfather Peter Miles, has shot his daughter and grandchildren first and then shot his wife Cynda. He placed a call to emergency services 000. After making the call, he shot himself.

    Being a farmer, Peter was permitted to own a firearm, under Australian gun legislation.

    Osmington is a small farming town - there are 135 residents. It is the sort of community where everyone knows everyone else and are supportive of each other.

    Peter and Cynda Miles were well known in the community of Osmington. They were known for being socially minded, interested in the community, interested in caring for the environment and promoting sustainable living and recycling measures.

    Police are still investigating the family's background. Peter and Cynda lost a son to suicide about 10 years ago. He has another son who is currently dealing with kidney illness.

    The grandmother Cynda had made a comment just a few days before that "there were difficulties in the family."

    Katrina and her four children came to live on the farm after the marriage broke down. In 2014, she wrote and posted a poem about domestic violence on her facebook account.

    I've been following this for a few days now. Very tragic and I feel for all of the members of the family. My own thoughts on the matter are, that I feel that perhaps the grandfather was struggling with the loss of the previous son and the next son had taken ill. He was also looking for work and had advertised on gumtree that he was available to work. So perhaps financial difficulties are another factor.

    My heart goes out to the family and their friends and the first responders who arrived at the farm.
    Joshuastone7 likes this.

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