Emperor Penguin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_penguin "As a defence against the cold, a colony of emperor penguins forms a compact huddle (also known as the turtle formation) ranging in size from ten to several hundred birds, with each bird leaning forward on a neighbour. As the wind chill is the least severe in the center of the colony, all the juveniles are usually huddled there. Those on the outside upwind tend to shuffle slowly around the edge of the formation and add themselves to its leeward edge, producing a slow churning action, and giving each bird a turn on the inside and on the outside."
Curl my hair! I don't think I've ever seen a koala move at this speed. Did he overdose on some eucalyptus leaves? Or maybe he just REALLY wanted a cuddle! http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/2015/08/17/video-shows-koala-chasing-woman-quad-bike
Puss was sleeping in the sun when 2 magpie birds slowly approached. They came within a few inches of the cat. I wasn't game to call out and shoo them away in case I woke up the cat. Then Puss rolled over and stretched paws up in the air - still didn't wake up. The magpie birds leaned in closer. I started walking over to Puss but didn't call out. The magpie birds saw me coming and flew away. Close call!
Hey Wallflower, when I walk my dog around the oval..the magpies keep attacking me....swooping down and just ever so slightly grabbing my hair....now I make a wide detour around the trees I know they inhabit....I always make sure I wear my sunnies as I'm scared they will peck an eye out.....I love it when they do it to my dog because he enjoys it.....but it's a different story when they do it to me!!!, It's coming up spring shortly...perhaps it's their attacking season?
Hi Thinking Yes, you've got to protect your eyes - I've been swooped on a few times, too. I've heard different ideas about how to stop the magpie attacking. Many years ago, I used to help one of my siblings with their paper route - I carried bread with me to feed the magpies. This seemed to work - I suppose they think that if you feed them, then you are not a threat.
Sometimes I see cyclists wear cable ties on their helmets to ward off a magpie attack. The power of adrenaline - mum picked up speed pretty fast! At 1.29 the son says that the bird got him, too. (I am amazed at the power that adrenaline gives. I once jumped a fence while chasing my cat - it had chased a dog out of the yard and pursued it down the street. If you asked me to jump the same fence today, I wouldn't be able to do it.)
"Dog wants two treats" https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c7/f1/ac/c7f1ac0ebacf13a9c116f588aeac4356.jpg
At 1.26, a cat slides off a snow-covered roof, along with a pile of snow and lands safely on the ground. It gets up and walks away as if nothing happened and waves its tail in the dog's face. Typical!
Collection of cat gifs http://www.jimmyfungus.com/2012/05/cat-gifs-best-funniest-cutest-craziest.html
The last dog looked like he was trying to cover his ears so he couldn't hear the alarm. I know how these dogs feel.
Ever have days like this? http://www.justcatsanddogs.com/cats...an-cat-the-glamour-cat-of-cats-aka-grumpy-cat