Cat Eyes (At home, whenever I see this happen, I feel as if I'm walking in the Twilight Zone.)
I follow an Instagram account about a family in Australia who was adopted by a Magpie they named Penguin. It's a beautiful story in photographs and they just published it as a book! It's on my shopping list.... Some of the photographs are on their website: But you can see them on Instagram, too!
Isn't it??? I'm glad you enjoyed it. It makes me think of how wonderful paradise will be when we have that harmony. At our memorial last night the CO giving our talk touched on the blessings we'll have when we're at peace with the animals, and he said he wants to wrestle a bear. Everyone laughed when he described how he wants to "hit him upside the head and then wrestle." Lol of course he meant a playful wrestling match. It was quite the vision to imagine.