Lost count of the number of times I have seen this cat pose. http://funigy.com/5442/any-minute-now-the-caffeine-will-kick-in-any-minute
I've been looking after animals for a long time. I wondered how I had never heard of a "fever coat" before now. Apparently, a kitten can have a "fever coat" if the mother cat has been ill, had an infection or taken medication during the pregnancy. http://messybeast.com/indefinable-colours-kittens.htm
Barn cat acts as a midwife to a pregnant goat http://www.lovemeow.com/barn-cat-su...s-as-midwife-to-pregnant-goat-2186210831.html
"If the earth were flat, cats would have pushed everything off it by now." https://goo.gl/images/HxZU3Z
OK Sis, I just learned a (new word for me); from that Great Big Island “Down Under”. Crikey!!, where is Thinking? Did she fall off?
Hi Tsaphah Yes we hear the "Crikey!" word a lot here in "Down Under." I haven't contacted Thinking in a little while but we've chatted in the past. I'm a bit slack with staying in touch, so I'll have to catch up on that.
Interview - Steve Irwin and Rove McManus This still makes me smile - I'll see if I can find the video clip where Steve is chased by a Komoda dragon