Yes panda, I often think we are so far away we just don't seem to get to hear of what is going on overseas. unless we use the Internet's very frustrating actually.....are there really so few of us in Australia.?
I think it would be the same everywhere no mater what country, I somehow get the impression they have been told to mention the FDS in prayers as this has become prominent, especially if it is an Elder or MS giving the prayer, just a thought, noticed this the last couple of years.
Dear sis Thinking, I'm doing well, thanks ! The worst is now behind me. Jehovah has been a helping and considerate father to me and some of my prayers have already been answered. The others will follow suit in due time, no matter how long it takes, and time helps us to lick our wounds. The economic situation is hard but here, we have social provisions that smooth inegalities (we pay tons of taxes to that end so why not take advantage of those provisions when we're rightfully entitled to?) and then fortunately enable us to wait it out somehow. We're not the European's worst case. I've been told by relatives who live in Spain that things are terrible over there. There aren't social provisions overthere like here which means that they took the economic crisis smack into their faces with very dramatic results for many of them. Well, the situation is more complex than that but in a nutshell, that's the way things are. I was just using Joel's quotation as an example of Jehovah's dealings with his renegade people. There are plenty other similar examples in the Bible. Once his people is chastised, Jehovah will heal, reestablish and appoint those who will have passed the test successfully for great, meaningful and powerful works. I wanted to stress on the fact that the GB won't be the only one to deserve punishment and deep reform. Even if some of the anointed ones will suffer from a situation for which they aren't to blame, it's gonna be an absolute infamy, an utter ignominy for them all, or better said, for them as a whole. In that, you're right, it'll be challenging, against all logical and perhaps "ethical" criterias to trust Christ's brothers again after their disgraceful fall. Regarding unfair outcomes, we have the example of Daniel and his three companions in misery who had to suffer from a situation of which they weren't the cause. Everytime Israel was hit because of its sins, the blow was tremendous and complete. How could it be any different during the time of the end, when the ultimate and final fulfillments of the past prophecies are taking place ? That's a statement of the obvious but a prophetical pattern shows how things are going to take place otherwise, that's not a pattern ! Regarding the reasons for which such a situation will take place, that also implies that with the exception of some faithful and outstanding ones, you shouldn't expect much from the anointed ones on spiritual grounds. Paul's letters already show that those who lived back in his days weren't all spiritual rocket scientists despite their heavenly calling and the impressive presence of the apostles among them. If Jehovah foretold : "And I shall certainly make boys their princes, and mere arbitrary power will rule over them"- (Is3:4), it's really gonna be quite something to experience and witness ! That's why true faith is all-important because if people assess situations at face value or according to skewed spiritual criterias, their spiritual world is going to collapse with the dramatic consequences that we all can imagine. Twice in history, there happened to be an established political and/or religious system standing up to a world power, and so to the point that annihilation was contemplated and carried out. Regarding the belief system, I was affirming that many JWs don't believe anymore in the reality of the anointed ones' gifts and in their difference with what we usually call the Great Crowd. No, I hadn't the GB alone in mind but yes, many JWs don't believe and/or trust in the anointed ones' gifts and spiritual abilities anymore in general and in the GB's in particular. That tendency is even more conspicuous on Internet where people can freely speak their minds and/or publish personal interpretations devoid of mentions of the anointed ones. Unfortunately, the future developments broached above in that regard will more than likely validate their doubts and may lead them to embrace alternative teachings that rule out important features of God's kingdom. As for the way the b/s behave in the congregations when in presence of anointed ones, I have no idea. Before signing in on Robert's forum five years ago and having slow but increasing contacts with my brothers in Christ, I had never ever in my whole life met in person, caught sight of or had a discussion with one of them. I had no idea what my Christ's b/s look like, excepted in photos in the publications. I don't know where they are, but they aren't in my neck of the wood and neither in other regions I've been here in France either on holidays or for professional reasons. I only heard through the grapevine about one of them who lives at about 500 km from where I live but I only know one tiny detail about said beloved b/s in Christ, nothing more. The only ones I could have contacts with are through Internet, some of them having ended up as intimate (and also missed) acquaintances. On personal grounds, I don't like when people are put on high, obeyed and never questioned because they claim to be anointed. I even hate that ! In my opinion, you don't have to claim to be anointed. People should guess it through your words and deeds, through the fruits that you bear. Many of the individuals who shout from the rooftops on Internet their heavenly call usually end up as mere shooting stars and vanish into oblivion within a few months/years. I never judged anyone's calling and never will. Unfortunately, some full-fledged anointed individuals think that they should as a result of their calling be renowned supermen/superwomen (like the GB and JW fleshly collective unconscious demands them to be) and they then lose heart and throw in the towel because they don't meet the generally accepted criterias.... PPffuu, as if the Holy Spirit was buttoned-down, psychorigid and predictable... That's so sad ! Wonderful and loving individuals with beautiful qualities and unique gifts are left in the lurch because of stupid and fleshly rules... what a change it would be in the congregations wherein so many elders who don't know the difference between their right hand and their left merely parrot and blindly apply the GB's rules !
Please read again : "And the nations will have to know that it was because of their error that they, the house of Israel, went into exile, on account of the fact that they behaved unfaithfully toward me, so that I concealed my face from them and gave them into the hand of their adversaries, and they kept falling, all of them, by the sword. According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions I did with them, and I kept concealing my face from them.’" - Ez39:23-24 Yes, interesting indeed ! However, they also infer untold sufferings and dramas...
"And it kept getting greater all the way to the army of the heavens, so that it caused some of the army and some of the stars to fall to the earth, and it went trampling them down. And all the way to the Prince of the army it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] was taken away, and the established place of his sanctuary was thrown down. And an army itself was gradually given over, together with the constant [feature], because of transgression; and it kept throwing truth to the earth, and it acted and had success. ' Dan 8:10-12
Hello thinking, I couldn't tell you if she was brought up in the truth, by what she wrote I would say she was. Like you I am also glad that I was in the world before coming into the organisation, as it gives you a wider perception and understanding of people in general. I think the harder and tougher the life you had before knowing the truth, the more empathy you have toward others and the less judgemental you tend to be, well that's what I have noticed I may be wrong. That's why it hurts so deeply when you come into the truth out of the world, expecting to find this love that the bible teaches, and instead it's like being apart of some elite working mens club, your loved according to the rules and whether your keeping up appearances. It's a very different world, where you don't know if people are friendly because they are told to be, or whether it is genuine love. If actions speak louder than words then I have my answer which shows me that the pharisees mentally has become so ingrained in many. How sad it is to see this, when everything that Jesus taught was about love, even loving your enemy let alone your brother and sisters. It has come to the point that I no longer expect to be shown friendship let alone love, I do what I do for Jehovah and his son. I have been in my congregation on and off due to stumbling and illness for over 30 years, and I have ONE sister who emails me each week, apart from that I get a smile, quick how are you and see you next week. There was a time when even the elders would pay you a visit if you were missing, even this doesn't happen any more. Even though I spend most of my time preaching on-line, there's a part of me which feels sorry for those who may accept the truth, because I know despite knowing the truth, they will have a lonely journey ahead of them, and prepare them that to follow Jesus you have to be prepared to carry a heavy load, and that your biggest test will come from within Gods own house. What better incentive thinking could you have that to welcome back your dear son, mine is to see my father again. I guess in all reality we have every reason for rejoicing, as these things we endure will only make us stronger and confirm we are getting closer to that awe inspiring day of Jehovah. Sisterly Love Shikinah xx
That's how it is in my congregation. I've been in for over 30 years. People talk to my wardrobe ("That's a nice dress") and then smile and continue on their way to talk to someone who is in their clique. I don't count that as a real conversation - they spoke to my dress, they did not speak to the person wearing the dress. I will have to train my dress to respond back, except I don't know how to go about that. Wallflower
wear a pant suit that may help! lol No I know what you mean, its like that in most KH, its very cliquey and like a cat walk, but as Shikinah said we go for Jehovah and his Son, and it is very very hard to have any real friends in the KH, can be very lonely, especially for those of us that no the TATT. I find the older ones much easier to talk to and tend to just go over to those that look lost to, and there are always outsiders in the KH, purhaps we can help those.
A question JS, who's are the stars that FALL to the earth?.and what trampled them down...? And how we're they trampled down.? Sis thinking trying to think
Thank you Wallflower at least I'm not alone, you can start to take these things on a personal level. I know what you mean about talking to the clothes, that's really the only time they make conversation. I remember after my operation and couldn't wear proper shoes I wore long dresses which were quite pretty, and that was the time I got the most attention lol. You could easily get caught up in this sort of mentality, one trying to out do the other, but that's not what we go for would much more prefer to be invited round for a coffee. I inited one sister around for a bbq we were having, she seemed bubbly and out going, she took my number and said she'd be there, bought some nice wine for her and she didn't even turn up or text to say she wasn't coming. I'm blessed that I have a large family, because without them it would be much harder to be in the organisation. Maybe I should turn up in those long robes which are all thread bare, like bible times that would keep them talking for quite some time
As panda also states,this lack of love just signifies we are at the end..Lao I guess we should be happy and releived as its a symptom that has to happen before the end. Now about that pant suit.....we had a loverly brother and sister that came back after twenty years of inactivity. she always wore good dress course there were murmers in the cong but no one went near her as she had her hubby by her side. sadly he died and within two months of his death I was told how ascertain elders wife was discussing the pants issue with her...and yep with in 2 months of burying her hubby she was invited around the elders place and counceld on wearing pants....... much to her credit and I admire her she followd thru.....but now she misses lots of about straining the watch out wallflower!!!lol
so many things to think about and cover , but the expressions intent is that we apply the knowledge of these things in our own selves and our interactions with those who have reached out for the hand up that Jesus taught ...The sorry thing is that these are the same complaints that mostly drove us from the "other churches" . It was not so much the doctrine , but the behavior , but in turn some of that doctrine is what directs that behavior ..And since with my own contacts with child sexual abuse among other things is the knowledge that "the other churches (sects)" are not free of them either , one sister had told me she and her older sister were violated and also photo'ed for child pornagraphy , their father was a deacon in the church they attended , but when the older sibling found out about the younger one she went to the police , not the church , many of the sectarian churches don't have the hold of law over their constituents , they have effectively left the teaching to the "church" but the matter of crime to the government . But I digress this was interesting reading if one wants to consider that the sins of the sold called GB do come under the same "complaints" as the history of Israel and every "sect" that been birthed from her ..another sample to whom will you go for the sayings of eternal life ...
The lack of love seems to be pervasive in many of the congregations world wide i can relate to so many of the observations made on this thread I too have had the same conversations with sisters - it's all about the clothes oh and hair It's amazing how much attention one can get by wearing a nice trendy coat i have invited a number of people over for a meal or coffee and didn't get many acceptances I think it helps if you are married! what really puzzles me is. You leave the world - your friends, social life, and often your family to come into the "truth" and no one wants to hang out with you!
It used to be more friendly once billy, I don't know how long you have been in. but you are so right, .....guess you will just have to hang out with us now