Mark Of The Beast?

Discussion in 'In The News' started by Tsaphah, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. 2,764

    Tsaphah Experienced Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    New article in the New York Times. Hopefully you will be able to read the entire article.

    The first sentence says, “At first blush, it sounds like the talk of a conspiracy theorist:. . .” Actually, it sounds like Rev 13:17. :eek:

    The last sentence says, “They see this as the future.” This one sounds like Rev 14:9-11.

    Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes
  2. 2,764

    Tsaphah Experienced Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast (Official Video)

  3. 725

    Jan Active Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Yes, I think this is the mark of the beast. It has not yet been pushed on people. But as we can see in Revelation it will be pushed on people during the last 42 months. First, the death stroke to one of the beasts heads must occure. I am waiting for it impatiently.
  4. 4,500

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    The mark of the beast in Rev 13 is the mark of Solomon. Buying and selling is spiritual. (Rev 3:18)

    The trumpets refine the faithful, and the bowls fall on the weeds. Revelation is the parable of the virgins, and the mark comes upon the unwise virgins.

    The 666 mark of Solomon means falling away from true worship.

    1Kin 10:14 "And the weight of the gold that came to Solʹo·mon in one year amounted to 666 talents of gold,"
  5. 2,764

    Tsaphah Experienced Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    I put this together about 4 years ago and never bothered to post it. I happened to find it while looking for another file.

    Some very interesting thoughts here. I wondered about this several years ago when the new technology came about, along with GPS tracking, etc. I went back to the original Greek scripture to gain a better understanding. I did write some of this. Some, I basically put together. Here is what I found.

    The Greek word used and translated as “causeth all” KJV, “causes all” NASB, “shall make all” Douay-Rheims, “forced everyone” NIV, and “under compulsion all persons” NWT is poieo (G4160) pronounced poy-eh-oh. It is truly amazing how many ways this one word is translated into English. Just two examples of this are the KJV=14 different English words, NASB=93 different English words are used.

    What does poieo mean? According to Strong’s transliteration, depending on the context in which it is used, it is listed as;
    1. to make
    a. with the names of things made, to produce, construct, form, fashion, etc.
    b. to be the authors of, the cause
    c. to make ready, to prepare
    d. to produce, bear, shoot forth
    e. to make a thing out of something
    (I won’t list them all) make one do something

    You may wonder why this one little word can be translated so many different ways. Here are some reasons why. In the English language we use a term, synonym, or synonymous. It comes from the Greek word “synonymon” which is from syn=“together, same” + onyma =“name”. It means “a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as joyful, elated, glad.” But this alone can cause some misunderstanding. As Mark Twain said, “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”

    Let’s take a look at the NWT use of “under compulsion”. What is the real meaning of that as compared to “causes all”? Here is an explanation of compulsion according to the The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language.

    1a. The act of compelling.
    b. The state of being compelled.
    c. An irresistible impulse to act, regardless of the rationality of the motivation: “The compulsion to protect the powerful from the discomfort of public disclosure feeds further abuse and neglect” (Boston Globe).
    d. An act or acts performed in response to such an impulse.

    This leads us to another word, “compel” which is from Latin compellere “to drive together,” from com- “together” + pellere “to drive.” Some synonyms are: coerce, constrain, obligate, pressure, enforce.

    OK, where are we going with this? What really is Rev 13:16 really saying? The compulsion is not forced in the sense that we have no control over our decisions. We still have the free will that Jehovah gave us. We can choose whether we will obey or not. In the words of a song called, “Freewill” by Rush, it says,

    “You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice
    If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”

    We will always have the freedom of choice. The only thing driving our choice is the consequences of that choice.

    What Rev 13:16 is saying is that those who chose “not to in any way worship the image of the wild beast”, “the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those,” (Rev 13:15) Anyone who is fearful and doesn’t want to be killed, willingly or unwillingly accepts the mark. (Mt 10:28-31) Why would anyone fear death unless they have no hope and do not believe. (Lk 12:4-12)

    The dragon, the beast, and the false prophet don’t need to implant an RFID devise in you. All they need to do is continually tell you that it is good for you to be a part of their system. They only have to convince you that they can help you keep the life style you have become accustomed to. Control of the mind and heart are all that is necessary. The heart and mind are represented in the bible as the seat of desires. The right hand has always represented a position of power or the power of the body. Hard work and a shaking of the right hand represents the conclusion of a contract.

    Here is some information that I found about the forehead and the mark.

    FOREHEAD, (Heb. may’tsakh, to shine).
    The practice of veiling the face in public for women of the higher class especially married women-in the East, sufficiently stigmatizes with reproach the unveiled face of women of bad character (Gen. 24:65; Jer. 3:3). Reference is made to this when Israel is called “impudent;” that is, “hard of forehead” (Ezek. 3:7-9).

    Marks upon the forehead, for the purpose of distinguishing the holy from the profane, are mentioned in Ezek. 9:4, and again in Rev. 7:3.

    The classical idolaters used to consecrate themselves to particular deities on the same principle. The marks (tattoo) used on these occasions were various. Sometimes they contained the name of the god; sometimes his particular ensign, as the thunderbolt of Jupiter, the trident of Neptune, the ivy of Bacchus, etc.; or else they marked themselves with some mystical number whereby the god was described.

    If this analogy be admitted the mark on the forehead may be taken to be derived from the analogous custom among the heathen of bearing on their forehead the mark of the gods whose votaries they were. Some, however, would rather understand the allusion to refer to the custom of marking cattle, and even slaves, with the sign of ownership.

    Figurative. (1) The saints having a mark or seal in their foreheads denotes their having full direction and protection amid terrible calamities (Ezek. 9:4; Rev. 7:3).

    (2) The saints having God’s name in their foreheads denotes their open and bold profession of his truth, obedience to his law and conformity to his image (Rev. 14:1 and 22:4).

    (3) The forehead of an abandoned woman and a stiff forehead imports their shameless obstinacy in idolatry and other wickedness (Jer. 3:3; Ezek 3:8).

    (4) God’s setting a jewel on their forehead signifies his giving them public and great honor and wealth, and openly placing his tabernacle, temple and ordinances among them (Ezek. 16:12).

    Men’s having the mark of the beast in their forehead denotes their open profession of the heresies and their bold attachment to superstition and idolatry (Rev. 23:16 and 20:4).
    The Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopaedia Vol. 1. Pg. 670

    FOREHEAD. As a very prominent and readily seen feature of an individual, the forehead was, in ancient times, a place for marking slaves so that all could see to what master they belonged. Also, the devotees of certain pagan gods were thus marked. Even today some follow the practice of putting religious marks on the forehead, so that all others can be aware of their devotion to their religious beliefs. (Ashes on forehead for Lent, Ash Wednesday), (Hindu devotees apply vibhuti traditionally as three horizontal lines across the forehead and other parts of the body to honor Shiva.)

    Bearing a mark in the “forehead” is similarly used in a figurative way in the Bible to signify that one is a slave to the true God or to another. At Revelation 7:2-4, reference is made to angelic sealing of 144,000 persons in their foreheads. The Bible indicates that such seal is a symbol of God’s holy spirit and that the sealing began at Pentecost, 33 C.E., with the last remaining ones being sealed in the “time of the end.” (Eph. 1:13, 14; 4:30) These, by their following Christ Jesus and their activity in preaching and supporting his kingdom, display the seal of the outpoured spirit and thus are clearly identifiable as slaves of Jehovah God. (Rev. 20:4) In another part of the vision of Revelation, the 144,000 are represented as having the name of the Lamb Jesus Christ and the name of his Father written on their foreheads. As the Bride of the Lamb, they would properly take his name. (Rev. 14:1; 22:3, 4) Since the Hebrew language is twice mentioned in the book of Revelation (9:11; 16:16) and since the apostle John was a Hebrew, it may have been the sacred Tetragrammaton that was written on the foreheads of the 144,000, identifying them as Jehovah’s servants and witnesses.

    As described at Ezekiel 9:3-6, a class of persons is marked in the forehead for protection from destruction by God’s executional forces, not being marked by angels in this instance, nor with a “seal,” but by a man having a “recorder’s inkhorn.” Pictured as “sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done,” these, when ‘marked,’ show themselves to be slaves and devotees of Jehovah, their actions, practices and personalities evidently giving evidence of this before all, as if written ‘on their foreheads.’

    In branding slaves for the world political “wild beast” (see BEASTS, SYMBOLIC [The seven-headed wild beast out of the sea]) a symbolic mark is put on the foreheads or the right hands of persons, even by compulsion, as depicted at Revelation 13:16, 17. Those receiving such mark identify themselves as against God and are due to receive his anger in undiluted form.-Rev. 14:9-11; see MARK, II.

    In Israel the high priest’s turban had on its front, over the priest’s forehead, a gold plate, “the holy sign of dedication,” upon which was inscribed “with the engravings of a seal” the words “Holiness belongs to Jehovah.” (Ex. 28:36-38; 39:30) As Israel’s chief representative of Jehovah’s worship, it was fitting that the high priest keep his office holy, and this inscription would also serve as a reminder to all Israel of the need of constant holiness in the service of Jehovah. It also served as a suitable picture of the great High Priest, Jesus Christ, and his dedication and holiness to Jehovah.-Heb. 7:26.


    Conversely, the symbolical great harlot has the name “Babylon the Great” on her forehead. Ancient Babylon long represented that which was unholy and in opposition to God.-Rev. 17:1-6; see BABYLON THE GREAT.


    Other figurative uses of the word “forehead” are found at Isaiah 48:4, where Jehovah stated that Israel’s forehead was copper, evidently because so great was her stubbornness and rebelliousness; also at Ezekiel 3:7-9, God told Ezekiel, who prophesied to hardheaded, hardhearted Israelites, that he had made the prophet’s forehead “like a diamond,” in that he had given him the resolution, determination and boldness to deliver God’s message to them.

    When King Uzziah presumptuously and illegally usurped a priest’s duties in attempting to offer incense upon the altar of incense in the temple of Jehovah, his sin and Jehovah’s judgment were plainly and immediately made manifest by leprosy flashing up in his forehead.-2 Chron. 26:16, 19, 20. (Aid to Bible Understanding - WTB&TS, Pg. 569 )

    I hope this will help you in understanding the significance of this portion of the scripture.
  6. 4,500

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Tsaphah, did you have a post that disappeared here as well?
  7. 2,764

    Tsaphah Experienced Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Hi Joshuastone,
    Yes! It appears that several of my posts are missing. I did not remove them. One was an addition to the last message here, and the other was about John's vision and information from Josephus' time period of the destruction of Jerusalem.
  8. 2,764

    Tsaphah Experienced Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Are you being easily mislead? The new technology is being slipped into society with lies about convenience. Ohhh, YOU NEED THIS!!
    I'm not that good at drawing with Adobe, so, here goes nothing.

    Attached Files:

    Utuna likes this.
  9. 16

    SimpleBalanced New Member

    Apr 18, 2018
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    The ultimate goal is to have this chip in everyones right hand, or forehead, and as it says in Revelation nobody will be able to buy or sell anything without the mark of the beast chip.

    Crypto currencies and a cashless society is key,

    This is why bitcoin and litecoin re so important going forward
  10. 4,500

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Here brother, check this out:

    The buying and selling in Revelation are spiritual.

    Gen 3:18 "I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire."

    Our Lord directed us to buy gold refined by fire from him, instead of from the beast, think indulgences.

    What is the refining by fire?

    Zech 13:9 "And I will bring the third part through the fire; And I will refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on my name, And I will answer them.I will say, ‘They are my people,’ And they will say, ‘Jehovah is our God."

    You'll notice this refining of Gods people is by fire, just as the second beast of Rev 13 causes fire to come down from heaven.

    Rev 13:13 "And it performs great signs, even making fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind."

    Now look at this; The mark of the beast is a mans number, it being 666 correct?

    Rev 13:18 "This is where it calls for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number, and its number is 666.."

    This man was Solomon:

    1Kin 10:14 "And the weight of the gold that came to Solʹo·mon in one year amounted to 666 talents of gold,"

    Solomon had become apostate from true worship as he began violating Gods will later in life. He was collecting assets and wives against the strict instruction from our Father. Those 666 talents of Gold represented his apostasy from true worship.

    Now notice at what we are looking for as the first event in the time of the end.

    2Th 2:3 "Let no one lead you astray in any way, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first"

    The prophet Elijah called fire down from heaven to show the hypocrisy of the false prophets in his day.

    1Kin 18:38 "At that the fire of Jehovah fell from above and consumed the burnt offering, the pieces of wood, the stones, and the dust, and it licked up the water from the trench."

    So in fact, the mark of the beast in Rev 13 in that of 666 represents people who profess to be true followers of God, who have taking upon themselves the mark of Solomon, the mark of apostasy that was prophesied to come first, and at some point in the future the beast of Rev 13 will speak blasphemously against Gods people, revealing the mark of the beast on those prophets falsely worshiping God, and bringing true believers through the fire, refining them.

    This is the mark of the beast.

    All love in The Way...

    thinking likes this.
  11. 16

    SimpleBalanced New Member

    Apr 18, 2018
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    Maybe, but Satan still wants his secret societies to implant these chips in al of us so they can follow and control us all.

    Some say they have been implanting them for years in the vaccines they have been pushing on us

    But I can see a time when they are open about it, and we all know we have to have the mark of the beats chip in our right hands then use them as we do debit cards

    If we dont go along with them, they can turn off our chip, or at least withdraw our vitual crypto currency units

    this is the ultimate gola,

    This is why Im buying physical silver bullion now
  12. 2,764

    Tsaphah Experienced Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Here is a post of mine back on August 29, 2017. It is long, with many references. From the introduction, I indicate that it was written in 2013. It is #1 and #4 under Mark Of The Beast? :)
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    thinking Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    That was nicely explained
  14. 2,764

    Tsaphah Experienced Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    They already have one. It's called "cell phone". Plus, the "internet".:eek::rolleyes:

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