Hi All: For what it is worth, I have read that the filmmakers are "new age" Christians, so if you watch it, do so with that knowledge. frank
By Roma Downy and her husband , Frankly the Bible series they did was awful ..I tried several times to watch it but it was so embellished with specifically humanistic viewpoints , I could not stomach it ..this is just the Portion of that series redone ...Frankly the World does a better job . At least the infringements the world does as a general rule are taken from tradition which is trackable . It's difficult for me to say how terrible that series came across as I like pretty much anything that brings consideration of the scriptures and the King . I prefer absolute correctness when it comes to the submission to the mind of Truth albeit those things I know not yet what I believe is centuries old tradition which I am learning to re-evaluate all thought that is relayed to myself and others . two cents and probably not worth that as opinion ...the pretty white boy waspm is probably going to have it's influence on it also ...arrrhhhgggg (white anglo saxon protestant male) which irks me to no end ...
Hi POP: now that you mention it, I was not all that impressed with their handling of the Bible series. Did not realize this was the same two. Yeah, that was worse than Cecil B DeBibles movie. frank
I lost complete interest when I found they were expanding that portion of the series . I probably will in the end watch it , but the power magnitude and glory and authority of his ministry will be seriously watered down . And I dislike his being reduced to the effeminate milk toast person christendoom likes to portray him ...but he has been reduced likewise in the halls of witnesses to the nondescript ending of a prayer , whose glory , honor . grandeur has become non sequitur ...a thing which I truly despise .
I'm glad you told me it stinks I can save my money! the passion of Christ movie was truly sad to see I still remember it. I really despise how they water Jesus down into a milk toast Christ and it bugs me to death how we reduce Jesus to the 3 closing words to a prayer.I have no problem in my prayer asking lord Jesus can you send me some extra holy spirit?? and thank you for doing all you do for me before I say in Jesus name amen you know the bible says let the angels pray to and worship him( king Jesus) so since we are lower than them I don't thing Jehovah minds about when we tell Jesus how much we need him and want to be like him..
I watched it on tv, missed the first episode but watched the rest and found it really good. Then again I haven't anything else to compare it to..I liked the way it showed the persecution of the disciples and thought the crucifixion was very moving..It was enough to make my sister in law and brother go out and get a bible, I have preached to them for years to no avail, but this series really moved them to want to know more..
Sorry , I've had company for the last 10 days . I am happy Shik that those who watched it found it moving . I "personally" have trouble with those twisting the stories to suit their own intents as "servants of truth" when they have seriously fiddled with the course of history God has laid down in the scriptures . To change the "storyline" as written is to tell a lie ..and no lie is of the truth , I expect this from the world , but christendom who like some witnesses seem to have no problem with exaggerating or embellishing what is written and how they speak of others ..perhaps I feel strongly that way as my own family were such liars and lying is a heinous trait to be found in those who profess to serve the "King of Truth" ...But then many in Christendom's churches have no problem with how the truth is twisted to suit themselves , justify their traditions etc , just as many have who associate with witnesses (obviously from the forum here many take issue with what has become traditional teaching now in those halls). It's that filter that catches the lies and rolls them around to examine them and finds them wanting . Purity of speech (which I myself have failed many times) is a thing to be sought after and applied by those who desire to please the Lord and to be allowed into his presence and of a truth is required to even have ones prayers come before him . While I might take issue with great deal of the content of the series , I understand the traditional thought that would allow the Downy's to embellish the historical perspective of the film thinking they do God a service by doing so . As a servant of a master who requires my speech to serve truth in so public a way my own conscience reads what is written , spoken or put into film the same way , and as I have previously stated I rejoice in however the seeds of truth can be planted and from whatever source God has chosen to use be it truth or "fiction" .... If it corrupts the truth as written in the scriptures I will take issue with it ...plain and simple .
I understand what you are saying, I don't think I saw all the series, but as a child I loved the film 10 commandments and the nativity films. Back then I didn't know what truth was, but seeing something played out can leave a lasting affect. And knowing that Jesus suffered as he did visually rather than reading about it had a lasting impression. I think these films may have their own agenda, but if it plants a seed which makes the viewer want to know more then Jehovah can make that seed grow if the soil is fertile.
I will say the Life of Christ portion was more accurately portrayed . I think most are afraid to deviate from the account in the Scriptures regarding the life of Christ and the apostles ..And truly it was the earlier excerpts in the series that I found some more disturbing aspects (Sarah as an emotional basket case regarding the "sacrifice" of Isaac , Samson as a big brawling black man in dreadlocks and some others ) I will try and watch it again I know since they are showing them again in the media as a precursor to the Noah movie , they are running them on Sundays again I noticed ...
I have to say I never saw any of this in the series, but you may have a point as I found this info supporting what you said. Is it impossible to imagine Samson black with dreadlocks? as I watched a documentary showing an original stone carved painting which had been taken from Egypt to Greece, it depicted Hebrew Joseph who became Pharaoh as being black skinned. http://beginningandend.com/5-reasons-to-be-wary-of-the-son-of-god-movie/
Hi Billy lovely to hear from you No I haven't seen it but I heard it's really twisted and it's all about the preservation of mother earth "the new age" version of Noah.
heard the same , even my "church" going cousin came home excessively disappointed in it and commented on the environment oriented theme and the "rock monsters" supposedly being the fallen angels.. Well it was written by an self proclaimed atheist ...so I decided to wait until it hits the regular programming cycle if I have decided to keep it , as I have been seriously considering dumping all media except for what I can get on the computer ...
While doing my research on giants I found this article from the Jewish encyclopaedia, it explains where they got the idea that the Nephilim helped with the building of the ark. Apparently they say the Talmud makes a reference to this connection. Og, King of Bashan.Of all the giants only Og escaped destruction in the Flood. Noah made a place for him near the lattice door of the ark, through which (Pirḳe R. El. xxiii.), because Og had sworn to serve Noah and his descendants for all time, he handed him his food every day. The Talmud (Niddah 61a) sees a reference to this in the word "ha-paliṭ." (Gen. xiv. 13), "the escaped" fugitive being identified with Og (comp. Pseudo-Jonathan to Gen. xiv. 13; Deut. iii. 11; see Eliezer). Arabic writers (Ṭabari, i. 193; and Ibn al-Athir, i. 51) quote this escape of Og as a "Jewish" story ("according as the people of the Torah fancy"). According to Mohammedan tradition, Og was a son of Noah's sister, and survived his uncle 1,500 years, being killed by Moses (see Bemidbar Rabbah to Num. xxi. 34; Tan., Ḥuḳḳat, ed. Buber, 55; Pseudo-Jonathan to Num. xxi. 34). The story of his death runs as follows: When Og saw the camp of the Israelites, six parasangs in area, fearing lest his fate be a repetition of Sihon's he proposed to kill them all at once. He broke off a mountain and lifted itabove his head to throw it upon the Israelites. But God sent a worm which bored a hole into the mountain so that it fell upon Og's neck, his teeth becoming imbedded in it. Moses, taking a mace ten ells long, beat the ankles of Og until he died (comp. "Sefer ha-Yashar," and Ber. 54b, where ants perforate the mountain). The Arabic historians relate similar stories (Ṭabari, i. 50 [Zotenberg transl. i. 391]; Ibn al-Athir, i. 137). Og's height is given by Ḳazwini (i. 449) as 23,330 ells; he lived 3,600 years. The waters of the Flood reached only to about the middle of his body. In Parḥon's "Maḥberet," s.v. , as in Ḳazwini (l.c.), it is a bird, , that splits the mountain. Ishbi-benob (II Sam. xxi. 16) is another giant-hero of a Talmudical legend. Into his hand God delivered David on account of the destruction of the priest-city Nob and other misdeeds, Satan masquerading as a deer leading David in pursuit to the land of the Philistines, that Ishbi-benob, the brother of Goliath, might discover him and do him harm. The giant bound David and laid him on the ground under an olive-tree and an oil-press. But by a miracle the earth softened under him and thus saved him from being crushed. All this happened on Sabbath eve. Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, when making his toilet detected blood in the vessel (according to others, it was a dove in distress that he beheld), which circumstance apprised him of David's danger. Looking for the king in his house and then in the bet ha-midrash, and not finding him, he inquired whether it was lawful to mount a royal horse (on Sabbath) when the king was in peril of his life. Receiving permission, he mounted the steed and was carried to the place with miraculous velocity (the earth jumping so that the intervening space vanished), killing the giant's mother on the way. Upon Abishai's approach, Ishbi-benob, taking hold of David, hurled him high into the air, and placed his sword in position so that the king in his fall would be cut to pieces. But Abishai pronounced "the Name," which kept David suspended in mid-air. Descending then in safety, David apprised Abishai of all that had happened. Both ran away, which induced the giant to pursue them; but on reaching the place where Orpah, the giant's mother, had been killed, they turned and despatched the giant (Sanh. 95a; Shoḥer Ṭob to Ps. xviii. 37; Gen. R. lix.see Goliath. The Pelishtim (in Gen. x. 14) were identified with the giants, while the Caphtorim were said to be dwarfs (Gen. R. xxxvii.). Men of giantlike stature were warned not to marry women of like proportions, lest a "mast" (very tall being) be born unto them (Bek. 45b). Gigantic stature is considered a blemish rendering a priest unfit for service (Sifra to Lev. xxi. 21; Pseudo-Jonathan to Lev. xxi. 20).