I'm very sad today because I saw in the news that Umberco Eco had died last night. I loved that writer very much as each of his novels were meaningful, thoughtful and thorough on many grounds. Even his name was meaningful: Source : Eco’s grandfather claims to be a foundling, and that he was given the name Eco by “an inventive civil servant.” Supposedly the name is an acronym for Ex Caelis Oblatus, or “offered by the heavens.”
Oh, I was great for my wife when she was my fiancée, and I was great for my son when he was 5 o 10 years old, now he is 18, don't think he always thinks his father is a great man! I am surely great for my 14 years old daughter though she always want to be with me. When she comes back from school she asks me to go for a walk with her, and she makes me a lot of questions. But how will be in a year? We are getting old. Surely I will be again a great man for everybody when I am dead! You know what they say: At five years: Daddy knows everything! At ten years: Daddy knows almost everything! at fifteen years: Daddy does not know nothing! At thirty-five years: I have to ask for an advice from dad. At fifty-five years: If only I still had my dad!