In a month and a few days, my wife and I will celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary. With the coronavirus, things are unsure. Today, I played this song for her. It fits perfectly with my feelings and the situations mentioned. Everybody said it wouldn’t last. We were both very young at the time, living in a small town. I was in the military and she was in high school. Love at first sight. After all these years - Journey
Here's one for those not paying attention to the Covid19 instructions. The Police - Don't Stand So Close To Me
For those who don’t know the history of Trans-Siberian Orchestra, here is some information. History Savatage Criss Oliva - History and Death ( last name pronounced Oh-Leave-Ah ) Paul O’Neal ( Producer )'Neill_(producer) Jon_Oliva ( composer, multi-instrumentalist and singer )
Stay strong everyone...and TRUST that Jehovah knows what he did when he directed you to a certain group called Jehovah’s Witness’s. We may feel as if we are entering into a very dark period..and nothing may be as we thought it would be...but don’t despair and don’t get side tracked with spiritual wild talk......we may indeed need to go into our interior chambers...but he will be with us...I sign of now with a special song and great affection for everyone xx
Here's one especially for thinking. From his new album. Bruce Springsteen - The Power Of Prayer (Official Audio)
It's funny how when you first begin to study you make drastic changes in your life that aren't really necessary. I had a record collection of 4,000 albums. When I first started studying, within 6 months I threw them ALL out. I lived in a high rise at the time and there was an incinerator and I just tossed them all in. I love music and listen to all kinds, Rock, Jazz, Blues, Classical. Most of the music I listen to is contemporary Christian music. I know, we've been indoctrinated to believe Christian sing about Trinity and hellfire. There are some beautiful songs out there. RR
RR144, It took me a long time to realize that I am the one whom Jehovah and Christ Jesus will judge. They know me much better than some so called “elder”. I had a very similar situation with both my congregation elders and Watchtower Headquarters”. I was told that it wasn’t Christian to listen to “Rock and Roll”, or the other types of music of the “World”. It was back in the 1980s, when they were criticizing “That Music” as Satanic. It had “hidden messages”, backward masking, etc, etc, etc. I sent documented information to “Headquarters”, about the fallacy that certain so called “Christian” groups, were saying about the music. As usual it was uneducated and ignorant people behind these rumors. I exposed several of these organizations, and stopped the state legislators from passing some stupid laws. Those laws would have put many legitimate recording companies out of business. A couple of state legislators actually took the time and effort to find the truth; and stopped the legislation. I rented a local recording studio to record some examples, to prove the misguided thinking about the rumors. One big one was some songs (Hotel California) by Eagles, and other popular groups. I was taught by a brilliant professor in college, to check out all the information, before making judgement. There is always going to be some “idiot” making wrong statements about a subject they don’t like; or understand. In 99.9 percent of the time, they are wrong. I’m sure there were those who didn’t like Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Rossini, Tchaikovsky, and an endless number of others. It was likely groups of people, ( Popes and Prime ministers ) who complained the most. If they didn’t like it, nobody else should like it. fur elise (Ludwig van Beethoven)
One brother told me not to listen to Carlos Santana because he's named have Satan in Spanish. I laughed and told him "it's Satana, NOT Santana". He said "He changed his name so people wouldn't know". I just shook my head and walked away, RR
And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” ( Gen 9:12-16 NIV ) The Rainbow Connection - Willie Nelson