I am starting this thread as a box to ask Bible questions and have someone answer them. I hope the administration will keep this thread visible as their is no other thread devoted to bible questions.... I will ask the first question. In the time of the provocation , a generation died in the wilderness. Jehovah swore in his wrath that they would not enter into his rest.. Does that mean simply that they would not go into the promised land, or were they given eternal death with no resurrection hope?
reading further in Hebrews I am finding bible evidence that those that died during the provocation are gone forever, because chapter 3 warns against neglecting to take advantage of the grace of Jesus and compares such ones with the provocation. does anybody here have a different opinion?
Noah and the Flood Regarding the time Jehovah gave the instructions to build the Ark and the dimensions of its structure - had He chosen, on that occasion, to use His ability to foresee into the future and know that no-one would listen to Noah's message?
no but jonah did. that is why I wrote a long long thread called the sigh of jonah some time ago which nobody understood..but the sigh that jesus said a wicked and perverted generation( thats us today) seeks a sighn and none will be given it other than the sighn of jonah(thats modern time jehovahs wittnesses) who liked jonah preached 1975 for armagedon knowing jehovah would repreive the world when many repented! just like ninevah. the word ninevah means no jehovah.the society has emphaticaly denied ever saying 1975 was a critical date because they looked like foolish false propets when nothing happened.but I was their at divine victory when brother knorr said dont quote this as divine insight from jehovah but Im confident we will see significant sighs of the end in 1975... Im quite sure that as a learned man of jehovah that he understood that jehovah wanted to start armagedon in 1975 but just like in the time of jonahs preaching jehovah gave a temporary repreive when so many humbly repented and streamed into the kingdomhalls.noah built the ark( first kingdomhall) because he knew that jehovah was going to destroy the 32 foot tall giants regardless of how many people repented. and the reason the whole earth got flooded was because the wicked angels were makeing much more than giant men,from the storybook legends we know they were creating monsterous animal creations as well.that is why jehovah did not simply destroy a local area like he did in the sodom and gomorah times. unfotunately I cant give you bible scriptures because our modern bible canon removes the apochraohas which are considered silly storys.
Today I only had time to read Hebrews chapter 3 - and just going by what is written there about "not being able to enter into God's rest" - it appears to be saying that. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on anything. Wallflower
Deceived By A Prophet 1 Kings 13:1-32. This is the account where one prophet deceived another one and gave him false instructions, claiming that these came from Jehovah. The Bible does not give all of the details. The name of the prophet (the one giving the false instructions) is not revealed. The Bible does not say what the man's motive was either - only that "he deceived him." What was the prophet trying to achieve by giving false instructions, making it seem as if they came from Jehovah? (As a side point, I have to be honest and admit that if I was the first prophet, I probably would have fallen for this. What if the second prophet wore the outfit or "garb" that a prophet would wear in those times? What if he "looked the part?" I remember reading this account when I was "a slip of a girl" and asking my parents about it at the dinner table: "Let me get this straight. So one prophet was 'pulling the other one's leg' - (meaning he "told a lie".) At least when us kids play that game with each other, nobody dies." Later on, when I became a Witness, I noticed that it is a Bible account that does not get discussed very often. When it is mentioned, it is rushed through. It is as if the Society is embarrassed that this account is in the Bible.) Wallflower
yes its a scary thought jesus paid the sin price but that dont make us bullet proof we can still do whats bad and re earn jehovahs wrath
What would Jesus' sacrifice mean if we were bullet proof...? What would Jesus' sacrifice mean if we still incurred Jehovah's wrath because of our sins ?
I tend to think the same about this. Why? Because they saw the power of Jehovah. They experienced what he could do. He provided them with a way across the sea on dry land. He destroyed the Egyptian army, in their sight. He provided food for them in the form of manna (bread). He performed miracles in their presence. Every thing they experienced had never been seen or done before. They were saved, but did not recognize it. As Paul said, let us not be like them. Thanks you jehovahisgod, for starting this post. It led me to another scripture that I will expound on later.
That's also the official point of view of the GB. For anyone being directly killed by Jehovah or as a consequence of a punishment on His part, resurrection is denied. In my opinion, that might not always be the case... Time will tell !
Hi Wallflower, It is interesting that you should bring up the account of the old prophet that was decieved by another prophet in 1Kings 13. I can't remember for sure but I think it was 2005 when the watchtower organization put on a drama about this. I was going through a spiritual awakening about the orgainzation for at that time about 2 years. I struck me like a ton of bricks - Jehovah's spirit was definitely making me Know that the prophet of deception was the so-called faithful and discreet slave - and that all those who are called to love Jehovah and Jesus are like the old prophet. The watchtower organization leadership believes it's okay to teach that only their teachings are correct and that if you want to please God you must go through them. After all they claim to be prophets of the most High. Wow it couldn't have been more clear to me that from that time on I could not listen to them it I wished to be obedient to Jehovah and Jesus. Needless to say that was my last assembly - in fact after that drama was over I went out to my car and waited for my family to come out later. They disfellowshipped me not long after that. This shows the importance of always listen to what the spirit is teaching and do not turn aside to men who claim to be representatives of Jehovah. Psalm 146: Praise Jah, YOU people! Praise Jehovah, O my soul. 2 I will praise Jehovah during my lifetime. I will make melody to my God as long as I am. 3 Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. 4 His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; In that day his thoughts do perish. 5 Happy is the one who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in Jehovah his God, May you have a blessed day and do not turn aside to those who do not speak truth. belongingtojah
Amazing belongingtojah - and here is a coincidence: I was talking to some JW friends about the 'organization' and some loose Robert King-esque ideas. One of them mentioned this EXACT drama, and came to the same conclusion as you... So I studied 1 Kings 13 over and over, and while I agree with your overaching conclusion, I can't help but perceive that there are some other bits of info in that prophecy.
this next one is bound to start a fight.. after reading all the scriptures related to melchezedek I come to the conclusion that the king refered to was actully the son of god who latter became jesus christ I see no other reason why he would be called king of peace, have no mother or father etc unless it was so. anybody care to answer on this one?
ok I agree, its quite possible that the melchezedec was the manley figure that jesus used when he wanted to let himself be know, the bible also says he was the king of a tribe not of the isrealittes.my theory is that he went ahead of abraham to refine it so that it would be a sutable land to bring his own children up in and latter be born of a women as the savior. now just for clarity when i say his own children i mean the race of man that he created .I am a person that beleives in two species of man one created in gods image to rule earth. and a man that was created as natural man haveing no leadership qualitys . their are hints of this in the bible and apochrapha.and in the fosils that they claim support evolution.their was no evolution just a species of human undesireable to adam as a mate.the legends say cain took one of them as wife in the land of nod and produced the cainanitte race.a brutal warlike race that did not like the adamic race.
jesus paid for our sins that stops the death penalty for our sins... but jesus sacrafice does not make us impervious to the conseqenses of sin on this earth nor does jesus sacrafice prevent us from laying down the pardon and returning willfully to a life of sin with the idea of oh I can just repent! the bible says such a one can not repent and nothing is left but eternal judgement.. so yes it is possible to surrender your salvation and incure jehovahs extra fierce wrath and terrible anger for stomping on jesus christs sacrafice. we are covered by the blood of jesus only if we by faith remain under grace..dont go to the devil and back too many times because their will come a time that jehovah steps in says no! no more trampling on my sons grace!
Adam and Eve Genesis 2:22,23 - "And Jehovah God proceeded to build the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman and to bring her to the man. Then the man said: "This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman, because from man this one was taken." The Bible records what Adam said when Jehovah introduced Eve to him. But it doesn't record what Eve's words or thoughts are. Why? (I once raised this same question on Robert's forum and I remember that JD gave what I thought was quite a feasible answer. Before I post that response, I'll leave this open for others to express any thoughts.) Wallflower
hey wallflower, she said hey their handsome, go build me a house,get a job so you can support all the children that we are going to have and while your out pick me some apples from that tree over yonder.
Hi JIG, I could just imagine that scenario. I think if I was Eve, I might have said: "Well, I thought you'd be taller." Just kidding around here! Seriously speaking, the comment that JD made went something like this. (I apologize if I'm not getting all of the details exactly right. I don't remember it word for word, but I remember the gist of it.) When Jehovah introduced Eve to Adam, that was just the start of their relationship. At that point, they didn't have any "history" together. As Adam had been by himself for some time, he knew how it felt to work "solo," without having another human to communicate with. (The animals were company, but he couldn't interact with them in the same manner as he would with another person.) When he met Eve, he could appreciate what it meant to now have a partner, and he expressed those feelings. Wallflower
2 Corinthians 12:2 2 Corinthians 12:2 - "I know a man in union with Christ who, 14 years ago - whether in the body or out of the body, I do not know; God knows - was caught away to the third heaven." Two questions regarding the one verse here. What is the third heaven? What does the phrase "in the body or out of the body" mean? Wallflower