Recently I watched some young people perform on stage. One of the performers sat on the stage with her legs folded up beneath her. She then sprang up to a stooping position with knees bent and then stood up straight. (I'm tellin' ya.....if I was to try that, I would end up nose-diving into the floor! ) This was followed by 3 cartwheels and she continued singing and dancing. I was amazed at the energy and agility of these young people.
I was working with a group of young people today - one of them asked me: "what did I use before electricity?" I was laughing on the inside!!! (Maybe I need to wear extra layers of make-up to work.)
Watched some young people sing on stage recently. They appeared to be in the pre-teen age bracket. I wanna know how such big notes can come from such little people! Amazing to listen to!
The ranges of skill in so many fields continues to astound me , that mankind has been endowed with such diversity of attributes both physically and mentally and is used for such selfish purposes on the landslide scale . And yet we cannot fail to appreciate the immensity of the gifts given to mankind to utilize and could be for the benefit and enjoyment of all .