Sol, Christ Jesus fulfilled the High Priest role when He ascended to heaven. (Heb 9) He went from the Holy Place into the Most Holy. The old covenant was obsolete the moment God told the prophet Jerimiah a new one was coming. And from that point on, it was soon to pass, and did so when Jesus fulfilled the old. (Heb 8:13) After which, the temple in Jerusalem no longer played any role in prophetic fulfillment. Jesus established a new covenant with His disciples on the night of Passover and then sealed it on Pentecost. The Davidic covenant was fulfilled from Jesus' baptism to Cornelious. This was the seventieth week. At the half of that week, the temple ceased functioning. The many of Dan 9:27 are the Israelites. Cornelious was the first Gentile baptized with the Holy Spirit when the covenant was no longer just of the Israelites but now open to all. I'm sorry, but if someone confesses Jesus came in the flesh, they are not an antichrist. An antichrist does not preach the Christ. The tower of Babel narrative is of humanistic agenda. They wished to make a name for themselves separate from God. The satan wished to raise his throne to the heavens. That is an antichrist, one who relies on their own greatness rather than on God's. This is the same thing Nebucednezar did in Daniel 4 when boasting about his own greatness. The Watchtower professes Christ, so antichrist cannot apply to them. You can't just arbitrarily apply your own interpretation. Again, 2Th 2 speaks of a specific apostasy that reveals the MOL, and what keeps the MOL from being revealed is the fact that the apostasy has not come yet. The apostasy is what is restraining the MOL from being revealed. The apostasy is a singular worldwide event that occurs on a single day. ------- I'm not going to read your post #20, Sol. I started to, but you went right back to your illegible writing. The use of a lot of words, run-on sentences, and meandering thoughts does not show intellect; it shows a lack of empathy for others. Empathy is the ability to understand what we say or how we say it will affect others. I'm trying my best to tell you that a professional editor would not even take on your writing as a paid project because they would not be able to narrow down your premise. It's like a bowl full of whip cream, and that's it. What use are your writings? They don't contain any useful information to a fellow Christian that I've been able to make out. You speak a lot of my need to prayerfully consider what you present because you think you're chosen by God. Hey, you may be, idk. It's not my place to judge. But let me ask you this: What if our Lord sent you here to me to try and help you? Prayerfully consider that, brother. Joshua
Joshua, it has come to my attention that you have made a claim that the governing body will be removed within two months. What is your insight into this claim?
I am not aware of writing about or saying any holy days lined up with the chronology of Daniel in 2022. In other words, I never said that. Secondly, I've never said anything would ever happen beforehand. All I've ever said was, "There are only a few times in each century the holidays yet to be fulfilled line up with the chronology in Daniel." I have never predicted or have ever said anything would happen in the future. If you could point me to what you are taking about I can explain further. If your info comes from another person, they're an idiot. Joshua
Just so it's clear: After searching another individual's forum, it has come to my attention that my name has come up over there. Why I do not know, but I am not and have never been a member of their forum. I was a member of their original Jehovah'sWitnnesses forum from 2008-2012 when I took over and started this forum in Jan 2013. Since then, there was one time in 2016 that I emailed the owner of this other said forum and asked if he minded if I commented on one of his posts, and I gave him a breakdown of what I would discuss. He said that would be fine. I made my comment on the post, and he deleted it a day later because someone else didn't like it. I will not, have not, and will never be a member or comment on this other person's forum or any websites owned by them. If anyone claims I have commented on this other person's websites, someone over there has their wires crossed. I do not even visit them. Anyone who arbitrarily thinks I'm posting somewhere else, but never asks if it's me, they are an idiot. And if someone wants to call me a liar, I leave that in our Lord's hands... Joshua
Joshua wrote: "Christ Jesus fulfilled the High Priest role when He ascended to heaven. (Heb 9) He went from the Holy Place into the Most Holy. The old covenant was obsolete the moment God told the prophet Jerimiah a new one was coming. And from that point on, it was soon to pass, and did so when Jesus fulfilled the old. (Heb 8:13) After which, the temple in Jerusalem no longer played any role in prophetic fulfillment. Jesus established a new covenant with His disciples on the night of Passover and then sealed it on Pentecost. The Davidic covenant was fulfilled from Jesus' baptism to Cornelious. This was the seventieth week. At the half of that week, the temple ceased functioning. The many of Dan 9:27 are the Israelites. Cornelious was the first Gentile baptized with the Holy Spirit when the covenant was no longer just of the Israelites but now open to all." Once again I'm finding myself a bit puzzled over what seems a somewhat confrontational posture here on your part. The inaugurating of a holy law or kingdom covenant is of course part and parcel of renewing it and if anything the most crucial step involved in this process. I'm failing to understand how you might imagine we are even at odds at all in connection with any of the above statements. However in my case I happen to recognize basically all of them as directly contradicting what you state in your third sentence here. Joshua wrote: "The old covenant was obsolete the moment God told the prophet Jerimiah a new one was coming." The moment you speak of occurred (of course) several centuries before the time period being pointed to in accounts like Daniel Chapter 9 in connection with the Mosaic Law Covenant no longer being "kept in force." (Da 9:27) Ones like the Apostle Paul in fact later confirmed in accounts like Colossians 2:14 that it was basically at the moment of the establishing of the "new covenant" in connection with SPIRITUAL Israel that the old law was made "obsolete." (He 8:13) Here he points specifically to the moment of Jesus being "nailed to the stake" as when the "blotting out" of this law code occurred. (Col 2:14) Joshua wrote: "I'm sorry, but if someone confesses Jesus came in the flesh, they are not an antichrist. An antichrist does not preach the Christ." Are we speaking here of confessing or honoring merely with ones "LIPS while their HEART is even FAR REMOVED" from this confession, or are we considering a GENUINE confession of Jesus? (Mr 7:6) Do not basically ALL the ministers of so called "Christianity" at least pay lip service to Jesus, and would they not even be COMPELLED to if they would wish to "transform themselves into angels of light" by "sitting down in the temple of THE God" or what Jesus referred to as a "place where they out not"? (1 Pe 3:10) (2 Cor 11:13-15) (Mr 13:14) (Mt 24:15) We might do very well to bear in mind not only that the word Christ is a reference to a spirit or an anointing of such even by its literal definition, but also that ones like the Apostle Paul and the writer Luke made it very clear that it is actually the "HEART" we would need to be focused on here rather than the lips when it comes to confessing the HOLY "spirit" or GENUINE Christ. (Ro 2:28, 29) (Ac 18:24-28) Accounts like this confirm not only that it is the cleansing or "circumcision of the HEART" that we would want to direct our attention to here rather than mere words alone, but also that BY MEANS of this same HOLY "spirit" one becomes qualified as a SPIRITUAL "Jew." Joshua wrote: "Again, 2Th 2 speaks of a specific apostasy that reveals the MOL, and what keeps the MOL from being revealed is the fact that the apostasy has not come yet. The apostasy is what is restraining the MOL from being revealed. The apostasy is a singular worldwide event that occurs on a single day." Once again I find myself a bit puzzled here since I basically see this statement only as a confirmation of things I have already been pointing out with the scriptures. I say "basically" because a closer analysis of this passage you refer to here along with its reference accounts clearly indicates that it is not so much the apostasy itself that qualifies as a "worldwide event" but rather its effects or what the scriptures speak of as being BORN from this act of spiritual adultery. You see regardless of whether we are considering the Mosaic Law Covenant or the "law of love" that is also referred to as the "NEW covenant," the "LEAVING" of this "holy covenant" always soon results in the creation of a figurative "man of lawLESSness." This new creation is of course completely devoid of JEHOVAH'S law. We would do well to understand this term "man of lawlessness" is simply among SEVERAL terms the scriptures utilize to identify and describe the "prostitute" or "daughter of Jehovah's people" that is ALWAYS born from this spiritual adultery. (Da 11:30-32) (Isa 1:21) (Jer 8:11) In other words what was initially represented more in the MALE gender or as a "…birth of the SON who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod…" has now by means of this broken covenant FORFEITED the divine authority and power that always comes WITH this covenant, which by contrast is always represented in the MASCULINE gender. (Re 12:5) However in the case of all among the "MANY members of the body of the Christ" who now fail to EVER humbly and repentantly recognize the spiritual "virginity," "widowhood" and even "barrenness" that ALWAYS comes with the "divorcing" of Jehovah over this spiritual adultery, they CONTINUE now as "…many members of a HARLOT.." (1 Cor 6:15 12:12) (Jer 3:8) (Mt 25:1, 2) (La 1:1, 4) (Isa 54:1-4) In so doing they have ALREADY accepted a NEW male identity as the "MAN of lawlessness" since the one they actually formed a NEW alliance with by means of this spiritual adultery is in fact the "DRAGON." You see for at least most of mankind's history Satan actually WOULD possess genuine ruling "authority." (Re 13:2) However this NEW or REPLACEMENT spirit or anointing (the very definition of the antichrist) (Strong's #473 #5547) would of course now have transformed what was a TRUE prophet into what is now a "FALSE prophet." (Re 16:13) However if we are to genuinely "render our sacred service with our power of reason" here in this case, would it even be POSSIBLE for ALL the "members of the body of the Christ" to "act wickedly against the covenant" or otherwise commit this "apostasy" at the very same time? (Ro 12:1) (1 Cor 12:12) (Da 11:30-32) Obviously the Apostle John had not done so when he made it rather clear at 1 John 2:18 that this very thing Paul identified as "already at work" among the Christian congregation over four decades earlier had fully transpired by 98 or so CE. (Re 17:10) (2 Th 2:7) Nevertheless with respect to everything else about your above statement, scriptures like Revelation 13:7, 8 and Leviticus 4:3, 10 confirm its absolute validity. The reason that a "COMMUNION sacrifice" is now required in connection with this "sin of the PRIEST, the ANOINTED one (the precise definition of the Christ) that brings guiltiness upon the PEOPLE" is due to the COMMUNITY responsibility that Jehovah ALWAYS ultimately assigns to this "apostasy." This is the very reason we find the Apostle John prophesying about future times in which this very same ministry on the part of "two witnesses" that had occurred roughly seven decades earlier would unfold also in FUTURE periods. (Re 1:1) This was namely a ministry not only genuine "prophesying," but also a subsequent "killing" and call from heaven to "COME UP HERE." (Re 11:3, 7, 11, 12) (He 9:16-18) P.S. Being new here I'm still unfamiliar with some of the functions available on the website. I'm hoping yourself or someone here can help me understand how you are able to so nicely copy and paste other people's quotes while at the same time highlighting them as distinct from your replies. Agape love; Sol
Getting back again to 1 Kings Chapter 13 6 "The king now answered and said to the man of the true God: "Soften please the face of Jehovah and pray in my behalf that my hand may be restored to me." At this the man of the true God softened the face of Jehovah so that his hand was restored to him, and it came to be as at first. (1 Ki 13:6) Among my objectives here with this relatively comprehensive and in depth analysis of the 13th Chapter of 1st Kings is to at least BEGIN demonstrating with the scriptures and their cross references just how astonishing and truly enlightening even merely one verse of the Bible can actually be the moment we begin taking the proper approach to God's word. PI will continue to demonstrate that particularly in a post-apostasy/pre-kingdom setting such as we once again find ourselves in at this very moment, this approach would begin with completely discarding basically any and all extrabiblical materials and learning to focus entirely on things like prayer and the Holy Scriptures themselves. Yes even aside from making a concerted effort to seek out at least one of the two prophets or "witnesses" Jehovah always eventually sends to the anointed "virgins" in these time frames, the fact is that a very large part of "fleeing from the disgusting thing" the moment an anointing of Holy Spirit allows us to "catch sight" of the fact that it has yet again overthrown Jehovah's "sanctuary" is coming to appreciate that we can no longer even "TOUCH" what is now altogether nothing but spiritual "vomit" or "leavened bread" of the figurative "Pharisees" if we would wish for Jehovah to once again "take us in." (2 Cor 6:17) (Mt 16:6 24:15, 16) (Isa 28:8) (Am 3:7) (Re 11:3) So I would strongly suggest then that the primary question at the moment would be—are we actually beginning to truly grasp the SETTING or in fact even the "SEASON" of one of these foretold "times" the scriptures often speak of that is being addressed here in the symbolic spiritual language specifically in this Chapter of 1st Kings, and how this might affect our understanding of verse 6 in this case? (1 Th 5:1-3) In other words, when it comes to this foretold cycle or "circuit" of "seven births of the barren woman" or otherwise the "seven" foretold baptisms or fiery spiritual cleansings and restorations involved in returning her to JEHOVAH'S side as HIS "woman," which of the FOUR seasons are we currently considering in this particular prophetic drama? (Mt 10:23) (Jer 15:9) (1 Sa 2:5) Would it perhaps be the season that was represented with a "man," a "lion," simultaneously a "bull" and a "cherub," or is it maybe the season symbolized with an "eagle"? (Eze 1:10 10:14) Yes we have never been taught the truth of what is being conveyed by this vision here in Ezekiel as well which I will continue to demonstrate with the scriptures. Nevertheless if or when we genuinely begin to take into account the setting and context of 1st Kings 13:6 of this prophetic/symbolic drama here, the question that may very well begin to manifest itself to us would be –are we considering a symbolic representation of a "time of love's expressions" in this case, which would in fact qualify as the season that was specifically associated with both a "bull" and a "cherub." (Eze 16:8) This of course would in turn point to the issue of –why might it be even incredibly important for us grasp the answer to this question? Particularly in view of the symbolic meanings that God's word has assigned to ALL the seasons of this "wheelwork" or foretold cycle of events in connection with the "seven times" or "seven births of the barren woman" AS WELL as the fact that we once again find ourselves considering a holy "COVENANT" being formed with this very same figurative woman spoken of here in accounts like Ezekiel Chapter 16, (even if it would be violated with spiritual adultery yet again) might it perhaps be well worth our time and effort to at least consider exactly what these four symbolic meanings actually are? (Eze 10:13) Might it perhaps begin to seem ALL THE MORE important that we at least ENDEAVOR to actually grasp these things when we are reminded that it is precisely this holy law or kingdom covenant that literally DEFINES "Jerusalem," or otherwise essentially transforms what WAS formerly an offspring or "daughter" of an "Amorite father" and "Hittite mother" INTO "Jerusalem"? (Eze 16:1-5) (Ga 4:24-26) (Jer 8:11) Here are just a few scriptures that very much appear to pertain to this and actually begin to reveal the symbolic meanings of the four representations that were assigned to this "wheelwork" we encounter in accounts like the first and tenth chapters of Ezekiel: Bull and eagle. (Le 4:3, 10 11:13) Cherub. (1 Cor 15:51-53) Man. (Eze 11:19) (Da 7:4) Lion. (Re 5:5) Let us by all means prayerfully consider these scriptures along with accounts like Ezekiel Chapter 16 and see if they in turn do not soon begin to have even a tremendous effect on the way we understand prophetic dramas such as found here at 1st Kings Chapter 13. (1 Tim 4:15) Perhaps by the time I pick up this discussion with my next post we will already find ourselves even also in a position to identify which prophetic "season" or even "seasons" of a "time" are being addressed in this case. (1 Th 5:1-3) (Da 4:23) (Jer 15:9) Agape love; Sol
What do you see as confrontational? The fact that I disagree with you, or that I am trying to assist you to be a better writer? (And you are still writing whole paragraphs as one run-on sentence.) As you are reading my post, highlight a section you want to reply to, and a 'reply' button will pop up. This will automatically populate a reply below. (You must be signed in.) I'm sorry, but I completely disagree. I believe the scripture is clear; the moment Jehovah told Jeremiah a new covenant was coming made the old obsolete. Look at it again. "In speaking of a new covenant, he makes (made) the first one obsolete." Heb 8:13 Just the fact Jehovah spoke of a new covenant made the old obsolete at that moment. That is what it is saying. And that means from that point on it was soon to disappear. You can't just choose for yourself when the time frames are being spoken of. The definition must remain with the speaker. If the writer just mentioned Jehovah said a new covenant was coming, then making it obsolete must remain in that moment. To say otherwise is applying a personal interpretation. You are separating Jehovah telling Jeremiah there was a new covenant coming, and the old obsolete, by 500 years. You are separating them based on your own interpretation. The writer says the old was obsolete the moment Jehovah said a new was coming. We can only understand a time change when "soon to vanish," is mentioned. That indicates the vanishing was not in that moment. And in the very next chapter, we read about when that old covenant vanished. In Hebrews 9 we read that the temple was still functioning as long as the way into the Most Holy was not known. Then later in that chapter, the writer reveals they know the way into the Most Holy, and that was Jesus fulfilling the High Priest role. That means the temple no longer functioned the moment Jesus fulfilled the High Priest Role. "By these regulations the Holy Spirit revealed that the entrance to the Most Holy Place was not freely open as long as the Tabernacle and the system it represented were still in use." Heb 9:8 "But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things that have come, then through the greater and more perfect tent (not made with hands, that is, not of this creation)" Heb 9:13 Sorry to say, but you are wrong. At the half of the 70th week of Daniel, the sacrifices at the temple ceased when Jesus fulfilled the High Priest role at His ascension. And that is the fulfillment of Dan 9:27. And the same moment the old covenant vanished. It's very simple Sol. The old covenant was done away with the moment Jesus ascended. Jesus established a new covenant to rule with His disciples at Passover. The new covenant was of rulership to the elect. Pretty simple... Yes, an entire organization could fall into apostasy on a single day, violating God's laws. All they would have to do is require all their congregates to become members of a worldly agenda in violation of keeping separate from the world. So Jehovah assigns people to apostasy? It's always been a personal choice in scripture. And God had always warned against it. Again, I don't like applying personal interpretation. You keep saying your understandings are directly from Scripture, but you don't consider that you're interpreting them in your own way. Everything you have pointed out doesn't do anyone any good, or show us any new information. We all know the Watchtower has errored, becoming the evil shepherds of Eze 34, and so has every other religion in the world. I'm not understanding what it is you are trying to accomplish. Because if you really want the truth, you're not going about it correctly. Here, let me show you why. Let's say you come across a telegraph key and have no idea what it is, or what it was used for. Now, let's say you come up with an educated guess that it was used for communication because you found a written piece of paper discussing its use, and you found it in a box full of old phones. Now, let's say an old man comes by and tells you it was not for communication but was in fact parts to an old hairdryer. How do you know what is truth? You must explore exactly why this old man believes as he does. If you arbitrarily pass him by, do not listen, and just skip through his words you will have never proved what you believe is true or not because you never proved him wrong. You keep trying to tell me I need to prayerfully consider what you say, and you can't understand why I don't see what you're presenting. This is why you're confused: Because you're not here to listen, you're here to teach. It is only once you can explain my belief that you can prove whether you are right or not. I have a differing view, and you cannot prove to yourself you are right until you can explain exactly what I believe and why I believe it. That is how knowledge is gained. We stand on the shoulders of giants. I have always learned more from those who disagree with me. It gives me the opportunity to correct my thinking, or to validate it. One of the greatest tools anyone has ever helped me to obtain was the ability to admit and accept when I'm wrong, immediately. The very first thing I think about when coming to a new understanding is this: Our brains deceive us all the time. What if I'm wrong? I must think this way in order to not deceive myself. I am constantly trying to disprove myself. I am never trying to prove what I believe. And what is left over, is truth... Do yourself a favor and look up confirmation bias. The times and seasons in scripture are the fulfillment of the holy days in their appointed times. This is why the woman is clothed in the sun with the moon at her feet. She is governed by the lunar-solar calendar. "Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, Appointed seasons of Jehovah, which ye proclaim, holy convocations, are these: they are My appointed seasons:" Lev 23:1,2 Claiming the four representations of animals are seasons is a personal interpretation. You make paths through scripture based on conjecture, then you blindly accept them because you believe you are chosen. You need to step out of yourself my friend and think about these things in the third person looking in. I am afraid you've deceived yourself. By allowing yourself to believe you are commissioned by God, you have disregarded any possibility that you could be wrong. I don't doubt your faith, I just know 100% that no man is an island... You are blinded by your own confirmation bias, and there's nothing anyone can do to help you see that, unless you chose too. Your connections in 1Kings 13 are completely self imagined. Joshua
Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about with your writing, Sol. This entire paragraph above containing two-run on sentences could have been only two simple words to start a sentence. "Consider this...." It would help if you think of your reader as already knowledgeable. You wrote a whole paragraph inviting people to "consider this." You are using many fluff filler words that COMPLETELY detract from presenting any message. Everyone here has studied Scripture their whole lives, and all of that fluff is damaging to your wish to share your understandings. We all "prayerfully" consider the Scriptures daily already; just present your direct connections in Scripture. "When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he who restrains his lips is wise." Proverbs 15:28 Just trying to assist you once again... Joshua
Sol, the scripture is clear, an antichrist does not confess Jesus came in the flesh, period. You cannot make this a matter of judging others faith. You are trying to judge others to determine if they are worshipping Christ correctly to determine if they are an antichrist. You are interpreting the scriptures in your own way. The antichrist does not teach Christ, and doesn't believe He ever existed. That's what it says, and what it means. You are going beyond that because you see connections where there are none. Joshua
Thank you for your help brother Joshua in better familiarizing me with the available tools on this website. I'll do my best to begin implementing your suggestion here but I hope you don't mind further questions in the future since I recognize myself as relatively computer illiterate actually. The specific method I normally utilize in creating posts might actually make this suggestion somewhat challenging at least for someone with the relatively modest writing skills of yours truly. Yes please try to appreciate that I never considered myself as some kind of great writer. In fact if anything the moment an anointing forced me to suddenly realize I was dealing with subject matter in the scriptures that was VASTLY deeper than I could have ever imagined, ALL of my rather severe limitations involved in writing or even SPEAKING about it became all the more manifest to me. (Ro 11:33) (Isa 55:9) I'm always happy to receive suggestions from someone who recognizes themselves as a better writer than me, but at the same time I'm sure you realize that at least in the short term you cannot transform someone into your concept of a good writer any more than I could quickly mold them into my idea of a genuine Bible student. If you are truly interested in helping me with more effectively conveying what I am endeavoring to share here, I would offer a suggestion of my own: Any time you might find yourself rather put off by the way I've worded a particular post of mine, please feel free to rewrite it in a manner you recognize as more effective and then send it to my email address for my consideration. As long as I can see it as accurately conveying what I am endeavoring to share from the scriptures, rest assured I would be more than happy for you to even delete the original post and replace it with a new and potentially improved version if you would like. There would likely be at least some editing involved on my end but perhaps with some joint collaboration or back and forth we can begin making things even much more interesting and powerful here. At the very least this might succeed in helping me improve my rather humble writing skills. Joshua wrote: "I'm sorry, but I completely disagree. I believe the scripture is clear; the moment Jehovah told Jeremiah a new covenant was coming made the old obsolete. Look at it again. "In speaking of a new covenant, he makes (made) the first one obsolete." Heb 8:13 Just the fact Jehovah spoke of a new covenant made the old obsolete at that moment. That is what it is saying. And that means from that point on it was soon to disappear. We can only understand a time change when "soon to vanish," is mentioned. That indicates the vanishing was not in that moment. And in the very next chapter, we read about when that old covenant vanished. In Hebrews 9 we read that the temple was still functioning as long as the way into the Most Holy was not known. Then later in that chapter, the writer reveals they know the way into the Most Holy, and that was Jesus fulfilling the High Priest role. That means the temple no longer functioned the moment Jesus fulfilled the High Priest Role. Sorry to say, but you are wrong. At the half of the 70th week of Daniel, the sacrifices at the temple ceased when Jesus fulfilled the High Priest role at His ascension. And that is the fulfillment of Dan 9:27. And the same moment the old covenant vanished." Due to the fact alone I am very cognizant that one could not truly even begin to address the teachings of the Bible without repeatedly stumbling upon this issue and how extremely important it is for the anointed "virgins" and "widows" to grasp, I recognize it as well worth any effort involved in genuinely hashing it out with the scriptures and sound logic. (Ac 17:11) (Ro 12:1) This would of course be with the caveat that discussion is not reduced to mere fighting and arguing. Among the things I intend to continue demonstrating with the scriptures in fact (which is even MORE important to grasp) is that REGARDLESS of which particular holy law covenant we are considering, in ANY of the foretold "times" in which it would be violated with spiritual adultery OR renewed with repentant figurative "widows" and "virgins," its immediate status with Jehovah at any given moment would basically determine whether or not genuine Jews and Israelites would even EXIST on the earth AT ALL! (Da 4:23, 32) A more careful consideration of accounts like 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8 and PARTICULARLY along with its reference scriptures will in fact reveal that basically the entire purpose of what we often refer to as a "coming of the Christ" or "birth of the kingdom/nation" is to RESTORE true worship to the earth, and by extension true WORSHIPERS! Due to the fact alone that we have clearly once again found ourselves in one of these foretold settings or prophetic time frames in which Jesus himself made it clear that even his anointed "brothers" would find themselves in desperate need not only of spiritual "feeding" but even also of what is represented by "CLOTHING," I hope you will forgive me for being quick to admit you are correct to imagine I indeed do NOT currently recognize even the ANOINTED ones as "already knowledgeable" (as you say) on scriptural matters. (Mt 25:34-40) In my own case in fact I was raised with my nose constantly planted in the Bible from the moment I could read. It was often pointed out to me even by ones who recognized themselves as among the anointed not only that I had an unusual appreciation for the scriptures, but also an unusual knowledge and understanding of them. This is despite the fact that I basically DID NOT see things this way. However after experiencing what ultimately proved to be two separate anointings that occurred between the years of 2010-2014, it became exceedingly clear to me that for the first 50 or so years of my life I basically understood nothing at all in connection with the Bible! With that said, with regard to the statements of yours that I quoted above; with all due love and respect do you really not see how they would appear as very contradictory to really ANYONE? While continuing to insist that the Mosaic Law Covenant was made obsolete around 500 years prior to the first century, do you yourself not at the same time continue to cite scriptures which make it clear that the "new covenant" Jehovah was foretelling for a future time in accounts like Jeremiah 31:31-34 found its "fulfillment" in the early part of the first century? (Mt 5:17) In fact if it were NOT still in effect or "in force" up until that time, then would we not be hard pressed to explain things like the fact that it was still being strictly observed by even Jesus himself up until the moment of his death? This would seem even MORE problematic when we factor in that for one to CONTINUE practicing the Mosaic Law Code AFTER the priestly sacrifice or "fulfillment of the Law" that Jesus performed in 33 or so CE was identified by ones like Paul as essentially an act of denying the validity and priceless value of this blood atonement altogether. (Ga 5:1-4) Would any of us dare to suggest this denial of the Christ is what was occurring with the people mentioned in accounts like Luke 2:21-24? With regard to the remainder of your comments here, I would respond with the following at least for now: Even if you are already beginning to recognize my posts as rather lengthy or even overly wordy, the fact is I have only just barely begun to demonstrate that it is in reality the SCRIPTURES that are directing our attention to the points I am discussing here. I would lovingly and respectfully encourage you to endeavor reserving judgment until you have at least prayerfully considered all the passages I will continue to cover on these topics along with what I will insist is the application of the most basic logic on them. (Ac 17:11) (Ro 12:1) ANYONE is perfectly capable of stating their views or opinions on various scriptural topics. The challenge is whether or not we are able to GENUINELY employ the scriptures to establish their validity. I would respectfully suggest that when we ourselves are citing accounts that directly contradict our own points or teachings, we have utterly failed to do so. Agape love; Sol
Getting back again to the discussion of 1 Kings Chapter 13. Have we ever at any point in our lives actually taken into account the setting and context of Bible books like Jeremiah and Ezekiel while reading them, or for that matter ANY of the holy writings? Or have we allowed ourselves to be continually distracted from such crucial and key things by means of the ceaseless torrential flow of mere religious dogma? In my own case at least I'd have to confess that the latter has tragically been the case for most of my life. (Mt 16:6) (2 Cor 6:17) The fact is a more careful and prayerful examination of accounts like 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8 will soon reveal that at ANY point in time in which an incredibly distressing condition of mankind has us eagerly anticipating yet another foretold "coming of our Lord Jesus Christ," we have once again found ourselves in a situation in which "EVERY table" of spiritual food OTHER than what will at some point be produced by "two witnesses" or genuine prophets of Jehovah STRICTLY for the anointed "virgins" or "brothers" of Jesus is actually "full" of NOTHING BUT "filthy vomit." (Isa 28:8) (Mt 25:1, 2, 40) (Am 3:7) (Re 11:3) This is PRECISELY the setting we are considering here in the prophetic drama found at 1 Kings Chapter 13. I will continue to demonstrate that to begin attaining to a genuine understanding of what is being conveyed in its prophetic symbolisms, it would be extremely helpful to analyze it in light of books like Jeremiah and Ezekiel. But why would this be the case? This is because what we have actually encountered here in this 13th Chapter of 1 Kings is in reality merely among MANY examples of symbolic/prophetic representations of ONE of these "seven times" that the scriptures speak of in some form or other throughout the entire Bible. (He 8:5) (Ga 4:24) In fact this account touches on ALL FOUR of what Paul referred to as "seasons" of one of these foretold "times." (1 Th 5:1-3) In turn, what we are actually considering in both Jeremiah and Ezekiel AS WELL as books like Daniel are recorded accounts of the FIRST of the SEVEN FULFILLMENTS of what is being pictured for us here in 1st Kings 13. Moreover on the whole at least, between these three books alone it seems we have been furnished with the most complete record of the four "seasons" of one of these "times." (Da 4:23) Even if it would be an oversimplification to word it in this way, for the sake of this particular drama here in 1st Kings 13 let's please endeavor to begin thinking of Jeremiah and Ezekiel as being represented by this prophet from Judah that is sent to King Jeroboam, and Daniel along with his fellow rulers in Babylon on the other hand as ultimately comprising what is pictured here with a leprous/idolatrous king and a rather deceptive SECONDARY prophet in Samaria. You see the extremely significant adjustments that BOTH Daniel AS WELL as King Nebuchadnezzar made in themselves that LED to them being appointed by Jehovah as the leaders of the next world power are PRECISELY what is being pictured with the rather repentant or even "Joseph of Arimathea"- like actions we read of here in 1st Kings 13:27-32. Compare (Mt 27:57-60) In other words ALL of the characters being presented to us here in BOTH the prophetic drama AS WELL as its first fulfillment are actually being used to represent various facets of what is ultimately the very same thing. This is namely a spiritual cleansing and rebirth of the earthly "camp" or "moon" portion of Jehovah's authority and power or otherwise what is most often referred to as his nation or kingdom. (Song 6:13) (Re 12:1) (Jer 15:9) (1 Sa 2:5) With the notion of this "moon" in mind spoken of in accounts like Revelation 12:1, rest assured it is no coincidence that ancient Jericho where we encounter this repentant and discreet "Rahab the prostitute" was located actually INSIDE the borders of Israel, any more than the fact that this name Jericho literally means-moon city. (Isa 66:1) (La 2:1) Yes this record of what occurred in ancient Jericho is actually yet ANOTHER example of seemingly COUNTLESS prophetic dramas that were designed to illustrate what is always involved in another foretold "birth of the barren woman." As I will continue to demonstrate, the only real distinction with all these characters found in this prophetic drama here in 1st Kings is that this "prophet from Judah" is representing more specifically the "two witnesses" that Jehovah always appoints to INITIATE these foretold ministries towards Jesus' "brothers" who have once again become reduced to mere "sleeping" or even "leprous" spiritual "widows" and "virgins" due to yet another broken holy marriage covenant. (1 Ki 13:1) (Mt 25:1, 2, 5, 10) (2 Ki 5:1, 14) (La 1:1, 4) In the first of the "seven" foretold fulfillments of one of these "times" or "births of the barren woman," Jeremiah and Ezekiel filled the role of these "two" figurative "spies" or "inspectors" of this now very "Jericho" or even "Sodom and Egypt"-like "great city" that Jehovah INITIALLY recognized as Jerusalem. (Jos 2:1, 14) (Lu 19:44) (Mt 23:37-39) (Isa 1:21) (Re 11:8, 17:18) Compare (1 Ki 13:28) For the sake of this discussion at least, let us please endeavor to think of the setting found here in this drama in 1st Kings 13 as initially being set directly between the season of the eagle and the bull. In other words when the situation described for us in accounts like 2 Kings 23:31-35 would result in the spiritual uncleanness or even "leprosy" symbolized by the "eagle," Jehovah at some point ALWAYS sends two prophets to initiate the process involved in furnishing blood atonement or otherwise the spiritual CLEANSING of this figurative "leprosy," which in turn is represented by this sacrificial bull. (Eze 1:10) To begin grasping things here at an even deeper level however, the moment we understand that it is actually the holy law or kingdom covenant that qualifies people as Israelites in the FIRST place, (whether fleshly or spiritual) and by extension actually residing on the SOIL of Israel or even more specifically what this always represented, (namely an approved standing before Jehovah), we want to think of this NEW formal agreement or covenant that King Jehoiakim formed with Pharaoh Necho as NOT ONLY what immediately transformed Israelites into "loathsome eagles," but also precisely what simultaneously REMOVED them from what was REPRESENTED by this "Promised Land," or land of Israel. The Apostle Paul in fact helps us to appreciate that even JERUSALEM ITSELF was actually a symbolic representation of none other than this very same holy "COVENANT" that king Jehoiakim completely violated with spiritual adultery by essentially crawling into bed with the king of Egypt. In fact the literal definition of the word Jerusalem is actually –foundation of two-fold peace. It is of course precisely this holy law of kingdom covenant that SERVES as the foundation for peaceful relations between God and man. To be continued.
Are the words found in accounts like Jeremiah 1:3 already beginning to make more sense to us? At no point in time was this EVER actually about a LITERAL "exile" of people from a LITERAL land of Israel. The reason Jeremiah is pinpointing the year 609 BC as when this foretold "exile" would begin is because the spiritual "prostitution" committed by King Jehoiakim here would mark the first of "seven times" in which people would cease even QUALIFYING as Israelites OR Jews during a foretold period of time identified as the "appointed times of the nations." (Isa 1:21) What these people NOW qualified as was something that REPENTANT ones among them are ALWAYS commanded to "FLEE" from or "get out from among" and no longer even "TOUCH" if they would ever even HOPE for Jehovah to once again "take them in." (Mt 24:15, 16) (Re 18:4) (2 Cor 6:17) What was actually experiencing LITERAL destruction around the time of 587 BC at the hands of the Babylonian armies was the very same thing that was experiencing Jehovah's adverse judgments in the year 70 CE at the hands of the ROMAN armies, namely the "GREAT HARLOT"! The GENUINE Jews and Israelites that Paul speaks of in accounts like Romans 2:28, 29 and Galatians 6:16 were of course perfectly safe and sound in 70 CE, and this was for the very same reason that TRUE worshipers of Jehovah were FLOURISHING in the year 587 BC. In BOTH cases they had come under a RESTORED holy covenant due to their repentant OBEDIENCE to divine commands such as those listed in the above paragraph. (Lu 22:28, 29) You see the reason that ones like Daniel and his three Hebrew companions were even IN Babylon in the year 587 BC in the first place is because they were COMMANDED to be there by "two witnesses" that went by the names of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. (Jer 27:12, 13) Moreover if we imagine that the appointments these ones subsequently experienced to positions of tremendous power and authority in Babylon did not involve a renewed holy covenant, then we would do well to carefully consider accounts like Ezekiel Chapter 17. As we do so, we might notice we once again find ourselves considering the symbolisms involved with an "EAGLE" for some reason. Compare (Le 11:13) (Re 12:14 18:2) (Da 4:33, 7:4 9:27) (Mt 24:28) Yes with regard to this "season" of spiritual "uncleanness/leprosy" and even "sleep" that ALWAYS comes with a broken holy kingdom or law covenant in connection with one of these foretold "times," it is now all about the NEXT "SEASON," which is identified in the scriptures with terms such as the "time for loves expressions," or the "season" of the "bull." (1 Th 5:1-3) (Mt 25:5) (Eze 1:10 16:8) This new season is marked with EXACTLY what we encounter here in the opening words of 1 Kings Chapter 13, namely a "prophet of Judah" being sent by Jehovah to a kind of leprous FOREIGN chieftain, who seems intent on engaging only in idolatrous FALSE worship. Compare (2 Kings 5:1, 10, 14) And if we imagine for even one moment it is merely a coincidence that Jeroboam was an Ephraimite as well as the son of a WIDOWED mother here in this setting of spiritual "leprosy," then unfortunately we are still (for the moment at least) rather far from grasping the symbolic spiritual language found in the holy writings. (Ge 48:19) (1 Ki 11:26) (La 1:1, 4) (Isa 54:1-4) Compare (Eze 16:1-5) Is the prophetic drama of the prophet Jonah being sent to a "great city" with yet another FOREIGN king in desperate need of repentance suddenly beginning to take on much more meaning for us? (Jon 3:3 6-9) (Re 17:18) Nevertheless with this notion in mind of the season of the bull being associated also with this "time for love's expressions," since the whole idea behind the divine "appointing" of two prophets (which in this setting qualify as mere "stewards" or even "slaves" as opposed to glorious kings) in these time frames is to ultimately renew what is described also as a kind of MARRIAGE covenant, would scriptural accounts such as ones like Matthew 25:1-10 or even the entire Song of Solomon (Song of Songs being the real title of this book actually) perhaps begin to suddenly take on more meaning for us? (Mt 24:45) (Jer 3:8) (Isa 54:1-4) You see it is precisely for this reason that the interaction between these "two witnesses" and the rather leprous king and deceptive prophet figures/characters they encounter is represented in the scriptures also as a kind of romantic COURTSHIP between these two entities. It is actually a RENEWED holy marriage covenant that heals the "leprosy" being pictured here in verse six of 1 Kings Chapter 13. We might notice in this same account however that this healing is ultimately represented as being rather short lived, and in fact so brief that in at least some sense it could be recognized as never truly or fully occurring AT ALL! But then again, is this not PRECISELY the way that the seven baptisms of this leprous foreign chieftain were represented to us there in 2 Kings Chapter 5; or at least until it would come to the FINAL cleansing of this figurative "leprosy"? We might notice when it comes to what the prophet Ezekiel referred to as this "time of love's expressions" in connection with an "ABANDONED Jerusalem," (abandoned "covenant") we encounter this very same prophetic pattern. (Eze 16:1-15) (Mt 23:38) (Ga 4:24-26) (Zec 11:10, 11) Are we already beginning to see this account here at 1 Kings Chapter 13 in a rather different light than we ever have before? In my case at least I very much hope and pray that this is indeed the case. Let us by all means see what else can be gleaned from a much more prayerful and SCRIPTURAL approach to it that (once again) is completely devoid of any and all extrabiblical literature and teachings as we continue this discussion beginning with my next post. Agape love: Sol
This statement above does nothing to further draw others to what you are trying to share. These are boastful words that you now have used several times. Quite frankly, it shows you feel you are superior to your reader. You are somebody alright, in your own head. Deep scriptural matters do not need run-on sentences and meandering thoughts. Just like in math, writing has rules that have nothing to do with me. When you write in the manner that you continue to do, people look on questioning your intelligence. Listen to me, Sol: I've had several people message me privately asking why you write with run-on sentences about nothing. These are basic writing skills one learns in school. This has nothing to do with the Bible. No one can understand you because of your run-on sentences, not because the subject is complex. You are deceiving yourself. Nothing you are presenting is complex at all, and in fact what I would consider as milk of scripture—the basic Sunday school stuff. I've told you before an author simplifies complexities. Why do you think Einstien wrote out E=MC2? It was a simple condensed form of a complex subject. You don't need all of your meanderings. Stop telling others to "consider prayerfully," and, "let us please endeavor to think" and, "to begin grasping things here," and, "are we starting to understand," and, "are we starting to grasp," and, "are we already beginning to see," and, "let's please endeavor to begin thinking," and, "to begin attaining to a genuine understanding," and "beginning to make more sense to us?" On and on and on... Get OVER YOURSELF already. I never said I thought I was a better writer than you. You don't take constructive criticism at all; That's a lousy trait for someone wishing to find the truth. Sol, it has nothing to do with me. 2+2=4. That is how writing works as well. There are rules... You have obviously clouded your own mind with your own god complex and have turned aside from any criticism and rational reason. This is one of the cockiest, most arrogant statements I've ever seen someone write on here. I haven't seen anything useful enough in your writings to even take the time to edit your work at all, let alone the fact that each one of your posts could be condensed to maybe three sentences. Your arrogance is thick... Being clothed is the forgiveness of sin Sol, not the gaining of knowledge. And here you go again. Just because you think you had some epiphany, when you keep bringing it up, it makes you look cocky. Like you think you're better than others. Besides, no one believes you anyway, Sol, so why even say it? I was anointed in 2008, and I never mention it. No one cares. I think you need a dictionary. Original Word: παλαιόω Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: palaioó Phonetic Spelling: (pal-ah-yo'-o) Definition: to make or declare old Usage: I make old, declare obsolete; pass: I grow old, become obsolete. Saying a new one was coming is what made the old outdated, but that didn't mean the old disappeared yet. The old was outdated, that's why Jehovah said a new one was coming. And that's exactly why the scripture says it was, "soon to disappear." It disappeared in the very next chapter of Hebrews 9, 500 years after it was made obsolete. It continued for another 500 years after Jehovah made it obsolete/outdated. I don't think you are grasping what I'm saying because you can't see past your own nose. You aren't even trying to understand what I said. If you had, you would understand that the old covenant continued on till Jesus fulfilled it; it was only "obsolete," "outdated," when Jehovah said a new was coming, to Jerimiah. You're wasting my time and yours by not studying what I'm actually saying. If you can't repeat back to me exactly what I was telling you, you are stuck in your own head and will never gain the truth. You think you prove me wrong with scripture, but you can't even grasp what it is I'm actually saying. Sol, you're so cocky. Your "wordy" posts have nothing to do with your knowledge and everything to do with your lack of concern for your reader. I deal with the most complex subject in scripture, chronology; you are far from being over my head. You think what you're presenting is complex, but it's Sunday school stuff Sol, and you're not listening. I'm trying to help you, and you're not listening. It is your closed-mindedness that has blinded you, Sol. And your last two posts are exactly the same jibberish. I share this scripture with you now for a third time: "When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he who restrains his lips is wise." Proverbs 15:28 Since you believe "Christ" means "anointing," you believe you are Christ, don't you?
I've made it rather clear from the outset that I am unwilling to engage in mere fighting and arguing. (2 Ti 2:24) So since things have clearly devolved to this point already, I would only ask brother Joshua that you please do not interpret it as rudeness on my part if this is my last attempt to reply to your questions or comments. Nevertheless since I am clearly under attack here I believe I am entitled to at least some measure of self defense. Please at least try to put yourself in my shoes (as the saying goes) here for at least a moment brother Joshua, and perhaps this way you can begin having at least some measure of empathy for how I am seeing things at the moment. I can assure you that in at least most cases (for example) that when someone poses a question like –who or what are the "two witnesses"?, particularly in view of the fact that the scriptures have already clearly associated this entity with "prophesying" (Re 11:3), they are already keenly aware not only of the fact that this involves "two individuals" as you point out, but also that they would be "anointed" with Jehovah's spirit as you ALSO correctly state. The problem I see here is not that your reply is incorrect or unscriptural, but rather that it has not truly even begun to address the question. You yourself seem intent on pointing out that people on this platform are already at least relatively well versed in the scriptures. So once again in at least most instances we can be certain not only that a person posing such a question would be looking for an answer that goes somewhat beyond what you have responded with in this case, but also that they would very much appreciate at least SOME degree of scriptural verification to go along with it. From where I'M sitting at least, not only have I produced a significantly deeper answer than that these "two witnesses" would consist of "two anointed individuals," but I have also gone to GREAT lengths to demonstrate scriptural support for my reply. But instead of receiving any appreciation at all for my efforts, at least for the most part I only stand accused of being wrong as well as condescending and prideful. Moreover I am seeing (frankly) no genuine scriptural support whatsoever to confirm ANY of these accusations. For one thing if we at some point have come to regard ourselves as among the anointed for some reason or other while at the same time recognizing that being a part of this "body" by extension means we have a "head" or "leader" and exemplar, would not the fact that this leader set the EXAMPLE for us in openly confessing his anointing mean that we are even REQUIRED to do so as well? (Lu 4:18-21) (Col 1:18) What is more, if such a person also realizes that they have found themselves in a prophetic time frame in which yet another holy marriage covenant has been violated with spiritual adultery and reduced the anointed ones into spiritually "sleeping widows and virgins" in desperate need of another foretold "marriage" to their potential heavenly "bridegroom," would they not be keenly aware that this confession would only tend to bring even more opposition and persecution upon them? (Mt 25, 1, 2, 5, 10) (La 1:1, 4) In this setting at least, wouldn't this really amount to simply demonstrating even more willingness to essentially "pick up their (figurative) torture stake and follow" their leader Jesus? (Mt 16:24) (Zep 3:18) With all due love and respect, from MY perspective at least, this scenario I currently find myself dealing with here would be very much like someone on this forum posing the question of who really is the true God?, and I respond with something like—oh that is very simple, it would be the one with the capitol G when you stumble upon the word -God in the Bible instead of the small g when you on the other hand encounter the word -god. In fact here are the scriptures that confirm this. Etc. etc. Now regardless of the fact that I might technically be correct, someone comes along at some point with an attempt to GENUINELY address the question with the scriptures and rather than expressing appreciation for their efforts to go a bit deeper on the subject, I instead begin to basically tell them to just keep their mouth shut because the real answer is so simple and obvious and therefore they are clearly full of themselves. I then go so far as to inform them also that they are a terrible writer since they are unable to express things in the simple and concise manner that I already did. Once again with all due love and respect, would this not really be a rather fitting and fair analysis of what is currently unfolding here brother Joshua? While I believe I have already furnished a reply to your latest comments which addresses them in a fairly comprehensive manner, there are a few remarks here that I think call for a more specific response which I will cover in my next post. Agape love; Sol
Joshua wrote: "Being clothed is the forgiveness of sin Sol, not the gaining of knowledge." I'm certain that if you were to simply take a closer look at what I actually wrote on this issue you would realize that I never made the claim you are asserting here. While the "gaining of knowledge" would indeed be connected with the spiritual "feeding" Jesus is speaking prophetically of here in Matthew 25:34-36, the "clothing" on the other hand is a symbolic reference to what ones like the Apostle John speaks of prophetically several decades later in passages such as Revelation 6:11 11:7-12 and Paul at Hebrews 9:26-28. (Actually the writer of the book of Hebrews is anonymous and I tend to imagine it was Paul based mainly on the writing style) Joshua wrote: "I'm trying to help you, and you're not listening. It is your closed-mindedness that has blinded you, Sol. And your last two posts are exactly the same jibberish. I share this scripture with you now for a third time: "When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he who restrains his lips is wise." Proverbs 15:28" Respectfully brother Joshua, particularly since you seem the one here who is rather intent on repeatedly leveling some rather strong accusations against someone in what appears even to be in some rather creative ways while I on the other hand seem focused on merely directing peoples attention repeatedly to the scriptures and even in a manner that I would argue does indeed reveal some transgressions in this case, would it not be only fair to point out at least that your statements here could go both ways? In fact you seem to be repeatedly issuing outright demands while I on the other hand only aim to lovingly and respectfully encourage my dear brothers and sisters to consider what the scriptures have to say on various topics while at the same time doing my utmost to employ the "reasoning" on them that we are commanded at Romans 12:1. In my case I fail to see that I am demanding anything of anyone nor accusing them of ANYTHING! Nevertheless I seem to be the only one here continually being accused of prideful and condescending behavior. There are obviously "MANY words" found in the holy writings. Could it possibly be the case that the best way we can demonstrate wisdom is to endeavor to "restrain our lips" when someone is sharing them with us? Joshua wrote: "Since you believe "Christ" means "anointing," you believe you are Christ, don't you?" Once again with all due love and respect brother Joshua, what you are pointing to here at the moment has nothing to do with belief at all, but rather simply the literal definition of a particular word. The word Christ literally means- anointed one. As I believe I have already pointed out in fact, when you encounter the term –"anointed one" there in accounts like Leviticus 4:3, in the Hebrew writings this is rendered as Mashiyach which in turn is just another way of saying –Messiah or Christ. While I can assure you that my reason for being here has absolutely nothing to do with a desire to make ANYONE feel or look foolish, what this actually means is that by writing the above question in the manner that you have, the following is LITERALLY what you have just managed to convey with your choice of words: "Since you believe that anointed one means anointing, you believe you are an anointed one, don’t you?" You yourself have claimed to be among the anointed which by extension means you have identified yourself as among what the SCRIPTURES clearly describe on SEVERAL occasions as a "body of MANY members" of this Christ. (1 Cor 6:15 12:12) (Ro 12:4, 5) (Col 1:18) The only real question here is whether or not we will ultimately succeed in being recognized by Jehovah as among the more "discreet" of this "body" by means of humbly and "repentantly" subjecting ourselves to the "sufferings" of a GENUINE Christian? (1 Pe 4:16) (Mt 3:1, 2 4:17 25:1, 2) It would undoubtedly prove VERY discreet or wise on our part to continually bear in mind that ultimately "few" of these "many members" of the anointed ever succeed in actually accomplishing this. (Mt 22:14) (1 Cor 9:24-27) The indication in fact is that the primary reason the ministry of Jehovah's prophets or even "two witnesses" in these post-apostasy/pre-kingdom time frames most often proves as a "stone of stumbling" or even a "rock mass of offense" is due to the difficulty involved with sinful and imperfect humans humbly coming to terms with the completely "devastated" condition that a broken kingdom covenant ALWAYS places EVEN the "discreet" ones of the anointed in. (Eze 38:8) (Mal 3:2, 3) (1Pe 2:8) Agape love; Sol
The problem is, Sol, that no one can understand your writing. I can barely follow you myself. Not because of the subject, or that “it’s just deep,” it’s because of your constant writing errors. How many times do I have to say writing has rules. Run-on sentences do not allow someone to understand you. I can write complex too. Let’s see if you can explain to me what I’m saying when I attempt to write complex: This place arride inside alone, dreaming peace for but a moment. Yet hate abounds in tears a heart quenches fear aside from own. Haste, all remain in so self-loathing? Perchance to see the depths of one’s soul. Others too often outwardly appeal, addiction form self wanting. Their heart in pain, emotions to play, through answers I have honed. True, all there is in-depth these be, but one shall never go; Enriched to which to find from this, eternally I shall know. I don’t have to write complex, but I can... I can explain all this to you, but I can’t understand it for you... Jesus entered the temple courtyard and overturned the tables. Are you going to do that? Jesus spit in men’s eyes. Are you going to do that? Your logic is flawed. Just because Jesus said He was the Son of God does not mean you should go around claiming to be part of an elect class. Think of your audience’s response. Are you saying it for them, or you?????? You don’t take criticism at all, and that is not a good thing... That is called a martyr syndrome. You believe just the fact that you get opposition says you’re right, where the odds are a fellow Christian is trying to correct you. You are not an island.... Let me ask you a question, Sol; let’s say, for grin’s sake, you were actually talking to an angel right now who was trying very hard to assist you, but you were just constantly letting your own mind stand in the way? Keeping it simple is what that kind of person needs. You give them milk Sol, not meat. You think you should force-feed such new ones? You do not need to prove every single detail you think you know about every given subject at every given time. Keep it simple... But I know you’re not going to listen. Take my constructive criticism however you would like. But one thing is for sure: I see you can actually write concisely if you really wish to. What you said above is to the point, no run-on sentences, and clearly understood. You didn’t need to write five paragraphs explaining how we should “start to see," or “begin understanding” to get your point across. So, from my view, my criticism worked. It’s just a matter of whether or not you’ll stick to it. Your manner of writing made it nearly impossible to understand what you were trying to say, Sol. Why do you think people can’t follow you? It’s not because the subject is difficult for your peers. I’m afraid you are mistaken, IMO Sol. Nakedness is sin, simply put, period. “I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.” Rev 3:18 “He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.” Gen 3:10 The elect isn't given white robes to cover the nakedness of sin, it shows their righteousness. Being clothed because of nakedness is the forgiveness of sin. People have been using the Bible to explain anything they want for 2000 years. Just because you think the scriptures you share support your view, that does not necessarily make it so. In fact, most of the time, when I see your references, they have nothing to do with the subject you're discussing at all. And it is my opinion (as I’ve said previously) you have misled yourself through your isolation. “Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment.” Prov 18:1 Again, where I am a fellow Christian attempting to help you, you see an attack. Usually, open-minded people would consider if what I’m saying has merit. Just as a closed-minded person believes they are being attacked. In reality, I wouldn’t even bother if I didn’t care. But, you appear to need a heavy hand. I did once, and was helped by someone standing up to me until I finally started to see, that I could actually think of others first and not myself... See, you’re changing that scripture to fit your narrative. That scripture isn’t talking about the listener; it’s talking about the speaker. Now, do you see how your mind can deceive you? Watch a video about mirages and how our minds can deceive us, Sol. Then watch a video on “confirmation bias.” I asked you to previously, but I bet you didn’t. So I’m going to put one in here. Watch it... I assure you, you certainly will not make me look foolish... What you are doing is confusing the Greek word Christos with chrisma. Christos is the individual, while chrisma is the anointing we receive. I’m afraid you didn’t look “significantly deep enough.” “But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth.” 1Jhn 2:20 “The record of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham:” Mth 1:1 It’s alright; understanding and correcting our errors is one step closer to the truth, my friend... Joshua
Getting back again to the discussion of 1 Kings Chapter 13. For emphasis, what I am endeavoring to demonstrate here from the scriptures is that this account found in 1 Kings Chapter 13 is simply yet another example of MANY ways in which Jehovah has chosen to illustrate merely ONE of what would ultimately comprise "SEVEN" ongoing "circuits" of spiritual deaths an rebirths ("baptisms") of his holy nation that would unfold prior to the Millennial Reign. (Mt 10:23) (Jos 6:3-5) (Da 4:23, 32) (Jer 15:9) (2 Ki 5:1, 14) The span of time over which this phenomenon would develop was identified also with terms such as that of the foreign "exile and captivity" of God's people or the "appointed times of the nations." (Eze 12:11) (Lu 21:24) (Da 4:23, 32) (Jer 15:9) After the "holy covenant" that always QUALIFIES people as Jehovah's "special property" or "Israelites" (whether fleshly or spiritual) has been completely violated with spiritual adultery on the part of the appointed earthly shepherds that it is always formed with, Jehovah at some point (in accord with his tender mercies and undeserved kindness) in effect sends "two spies" or "inspectors" to an entity that is now identified as ANYTHING BUT Israel. (De 26:17-19) (Jos 2:1) (Lu 19:44) In fact since this broken marriage covenant means that Israel no longer even EXISTS, this by extension means that even these prophets THEMSELVES do not come from Israel, but rather from what is described with terms like "EGYPT," or more specifically what now "in a SPIRITUAL sense is called SODOM and Egypt…" (Re 11:8) (Mt 2:15) Yes since we ourselves at this very moment are once again in this exact setting or situation in which we are no longer even allowed to "TOUCH" the filthy religious meetings and literature of ANY organized religion if we would wish for Jehovah to once again "take us in," quite likely NO ONE has EVER drawn our attention to things such as the fact that prophets like Jeremiah and Ezekiel were NOT sent by Jehovah to Israel, but rather to an entity that was identified as the "NATIONS." (Jer 1:5) (2 Cor 6:17) Do we understand that this is precisely what is being represented to us here in this account at 1 Kings Chapter 13? Have we overlooked not only that this "Ephraimite" entity was used to symbolize the "full equivalent of nations" in the first place, but also that in this case we are even more specifically considering a setting in which this ten tribe kingdom is ALSO being pictured as having become separated from its Judean shepherding counterpart as well as subsequently falling completely into idolatrous false worship? (Gen 48:19) (Eze 37:16) (Zec 11:3, 14-17) In other words, in a setting of a broken holy kingdom covenant we are not actually dealing with Israel or otherwise "people OUT OF all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues that have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb," but rather simply "ALL THE NATIONS," or even merely "those who dwell on the earth." (Re 7:9, 10, 14 13:7, 8) Worse yet we are now considering this "ten tribed" entity sitting atop a "wild beast" represented in the form of "ten horns" due to its making the same adulterous alliance with the "dragon" that its "two tribed" "prostitute sister" had ALREADY made. (Re 13:11 17:3) (Eze 23:1-4) This would in fact be the same broken holy covenant that had severed Israel from Judea in the first place and immediately reduced her to the "flock meant for the killing." (Zec 11:4, 5) Are we perhaps STILL failing to bear in mind that ALL these things were ultimately designed as a "typical representation and a shadow of the things to come…" with SPIRITUAL Israel? (He 8:5) If not, we would do well to take note of the fact that upon specifically identifying what Jehovah recognizes as this "…sin of the priest, the anointed one that brings guiltiness upon the people…" is specifically COMPRISED of, he at the same time explicitly pinpoints this foretold period of foreign "exile" as beginning with the reign of this very same king "Jehoiakim." (Jer 1:3) (Le 4:3) Historians all seem to agree that this would have begun in the year 609 BC. Should it really come as any surprise to us that we arrive at this very same year by simply counting backwards 70 years from the time that a NEW divinely "anointed" foreign "shepherd" by the name of "Cyrus" would deliver Jehovah's faithful ones from what was now a spiritually "FALLEN king" or foreign world power which ITSELF had once qualified as a "servant" of Jehovah? (Jer 25:9-11) (Isa 44:28, 45:1) (Re 17:10) (Da 5) But if the "false apostles" that are ALWAYS born from the spiritually adulterous relations of a broken holy marriage covenant would never so much as point out even that Jehovah ALWAYS "appoints" two figurative "spies" during these post-apostasy/pre-kingdom time frames to "inspect" the completely "devastated" "widows" and "virgins" of the PREVIOUS marriage covenant, then what are the chances they would draw our attention to the fact that these "two witnesses" are also always identified as the "SON OF MAN"? (2 Cor 11:13-15) (Jos 2:1, 14) (Isa 1:21) (Lu 19:44) (Eze 3:1, 7 38:8) (La 1:1, 4) (Mt 3:1, 2 4:17 8:20 23:38 24:45 25:1, 2, 5, 10) Once again regardless of whether we are dealing with the Christ or the ANTIchrist, it is ultimately a "body of MANY members" that we are considering here. (1 Cor 6:15 12:12) (1 Joh 2:18) Are we beginning to better appreciate why just as demonstrated or us ALSO with the ministries of the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel, the "prophesying" of the "two witnesses" or "appointed stewards/slaves" towards "Christ's domestics" would ALWAYS prove even EXTREMELY testing and trialsome NOT ONLY for the anointed "brothers" of Jesus, but also for these two prophets THEMSELVES? (Mt 24:45 25:40) (Re 11:3) (Mal 3:2, 3) The GENUINE prophets that always arrive in these time frames immediately prior to another full manifestation of Jehovah's nation or kingdom are BY NO MEANS endeavoring to elevate themselves above ANYONE upon confessing themselves as such. If anything JUST THE OPPOSITE is the case since part of "bearing the reproach" of yet another broken holy covenant is to present themselves as "SLAVES" to what they can only HOPE and PRAY would soon prove as essentially a "repentant," cooperative and "discreet" "RAHAB" portion of a "great city" or "great harlot," which is ALWAYS facing outright destruction in these time periods! (Zep 3:18) In other words since the "sin of the PRIEST, the ANOINTED one (Christ by even literal definition) that brings guiltiness upon the PEOPLE" means that in at least some sense these prophets THEMSELVES are SHARING in the very same spiritual "sleep" as the anointed "virgins" they are ministering to, this by extension means that the are in effect presenting themselves as "corpses" or "carcasses" to what are really FELLOW "leprous" or even "LOATHSOME eagles" in the hopes that they will begin FEEDING off of them! (Le 4:3 11:13) (Re 12:14) (Mt 24:28 25:5) (1 Ki 13:4) (Lu 22:27) (Joh 6:53) (Isa 53) To be continued
Are scriptural passages such as 1 Kings 13:4, 24 and Revelation 11:8 suddenly beginning to take on much more meaning for us? If so, then particularly since these phenomenon's are ultimately foretold to be something CYCLICAL or ongoing for a time like a kind of "wheelwork" or even "seven marches AROUND" a "great city" with a kind of "prostitute," then how about accounts like Ezekiel 1:10 10:13? (Mt 10:23) (Jos 2:1 6:3-5) (Re 17:18) (Jer 15:9) (2 Ki 5:1, 14) (Le 26:24) (Mr 14:27) Are we perhaps already attaining to a much better understanding of what is being conveyed to us in the symbolic spiritual language of accounts like Daniel 7:4 or even right here in prophetic dramas like 1 Kings Chapter 13? Do we imagine it is merely a coincidence that symbolic phenomenon found in Ezekiel 1:10 and 10:13 is ultimately found also in Revelation many centuries later being associated yet again with the number seven? (Re 4:6-8) Regardless of whether it be the "seven congregations," the "seven seals," the "seven trumpets, the "seven bowls of the anger of God" or even the "seven kings," the entire book of Revelation and in fact the ENTIRE BIBLE is continually stressing the number seven in connection with ultimately EVERYTHING we are considering in it. Hopefully at the very least we are beginning to understand why this is the case, not to mention the fact that what we are considering in accounts like Ezekiel 1:10 is by no means a symbolic representation of the four primary attributes of Jehovah as we have long been taught. Rest assured the deeper we continue to dig into this Chapter of 1 Kings along with all its reference scriptures, the more we will come to appreciate that what we are actually considering ultimately throughout the ENTIRE BIBLE is simply MANY different ways of presenting, illustrating or even DEMONSTRATING a foretold phenomenon that sinful and imperfect humans would experience "seven times" prior to a FINAL "birth/coming" of Jehovah's nation that would be connected in some manner with a foretold "EIGHTH king." (Re 17:11) I will continue to demonstrate with scriptural references and sound logic that what we are ACTUALLY dealing with here in Ezekiel 1:10 and 10:13 AS WELL AS Revelation 4:6-8 has everything to do with the "times and seasons" that ones like Paul spoke of in accounts like 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 which in turn would be connected with what he describes on this occasion as "pangs of distress" upon a kind of "pregnant woman." Compare (Mt 24:19-22) (Re 12:1, 2, 5) It is four SEASONS of one of these "SEVEN times" that we are actually considering here in scriptural symbolism, and the reason we find that the season of the SACRIFICIAL "bull" is at the same time represented also with a "cherub" in Chapter 10 of Ezekiel's account is due to what this priestly sacrifice always RESULTS in. This is something that ALWAYS receives a call from heaven to "COME UP HERE" after a ministry of "two witnesses" succeeds in the renewing of yet another broken kingdom covenant with at least a "few" anointed "virgins" who at some point "discreetly" "discern the time of their being inspected." (Re 11:11, 12) (Mt 22:14 25:1, 2, 10) (Lu 19:44 22:28, 29) Just as was demonstrated for us also in this very same setting or "season" in the early part of the first century, this figurative "man of God that comes out of Judah by the word of Jehovah" does this not only by at some point recognizing at least one of these two prophets as a divinely "appointed slave," but also by humbly and repentantly accepting an invitation to JOIN with them in their ministry. (Joh 1:41) (Mr 3:13-15) (1 Ki 13:1) If they are now able to "pick up" this figurative "…torture stake and CONTINUALLY follow…" this "son of man" or "prophet to the nations" entity as the ancient Daniel and his three Hebrew companions ultimately did in response to the ministries of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, they will soon find themselves in a VERY similar situation to what is described in accounts like Daniel 2:47-49 or Luke 22:28, 29. (Mt 16:24) (Jer 1:5) (Eze 3:1-15) (Re 10:9) We might notice however that while the prophesying and subsequent "harvest/resurrection" of the "two witnesses" or "firstfruits" we read of in Revelation 11 was actually foretold in connection with the "SIXTH trumpet" blast or "seal," ("sixth king" or world power) when it comes to what the Apostle Paul referred to as the "LAST trumpet," we ultimately find ourselves considering prophesies of TWO divine "reapings" of a "son" that is "caught away to God and his throne." (Re 9:13 11:15 12:5 14:15, 16 17:10, 11) (1 Cor 15:51-53) You see the manifestation of Jehovah's kingdom that would coincide with a complete destruction of a kind of "EIGHTH king" would NOT UNFOLD in the period of time identified as the "appointed times of the nations." In other words when it comes to the MILLENNIAL reign that Paul spoke of at 1 Corinthians 15:51-53, not only would this final foretold "birth of the barren woman" NOT involve the rise of a FOREIGN world power, but just as Paul made clear in this same account it would not involve human rulers WHATSOEVER! Just as Daniel had foretold millenniums beforehand, when it would come to the rise of this unusually "blasphemous" and "grandiose speaking" "EIGHTH king" which we now refer to as the United Nations, all but the first "HOUR" of its reign would not even enjoy the benefit of SATAN'S ruling authority, let alone Jehovah's. (Da 7:11, 12) (Re 17:11, 12) (Lu 4:6, 7) Apparently this alone would qualify ALL the offenses committed by this final "grandiose horn" as particularly "blasphemous," and this would seem to account for the "double portion" of Jehovah's adverse judgments that it would soon receive. (Re 17:3 18:6-8) Are we beginning to better understand not only what constitutes the end of the "Gentile Times" but also that they would see their fulfillment even PRIOR to the Millennial Reign? So particularly in view of the we are now reading in the SIXTH verse of this account here in 1 Kings Chapter 13 that specifically addresses the HEALING of the spiritual "leprosy" or even "loathsomeness" that comes with a broken kingdom covenant, allow me please to pose the following question for our prayerful consideration: Assuming we now recognize that what we are actually considering here in this prophetic drama found at 1 Kings Chapter 13 is actually a "TIME" among what is ultimately identified as "SEVEN times" or "births of the barren woman," then since verse six here is specifically addressing the HEALING of this spiritual "leprosy" or even "loathsomeness" that always comes with a broken kingdom covenant, then what specific "SEASON" of this "time" would we be considering in this case? (1 Th 5:1-3) Jehovah willing, let's by all means pick up the discussion with this question beginning with my next post. Agape love; Sol
Perhaps the best way to begin addressing the above question is to pose yet another: If a broken holy kingdom covenant means that Israel no longer even exists, (which indeed it does, regardless of whether we are speaking of fleshly OR spiritual Israel), then how can this prophet that Jehovah now sends to King Jeroboam rightly be identified as a "prophet from JUDAH"? (1 Ki 13:1) It is after all a setting of a broken covenant that is being represented to us here in this prophetic drama. The fact is that Judah or what is also identified as the two tribe kingdom of Judea was not only always used to symbolically picture the SHEPHERDING "fold" of Jehovah's nation as opposed to its citizenship, but it is precisely what the term "Jew" is derived from in the first place. (Zec 11:14-17) As it turns out, a genuine preponderance of questions such as this when considered in light of the SCRIPTURES as opposed to mere "teachings and commands of MEN as doctrine" is extremely enlightening. (Rom 12:1) (Ac 17:11) (1 Ti 4:15) (Mt 15:9) You see while mere sinful and imperfect men have gradually been lulled by the teachings of the "man of lawlessness" over the millenniums to overlook things like the fact that most often the writers of the New Testament referred to the reborn theocratic nation as Israel rather than Christianity and its appointed shepherds as Jews rather than Christians, here is something else that we have been RELENTLESSLY programmed to ignore altogether: Particularly when compared to passages like Matthew 24:45, scriptural accounts such as Romans 2:28, 29 and Acts 18:24-28 make it PERFECTLY clear what an ancient FLESHLY Jew (as opposed to simply an Israelite) had always been used to "typify" in a prophetic/symbolic sense in the first place. (He 8:5) This is namely an anointed one who has actually received a genuine "APPOINTING" as a theocratic shepherd. Do we understand by extension that when it comes to an actual SCRIPTURAL definition of this word- Jew, this same definition if anything would apply even MORE SO to the term- Christians? This is because if the word –Christ in a BIBLE dictionary literally means –anointed one, then REGARDLESS of what definitions have been assigned to this word over the millenniums by the "man of lawlessness," obviously what we are considering in this case is the PLURAL form of the word Christ. This in turn means we are simply considering what ones like the Apostle Paul identified as a "body of MANY members of the Christ." (1 Cor 12:12) Now when the holy nation does not even EXIST, obviously there is no one available to PERFORM any theocratic appointments with something like the "laying on of the hands" of genuine prophets or Apostles. (2 Ti 1:6) (He 6:2) Even the most basic logic should dictate to us that if ANY genuine theocratic appointments were to occur in a setting in which even Jesus' anointed "BROTHERS" would find THEMSELVES in dire need of spiritual food and clothing, the endowments of holy spirit that in this time period would make genuine prophets of Jehovah (as Jesus himself pointed out) like "BANKERS" as opposed to "depositors" in relation to the ones they are assigned to minister to, would come directly from JEHOVAH. (Mt 25:27, 34-40) Are we beginning to better appreciate yet another thing that would distinguish the "two witnesses" from ALL other prophets or genuine theocratic shepherds? When even "Christ's DOMESTICS" find themselves in desperate need of being "GIVEN their food at the proper time" while they on the other hand are supposed to be the very ones DISTRIBUTING this spiritual sustenance, obviously the "faithful and discreet slave" is not comprised of a "governing body" of seven or eight members who do not even possess enough holy spirit to understand that merely IDENTIFYING themselves as such is an open acknowledgment that they are "virgins and "widows" of a BROKEN holy marriage covenant as opposed to the "brides of the Lamb" that they simultaneously profess to be. (Mt 24:45 25:1, 2) (La 1:1, 4) (1 Joh 2:27) (Re 21:2, 9) Worse yet, the fact that they would be engaged in a PUBLIC ministry in these settings in which even GENUINE prophets lack this authority means that in stark CONTRAST to the "two witnesses," they are openly identifying themselves (even if unwittingly) as the UNREPENTANT portion of what ALWAYS qualifies in these time periods as a "great harlot" or spiritual "prostitute." (Isa 1:21 47:1-3) (Re 17:1) Once again, "the faithful and wise steward" only has the authority to "feed Christ's DOMESTICS" or "BROTHERS" in ANY time period in which a broken holy covenant has reduced us to once again eagerly anticipating yet another foretold "birth of the barren woman" or "coming of the kingdom." (Jer 15:9) What makes or qualifies the "REPENTANT" ones of what are now merely "LOST sheep" of an "abandoned" "HOUSE of Israel" as a part of the figurative "BARREN woman" is their humble and repentant recognition that they have essentially FORFEITED any and all spiritual "children" with this humble acknowledgment. (Mt 3:1, 2 10:5, 6 23:38) (Isa 54:1-4) The spiritual "divorcing" that ALL the anointed ones experience with the "sin of the priest, the anointed one that brings guiltiness upon the PEOPLE" in fact means that they no longer have any genuine shepherding authority and power AT ALL, and this REMAINS the case until if or when such is reassigned to them by one of Jehovah's PROPHETS! (Jer 3:8) (Le 4:3) This is exactly what was being demonstrated for us in accounts like Haggai 1:11-13 or Mark 3:13-15. But are we grasping how this information is producing the answer to the question posed in the opening paragraph of this post? You see if we DO recognize ourselves as existing in yet another prophetic time frame where we one again feel very much like oppressed slaves in desperate need of being delivered not only "in a SPIRITUAL sense" but even in a LITERAL one from a kind of "SODOM AND EGYPT," and we indeed ARE beginning to find ourselves being GENUINELY fed "in a spiritual sense," should we NOT really begin to appreciate that we have in fact entered into yet another one of these "seasons" of a "time" that has been identified all along as that of the sacrificial "bull" or "time of loves expressions"? (Re 4:7 11:8) (1 Th 5:1-3) (Eze 16:8) (Da 4:23, 32) Wouldn't the only REAL question at this point be whether or not we will prove to be among the "few" of "Christ's domestics" who will ultimately respond to the "prophesying" of the "two witnesses" in a manner that Jehovah can recognize as genuinely "discreet" rather than "foolish"? (Mt 22:14 25:1, 2) (Re 11:3, 7, 8, 11, 12) With that said, lets by all means see what other things we can glean from picking up the discussion now with verse 7 here in 1 Kings Chapter 13. Beginning with my next post, let's please see what additional things are revealed by Jehovah in connection with what I will continue to demonstrate qualifies here as simply one among MANY symbolic/prophetic dramas of all four "seasons" of a what ultimately qualifies as merely ONE of "SEVEN times" that Jehovah's holy nation would experience a birth and subsequent death during a period identified with terms like "the appointed times of the nations." (1 Th 5:1-3) (Re 4:7) (Da 4:23) (Jer 15:9) (1 Sa 2:5) (Isa 66:7, 8) (Lu 21:24) Agape love; Sol
7 "And the king went on to say to the man of the true God: "Do come with me to the house and take sustenance, and let me give you a gift." 9 But the man of the true God said to the king: "If you gave me half of your house I would not come with you and eat bread and drink water in this place. 9 For that is the way he commanded me by the word of Jehovah saying, "You must not eat bread or drink water, and you must not return by the way that you went." 10 And he began to go by another way, and he did not return by the way by which he had come to Bethel." (1 Ki 13:7-10) If we indeed were to begin recognizing that what we are dealing with here is simply yet another symbolic/prophetic drama of what is involved with one of the SEVEN cycles or "circuits" of spiritual deaths and subsequent "rebirths" of God's nation foretold to occur during a period of foreign "captivity and exile," could this at least POTENTIALLY begin to remove at least SOME of the mystery or bewilderment we have always felt about such accounts up until now? (Mt 10:23) (Lu 21:24) (Jer 15:9) (Jos 6:3-5) Could scriptural passages such as this perhaps begin taking on even MORE meaning to us if or when we would come to also appreciate that there are even four figurative "SEASONS" assigned to these foretold "times" or "baptisms of holy spirit and fire," and that these ALSO would comprise part of what is often being "typified" for us in a symbolic or illustrative manner? (1 Th 5:1-3) (Re 4:7) (Mt 3:11) (2 Ki 5:1, 10, 14) (Da 4:23) (2 Ki 5:1, 10, 14) (He 8:5) Well if we happen to be among the ones who are actually open to the idea of humbly accepting some assistance in coming to better understand scriptural accounts like this, at the moment I would respectfully suggest we begin taking into account the following things when it comes to these particular verses of 1 Kings Chapter 13: First of all did we happen to notice just how strongly the notion of a "house" was stressed here in just these few verses? Our attention was actually directed towards this concept THREE TIMES in just these four verses since "Bethel" literally means –house of God. However now that we are absolutely compelled to factor in the SETTING or prophetic time frame/"season" we are dealing with here, namely one in which an act of spiritual adultery on the part of Jehovah's woman results in him "ABANDONING" his earthly "sanctuary" or "temple," we at least SHOULD come to recognize that this is not a LEGITIMATE "Bethel" or house of God that we are considering here. (Mt 23:38) (1 Cor 3:16:17) Worse yet, scriptures like Daniel 11:30-32 and 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 help us to understand that in such a "season," this "holy place" would now comprise a "sanctuary" occupied by DEMONS! (Mt 24:15, 16) In view of all the "disgusting" or even "loathsome" spiritual uncleanness involved in this therefore, should it come as any surprise to us then that this particular "season" of a "time" is now represented with the "face of an EAGLE," or even "every unclean and hated BIRD"? (Le 11:13) (Re 4:7 12:14 18:2) Compare (Da 4:23 9:27) With these things in mind, let's not forget that it was actually SAMARIA that this prophet of Jehovah was sent to here, which in some sense does not even actually EXIST unless it has been CREATED by exactly what was represented just two chapters prior to this prophetic drama we are currently considering. But what exactly WAS depicted there in 1st Kings Chapter 11, and what does it have to do with this symbolic spiritual language we encounter two chapters later? We might notice that not only was an APOSTASY represented here at even the highest level of Jehovah's nation, but even one that was represented as ALTOGETHER ELIMINATING the JUDEAN facet of Jehovah's nation from what would now comprise what is identified as a SAMARITAN one. Do we understand that it is only a completely broken or violated holy COVENANT that can succeed in accomplishing what the prophet Zechariah described as the "despoiling" of the earthly portion of Jehovah's appointed "SHEPHERD" or what the Apostle John identified as the "holy ones," and by extension the situation or existence of a now rather isolated or relatively alienated "FLOCK" of this former "shepherd"? (Zec 11) (Re 13:7, 8) With that in mind, did we overlook that one of the names that Jehovah assigned to Samaria was "Oholah," and that this name literally means—wait for it—my HOUSE!? (Eze 23:1-4) Yes what we are currently considering here is precisely what always creates the NEED for the healing, restoration or even reconciliation between the flock and shepherding facets of Jehovah's people, or what is also referred to as its Judean and Ephraimite folds. (Isa 11:13, 14) (Zec 9:13) This is precisely what prophets like Jesus himself spoke of at John 10:16 in connection with what would now qualify as the SPIRITUAL nation of Israel or the "reality" of the "copy" that had prophetically and symbolically "typified" it. (He 8:5 9:24) Once again let’s not forget that since we are clearly dealing here in the early part of the first century with events connected to the spiritual "fall" of the FOURTH world power or "king" foretold for the "gentile times," and by extension the ministry of the "two witnesses" that would give rise to the FIFTH foretold "king" spoken of in accounts like Revelation 17:10, it would therefore be the FIFTH "birth of the barren woman" that we are considering in this case. (Da 7:4-7) (Jer 15:9) But did we notice that the setting we encountered here in the 23rd Chapter of Ezekiel is precisely the same one we find here in 1st Kings Chapter 13, or for that matter John 10:16 as well? You see just as we learned there in Zechariah Chapter 11, until the moment this now rather isolated flock or SAMARITAN entity falls into the same level of idolatrous false worship or spiritual "prostitution" that her figurative "sister" had ALREADY succumbed to, JEHOVAH HIMSELF steps in to perform the role of her "shepherd"! (Zec 11:7) Jehovah is obviously not engaged in sending HUMAN shepherds or prophets to really ANYONE or any THING when he HIMSELF is filling the role of a shepherd. In other words, just as is being represented here in 1 Kings Chapter 13 with the extremely idolatrous actions of King Jeroboam, the setting we are even MORE specifically dealing with here is one in which this "ten tribed" Samaritan or the flock facet of Jehovah's people has now JOINED her figurative "sister" in the spiritual adultery involved in a broken holy marriage covenant. This means that as opposed to merely a "TWO horned" or "two TRIBED" shepherding entity that is now only "lamb LIKE" finding itself suddenly in league with a "wild beast" and a "dragon" as opposed to Jehovah, we now ALSO find ourselves considering a "TEN horned" or "ten TRIBED" FLOCK entity being represented as having engaged in this very same spiritual "harlotry." (Re 13:11 17:1-3) In other words the spiritual adultery committed by the two tribed JUDEAN facet of Jehovah's people has resulted in what WAS a TRUE prophet in a covenant relationship with JEHOVAH along with what Daniel Chapter 7 and verse 4 describes as a DOMESTICATED beast now suddenly being transformed into a "FALSE prophet" in a NEW alliance with the "DRAGON" along with what now qualifies as a WILD beast"! (Re 16:13) In the case of the 10 tribed Samaritan or FLOCK facet of Jehovah's people on the other hand, since it would NEVER serve in the capacity of a sacrificial lamb OR a prophet, its act of spiritual prostitution could only EVER qualify it as precisely what is pictured for us there at Revelation Chapter 17. This in turn means that what WAS a "great crowd which no man was able to number OUT OF all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues"… who had "…washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb"…, now suddenly qualifies as merely "…every tribe and people and tongue and nation," or even simply "…those who dwell on the earth." (Re 7:9, 14 13:7) What makes this situation all the more sobering however is that what we now read in the very next verse here in Revelation 13 clears up any question about what Jehovah means there in Zechariah 11 when he describes this flock that has been abandoned by the earthly "camp" of the "Shulammite" as the "flock meant for the KILLING"! (Re 13:8) (Song 6:13) Compare (Zec 11:7) You see if even Jehovah's anointed SHEPHERDS are vulnerable to the wiles and tactics of satan, then just how susceptible would the sinful and imperfect members of their FLOCK be when they have altogether LOST their earthly shepherding counterpart? To be continued