I listened to this audio tape. I happen to like Robert King and his info but I found this particular tape extremely boring and nearly fell asleap a couple of times. If you are indeed a part of Christ's bride, do you really have a choice in partaking or not? Seems a little fishy to me. For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night+ on which he was going to be betrayed took a loaf, 24 and after giving thanks, he broke it and said: “This means my body,+ which is in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.”+ 25 He did the same with the cup+ also, after they had the evening meal, saying: “This cup means the new covenant+ by virtue of my blood.+ Keep doing this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”+ 26 For whenever you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he comes. 1 Cor. 11 The Jews celebrated the "Passover" from when they were brought out of Egypt every year and still do. I don't think that this is optional with the Jews. If they did not celebrate the Passover, unless they could not be in Jerusalem for some reason, then they would celebrate it the next 14th of the month which would be Iyyar 14 http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/2900/jewish/Never-Too-Late.htm See Numbers 9: 1-12.. It sounds like to me that if you are a part of Jesus Bride that you should not take it upon yourself to not do it in remembrance of Jesus, doesn't it? Frank
I agree with you Frank that it would be better to be able to partake if you have got the heavenly calling. But I don't doubt that Robert is anointed. And I think he will still grow spiritually.
Hi Jan: I was not questioning his anointiing or lack thereof, for that is not for my to decide. That is a decision that Jehovah and his wife the Holy Spirit will and do make. I just thought the idea of partaking or not partaking if you are part of Christ' Bride seems a little disconcerting. I like Robert and I like the way he writes. I don't always agree with him but that is OK because he doesn't need my validation. Frank
I don't either. I don't know Roberts reasoning, I've never discussed it with him, but the whole subject has been blown way out of proportion by us humans. I have my own reasons, but it is what it is, I hope one day Jehovah will answer all of these questions for us, and forgive our imperfection and sin now in this world. We move forward hoping we are doing his will, while all the while falling gravely short of that. Am I deserving of something more then another? No, in fact I'm probably least deserving...
It sure is interesting...another view to ponder on....one I have never heard of before. I'm sure when Jesus returns he will have a lot of correcting to do ....I know his way will be a whole lot easier than it is now!!!,
I didn't answered to my mail. I think we must all say now: We want you we want you we want you as a new recruit. Maybe he will answer: But, but, but, I'm afraid of Watchtower . Hey, hey look Man, I get seasick even watchin' it on the broadcasting!
Well we better not sing to him We want you We want you We want you as a new recruit.... The band that sang that was totally gay...I think he will run for the hills...hahahaha
I don't know ..why...I'm not quiet understanding your point...you have to,simplify things for me singlecell ..because or
Here it is in diagram form! Catholicism [ magic emblems of power ] <------------> [ Reality - understanding the meaning of the emblems] This is the subject of Isaiah 1; Israel believed in the "magical powers" of the sacrifices, new moons, Sabbath, etc., the very things Jehovah instituted, he rejected them for not comprehending. So: Does Jehovah merely want us to use a ritual to gain "magical powers" with unleavened bread and wine? Or does he want us to understand the meaning of the symbols? The Bible is primarily written to people "hard of hearing". And those same hard of hearing people create religions and rituals rather than gain understanding. Believing that someone (or ourselves) is a "king and priest" alongside Jesus because of partaking in the SYMBOLS of unleavened bread and wine is a fundamental misunderstanding of Jesus' sacrifice; the opposite of worshiping with "spirit and truth". Robert partaking, or not, means absolutely nothing. I respect him for not falling into the Catholic-derived snare. ----------------------- "My own people do not behave with understanding." "New moons, sabbaths, the calling of conventions —I cannot put up with the use of magical power" "I am not listening;" "Learn to do good, seek justice" “Come, now, and let us set matters straight between us,” says Jehovah Isaiah 1 first half, main points.
This one is actually for Podcast #71 Robert has answered a question asked by a listener/reader of E-Watchman, about WWI being the fulfillment of Revelation, and the beginning of the end. In his explanation, Robert gives his opinion of events that rebut the teachings of the WTB&TS and 1914. One thing I tend to disagree with is Robert’s explanation of the possibility of WWIII, because of the close calls of Russian overflights of USA ships and planes. He also speaks of the Cuban missile crisis. It appears to be a situation that will lead to a “Hot War” rather than a “Cold War”. Myself, having experienced the “Cold War” and looking at the issues today, they are a repeat of what was going on back in the late 1950’s and 1960’s, up to Vietnam. The United States and Russia, including China and North Korea, never got beyond waving fists at each other. After Ronald Reagan told Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall”, in Berlin, it started the end of the so called “Cold War”. Then, the Soviet Union began to collapse and unraveled. Now, as events began to seem to change, it’s just a repeat of the old story all over again. The USA, Russia, China, and Korea, are at it again with the same tactics. Push a little here, shove a little there. I have experienced it and the only thing that has changed is the technology and weapons. It would be like comparing the flintlock to the development of the repeater rifles. Just because technology has changed, does not mean man has changed. It’s the same old story. Other than that, I’m mostly in agreement with Robert. As far as the other questioner about, “Where are Jehovah’s Witnesses who love the truth supposed to go now?”, I have a few things to say. First of all, the idea of preaching “door to door”, is a misconception of the scriptures at Acts 5:42 and 20:20. “And every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus.” (oikos = oy'-kos, an inhabited house, home). Acts 5:42 NWT) “while I did not hold back from telling you any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house.” (oikos = oy'-kos, an inhabited house, home). Acts 20:20 NWT) Why can I say that going door to door, or house to house, knocking on doors, is a misconception? The reason being, because the following scripture explains what was meant. “and to Apphia our sister, and to Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the congregation that is in your house:” (Phil 1:2 NWT) There was a distinction given in Acts 5:42 between the “temple”, where the Law of Moses was followed. Anyone speaking of Jesus was banished or disfellowshiped. And the houses were private homes where believers in Christ Jesus were meeting. Also in Acts 20:20, there is a distinction between “public” and the houses of believers. These were not homes of anyone or everyone. This word oikos is also used to describe the earthly residence of Jehovah. (1 Ki 8:43; Isa 56:7) Mark 11:17 “He was teaching and saying to them: “Is it not written, ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a cave of robbers.” (1 Ki 8:43; Isa 56:7) The Septuagint Greek translation uses oikos when translating the Hebrew bayith = bah'-yith = house. Heb 3:6 “but Christ was faithful as a son over God’s house. We are His house if, indeed, we hold on firmly to our freeness of speech and the hope of which we boast down to the end.” Although Jesus said about Pharisees, “therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them.”, what did he really mean? Yes, as Robert said, “We are subject to the faithful and discreet slave.” Or, words to that effect. But! He left off any explanation as to what “we” are supposed to do “according to God’s will”. Are “we” to continue to teach wrong information to those whom we are trying to make disciples of Christ? Or, are we to continue to attend meetings which continue to teach falsehoods? Then, go along with those teachings? Yes, Jesus said to make disciples. We can still do that! What if you have been disfellowshiped for disagreeing with the WTB&TS’s teachings about “this generation”, “1914”, “anointed”, 1975, etc. What can you do? You can still teach the truths of God’s Word, the Bible. You don’t have to go “door to door”, or “house to house”. Wherever you find an opportunity to speak to someone about the truth, do so. How about here? Could you tell someone who wants to learn the truth of God’s Word, about this site? Take every opportunity to speak about Jehovah and his son Christ Jesus. Tell them the truth about the kingdom and it’s promise. Many people are angry and discouraged about what is going on in the world. Tell them the TRUTH! Remember also, “WE” are the body! We are the HOUSE! There is a saying about “a house is not a house, it’s a home.” There is also a song by Luther Vandross titled “A House Is Not A Home”. The lyric says, “A chair is still a chair, even when there's no one sittin' there But a chair is not a house and a house is not a home When there's no one there to hold you tight And no one there you can kiss goodnight” Look it up on YouTube and give it a listen.
Hello all. I would like to comment on a couple impressions I got from reading this thread. First, 5 years ago I wrote Robert an e-mail, saying I was searching for other anointed Witnesses to share my experience s you all have heard. He was extremely rude, even saying he wasn't trying to 'start a new religion or anything, and wasn't interested in my experience or talking with me at all. He was definitely NOT claiming to be anointed then. So, is he now? He seems to have morphed into something like a 'Bible Answer Man'. I don't read his stuff at all. Who needs to? We have the Revelation already, we just need to wait and watch it unfold, then we'll have some more to say/preach. It appears from what I saw in his videos, he feels he is the sole interpreter of Biblical prophecy,..."I have the understanding and this is where things are going...." Is that what impression you all are receiving too? Doesn't he, too, change his ideas often? Well, there you go. I can read Revelation as well as the next man/woman. And that there is a whole lot there that has occurred, especially 5, is obvious. I still believe we are in the end time, wars, earthquakes, etc. I believe Jesus explained clearly he would receive the Davidic Kingdom in the future a long time off, then return to settle accounts. Rev. 5 shows the rider was crowned...white horse...and goes forth to war. The ten-virgin illustration....takes a long time for Jesus to come back for his girls. Got to get the castle first....before the queen is married.... Then the sign on earth that he received the kingdom rule is seen on earth, as symbolized by the horses. We saw that in the 20th century. We seem to be in an interlude period when the sign is seen, and the whole world of Christianity near about believes we are in the last days...and has ...for decades. The nearly billion Christians did not need JW's coming to their doors to believe this. Those practicing Christians heard about it from their own Bibles and preachers. Regardless of what WE THINK AS JW's....we were not the only people preaching God's Kingdom good news, although because we were primarily going door-to-door....it had already been spread by millions before JW's arrived in 1935...or Russell in 1874...whatever. The sooner we discard this false thinking, the sooner we can begin to understand the universal and big truth; Christians....of all faiths... are in this , the prophecies of Revelation...up to their necks. They are also in line for receiving the holy spirit from Father. Regardless of where their church-doctrine goes with trinity....the simple truth is there, and if they read it.."God loved the world so much....he sent his son...", etc. They know what the basic truths are. This goes for the emblems; most all reading Christians easily get the point of the emblems being remembered; "This means my body...this means my blood of the covenant , poured out for sin...etc." Jesus and the Bible writers of the New Testament are very clear on the basics.So...can we not agree, Christianity does not take rocket-science minds to grasp...IF WE ARE READING the scriptures? A last impression we can all agree on, I believe, again...if we are reading the Revelation...is that there is a LOT still going to happen before the popcorn pops....id est: Setting up of world power. Propaganda spread world wide that the wild beast that had death stroke was the original true ruler for mankind; a god...something deserving of worship...so that all the earth goes after it development of 'Beast Worship, and belief system where totality in reverence and obedience is given by the world Marking, and Punishment for not receiving the mark Two Witness class of Jesus' brothers comes to deliver the prophecies of Revelation that are already given in detail; but have not yet fulfilled; trumpets, angelic delivery, etc. Bowls of God's anger poured out. Contest between Jesus' brothers and priests of 8th king Murdering of Jesus' brothers, and those that follow them, not taking the mark; Great Crowd begins to form Last attempt by Satan to destroy all who are believers in Christ Armageddon at Christ's return to save the flesh of the Great Crowd, and receive those brothers alive, and change them into spirit beings. SOOOOO MUCHHH still has to occur, So. Why worry about going door-to-door? All Christians already know what their Bibles say, and read them all the time. JW's come preaching something new and confusing about following someone NOT Christ Jesus....into believing what?A Faithful and Discreet Slave will arise for mankind to follow? (warning bells go off big-time in their minds...they've seen this all before; David Koresh, Jim Jones, Catholic Church, etc.) Some new, but weird version of Revelation? Watchtowers and Awake magazines are the locusts? Really? What will it be next week? That the League of Nations was one of the beasts' heads whose death stroke got healed? Many people have never heard of the League of Nations. When was it ever a world power? And WHO worships the United Nations? NO one. The story cannot be told yet who the beasts are...it has not occurred yet. So....how can people be judged yet? There is no 8th king yet, no persecution of Christ's brothers yet, no 2 Witnesses prophesying, making fire come down or drought occur yet No mark of the beast yet. We...here...are in the interlude between the wars, earthquakes, rider of the white horse...and the setting up of Satan's final government. We may not even be past the heaven war yet....because the real hot persecution comes when Satan is cast out. This war , with Michael and the angels fighting Satan and his stars of heaven may still be raging up there across the universe/heaven/galaxies. We know that it is over when we see Revelation advance past chapter 12. My point? We cannot get too far ahead of chapter 12, because the events mentioned above ...plagues, trumpets, bowls, still haven't occurred. Other things need be considered first...like OUR standing with Christ. Thanks for listening to my view.
Robert is a brother in arms, and when the stuff hits the fan he'll be right in the trenches along with us. He is doing what he believes Jehovah's will is for him now, who are we to judge him? We are all of differing temperaments, and we deal with varying amounts of people attempting to engage us in frivolous conversations about scripture and prophecy. It does get tiring to explain the milk over and over to those who wish for steak... The hear and now doesn't really matter other then our faithfulness. How will we all act in the face of true prophecies fulfillment, will we recognize it or work against it when that time comes? At this point prophecies fulfillment is merely an opinion, no one can prove anything... Again, just opinions... I don't believe Jesus has begun ruling yet... This is one point I hope you recognize someday, there are not billions of Christians on this planet right now. No one who believes the trinity is excepted by God...
I never said there are billions of Christians, Joshua. Of course I, myself, cannot convince you that Rev. 5 has occurred, but most Christians in the world believe it, because they see the sign Jesus gave in Matt. 24 ,25 being fulfilled since WWI. Jesus said to look for this sign, so, there it is. Skeptics , and those without faith don't believe we are seeing the sign of the last days. Does Jesus have to come before you see it? If so...that's a little too late, don't you think? This world is in absolute chaos, starving, ruination of the earth, totally consumed by evil. We are definitely in the days like Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Flood. The crowning/receiving of the Davidic Kingdom occurs in heaven, not on earth. The first job Christ takes on is to cleanse the heavens .He uses Michael and his angels to do this. Who are you saying wants steak? Who needs milk? WE all do.
Has Robert ever come here to discuss these matters we have? I'm going to try to contact him again. Pray for us all, he might come down on a brotherly level, and begin to share with others. Iron sharpens iron. Maybe he can get tuned up too.
Yesterday a storm hit here in the mountains and I had no internet. I just listened to his talk: "Keep in Expectation". I found it quite good, really. His thought was WT continues to say ,'parousia', presence, since 1914...yet Jesus presence occurs when he gets here with Kingdom power. I agree. I don't think we can nail down exactly a date Jesus received his Kingdom crown, but it is apparent that the sign he has received it is well along, according to the Rev. 5/ Matt24 prophecy, and I , for one, still believe the 2,520 days refers to the times of the Gentiles....but that I do not wish to discuss here, as there is too much ado about that for thinking to be clear. There is generally total agreement 539 bc was the pivotal date ; Cyrus ' defeat of Babylon. Some time after this...I don't believe the scriptures say exactly when...the writings of Jeremiah were brought before Cyrus, and he realized Jehovah had used him to overthrow Babylon. He began to fulfill another major prophecy and released the Jews back to Jerusalem, as we and history knows. That time period, where they got back into Israel, from their captivity, was prophesied for 70 years. When that started? 607bc? 587? Maybe....I don't know. Maybe Jerusalem fell later than 607....the 587, or 589, may be correct.If so...then Cyrus would have released them back to Jerusalem 70 years after 587-589. No problem with me at all.That would mean they got back to Jerusalem in 517...519, or later. 2,520 years from that places him receiving the Kingdom crown in 1930's. Still...fine, right according to history...in the middle of world war, and all the other prophecies. Some are standing on the 607-1914 date, and have proofs. I don't. Maybe Cyrus took some time before he was confronted with the Jeremiah prophecy....maybe 10 years? How can we know? Guestimation? Certainly. But, for me...the 2,520 years puts the prophecy's fulfillment sometime in the first part of the 20th century, and we saw the dramatic sign begin to unfold. I believe it is close enough. I believe without a doubt the Jews saw the prophecy of 70 years fulfilled to the year. Captivity to Babylon was over after 70 years. I think we can bank on that. Robert is right on , to me, about the 'sign' being all seen. No...because all the bowls of anger, trumpet blasts, and woes foretold for the earth...in Revelation that I mentioned above..are ALL part of the sign we are in the last days. WT dives....skips.... over ALL that. AS Robert says, they continue to tell the membership we are about to see Babylon destroyed and the Great Tribulation. Not quite. Jesus' sign includes all those other prophecies; the Two Witnesses, plagues, bowls, trumpets, etc. Revelation is the ultimate 'sign' Jesus gave us, 'his slaves' of what would take place before he arrives. Matt. 24,25 is just a preamble. The only thing I disagree with him was the time of the last days; 3 1/2 years. No way. But everything else, yes.
I liked his delivery, and he didn't sound pompous or dogmatic. What was his 71st podcast called? I want to look at some more. I want to do a video or two, but really have to find out how. Joshua did good on his. Well done, and good scriptural use. I do appreciate your facts about the tabernacle. You have some good research there.
I have requested Bro. King to come to our website ,XXXXXXXXXXXX to discuss the topic of his latest video, 'When was Satan Cast Down'. I hope he comes. I agreed with all he said on that video, and would like his further discussion on this and related subjects. I'll let you know, hope he comes...