End Time Chronology

Discussion in 'Bible Prophecy' started by Joshuastone7, May 23, 2013.

  1. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    I love affirmation in scripture, it always gives me goosebumps!

    Right into it; the first three of these Jewish holidays have been fulfilled in that of the First Fruits, Unleavened Bread and Passover.

    (Jewish Meaning) The Jews sacrificed a spotless lamb on the doorposts of their homes. The angel "passed over" and spared them but killed the firstborn Egyptians. Exod 12
    (Jesus' Fulfillment) Jesus was the perfect sacrificial Lamb of God. Symbolized by his death on the steak. We are washed in his blood and freed from our sins.

    (Jewish Meaning) The Jews had to leave so quickly, the bread they took didn't have time to rise. They consider the leaven, or yeast, a metaphor for sin.
    (Jesus' Fulfillment) Christ was sanctified, set apart, and sinless. His burial and broken body was symbolic of the true Bread of Heaven.

    (Jewish Meaning) Firstfruits means, "a promise to come." 50 days after Passover is the holiday of Pentecost. The Jews remember this day as the time when they crossed the Red Sea. Exactly 50 days later, Moses descended with the 10 Commandments, the Law written in stone. Moses saw the lawlessness of the Israelites when he came down and told the Levites to kill the troublemakers. 3,000 were slain."

    Now how about the last festivals of the Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacle?

    View attachment 93

    Now look at this; If for argument sake the first trumpet of Revelation was to blow on the festival of trumpets on Sept 5th of this year 2013, then Jesus would be enthroned exactly 2225 days later, and guess what falls on that date, the day of Atonement, Oct 9th 2019. Then 75 days later and the day the new world is ushered in at Hanukkah Dec 23rd 2019! As well, the festival of Tabernacles falls on the destruction of the Anglo-American world power. The dates are exact, let's look a little closer.

    {2300 Starts} Watchtower News Reports: Sept 5th, 2013; Festival of Trumpets
    {965 Days Pass}
    {1260, 1290, 1335 Starts} Watchtower Goes Down:
    {777 Days Pass}
    {1742nd Day} Call to Rebuild Jerusalem:
    {108 Days Pass}
    {1850th Day} USA Collapses:
    Sept 23-30th, 2018; Feast of Tabernacles
    {375 Days Pass}
    {1260 Ends} Jesus Enthroned:
    Oct 9th, 2019; Day of Atonement
    {30 Days Pass}
    {1290 Ends} Disgusting Thing:
    {45 Days Pass}
    {2300th, 1335th Day} New World:
    Dec 23rd, 2019; Hanukkah

    Here is a link to a date duration calculator for you; http://www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html

    Now, I'm not saying that on Sept 5th 2013 we will see the next thing we are looking for, that of news out of WTS errors (The first trumpet) and the beginning of the end, but what I am saying is if you notice, the festivals that are left to be fulfilled fall directly in line with the chronology that is to be fulfilled on the exact day the festival occurs in that year, and confirms without a doubt that the chronology laid out here is accurate, and from Jehovah! Look closer...

    We've talked about the first festival in that of the Trumpets, now let's look at the day of Atonement. "
    Yom Kippur (Atonement) is the tenth day of the month of Tishrei and also regarded as the Sabbath of Sabbaths According to Jewish tradition, God inscribes each person's fate for the coming year into a book, the Book of Life, on Rosh Hashanah, and waits until Yom Kippur to "seal" the verdict." (Wikipedea)

    This is also the day that the faithful are sealed and holy spirit is poured out, Jesus is enthroned and those dead in Christ are raised. The most important Jewish holiday, and day in the time of the end!

    Now lets look at Hanukkah. It just so happens would fall exactly 2300 days from the festival of trumpets and represents the war about 165 BCE with Judah and his men fighting the Greeks and winning, upon returning to the temple they found it in shambles and begun its restoration. How fitting this describes the first day of the new world!

    As well we notice the festival of Tabernacles falls directly in line with the fall of the Anglo-American world powers.

    Sukkot is agricultural in origin. This is evident from the biblical name "The Feast of Ingathering," Ex.23:16, 34:22 from the ceremonies accompanying it, from the season "The festival of the seventh month" Ezek.45:25; Neh.8:14. and occasion of its celebration: "At the end of the year when you gather in your labors out of the field" (Wikipedea)

    This accurately shows the condition that will be in the world for those faithful at this time! For this will be the time to stock up on goods, and food stuffs. The reason why will be because when this occurs the Eighth and final king will be set up and you will have to have the mark of that beast in order to buy and sell. However, those of us who see it coming will be able to stock up for the next year to come before the end and will not need their mark!

    There is so much more to share as the chronology all falls together, but in the air of trying to simplify we will leave this post as it is. It's all coming together friends!

    Attached Files:

  2. 2,942

    Utuna Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    The Jewish holidays are definitely a fundamental pattern in God's purpose. Many keys are there ! That's the figurative skeleton, so to speak.
    Have you read the thread I had written about it, and about the shofar (and its connection with the trumpets) ? I'll have to read it again thorougly too because you've rekindled my curiosity about that subject. I had put it in the back burner...

    I like very much what you said about the Feast of Ingathering. That's very, very interesting. Good job indeed ! Regarding Sukkot, I was interpretating the ingathering of everything left to be gathered as the ingathering of the GC and of mankind's resurrected ones (barley, then wheat, then fruits, etc). We'll have to dig a little bit more into this.

    Interestingly, Rosh Hashanah is also the feast that starts only when two witnesses come affirming that they've seen the sign in the sky (new moon...) and about which beginning it is said that "no one knows the day or the hour".
  3. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Exactly, and what exciting times brother! It's fascinating how after millenia the structure of scripture all falls together as it should in our day. What foresight Jehovah has!

    I have not read it, but very much look forward to doing so.

    Keep the research coming brother...
  4. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Just to assist those reading here, I wanted to add a shortcut for Revelation to understand how Daniels chronology explains Revelations structure. This can all be found on the tab above, including detailed explanations of each event within. "The End Is Here!" http://joshuastone7.com/

    This is just a quickguid to Revelations structure, please refer to "The End Is Here!" for detail explanations:

    2300 Days Starts the Time of the End

    1st Trumpet: Hail, fire mingled with blood hurled to earth/3rd died
    1st Bowl: Poured out into the earth
    {Starting the beginning of the 2300 days, this is when transgression by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society comes to light 965 days before the constant feature is removed. Which intern causes some of the stars and army to fall away from the congregation. We will see this in news reports from the United Nations about WTB&S errors. Man of lawlessness is revealed.}

    2nd Trumpet: Mountain like fire hurled into sea/3rd died
    2nd Bowl: Poured out into the sea
    {Jehovah’s earthly organization is hurled into the worlds eye as if on fire.}

    3rd Trumpet: Star fell “Wormwoodâ€￾ onto waters/fell on 3rd
    3rd Bowl: Poured out into waters
    {The judgment on Gods people makes the proverbial waters of information from the society bitter to the palate.}

    1260, 1290, 1335 Days Start

    4th Trumpet: Third of the sun smitten and moon smitten
    4th Bowl: Poured out upon the sun
    {The constant feature is removed. The Watchtower is no longer produced. The two witnesses begin prophesying in sackcloth.}

    1850th Day
    5th Trumpet: Star that fell given key of abyss/locust/torment five months
    5th bowl: Poured upon the throne of the wild beast
    {The U.S.A. Collapses.}

    6th Trumpet: Untie four angles bound at river Euphrates
    6th Bowl: Poured out upon great river Euphrates
    {The nations are gathered together into a one world order in the form of the United Nations for the great day of Jehovah. The sacred secret of God declared to slaves is brought to a finish.}

    1260 Days End
    7th Trumpet: Jesus given rulership/Earthquake/Hail
    7th Bowl: Poured out upon the air/Earthquake/Hail
    {Completion of the 1260 days. The 7th trumpet and bowl, as well as the first six seals all occurs on this day. These are the seven thunders at Rev 10:3.}

    1st Seal: Jesus given reulership
    2nd Seal: Fiery horse
    3rd Seal: Black horse/scales
    4th Seal: Pale horse/death

    5th Seal: Souls under alter raised to heavenly life
    {Those under the alter are raised to heavenly life, and are told to wait until the number is filled of their brothers who were about to be killed. Jehovah pours out his spirit upon the sons and the Servants sealing them.}

    6th Seal: Stars fall/Great day of Jehovah coming/Earthquake/Hail
    {Signs in sun and moon and great hail and earthquake. These are described in the 7th trumpet, 7th bowl and 6th seal. Everlasting good news declared to the earth. Babylon goes down.}

    1290 Days end
    {The disgusting thing stands in a holy place.}

    2300, 1335 Days End

    7th Seal: Silence in heaven for a half hour
    {The New World is ushered in!}
  5. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    There are only four dates within an 80 year period that the chronology of scripture and the Jewish holidays coincide. The variance in the lunar cycle varies and it's amazing in that Jehovah's foresight and wisdom has foreseen the exact time differences between each event and has brought them down through the millenia to us in order for when the time comes we shall be ready.

    When calculating the holidays and there appearance in time one must find the date in each year on the Gregorian calender that the lunar holiday occurs. Now with that knowledge one can overlay the chronology of Daniel and we find that from the year 1940 through 2040 only the dates of 2010, 2013, 2021 and 2037 are the capable starting points of the first Rosh Hashanah and the beginning of the end. 2010 has past, the next possible date is 9/5/2013, then 9/7/2021 and finally 9/10/37.

    The chronology of Daniel was uncovered first and later the holidays were discovered to match perfectly. The odds of the dates lining up perfectly with each event, and as well the meaning of each holiday coinciding with the exact event that was to occur on those days is astronomical. The number is so high that it precludes any possibility that it would ever be chance. Only a more powerful mind then ours could have foreseen this and kept the ability to discover it in the open throughout thousands of years.

    It is an exciting time we live in. For our Lord is at our door. May we be forgiven for our imperfect ways, and somehow be granted escape from this vile system of things...

    Jehovah's spirit through our Christ Jesus be with all of you brothers and sisters in these critical days.
  6. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    "The High Holidays or High Holy Days, in Judaism, more properly known as the Yamim Noraim may mean strictly, the holidays of Rosh Hashanah ("Jewish New Year") and Yom Kippur ("Day of Atonement") or by extension, the period of ten days including those holidays, known also as the Ten Days of Repentance (Aseret Yemei Teshuvah). By a further extension, the entire 40-day penitential period in the Jewish year from Rosh Chodesh Elul to Yom Kippur can be meant. (With material from: Wikipedia)"

    "It is held that, while judgment on each person is pronounced on Rosh Hashanah, it is not made absolute until Yom Kippur. The Ten Days are therefore an opportunity to mend one's ways in order to alter the judgment in one's favor."
    Link here...

    "The ten days starting with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippur are commonly known as the Days of Awe (Yamim Noraim) or the Days of Repentance. This is a time for serious introspection, a time to consider the sins of the previous year and repent before Yom Kippur."

    "One of the ongoing themes of the Days of Awe is the concept that G-d has "books" that he writes our names in, writing down who will live and who will die, who will have a good life and who will have a bad life, for the next year. These books are written in on Rosh Hashanah, but our actions during the Days of Awe can alter G-d's decree. The actions that change the decree are "teshuvah,tefilah and tzedakah," repentance, prayer, good deeds (usually, charity). These "books" are sealed on Yom Kippur. This concept of writing in books is the source of the common greeting during this time is "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year."
    Link here...
  7. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    "On the 1st of Tishrei, "Rosh Hashana" on the 307th day of the Great Flood, Noah dispatched a dove from the ark, for the third time. When the dove did not return, Noah knew that the Flood's waters had completely drained from the earth. On that day, Noah removed the roof of the ark; but Noah and his family, and all the animals, remained in the ark for another 57 days -- until the 27th of Cheshvan -- when the surface of the earth was completely dry and God commanded them to leave the ark and resettle and repopulate the earth."
    Link here...

    Gen 8:13;
    'Now in the six hundred and first year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, it came about that the waters had drained from off the earth; and Noah proceeded to remove the covering of the ark and to look, and here the surface of the ground had drained dry. And in the second month, on the twenty‐seventh day of the month, the earth had dried off."

    {2300 Starts} Watchtower News Reports: (1st of Tishrei) Festival of Trumpets

    2300 Days Starts the Time of the End

    1st Trumpet: Hail, fire mingled with blood hurled to earth/3rd died
    1st Bowl: Poured out into the earth

    {Starting the beginning of the 2300 days, this is when transgression by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society comes to light 965 days before the constant feature is removed. Which intern causes some of the stars and army to fall away from the congregation. We will see this in news reports from the United Nations about WTB&S errors.}

    2nd Trumpet: Mountain like fire hurled into sea/3rd died
    2nd Bowl: Poured out into the sea

    {Jehovah's earthly organization is hurled into the worlds eye as if on fire.}

    3rd Trumpet: Star fell “Wormwoodâ€￾ onto waters/fell on 3rd
    3rd Bowl: Poured out into waters

    {The judgment on Gods people makes the proverbial waters of information from the society bitter to the palate.}

    Just an interesting connection between the event in the flood account occurring on the 1st of Tishrei, as well the "Rosh Hashana" and 1st of Tishrei ahead coinciding with the festival and the events of the first three trumpets and bowls...
  8. 328

    Shikinah Member

    Feb 16, 2013
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    This is incredible information, and as stated could only come about with such timely precision through Jehovahs wisdom.
    Many are already falling away from the truth, it's heart breaking to watch. For the first time in over a year, I felt the need to start witnessing again to those who are stumbled by the money laundering, child abuse cases and endless changes in prophesy. Things are moving very fast, I won't profess to understand fully how this all fits together, but Jehovah's Holy spirit is making it available for us at this important time.

    Thank you
  9. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    You are very correct... Sometimes out of the blue I'll just look over this first post and it still gives me goosebumps. Jehovah's word is incredibly beautiful in it's complexity and complete accuracy. It is true that only our Heavenly Father could have created this information so that it would be kept throughout thousands of years until our day. What's also amazing is there are only a few dates in our lifetime that this chronology could begin. One coming up in 24 days. This is however the date that no man can know, so whether it comes this year, 2021 or 2037 I look forward in simply doing the work as a slave that he wishes me to do. (Mt 24:36) Nothing but one of the last...

    It is very commendable of you to reach out to those who are lost. I sometimes wish I had more gifts in that way, but we in our service to Jehovah must wait on him to give us those things we would like to do in his work.
  10. 0

    Thinking Guest

    Are you saying brother if the date in the next 24 days go buy without anything we will have to wait for 2021 for another occurance for that specific time.

    I understand the timeline you have laid out but I admit the times and dates of the holidays etc go over my head.
    i can see that Jehovah is truly the master mathetician indeed.

    How long have you been so deeply interested in prophecy?
    i think it is a wonderful gift.

    Sis thinking
  11. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    It is true we all have our gifts in our service to Jehovah. From before I can remember my interest has always been in the deeper things of scripture. I like a good challenge. :) I've just had a talent for finding patterns in chaos. Or better said to putting a structure together without having the pattern.

    As for this work in chronology, I'm sure someone could understand it was and has been a major project, taking years... As my friend is found of saying, "We stand on the backs of giants, in order to see over the mountains." For many years I questioned the connection of the gentile times with Daniel 4 and had spent years trying to find their connection without luck, when one day I came across Roberts work. Studying his work in Daniel 11 I was helped to learn the true course of the King of the North and south. I as well had been working in a field that involved the study of the KGC and secret societies. Though Robert has done a great job in getting out the word of the WTS errors, perhaps its safe to say that chronology was not his work. If someone makes a single error in chronology, everything after that will be wrong. His mistake came with his understanding of Daniel 12:11 and Daniel 11:31. These two events do not occur at the same moment, but they are 1290 days apart, and that is where my work picked up all those years ago... :)

    As for understanding the chronology of Daniel and Revelation it can be a good start to read "The End Is Here!" and you can find a link to it at the top bar.

    I do believe my first post on here leaves no doubt that the structure is from Jehovah and is his work. I believe it is proof beyond any possibility of doubt that it's existence is purely from Jehovah's hand and not mans. The odds that the dates of the Holidays would match perfect the chronology of Daniel and Revelation are so infinite I don't think I could begin to calculate them... I come to this post on a regular basis and it reminds me that Jehovah is here with us at all times, and even if the end isn't soon, it will be in his time and he will support us.

    So yes, the chronology of the holidays only match up at certain dates. It is impossible to know when the end will begin, however just as he did for his people in the past such as Noah, Moses, Daniel, Jesus, we will know the time of events to come after the end begins. Allowing us foreknowledge to prepare ourselves and family, as well to help the world come know Jehovah is God. (Zech 2:11)
  12. 0

    Thinking Guest

    I hope it's soon:(
  13. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Me too Sister, me too... By the way, not everyone agrees with us, some would like a little more time, but I'm sure many are with us when we say, "Let's get this thing over with..."
  14. 2,257

    wallflower Moderator

    Jan 30, 2013
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  15. 328

    Shikinah Member

    Feb 16, 2013
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    Do the dates coincide with the Jewish observances celebrated today? 21 days from now will take us up to Monday 9th/Tuesday 10th September? it's all very interesting, I didn't realise how many observances the Jews still have, I use to think it was only about twice a year, but they can have them several times in one month.
  16. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    The dates are of the Jewish observances of each holiday on the day they occur. It is based on the Lunar calendar, although the dates provided are those days on the Gregorian calendar for ease of use for those of us in the western world.

    I mentioned a duration only intending to correlate with Sep. 5th, which is now about 19 days away. Again these Jewish holidays are only a few, and are those yet to be fulfilled observances such as the Passover, Unleavened and Pentecost that were fulfilled by Jesus.

    It is all VERY interesting however, keep in mind that there are other years ahead that these holidays line up and doesn't necessarily mean that the end will begin in 19 days, because the Rosh Hashanah ahead is that day that no man knows. We can not know when the end will begin. It could be years from now, but it just so happens we have a date coming in just days that would match the chronology. Given that there are only three times in the next 30 years the dates line up, it's still a pretty interesting day coming up even if the end doesn't begin.
  17. Josh:

    ran across this video. thought you might like it.

  18. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Thanks for that, it had me doing some research. Although his chronology is lacking, the thought of perhaps the signs in sun and moon could be meant toward the Hebrew calendar is interesting. From what I have read in the past what makes the moon red is dust in the air. Rev 6, as well Acts 2 speak of a time when this happens and in chronology, this is the moment wars will be here on earth, so no doubt nuclear use could kick up this dust that would be visible throughout the world however, this would not be till the end of the GT...

    One interesting point is it does seem like many major financial collapse have come in September. Also interesting this Lunar tetrad will not occur for another 600 years...

    Nonetheless, interesting...
  19. 2,212

    SingleCell Experienced Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Lala Land, Israel
    Hey Joshua, thank you for this, very interesting to say the least.

    Give me a brief sanity check if you wouldn't mind:

    So basically the Jewish festival dates line up perfectly with the Revelation / Daniel timelines in certain years?

    Ok, if that is the case, let me ask:

    Are the Jewish festival dates in the OT? Could I formulate this framework using only the Bible?

    Or are they coming from the post Jerusalem period after ~70 AD when Judaism permuted into 'Kabbala' and other derivatives?
  20. 2,212

    SingleCell Experienced Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Lala Land, Israel
    What impetus do you envision for the UN to point out 'WTBS' errors?

    And what errors will they be pointing out?

    I realize this is all speculation :)

    But I have this sense that the world is not yet 'ripe'.

    In the last 10 years we've seen very quick movements, and an outline starting to take shape, but it seems that the 'world' needs to unite against Christianity much more than it has in the past decade.

    So perhaps the impetus for the UN to move against the WTBS simply hasn't become obvious yet.

    Or, maybe I'm totally wrong in that conception.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2013

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