End Time Chronology

Discussion in 'Bible Prophecy' started by Joshuastone7, May 23, 2013.

  1. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Rosh Hashanah is now upon us in a few days more. Let us take time in prayer and meditation in remembrance and dedication to Jehovah's right to rule, and his kingdom with our Lord as king.

    Regardless if now is the time of fulfillment for The Day of Trumpets, we serve Gods kingdom because he deserves our devotion. Christ Jesus showed us what it meant to be made in Gods image, we help and assist life to grow, and this is what our Lord was interested in, not his own selfish desires, such as the event in the Garden of Eden.

    When our Lords kingdom comes to this earth, his name will be sanctified among mankind, at which point creation can once again testify to his right to rule.

    Thank you all for standing watch at the door, waiting for our Lords return, always remaining awake and on the watch!

  2. 2,764

    Tsaphah Experienced Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    “Only Time Will Tell”

    Scales and clocks just can’t be trusted
    Keys and locks are destined to be busted
    Metaphors were never made for keeping score
    And I’m feeling for the sound of time

    Is it the answer or just a suggestion
    Is love what we truly want or merely a protection
    Is this music made to last or crumble like a shell
    Is there heaven here on earth or is this really hell

    Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
    Only time will tell is there a message in this song
    Will it ever make sense will it ever ring a bell
    Only time will tell

    Are we destined to be ruled by a bunch of old white men
    Who compare the world to football and are programmed to defend
    I’d like to try a princess or a non-terrestrial
    Who is neither boast nor bashful is there really such a girl

    Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
    Only time will tell is there a message in this song
    Will it ever make sense will it ever ring a bell
    Only time will tell

    I woke up this morning feeling absolutely grand
    For nearly half a century I’ve been singing in a band
    I’d like to think I’ll make it to two thousand and one
    Will the party be at my house God I wonder who will come

    Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
    Only time will tell is there a message in this song
    Will it ever make sense will it ever ring a bell
    Only time will tell

    Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
    Only time will tell is there a message in this song
    Will it ever make sense on this crazy carousel
    Only time will tell

    Only time will tell :):D

  3. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Jehovah has allowed me to see something new within his pages of the Bible, and I wanted to share it with you here...

    I have discovered that within those times the Jewish holidays yet to be fulfilled line up with the chronology of Daniel, one other date of significance also lines up in a likewise perfect way.

    The 10th of Tevet or 'Asara B'Tevet' was a day of fasting set up by Jehovah to commemorate the day Babylon laid siege to Jerusalem in 588 BCE.

    Eze 24:1,2 "The word of Jehovah again came to me in the ninth year, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the month, saying: Son of man, record this date, this very day. The king of Babylon has begun his attack against Jerusalem on this very day."

    This phrase "this very day" (b'etzem hayom hazeh) has been used by Jehovah to mark the beginning of major world changing events in several other places in Scripture, such as when Noah enters into the ark.

    Gen 7:13 "On that very day, Noah went into the ark along with his sons, Shem, Ham, and Jaʹpheth, and his wife and the three wives of his sons."

    Or the day when the Israelites left Egypt.

    Ex 12:51 "On this very day, Jehovah brought the Israelites along with their multitudes out of the land of Egypt."

    On this day of the 10th of Tevet the armies of Babylon encircled Jerusalem, essentially cutting off all supply into the city. At which point for the next two years those in the city became starved and weakened before Babylon eventually entered the city and destroyed the temple. This day marked the first day of the end of the first temple.

    Now, what has been made clear to me is that this fast day marking the day Nebuchadnezzar lay siege to Jerusalem comes 2520 days before our Lord comes in the clouds with all his angels in the time of the end. Sound familiar?

    In the 4th book of Daniel we read of Nebuchadnezzar's 7 times of madness from Jehovah for his haughtiness. We know of course from Rev 12 these times each equal a 360 day period. Therefore 7x360=2520 days.

    Now, Nebi's 7 times of madness ended when he knew that the "Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that he grants it to whomever he wants." As well we are told that this vision is also given to those alive so that we may know that the Most High is Ruler, and gives the earthly kingdom to whomever he wishes.

    Dan 4:17 "This is by the decree of watchers, and the request is by the word of the holy ones, so that people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that he gives it to whomever he wants, and he sets up over it even the lowliest of men.”

    It's also of note that Lev and Deu also speak in like speech about Jerusalem as does Dan 4 about the tree.

    Lev 26:18 "If even this does not make you listen to me, I will have to chastise you seven times as much for your sins."

    Dan 4:16 "let seven times pass over it."

    Lev 26:19 "I will break your stubborn pride and make your heavens like iron and your earth like copper."

    Deu 28:23 "The skies over your head will be copper, and the earth beneath you, iron."

    Dan 4:15 "But leave the stump with its roots in the ground, with a banding of iron and of copper."

    In essence what I have done is show that in fact Charles Taze Russell was on to something when he believed that 4th chapter of Daniel and its 7 times represented Jerusalem, but he faltered in connecting them to years. They represent a seven 360 day period from the day we see spiritual Jerusalem surrounded, until Christ Jesus appears in the clouds before all mankind, as king of Gods kingdom.

    Mrk 13:26 "And then they will see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory."

    Here is a chronological map showing the 2520 days between the 10th of Tevet and our Lord appearing in the clouds. This is 40 days after Yom Kippur is fulfilled when Christ's brothers are transfigured, which represents the 40 day period on earth before they meet him in the clouds.

    I will continue to praise the name Jehovah through his son Christ Jesus for all my days. May your kingdom come Lord, and may your will be done...

    All love my friends...
  4. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    I have spent these last few days in further study of the chronology, and new epiphanies regarding the inclusion of the fast day on the 10th of Asara B'Tevet, and have discovered a few things I would like to share with you.

    Let me start by saying that, as I mentioned in my last post, there are 2520 days, or 7 times, between the fast on the 10th of Tevet and our Lord appearing in the clouds, however if you go ahead and add the remaining days in the time of the end you get 2556 days. That is exactly 7 years from the day of Asara B'Tevet to the first day of the New World. Exactly 7 years to the day, not one less day, or one more day, exactly 7 years. So not only is there a 7x360 day lunar time period within the structure, but also a 7 year solar completion as well.

    After further study these last few days into every time period within this century, I have discovered that there is only one time period that all the Jewish holidays and fasts line up with the chronology of Daniel. 2018 could have never been one of them with this new information.

    The only time period within this century that the chronology of Daniel lines up completely is Dec 28th 2028 to Dec 28th 2035. From Asara B'Tevet to the first day of the New World. There is no other time period in the 21st century that this occurs.

  5. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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  6. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Well, I just discovered something new... Our Father has truly blessed me to have the opportunity to understand his word, and I am truly humbled.

    During this time period between Dec. 28th 2028 and Dec 28th 2035 there is yet another feast day that falls right in line with the Chronology of Daniel and the events of that day. It hadn't lined up with any other time period, so this is the reason I had never noticed it.

    In the time of the end, on the exact day the 70 weeks of Daniel 9 begin is Rosh Chodesh Tamuz. June 17th 2034 marks the 777th day of captivity of Gods people to Babylon, when their will be a call to rebuild spiritual Jerusalem 69 weeks before our Lord is crowned over the earthly kingdom.

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    I made some interesting discoveries today I would like to share with everyone here.

    The month of Marcheshvan is the only month on the Hebrew calendar without a fast or feast day. The tradition among the Jews is that this month was left open to be fulfilled in the Meshiac, (Messiah), when he comes to restore all things.

    In the chronology I have presented above, Jesus appears in the clouds in the month of Marcheshvan!

    Guess what else in biblical history occurred during the month of Marcheshvan. It was Noah's flood. On the 17th of Marcheshvan, on the very day Noah and his family entered the Ark, the waters of the deep, along with the windows of the heavens, were opened.

    The account in Genesis seven tells us the rains continued on the earth for forty days. If you add 40 days from the seventeenth of Marcheshvan, you come to the 27th day of Kislev. Guess what day that falls on in our Gregorian calendar. It falls on the 28th of December! The first day of the new world, and the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.

    It is also of interesting note, that the Ark came to rest on the 17th day of Tishrei, and this is the same day in the time of the end the two witnesses are resurrected, and a message from an angel unto all the world, of the good news of God's kingdom. (Rev 14:6,7)

    Indeed the tradition of Marcheshvan is correct. Our Lord will come to restore all things, in this month.

    All love to the friends...
  8. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Greetings friends,

    I began this thread in 2013, more than eight years ago now. In reading back through its content, one can see a progression of understanding in the chronology of the end, as I continued the work in understanding Jehovah's prophetic timetables as presented in his Word. To begin: At no time did I ever say what I presented would occur, or that the end would begin at any given time, but rather quite the opposite. Just as in my book The Final Kingdom, I have always said that what I presented are merely the times in history the holidays yet to be fulfilled line up with the chronology of Daniel.

    With that said, my knowledge of Scripture has grown over the years, leading up to the publication of my book, and I wanted to include some of that information from within it here in this thread.

    After completing these works in prophecy, I discovered that the only time the holidays yet to be fulfilled line up with the days spoken of throughout the book of Daniel is 2028-2035. I have studied each decade out to 2060, and this is the only time these holidays come into alignment.

    I am posting this for posterity's sake.

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    An interesting find:

    The moment the abomination stands in the Holy Place in the time of the end is the very same day Noah and his family entered the Ark.

    "Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made." Gen 7:4

    "In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened." Gen 7:11

    On this very same day of the 10th of Cheshvan, the abomination is set up in the time of the end, marking the moment our Lord instructs His faithful to prepare themselves for protection during the cleansing of this earth by fire.

    "So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ a spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." Mth 24:15, 16

    All love...
  10. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Through work on my next manuscript, I have discovered there are indeed two more fasts that line up with the chronology of the end, not including the fast of Gedaliah that also falls in line with the time and events of Rosh Hashanah.

    The 9th of Tammuz and the 10th of AV line up with the chronology of the time of the end, which now makes seven remembrance days fulfilled in the time of the end.

    Timeline of the End

    (7 Times, 7 Years Begin)
    666: December 28, 2028 – Asara B’Tevet
    (2,300 Days Begin)
    Apostasy of God’s People: September 10, 2029 – Rosh Hashanah/Gedaliah
    (1,260, 1,290, 1,335, 430 Days Begin)
    Preaching Given to Babylon: May 2, 2032
    (430 Days End)
    Spiritual Walls Breached: July 6, 2033 – 9th Tammuz
    Spiritual Temple’s Destruction: August 5, 2033 – 10th AV
    (777th Day, 70 Weeks Begin)
    Call to Rebuild: June 17, 2034
    (450 Days Begin)
    State Collapse: October 4, 2034 – Sukkot
    (1,260 Days End)
    Coronation: October 13, 2035 – Yom Kippur
    (1,290 Days End)
    Abomination: November 12, 2035
    (7 Times End)
    Christ Appears: November 22, 2035
    (7 Years, 2,300, 1,335 Days End)
    The Final Kingdom: December 28, 2035 – Hanukkah

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    The Capstone

    666: Dec 28, 2028 – Asara B’Tevet

    Apostasy: Sept 10, 2029 – Rosh Hashanah

    Walls Breached: July 6, 2033 – 9th Tammuz

    Temple Destroyed: Aug 5, 2033 – 10th AV

    State Collapse: Sept 28 – Oct 4, 2034 – Sukkot

    Coronation: Oct 13, 2035 – Yom Kippur

    God's Kingdom: Dec 28, 2035 – Hanukkah

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