Christian: "So tell me, is your belief in Evolution based on fact or faith?" Evolutionist: "Science fact." Christian: "How did the first living cell come to be formed on this planet?" Evolutionist: (silence) Christian: "So what you believe is faith." Evolutionist: (silence)
Question: How many possible DNA sequences are there? Answer: The number is essentially infinite. Using an estimate of mutation frequency of around 2 x 10^-8 per base pair per replication event, we get 60 novel mutations in every living human being. There are 7 billion humans, so we know that some 420 billion different variants are possible. Jan 20, 2017 Question: What are the Possible combinations of DNA Answer: There are 8,324,608 possible combinations of 23 chromosome pairs. As a result, two gametes virtually never have exactly the same combination of chromosomes. Each chromosome contains dozens to thousands of different genes. I worked on a project that involved the restoration of cottonwood trees along the Gila River in Southwestern Arizona. Many years ago the government wanted to open the area for farming. The only dependable water source was the Gila River. (pronounced he’-lah) At the time, there were vast cottonwood trees along the banks of that portion of the river. These trees were thought to be using volumes of water that could be diverted to fields to produce crops that could be sold. This would provide income for the local peoples. They decided to cut the trees down. Over a short period of time: a few years, the river dried and the surrounding area became a desert. After a period of 10 plus years it was decided to replant cottonwoods and do a study of the environmental affects. What they found was unbelievable. Although the trees were cottonwood trees, each tree had different DNA, similar to humans and animals. Not only were they different, each tree had different insects around the roots, in the bark, and in the leaves. They also observed different animals and birds living in each tree. They decided to study why these environments were different. They removed certain animals and insects. Each tree started to die. In their study process they found that like humans and animals, the trees were individuals. Even though each tree was a cottonwood, they had different DNA. Each tree depended on specific insects, soil, animals, etc. With any changes to these factors, the trees started to die. Each cottonwood had a separate personality, like people and animals. So . . . where did this coding system come from? It’s a mathematics code. What made it so specific? For a couple partial reports, click on these addresses below. The apostle Paul said, “For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God.” ( Heb 3:4 NKJV )
Atheists have said and this is one of their quotes we are the default belief we were here before there was any God or religion. If this is true then it had to have been an atheist that invented the idea of religion and a god. You hear them blaming all the problems on God and religion. Okay atheist if your statement is true why did you invent a God and religion you said you were the default belief that you were here before God and religion existed. So it must have been one of you guys that caused all the problems time to pay up