Dear all, As you all already know, Internet is a huge and inexhaustible well of science and knowledge. Please, have a look at the scientific and historical website below and tell me what you think about it. Well, you know me and I rarely post something wantonly... It's often interesting to scratch under the surface of things... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Le sectarisme des jugements pauvres lui tenait quelque fois lieu de volonté" - Hervé Bazin "J'ai pétri de la boue et j'en ai fait de l'or" - Charles Baudelaire "S'il m'a été donné de voir un peu plus loin que les autres, c'est que je me tenais sur le épaules de géants" - Isaac Newton
I had a quick browse through the section on "Lewis and Clark". Are they the 2 explorers that were helped by the young mother Sakawega (spelling is probably wrong here)? Not sure if I'm getting American history mixed up here.
wonderful site . I have done a great deal of reading in various fields and love the accessibility on the internet altho I hate spending long hours reading in front of the lighted screen (still like "the feel" of books) I have an antique book ( yes I collect antique books because I inherited many from the family) and the was the start of searching for past ones by those associated with the growth of those "international bible students" book is called "Little Journeys" vol XII to the homes of the great scientists (he apparently wrote a number of them about different fields of learning by Ebert Hubbard . This book was probably my real start of interest in the different fields of learning and found that learning in these fields greatly increased my trust in the stories and history of Word of God. Considering also the forefathers were great adventurers and seekers of learning (built in the dna) . The observations recorded in the Bible have so frequently been solidified by science , such as the discussions of circuits in wind and water and various other trackable phenomena. (both biblical forefathers were travelers as well as those who have ventured into land sea and cosmos) book marked the site .In truth rather than lovers of God and Jesus being stamped out of the same mold it bears the truth that they are not all and eye or foot or mouth but can be served by those dressed in camels hair to the royal robes of a king , variety seems to be ingrained upon the cosmos. Utuna I like the new avatar . some of us are probably needing that hand up ..
Dear all, I had forgotten about this thread. lol Well, this website was in fact created as a tool for school teachers in order to show the pupils the need to check the information they find on Internet, that they shouldn't judge a book by its cover and really pay attention to what they read, not just copy and paste it blindly . I liked it and I wanted to share it with you all because so many times on Robert's forum and here, links to dubious sites and fallacious information were taken at face value by people a bit too trustful... Some people may scathe the JWs for being blind to the GB's lies but just like them about other topics, they read stuff online without paying attention to what is really written. It reminds me of a brother in my congregation. When he reads the WT study article during the meetings, he happens to say slips of tongue, taking one word for another, and doesn't even realize that what he just said doesn't make sense. I always wondered how someone may read out loud a text without noticing their own errors. The same exists for the information that we find online. People just don't put their minds into what they do. On the website, check this about Christopher Columbus, first line : "Christopher Columbus was born in 1951 in Sydney, Australia." and later : "Finally, the King and Queen of Spain called his toll-free number and agreed to help Columbus." or : "The Indians were excited by the newcomers and their gadgets. They especially enjoyed using their cell phones and desktop computers."
Lewis and Clark ? Reminds me of Superman... lol Lois and Clark. Examples of nonsensical information under that entry too : "It wasn't until 1803, when Thomas Jefferson saw an intriguingly brief posting by Napoleon Bonaparte on Craig's List for a large tract of land:" "Jefferson of course won the item, outbidding both Sam Walton and Oprah Winfrey. The next day, during a televised address,..."