Very interesting enlightened comment about the endless war against terrorism... Here is the translation : So, this war, Dominique de Villepin, you think that it's a mistake. I was about to say, one more. Eh, can you explain us why ? The military interventions, whenever they are contained within a definite and limited goal, can be efficient and they make up the arsenal that each democracy should be able to use under certain circumstances, and this rightfully and with the best control possible but in the present case, we are involved, and the Chief of the State said it in the clearest way, the Americans say it in the clearest way, in a war against terrorism and a war against terrorism cannot be won. I can't even give you any percentage. Failure is bound to happen. Why ? Because terrorism is an invisible hand, is mutant, changing, opportunistic. One can't fight an invisible hand with weapons for war. One must be able to muster the powers of the mind, ruse, the means of peace in order to take apart the forces that come together around those terrorist forces. Therefore, a political strategy is needed along with a capacity to anticipate what action must be way beyond the use of bombs and beyond the military action stricto sensu. As a consequence, it's ineffective. Everything we know and there aren't counterexamples, everything we've known from this type of war for decades, and more particularly since the Afghanistan, led to failure. There isn't any example nowadays; Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya that didn't lead to more wars and more chaos. We are in the kind of situation where through warfare, we would like to fare better than during the previous war that we led. Let's keep in mind that this Islamic State, DAESH, we ourselves, for the main, gave birth to it. From wars to wars, because of the war in 2003, when we left in 2011, when we betrayed the Syrian rebels, etc. there exists a vicious circle in which we got ourselves stuck into. And, besides, not only it's inefficient but it's dangerous because this region of the Middle East, and we could take likewise as an example the whole Arab-Muslim world, is shaken by crisis, shaken by wounds and is and remains bruised as a result. Furthermore, a deep crisis of modernization of it is under way, with in its core a social crisis that hits hard the lower classes and the middle classes because of corruption, because of the oil rent-based economy, which is marked by deep inequalities. The majority of those djihadists come from these middle classes and we therefore are feeding this all-round race for the worse. We'd like to believe that the horrific images that we unfortunately watch on our side of the world are repellant but they are also working as some kind of a magnet for some. One doesn't see the same images from the other side of the Mediterranean sea. One doesn't see the same spectacle. One doesn't interpret them the same way because there are wounded identities and what is right overthere is unfortunately right here too. The thing is that this race for the worse has consequences in the recruitment of djihadists there and has consequences here too. Besides, we are striking in Syria and in Iraq. We are striking a terrorist enemy and what are the results ? The horror that we all know regarding our fellow countryman Hervé Bourdel who was murdered in cowardly ways, where did it take place ? In the mountains of Algeria, which means that tomorrow all those minorities that brandish the flag of Islam, do act in the name of Islam... Granted, Islam is obviously not the problem here... That's the flag of Islam that is brandished and well, those minorities that exist as well in Burma, in Malaysia, in Thailand as in Indonesia, and throughout the Arab world, just like in the Maghreb or Africa... Well, anywhere they are, those minorities can get together. This means that we are witnessing through this war against terrorism a crystallisation of the whole of these groups, which build bridges between themselves and run a race for the worse in order to decide which will be the most cruel, the most murderous, the most violent because that's one way among others to attract djihadists, to attract money and beyond all of this, there is a race for death, a race for more and more djihadists, which is appallingly dangerous for us and I'd like to conclude saying : I wouldn't mind being considered as a braggart tonight, I'd like to say that we're ready, I'd like to say that we are not afraid but it'd be wrong. It'd be wrong because we are, the French, a democratic society that hasn't started any security process like other democratic societies. The one I have in mind is the American society and American communities all around in the world, which live in bunkers, behind barricades. Not even one hair stands out of it all and as a result the risk is dramatically lower for them than for us. The Israeli society followed the same path. It's the path of the all-out security policy. Here in France, we are not in this kind of situation. We are vulnerable and particularly in the Maghreb, in the Middle East, in Asia and therefore in a situation of vulnerability and what is true overthere is true here too. Therefore, I would like that we all become aware of the complexity of the situation. I'm ok that we take the lead of a crusade but I'd like us to measure the risks run and more than anything, to know that this crusade cannot be won. We are feeding a process of destruction, we are feeding a process of hatred and that which I'm telling you now isn't so that nothing be done because a lot remains to be done but so that things be done otherwise, through a political strategy, through a strategy of military support of those who must first and foremost react, that is the very countries of this region. There are about 500-600 warplanes in the region that belong to the Gulf states. They are more than capable of retaliating in this war. We are following the Americans who, as always, are in search for an enemy all over the planet and who seem to be engaged in some kind of a universal messianism. To us, the French, that isn't our role, that's not what we're meant to be. We are peacemakers, we give priority to discussions, we are mediators. We are here to play against type, against the mainstream and we are carried away in policies that are just stalemates because this war against terrorism, it's an endless war. It's a perpetual war. We know that it can't end. Hatred begets hatred, war begets war.
Here is a post written by sister Billy : Is it possible the " false prophet" is muhamud and the the "10 kings" that receive power are from the Middle East Possibly those mentioned in psalms 83 - the 10 tribes mentioned are part of the middle eastern countries today Islam seems to be making inroads into the western world- if not by violence then stealth by entering into all areas of the western world - mosques and madrases are popping up everywhere , they have their own symbols on most of our foods products They are influencing the school systems and our laws - plus many countries are allowing them to operate sharia law islam am has a alternative calendar than the west - ours is based on Jesus and Islam is based on muhumud 25He’ll speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One. He’ll attempt to alter times and laws, and they’ll be given into his control for a time, times, and half a time. International Standard Version
Here is another post written by sister Billy : If the " beast" that has a head that was slaughtered and then is revived could apply to the Ottoman Empire - being a religio/political ruling empire that conquered a huge portion of the western world and then died in the early 1900's when the the last caliph ruled - could the islamic world be reviving ? They now have a new caliph since 2014 the rise of Islam is altering the western worlds concept of free speech- "politically correct" is the new catch phrase and seems to be stopping people from criticizing the islamic ideology as being "racism" sharia law is being introduced and practiced in some western countries side by side with the existing law system - there was an attempt to have shiria law introduced into australia a few years ago but was knocked back - it could be a matter of time if the Muslim population expands large enough This is an interesting video on utube by Bridgette Gabriel showing how minority ideology can be introduced into countries successfully ie the nazi party I've been trying to imagine what it would be like for Christendom and Jehovah witnesses if Islam did conquer the world - Christendom would fare worse than JWs as Islam does not believe in a trinity and condemns Christendom for this, they don't celebrate Xmas or birthdays and consider Christendom morally weak - just a few thoughts - although atheists would be even worse off as Islamist religious books teach that Jews and Christians can be be spared be headings and become slaves because they are "people of the book" being the bible