This is the "short list" of organisations that the Royal Commission is interested in. The Watchtower Society got a mention on the "short list." http://www.childabuseroyalcommissio...for-submissions-about-various-religious-insti
Definitely a "stiff-necked" people. There's a steep learning curve coming ahead. I can "feel it in my bones" - (an expression meaning "to know instinctively.")
Case 54 is "round 2" in the Royal Commission investigations. This will commence on March 20, 2017. The policies and procedures of the Watchtower Society will be examined and the identified flaws in that process will be examined. The responses of the Watchtower Society to reports issued from the Royal Commission, will be also be examined. (Case 29 was "round 1" in the Royal Commission investigations.) http://www.childabuseroyalcommissio...ac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney
It's a dog and pony show to give lip service that the issue is being "addressed". Nothing will come of this, the Kingdom will come before they ever bring any satisfactory conclusion to this issue. Some of the people responsible for action are probably perpetrators themselves as it has been proven that very many of those that rise to the top of corporations and/or governments are sociopaths.
"Round 2" is not simply a rehash of "Round 1." In Round 1, the testimonies of 2 child abuse survivors was included as part of the public interview process. There are no testimonies included in Round 2. After Round 1 was finished, the findings of the Senior Legal Counsel were submitted to the Royal Commission. The Watchtower Society also received a copy of this. The Watchtower Society responded to this report. The Royal Commission advised the Watchtower Society that its policies and procedures for dealing with child abuse were flawed and did not protect children. Round 2 focuses on the organisation being questioned at the time. This is the point where an organisation that has been publicly interviewed, now comes forward and provides proof to the Royal Commission as to how they have changed their policies and procedures, so as to meet best practice standards. If an organisation has acknowledged that its policies and procedures have flaws and has worked with the Royal Commission to amend its policies and improve them, then Round 2 is a straightforward matter. On the other hand, if an organisation doesn't recognise the seriousness of the matter and continues to ignore the Royal Commission, then Round 2 will be a long, drawn out, arduous, complicated process. The Watchtower Society falls into this category. So Round 2 can be a complicated and arduous process.......but it doesn't have to be.
The Watchtower always takes the position that their position is superior and as close to flawless as it can get because it is based on the Bible. What they don't see is that their policies are flawed because kids by the hundreds, if not thousands continue to be molested and worse and offenders keep walking free to molest until they get caught again and get there hand slapped again. Child molesters and sexual predators are in this for the long game. They are severely flawed individuals that have impulses that few of us could even imagine. They also need our help but the first priority must be the offended, not the offenders. I don't have much confidence that this problem will receive any successful intercession until the Kingdom of God takes over all the processes on earth. Thanks for th update!
Yes ! One can't fight human imperfection with good intentions only. The GB must think that following Bible principles as they understand them is like a magic wand against the worst of humanity. That's what I said lately to an elder about prayer and some personal problems I've had a few years ago : "Do you pray enough ?" I was asked.... People always say that one must rely on Jehovah and pray for things to be set straight but when you have a problem with a Significant Other of yours, you can pray all you want but no miracles will happen if your said SO doesn't care about Bible principles. God's Holy Spirit will act only if all the protagonists of a given situation do their utmost to apply God's counsels and strive to imitate His qualities. Then, the only thing you can pray about is to receive strength and practical wisdom in order to stand and manage the best you can the hardship you're going through. The same applies with the child molesters in the org. At some point, one must take the bull by the horns and address things seriously. If the procedures don't give the expected results, it's because Jehovah doesn't bless them for a reason, which means that said procedures must be changed.
They have totally lost their way and it will take the Kingdom of God under Christ to show them the way back to sanity. When the angels of the Lord start to gather in the harvest do not look to the Watchtower, look to the Kingdom of God for clarity. Jesus will draw the chosen and faithful out of the Watchtower and the rest will be bundled up as a bundle of weeds and burnt in the fire. Don't be stubborn and get bundled up with the weeds, escape with the angels.
Yes ! And I'm sure that Christ's brothers will receive the part of Holy Spirit needed to have a full grasp of what's going on and to fulfill what their Lord expect from them till he calls them up.
I've had a look at Robert's website in case he talked about the rumoured change of message and I found this, dated October 2nd, 2016 :
I read the article on Robert King's site noted above. It is a clear example that the Watchtower has become a self serving beast. On the surface it appears that the Society is finally placing the interest's of children and parents ahead of the interest's of child molesters in the congregation. On deeper inspection they have only made the adjustments that will protect them from the onslaught of legal procedings against them. Although there are many, many Christ and Jehovah fearing individuals in the Watchtower it is the weeds that have come up that seem to be holding sway in the actual power and direction of the Society. This is a self-preservation move. If they truly want to put the interests of parents and children first they have to do what Robert alludes to in his article. They need to start treating child molestation and sexual assaults as crimes by not only including the outside authorities but by giving the authorities the information that they need to not only protect the children in the congregations from these very sick (mostly men), but they need to protect children outside the congregations that will now become the targets of these men who will lose a very large marketplace for their vice. As strong as the impulse is for you to cultivate loving relationships with adults who are appropriate for such advances, child molesters have the same if not even a stronger internal impulse to express these same emotions, but they are attracted to young ones with an un-natural attraction that they have little power to control. Some can and have resisted these impulses but they are a distinct minority. Before my kidneys failed and I went on disability I worked as a Psychiatric RN and came in close contact with men who have this condition. Many of them were stone cold sociopaths that were the greatest of manipulators. Others were men who recognized that they had a serious problem and were attempting to address their problem by being treated by a Psychologist or Psychiatrist. These men do need our help, but they must receive that help under the most strictly monitored environments. If they are given even an inch of wiggle room they will have strong temptation to use that wiggle room. I was removed as an elder because after reading all the letters from the Society that they had in the congregation file on how to treat both molesters and the molested I informed the local body that I was unwilling to comply with the existing policies of the society and that I thought the brothers serving in the best interests of the children on the Elder bodies would do the same. I think many of the brothers were "sympathetic" to my position but were to afraid to "oppose" the societies position in fear that they would lose their positions and then be ostracized from the congregations and their families. This is a problem at the top. If the top took the lead in doing this properly the body would follow in lock step, but the brothers in positions of authority will only go as far as the head allow them to go. The current adjustments, although progress are insufficient to actually address this situation properly. Since it has taken this long to get at least these concessions from the society, it will be a much longer wait for them to consider the safety of the children both inside and outside of the congregations that they consider the safety of their legal position. This is truly sad as it shows up their true motives. At least the weeds, who apparently are holding the reins of power currently in JW's organization. But don't be discouraged because very soon the Kingdom of God will actively be participating in the direct decision making processes here on earth and then we will truly have an organization that will put children's interest's first while also putting the interests of these sinners and criminals high priority. Listen for the call of the angels who are led by the Bride of Christ (who are Christ in the unity of their "one flesh". When this call goes out by the angels of God the Society will attempt to keep you in their fold but the Watchtower will actually become "a bundle of weeds" destined for the fire of Gehenna. Don't get caught up in their net. It is a matter of life and death. When the call goes out to "get out of her my people", heed the call.
The date for Case 54 ("Round 2") has been moved forward from March 20 to March 6, 2017. http://www.childabuseroyalcommissio...ac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney
I haven't seen any details about that either. There is a provision for a person to take part in the proceedings via the video link, when they can't be physically present. Back in July 2015 ("Round 1") Justice Peter McClellan said that, if it wasn't possible to speak with Geoffrey Jackson, then they could arrange for a video link to be set up so that another GB member could speak with the Royal Commission.
The date for Case 54 ("Round 2") has been rescheduled for March 10, 2017. http://www.childabuseroyalcommissio...ac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney
The Australian Royal Commission has brought forward many cases of sexual abuse in the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. The organization has paid out a substantial restitution to victims. All of this has brought shame to our religion. We often talk about the Catholic Church and its pedophilia cover ups, but it is evident that the same attitude exists in the congregation. So, do these events indicate divine punishment from Jehovah? I am certain this is somehow part of Bible prophecy.
The entire book of Ezekiel... Eze 22:6 "Look! Each of the chieftains of Israel among you uses his authority to shed blood."