-Dead Sea Scroll 'War Scroll (1QM)'- (The war of the sons of light against the sons of darkness.) ""On the trumpets for the assembly of the congregation they shall write, "The called of God." (3) On the trumpets for the assembly of the chiefs they shall write, "The princes of God." On the trumpets of the formaons they shall write, "The rule of God." On the trumpets of the men of renown [they shall write], (4) "The heads of the congregation's clans." Then when they are assembled at the house of meeting, they shal1 write, "The testimonies of God for a holy congregation." On the trumpets of the camps (5) they shall write, "The peace of God in the camps of His saints." On the trumpets for their campaigns they shall write, "The mighty deeds of God to scatter the enemy and to put all those who hate (6) justice to flight and a withdrawal of mercy from all who hate God." On the trumpets of the battle formations they shall write, "Formations of the divisions of God to avenge His anger on all Sons of Darkness." (7) On the trumpets for assembling the infantry when the gates of war open that they might go out against the battle line of the enemy, they shall write, "A remembrance of requital at the appointed time (8) of God." On the trumpets of the slain they shall write, "The hand of the might of God in battle so as to bring down all the slain because of unfaithfulness." On the trumpets of ambush they shall write, (9) "Mysteries of God to wipe out wickedness." On the trumpets of pursuit they shall write, "God has struck all Sons of Darkness, He shall not abate His anger until they are annihilated." (10) When they return from battle to enter the formation, they shall write on the trumpets of retreat, "God has gathered." On the trumpets for the way of return (11) from battle with the enemy to enter the congregation in Jerusalem, they shall write, "Rejoicings of God in a peaceful return.""
-Dead Sea Scroll 'War Scroll (1QM)'- "Col. 15 (1) For it is a time of distress for Isra[el, a fixed t]ime of battle against all the nations. The purpose of God is eternal redemption, (2) but annihilation for al1 nations of wickedness. All those pr[epared] for battle shall set out and camp opposite the king of the Kittim and all the forces (3) of Belial that are assembled with him for a day [of vengeance] by the sword of God. The final battle the first engagement. (4) Then the Chief Priest shall stand, and with him his brothers the p[riests], the Levites, and all the men of the army. He shall read aloud (5) the prayer for the appointed time of battle, as is written in the boo]k Serekh Itto (The Rule of His Time), including all the words of their thanksgivings. Then he shall form there (6) all the battle lines, as writ[ten in the Book of the War. Then the priest appointed for the time of vengeance by (7) all his brothers shall walk about and encourage [them for the battl]e, and he shall say in response: "Be strong and courageous as warriors. (8) Fear not, nor be discoura[ged and let not y]our [heart be faint.] Do not panic, neither be alarmed because of them. Do not (9) turn back nor [flee from the]m. For they are a wicked congregation, all their deeds are in darkness; (10) it is [their] desire. [They have established al]l their refuge [in a lie], their strength is as smoke that vanishes, and all (11) their vast assembly [is as chaff which blows away ... de]solation, and shall not be found. Every creature of greed shall wither quickly away (12) [like a flow]er at ha[rvest time ... Come,] strengthen yourselves for the battle of God, for this day is an appointed time of battle (13) [for G]od against all the n[ations, ... judgm]ent upon all flesh. The God of Israel is raising His hand in His wondrous [streng]th (14) [against all the spirits of wick[edness ... m]ighty ones of the gods are girding themselves for battl[e, and] the formation[s of the3 h[o]ly ones (15) [are rea]dying themselves for a day of [vengeance ...] (16) the God of I[srae]l [...] (17) to remove Bel[ial ...] (18) in his hell [...] (19) [...] (20) [...] "
The door to our heart can only be opened from the inside.... La porte de notre cœur ne s'ouvre que d'en dedans....
"If the gift that mother nature gave us, the gift of intelligence, leads us to win the war that we have begun to wage against her... then we are lost !" "Si le cadeau que nous a fait la nature, celui de l'intelligence, nous conduit à gagner la guerre que nous avons engagée contre elle, alors nous sommes perdus !" Hubert Reeves
N'est-ce pas ? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Our good deeds are often more obscure than our sins. Nos bonnes actions sont souvent plus troubles que nos péchés.
The dog crawled into the potter's oven to warm himself and then barked at the potter. Esarhaddon, King of Babylon
"Neither by nature nor by any human skill is it possible for men to know such high and holy things; but only by a gift that descends from above on holy men from time to time. They do not need training in speech or skill in controversy and argument, but only to keep themselves pure to receive the power of the Spirit of God." Justin Martyr 100-165 CE