Genesis 1 "God created (Time) the heavens(space) and the earth.(matter.) God created, time, space, and matter." This past year, 2014, Scientist have made the claim: "We now know what the universe is made of; Time, space, and matter."
I liked that Domenic. Now that they finally know (duh). What will they do with that knowledge? It’s called - - - SPIN!
Not the "best" video, but a simple one. Essentially quantum physics is more and more confident that there is a "universal quantum field" that has probabilities to simply pop things in or out of existance (one possible explanation for the big bang). Mr. Kiko's point about reality needing a universal consciousness to really function means this universal quantum field could, itself, be conscious. If these random creations aren't random, but intentional... and all energy (and therefore matter) is a function of this conscious universal quantum field... well... that's just nerd-talk for finding a scientific description for God.
Theory Vs Fact: Theory (n.) = 1590s, “conception, mental scheme,” from Late Latin theoria (Jerome), from Greek theōria “contemplation, speculation; a looking at, viewing; a sight, show, spectacle, things looked at,” from theōrein “to consider, speculate, look at,” from theōros “spectator,” from thea “a view” (see theater) + horan “to see,” which is possibly from PIE root *wer- (3) “to perceive.” Earlier in this sense was theorical (n.), late 15c. Sense of “principles or methods of a science or art” (rather than its practice) is first recorded 1610s (as in music theory, which is the science of musical composition, apart from practice or performance). Sense of “an intelligible explanation based on observation and reasoning” is from 1630s. Fact (n.) = 1530s, “action, anything done,” especially “evil deed,” from Latin factum “an event, occurrence, deed, achievement,” in Medieval Latin also “state, condition, circumstance,” literally “thing done” (source also of Old French fait, Spanish hecho, Italian fatto), noun use of neuter of factus, past participle of facere “to do” (from PIE root *dhe- “to set, put”). Main modern sense of “thing known to be true” is from 1630s, from notion of “something that has actually occurred.” Compare feat, which is an earlier adoption of the same word via French. Facts “real state of things (as distinguished from a statement of belief)” is from 1630s. In fact “in reality” is from 1707. Facts of life “harsh realities” is from 1854; euphemistic sense of “human sexual functions” first recorded 1913. Alliterative pairing of facts and figures is from 1727. Facts and Figures are the most stubborn Evidences; they neither yield to the most persuasive Eloquence, nor bend to the most imperious Authority. [Abel Boyer, “The Political State of Great Britain,” 1727] SO? Just saying “Theoretical Physicist” is a theory. Or should we just say, a person who guesses. Maybe it could be said better, as “educated guesser”. That would mean that this person has studied the majority of guesses, but still lacks the answer. That is because there is still unknown quantities missing. They still can’t explain time! “There is no “there”, there! If you really want to confuse and frustrate a “Theoretical Physicist”, after every explanation to his theory, ask “Why”. I have a friend who is a “Theoretical Physicist” and in our discussions, he agrees that most information about physics is still unanswered guesses. Too many known unknowns.