This one is more or less for Tsaphah. It shows why I said that the CERN runs the Big Bang history backwards. The more you get high energies, and above all, particles having higher and higher energies when they collide (through speed), the earlier you get into the Big Bang history and what is thought to have taken place back then. Source : How an accelerator works Electric fields and radiofrequency cavities accelerate particles inside accelerators, while powerful magnets focus or steer the particle beams. (...) Their job is to speed up and increase the energy of a beam of particles by generating electric fields that accelerate the particles, and magnetic fields that steer and focus them. (...) Collisions at accelerators can occur either against a fixed target, or between two beams of particles. Particle detectors are placed around the collision point to record and reveal the particles that emerge from the collisions.
New breathtaking video from the NASA about the Sun ! Five years of observations... In 1080p, it's truly impressive and awe-inspiring !!!
I also wanted to add that that search has, as a goal, to find that which united all the forces back then and to transcribe it all into mathematical laws, which is the famous Theory of Everything (TOE).
You know, I was reading THIS ARTICLE that contains new research suggesting the universe had no beginning. Although it admits that at one time the universe was extremely dense and hot, and that got me thinking. When we work the math back to the beginning of the universe we get the same thing that is at the center of black holes (infinity), what if Jehovah created a mass very dense and hot with no beginning and then at some point allowed it to expand? At that point it could be said that the universe is infinitely old, but yet had a beginning as it pertains to the matter and expansion within.
Another interesting recent study, they claim to have the first photographic evidence of the dual nature of light. THE ARTICLE
I watched "The Theory of Everything" the other day, a movie about Stephen Hawking, and I got to thinking a little more about what I posted above at post #105 and the universe at the beginning. Mr Hawking has been trying to prove time had a beginning his whole life, without success. From his work he believes there was a singularity at the beginning of this universe, much like what is theorized in the center of a black hole, but the problem is that the math goes to infinity when they try to calculate the center of that mass. Cosmologists say the math breaks down, but in reality what they get is infinity, and they don't like that, infinities can never be understood and allows room for a creator, while finite information allows for a beginning. It is possible that Jehovah has created infinity in this universe, and let's say it's time, he could have created a small dense point that had no beginning allowing time to never have a beginning and at that point matter could be allowed to promulgate. I'm not saying time as we know it was created to never have a beginning, but I'm saying he could have created this universe that way and it would answer the question of why there are infinities in the center of singularities.
USGS Geomagnetism Program Real-Time Geomagnetic Conditions
Seismic activity in real time and all around the world And the USA
"New Horizons" spacecraft passes the planet Pluto "Most moving for me has been catching a few words with the son of the man who first found Pluto. Al Tombaugh is obviously delighted that a sample of his father Clyde's ashes is on board New Horizons, speeding past Pluto and now heading into the unexplored realm of the Kuiper Belt."
Now I could see me in this!
I thought I would take a break from reading the transcript about the Royal Commission and do some light reading. I just learnt that a "parsec" is not a measurement of speed but of distance.
What is Jason-3 ? Source Jason-3 is a satellite mission that supports scientific, commercial and practical applications related to sea level rise, ocean circulation, and climate change. Jason-3 follows the current operational altimeter satellite, Jason-2, in maintaining satellite altimetry observations of global sea surface height. Jason-3 is an international cooperative mission in which NOAA is partnering with the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES, France's governmental space agency), European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Jason-3 will make highly detailed measurements of sea surface height, which is a measure used to study sea level rise” a critical factor in understanding Earth's dynamic climate. Sea surface height data from altimetry satellites like Jason-3 are also used to study hurricane intensity, tsunami dynamics, El Niño Southern Oscillation, eddy dynamics, ocean boundary currents, coastal and shallow water tides, as well as weather and climate forecasting.
Second Planck catalogue of compact sources released Source The catalogue is part of Planck legacy archive hosted at ESA's European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) and is available to all researchers. Data are provided in standard fits format tables that can be used with a variety of astronomical tools. A search tool allows users to search by coordinate or common name. The menagerie of sources in the catalogue includes radio galaxies, blazars, infrared-luminous galaxies, galaxy clusters, supernova remnants, cold molecular cloud cores, stars with dust shells, as well as many other unidentified objects.
What is SPHERE ? Source SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch) is an extreme adaptive optics system and coronagraphic facility feeding three science instruments: IRDIS, IFS, and ZIMPOL. The primary science goal of SPHERE is imaging, low-resolution spectroscopic, and polarimetric characterization of extra-solar planetary systems. The instrument design is optimized to provide the highest image quality and contrast performance in a narrow field of view around bright targets that are observed in the visible or near infrared. More information here.
Source If the Earth Stood Still Modeling the absence of centrifugal force The following is not a futuristic scenario. It is not science fiction. It is a demonstration of the capabilities of GIS to model the results of an extremely unlikely, yet intellectually fascinating query: What would happen if the earth stopped spinning? ArcGIS was used to perform complex raster analysis and volumetric computations and generate maps that visualize these results.
Hi Utuna, If the earth stopped spining suddenly would the waters in the oceans be spilled over the land? Just a thought. Jehovah is in charge of these things. Have a blessed day. Joe
Hi BTJ, There are many things that we know and many things that we still ignore. The earth's rotation is slowing down and the stars aren't eternal.... but yes, I agree, Jehovah is in charge of these things. It's interesting anyway to know in detail how physical laws work as they bring glory to God's creative works and wisdom in their own ways... The Crab Nebula (catalogue designations M1, NGC 1952, Taurus A) is a supernova remnant and pulsar wind nebula in the constellation of Taurus. Here is how end up the stars similar to the Sun (Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543)) I often had very interesting discussions with b/s about that subject. I have the luck of having two brothers in my congregation who like God's creative works through astronomy as I do. I know that, because of what I just said above, I'll be considered here again as a filthy miscreant, fired broadside at and cursed like a "shame-on-you" guy, shame having been called down on me once already.... Jehovah is in charge of these things too...