The Bible and Archaeology

Discussion in 'Shout Box' started by Joshuastone7, May 7, 2015.

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    This is the best video I have ever seen on the Bible and historical evidence in archaeology!

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    Domenic Guest

    Thank you for posting the video. When I was a pioneer in Las Vegas Nevada, There were many senior people living there. Most seemed well educated, and their questions of rebuttal were often supported by science, archaeology, or both. What Christians take for historical fact, most times cannot be proven. I loved the high desert of Nevada, and would often go out into it alone to reason. I understood most of the people that gave rebuttal to the bible were not bad people, but had come to their position through reasoning. The foundation of their rejection of scripture was what they considered, proven scientific, or archaeological fact. I was confronted with separation of Gods written word, science, and archaeology? They seemed to be at odds, one with the other? It is true I started many bible studies, but most of these were people lacking in higher education? Those with a higher education were not accepting the truth of Jehovah because what I offered, I could not back up with solid proof…I was the weak link that was preventing their path to God. I spent many hours wondering the high desert searching under every stone for answers. I am a simple person, so I don’t have boulders to move out of the way in my search for answers. I often write on paper the things that hide from me. Jehovah is the number one scientist. He also knows more about archaeology than the whole human race. First of all, he is the author of the bible. The question was two inches from my nose. “Why are you separating, the bible, science, and archaeology? Put them together as one tool.â€￾ Separation puts them in conflict. Together I could see a wonderful, amazing clear picture of man’s history that proved Gods written word. My ministry now welcomed questions of scientific and archaeological fact. With father I can do anything, without him, I am a dead duck.

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