The Correct Bible Translation Video

Discussion in 'Video & Audio Posts' started by Joshuastone7, Mar 6, 2018.

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    The Correct Bible Translation Video

    Tsaphah, Barry and Regent Lessard like this.
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    Tsaphah Experienced Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Hi JoshuaStone (A-Jay),
    I like your videos. The one about “The Correct Bible Translation” is good information. I also happened to see Kathie Lee Gifford on the tube, some time after watching your video. She was talking about her experience in Israel. She traveled to all the historic sites. She also mentioned the correct Hebrew word for day, and the fact that it can mean different “periods of time”. She also said; “The majority of people are “scripturally illiterate”. She was on target! She said; “If I’m going to be a believer in Jesus, then I need to know more about Jesus!” That takes a dedication of setting aside some time each day.

    I would love to be able to go to Israel, Egypt, and the surrounding areas. But, . . .maybe some other time. At present, a very close friend asked me if I would be interested in starting a bible study in my home. I said, “Absolutely”! So, I think we will start tomorrow, just to see where it goes. I also have two other people who have said they would be interested. Both of them are “babies in the truth”. My close friend if very knowledgeable of the bible.

    The one thing about using some bible translations if the bad translation which can cloud the mind and mislead. That is where we must take the milk and remove the content that spoils it. We must make the milk more tasty, to build up the spirit of the new ones.

    Kathie Lee Talks About Israel, Her Faith And Her New Book

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Thank you brother for watching.

    I appreciate her faith and her journey to find Truth...

    Depending on the young ones desire to learn, we can steer them in the correct direction, but with headstrong ones the best course of action is to try and encourage their progress. Ones spiritual progress and maturity dictates the approach they need on the path of enlightenment.

    I'm curious, what is your friends intention with this study, does he wish to learn from you, or do you think he feels he could straighten you out?

    Guard your heart brother... (Prov 4:23)
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    Tsaphah Experienced Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    He comes from a long line of Lutheran ministers. He has been a very close friend for 19 years. As a matter of fact, I call him my adopted son. He was also baptized a second time, in his early teens, as a Baptist (Jack Van Impe - A Satellite Man). Of course he recognized his mistake as he grew older. He does have some set beliefs, but acknowledges my depth of understanding of the bible. He does not believe in “hell fire”, a person does not go to heaven when they die, etc.

    He received a Bachelors degree in English. He is very intelligent. He thinks things through before coming to a conclusion. He understands that we don’t know everything. He is a lot like me, in having it in the bible. If it’s not in the bible, or is not reasonable, it must be considered not true.

    The Hooters: Satellite - Lyrics

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    It sounds as though a personal Bible study would be very beneficial in such a case. I've come to learn such opportunities are gifts from God...

    I had a very interesting conversation myself today. A co-worker from the past contacted me, interested in getting together. I knew from when I had worked with her in the past, she lived an immoral lifestyle, and influenced others to join her in such things, so I had to think of a way to let her down without offending her (if possible). She had also told me one time she hated the Bible, and couldn't stand those who spoke about it. So, what do you say in such a case, right?

    So I told her that in fact I couldn't meet her because I was a Christian, and although I appreciated her as a person, I couldn't except her invitation. I told her that although I lived such a life years ago, "my faith has allowed me to live in peace now, and has put me in a place that keeps others from hurting me." You see, I added that last part to throw out a seed, to see if she would respond to it. She was always bubbly, and giddy, and flirtatious, but I figured that we all have pain living such a life, and if Jehovah wanted to water that seed a little, then she would respond to it.

    Well, there was silence through the text for a while, and then all of a sudden she text back asking if my faith was new. I told her; "No, I've learned over time that God had the right to rule my life, and when I allowed him to do so, I was at peace, and in a place that I took control of my life." Low and behold, she's then asking me; "How does one take control of their life?"

    At which point she asked if I could speak on the phone, which I agreed. When she called she told me she was sorry if she offended me with anything she ever said, and I told her that she hadn't, I just don't want to force my beliefs on others as some do, but that I care about her well being, and happiness. Wouldn't you know it, she started crying! She told me that no one had turned her down, and that she looked to others for her self worth. She said she had been taking anti-depressants and had been hurt by many in her past. Her husband had been unfaithful, and so she was getting even with him ten fold.

    She also started asking about God, about religions and about what I thought. Imagine that, if I had tried to throw my faith at her in the past, or told her what she needed to do, or condemned her lifestyle, she would have never responded. But instead, by my example she broke down and opened up.

    She didn't understand faith, so I told her; "Consider my example. I declined your offer because of my faith, where no other man of your acquaintance would have. Why would a man decline such an offer from you, but instead tell you he wished you find peace in your day?" At which point I started with the basics of our faith in our Lords sacrifice, and the love of God.

    So, even the hardest of hearts, or the surest of sinners, and seemingly happy individuals not only are in pain, but can be reached when God waters, and makes it grow!

    I pray she may consider these things...

    God's name be glorified!
    wallflower likes this.
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    Imabetterboy Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Nice video! Any Bible as you say will do!
    Every Bible is bias. Any organization who believes their particular way is the correct way, is going to slant their version towards what they thiink is right.Sad but a harsh reality.

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