The 'House of God' When Judgment Starts

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Harry, May 21, 2024.

  1. 195

    Harry Member

    May 20, 2024
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    Someone at another forum asks this rather pertinent question:

    "If Jehovah didn’t use WT/ organization, then, when Jesus comes back to judge his house FIRST, who’s he going to judge???"

    I have a simple answer for this, one that would not be tolerated at that site, which ironically is somewhat akin to what WT used to teach namely, that it applied to 'Christendom,' at the time Jesus approved WT as the 'faithful slave' in 1918.

    Only I would say that this is still future and that the 'house of God' is comprised of all people representing and misrepresenting Him - the God of the Bible - here on earth, relegating WT / JWs ironically as just another part of what they, somewhat contemptuously, refer to as 'Christendom.'

    I welcome reasoned views in agreement or to the contrary,


  2. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Greetings, brother.

    You are welcome here, Harry and your insights are very much appreciated. I find it more beneficial to encourage individuals with different opinions to express themselves rather than only engaging with those who share my perspective. I learn more from divergent views than to remain static in my own understanding. Engaging in constructive discussions allows me to refine my perspectives or reinforce my beliefs. Besides, we never know who we may be assisting.

    For me, this method of learning is more effective.

    I would assume the poster would be referring to Peter's contemplation here;

    "For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?" 1Pt 4:17

    I have a relatively unique view of prophecy in this matter that aligns with your thoughts here;

    I believe there is a time to come when the apostasy will be adopted by most denominations claiming to be Christian, including the WT. (2Th 2)

    Buying and selling in Revelation are spiritual. (Rev 3:18) The 666 is the apostasy of Solomon. (1kng 10:14) It's the 60x6x6 image of apostasy in Babylon. (Dan 3) It is my belief the Tower of Babel ideology is still to come when these churches gather together with a UN-type governmental agency in some equality agenda.

    At that point (according to my understanding), the preaching will be given over to Babylon. "Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name." Heb 13:15 Then the kingdoms of the earth will abolish the earthly system (or systems) that represent God.

    After this, the dry bones of Ezekiel are brought to life when Zerubabbel (two witnesses) begins rebuilding the true spiritual Temple on earth just before our Lord's return.

    That's just my opinion.

    It would look like this:

    666: Dec 28, 2028 – Asara B’Tevet

    Apostasy: Sept 10, 2029 – Rosh Hashanah

    Spiritual Walls Breached: July 6, 2033 – 9th Tammuz

    Spiritual Temple Destroyed: Aug 5, 2033 – 10th AV

    Governmental Collapse: Oct 4, 2034 – Sukkot

    Coronation: Oct 13, 2035 – Yom Kippur

    God's Kingdom: Dec 28, 2035 – Hanukkah
  3. 195

    Harry Member

    May 20, 2024
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    Thanks for the welcome and your reply, Joshua;

    Same here; I see 'the apostasy' connected with the 'healing' of the 'sword stroke' on the incipient NWO beast, when 'all the earth will follow it with admiration and worship it along with Satan,' something WT is on record saying that Jehovah would never allow such a thing as 'united global Devil worship' on His planet. Re 13

    I can also see all religions unite under the 'social justice' banner with AI being in charge under a global 'social credit' system and a CBDC cashless digital economy, where 'buying and selling,' or participating in society at all, will be impossible without worshiping the beast and receiving its mark.

    This coming socialist utopia will appear to be the kingdom of God on earth as proclaimed by WT and Bahia'h etc, together with implementation of Noahide laws, to if possible mislead even the chosen ones, if they weren't kept from the 'hour of test' by Jesus, as promised. Re 3:10, Mat 6:13

    You seem to expect a seven year period for the end [2028 -2035], which would correspond to the seventieth week of Daniel 9 that is yet to be fulfilled, although I have no idea about the actual years when this is destined to occur, albeit at half of the week we should be able to discern the 'disgusting thing standing in a holy place,' which I see as the revived NWO beast replacing Christianity as the hope for mankind and fulfillment of the kingdom of God on earth.

    That's my take so far,

  4. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Greetings, brother.

    Have you considered our Lord's words in Rev 3:18 in conjunction with the buying and selling during such a time? I'm curious how they coincide with your view of the buying and selling of Rev 13.

    "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see." Rev 3:18

    I happen to believe the 70th week was immediately after the 69th. I believe the "many" the covenant was confirmed with were the Israelites. That covenant was the Davidic covenant, beginning when our Lord was baptized until Cornelius was baptized, extending that covenant to the Gentiles—a span of seven years.

    Ultimately, I believe there is a future literal 70-week fulfillment - 490 days. The 69 weeks would begin with a call to rebuild the spiritual temple and end with our Lord's coronation over the earthly kingdom. Then, the 70th is the covenant for a kingdom confirmed with the 144k. At the half of the 70th, the two witnesses are killed, and then they are raised at the end of the 70th when a message from an angel offers entrance to all faithful into His kingdom.

    My two cents, anyway... ;)

    Have you ever considered that the 1290 days of the constant feature being removed and the disgusting thing being placed is the time frame between the two events rather than these two occurring simultaneously?

    "And from the time that the regular burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be 1,290 days." Dan 12:11

    I am curious if you have noticed an interesting connection of Babylon the Great and the Babylon of old. It appears the lion beast of Dan 7 is the healed condition of Nebbi from Dan 4.

    "Immediately the word was fulfilled against Nebuchadnezzar. He was driven from among men and ate grass like an ox, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hair grew as long as eagles’ feathers, and his nails were like birds’ claws." Dan 4:33

    "The first was like a lion and had eagles’ wings. Then as I looked its wings were plucked off, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man, and the mind of a man was given to it." Dan 7:4

    Interestingly, Babylon is the only nation mentioned in Revelation that we know previously existed. Then we have this healing description of the lion in Dan 7. The death stroke of Rev 13 could be the healing of Babylon into BTG.

    I know some believe the healing of the death stroke of Rev 13 is the same event as the beast coming from the abyss in Rev 17, but I have always been curious why. The sea is not the abyss. The healed death stroke is on only one head, not the entire beast, as in Rev 17. I don't see any connection. Such a connection appears to be an assumption to me.

    Some of my observations...

  5. 195

    Harry Member

    May 20, 2024
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    Good morning brother,

    so when Jesus counsels one of the seven congregations to buy gold from Him I see it as applying representatively to all the anointed throughout the 2000 years of His spiritual presence up to His return, whereas the inability to buy and sell not just gold - and not only from Him - but every other thing besides gold, will only be during the 42 month reign of the beast and will apply to mankind at large of whoever refuses the mark, including the unchosen who are not addressed by Jesus to buy gold from Him.

    Have you thought about the possibility that there is a Satanic elite that owns and controls the whole world and wants to force everybody to worship their god by any means possible, including starvation and exclusion from society by making it impossible to buy bread and sell their labor for it?

    The WT has JWs convinced that such a scenario is just a fanciful conspiracy theory and apostate driven lies by mentally diseased people, but maybe God's word means what it says and is true after all?

    But its life and life only, and theirs to choose.

    Instead of buying gold from Jesus, eight million preachers of the kingdom have outsourced their duty to test the inspired expressions of those claiming to represent Him to the functionaries of a Pennsylvania publishing corporation. 2 Ki 17:32; 1 Joh 4:1

    The 70 heptomads of Daniel 9 may need a thread of their own, because there is a lot of detail to process.

    As to the disgusting thing standing in a holy place and removing the constant feature, I see that as the revived NWO imitating and replacing and trampling upon Christianity for 42 month in the near future. Re 13, 11:1-3

    In your saying that: "The healed death stroke is on only one head, not the entire beast, as in Rev 17." - that is true, although verse 12 [Re 13] does say that the wild beast as such received the death stroke, not just the head, but affecting the whole body.

    Ok, thanks for your input, I'm off to work now,

  6. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Greetings, Harry.

    I guess this comes down to how we should interpret the Bible. This discussion would be a microcosm of biblical interpretation.

    In comparing Rev 3:18 and Rev 13:17, it can be inferred that the acts of buying and selling may represent either spiritual or physical transactions, or perhaps one is symbolic of spiritual matters while the other pertains to the physical realm. Hence, there is a multitude of understandings we see in the world. :)

    How could this be answered definitively?

    Is Rev 13:12 more clarifying the first beast's wound as a whole, or is it referring back to the first beast that is described with only one of its heads wounded?

    Is it possible to acquire a definitive answer on this matter as well?


  7. 195

    Harry Member

    May 20, 2024
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    In Re 13:17 people have to worship Satan in order to be able to buy - but to buy what - gold from Jesus? This seems unlikely, which therefore makes me think that the buying in Re 3:18 is not related to that in 13:17.


    Buying gold from Jesus is likely metaphoric, since He does not seem to be a registered bullion dealer at present.

    As to not being able to buy and sell on a global scale without doing obeisance to satanic wokery, that system of cashless central bank digital currency and biometric ID, coupled with social credit scoring, is just about upon us, able to coerce compliance whether Re 13 pertains to it or not; this is just reality; so why wouldn't prophecy inform us in advance about this - that is my question since nothing like this has ever been technically possible before?

    My thinking is that the head of the beast represents the most vital and important part of it and that therefore the whole beast goes down, for if only the third world, China or Russia, were to collapse, I doubt that the 'whole world' would 'wonder admiringly' and 'follow the beast with admiration' upon the revival of these constituents.

    The WEF has already written a manifesto about the total collapse of the internet - and western civilization with it - called 'the event,' the 'great reset,' followed by the 'build back better' of a completely closed system of control and tyranny for those refusing to bow down to the 'great liberator' of mankind, Lucifer, whom they all worship.

    Could the 'great reset' equate to the 'sword stroke?'

    These things are happening now in the real world regardless of the Bible or any ancient prophecy and its interpretation - can you see this taking place, and what do you think of it?


  8. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Greetings, brother.

    Here is where I would consider the next question. What if Rev isn't contradicting itself?

    Both chapters 3 and 13 discuss worship on the subject of buying and selling.

    "buy from me gold" Rev 3:18

    "and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast." Rev 13:12

    According to Rev 13, when you receive the 666 mark, you worship the beast instead of God. Then why would we assume that buying and selling pertain to physical goods?

    Are not Satan's schemes always the same? People come together against God, thinking of themselves first. The Bible warns us throughout its pages of the satan's machinations. Disguised as an angel of light, the enemy tries to deceive God's people. Are the liars' schemes, in the end, going to be something new, never seen from him before? Not according to Paul. (2Cor 2:11)

    Should world religions one day adopt an agenda like the UN's 2030 agenda and require their members to support such adoption to continue worship within their churches, it would be considered a form of apostasy. So then, would that make the merchants who get rich from worship the preachers?

    I will add the Bible's explanation of the 666 number as apostasy again to this post.

    At this point, I would ask myself another question: Could I be wrong?

    Can you prove the death stroke to a single head is the abyss of the whole beast? For that matter, can you show the death stroke to that head has not already happened?

    If not, should we consider our assumptions could lead us to confirmation bias?

  9. 195

    Harry Member

    May 20, 2024
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    So, to me there is no contradiction in Revelation between 'buying gold' from Jesus and not being able to 'buy or sell' without having the mark of the beast, precisely because they talk about different 'buying.'

    'Buying and selling' to me is simply commercial activity, but there is no 'selling' of gold to Jesus, as far as I can see in the text, nor is the 'buying and selling' in 13:17 limited to gold - hence two different scenarios where one doesn't mesh with the other, unless one equates them and imagines that Jesus wants us to worship Satan in order to be able to buy gold from Him, which, quite frankly, sounds absurd, don't you think?

    Further, the 'compulsion' to worship Satan and the beast will be upon all 8 billion+ people on earth - 'small and great, rich and poor'- but how many of them would care about 'buying gold' from Jesus?

    So this is the question to me: does Re 13 - the test of loyalty to God - concern only the 'little flock,' members of today's 'seven congregations,' or will it be upon the 'entire inhabited earth?' Re 3:10


    Because there is nothing wrong with 'buying and selling' until the revived beast limits the ability to do so to only those worshiping it and its image.

    'Buying and selling' does not constitute worship even during the reign of terror of the revived beast; it is just impossible to do so for those not accepting the mark of the beast.

    The only person ever to make the argument that 'buying and selling' in Re 13:17 are 'spiritual transactions' or worship is Pearl Doxxy; but then she also thinks that we are already in the great tribulation and other such illogical things.

    When the disciples went to town to buy provisions for Jesus on the occasion when He spoke to the woman at the well, who or what were they worshiping in doing so? The shopkeeper?

    No, it was just a commercial transaction without any hidden spiritual meaning behind it.

    Not directly, but what else could motivate 'all the earth to follow the wild beast with admiration' after the healing of its head wound? Re 13:3

    No I can't; but in studying history I noticed how Germany miraculously came back from the abyss during the short span of the Third Reich, so that all its inhabitants followed the Fuehrer with admiration; check it out on YouTube documentaries, and imagine this euphoria go global to get a taste of Re 13:3, I think.

    Good point; however, what would be preferable: to ignorantly and unnecessarily worry about something bad that has already come to pass, or the other way round?

    I realize that WT has convinced its charges that all of prophecy has already been fulfilled and that Jesus could show up at any minute now before their two week 'go-bags' run out of soda and cookies, as they sit on the sidelines in their attics watching the show - but could they be wrong?

    Just my thoughts at this moments, and thanks for your input and providing the platform for exchange of ideas, Joshua,


  10. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Harry, thank you for your posting. I know these discussions can be challenging regarding patience, but it's all in how we approach them. These discussions allow us to look deeper into Scripture in ways we may not have previously. Iron sharpens iron...

    If we agreed on everything, we wouldn't have anything to discuss.

    Pearl's ideologies are dangerous in my current understanding. She teaches that she is a spokesperson of God and awaits a war between the anointed. When speaking to me, she attempted to begin a conflict, believing she was doing God's Will.

    I am unfamiliar with her understanding of buying and selling in Rev., and I am not interested in learning about it. To be honest...

    Isn't that precisely what the officials under Darius tried to do? Didn't they try to kill Daniel in just such a fashion? They insisted everyone in the land worship the image alone or be killed.

    "All the high officials of the kingdom, the prefects and the satraps, the counselors and the governors are agreed that the king should establish an ordinance and enforce an injunction, that whoever makes petition to any god or man for thirty days, except to you, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions." Dan 6:7

    The mouth of the first beast in Rev 13 is a lion's mouth. And just because it says you can only worship/buy and sell through the beast, that doesn't mean the faithful to God will follow. There will be a remnant who will pass through the fire and be refined, just like Daniel and his friends.

    "And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon my name, and I will answer them." Zech 13:9

    "And the wise among the people shall make many understand, though for some days they shall stumble by sword and flame, by captivity and plunder." Dan 11:33

    "It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people." Rev 13:13

    Remember, we can buy from our Lord not just gold but clothing and ointment—a litany of items.

    "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see." Rev 3:18

    I'm sure you will agree with me that we want all interpretations to come from Scripture, not our own assumptions. We must eliminate our own biases.

    We can both agree that our Lord presented His Revelation in signs. The Bible is replete with symbolic imagery that often carries different meanings in various contexts within the text. Lampstands can mean churches, two witnesses, olive trees, and temple lighting. The stars in Rev probably don't match their use elsewhere in Scripture, etc.

    My point is that maybe we should take Revelation to explain itself unless it directly points elsewhere in Scripture.

    Look at all of these past moments of apostasy. Do you notice what they have in common?

    "Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was 666 talents of gold." 1King 10:14

    "King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, whose height was sixty cubits and its breadth six cubits." Dan 3:1

    "And he received the gold from their hand and fashioned it with a graving tool and made a golden calf." Ex 32:4

    Why does Jesus even tell us to buy what He is selling if He wasn't establishing the metaphor within the Revelation text? Besides, all of Scripture describes this image set up by the second beast of Rev 13 as apostasy.

    An edict to do so. In the same way, the officials under Darius tried to kill Daniel. Hence, that is the very reason Daniel recorded that incident.

    I am going to offer you an imaginary interpretation here for a moment. I'm not saying it is absolutely true, but I offer it to you to show there are other possibilities.

    Have you ever noticed the similarities between the Tower of Babel account in Gen 11 and the Heaven High Tree account in Dan 4? They are essentially the same moral story. There just so happens to be 2520 years between that time and the year 325 CE.

    All I'm saying with that tidbit is that a death stroke that is healed could be explained through Scripture. After all, we know Babylon exists again in Revelation.

    The WT is wrong...

    All I care about is the truth. For the last 2000 years, every biblical scholar has searched for where we are in the stream of Scripture. In the quest for truth, one must consider what has been, as well as what is to come.

    All love...

  11. 195

    Harry Member

    May 20, 2024
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    Absolutely agree; I check in every once in a while - it is good to know what the enemy is thinking.

    I am with you there; the compulsion to get the mark of the beast will be similar to back then; I just fail to see a connection to 'buying gold' from Jesus in our day.

    We already had a training exercise of this compulsion globally with the gene altering 'magic juice' being foisted on the population on pain of total exclusion from participation in life, and most people, including most Christians, failed the test miserably by falling for the lies and having their genome altered and made subject to patents as a result, constituting them organisms exempted from human rights and being made in God's image, transfecting into the image of the beast - and there is more to come of that trans-humanism.

    Do you believe that before Christ returns, cash will be abolished so that only those having the mark of the beast will be able to participate in life, and that Christians will be objects of hatred by all the nations?

    Or do you think that this is just symbolic?

    WT, for one, does not believe in such 'conspiracy theories,' nor do people affected by the Marxist left - it will be a hairy time for those that know better.

    Right, Jesus' telling us to buy valuables from Him is metaphor for pursuing spiritual riches laid up in Heaven, but not being able to pursue spiritual riches [buying and selling] unless accepting the mark of the beast cannot be enforced unless one were literally excluded from buying [food] and selling [one's labor].

    Jesus also bears witness to this interpretation in Mat 25, by saying that His followers would be naked, hungry and imprisoned during the reign of the beast, which would not be the case if they could buy food and pay lawyers and get bail and so on, as we can today.

    Unless you think that the coming persecution of Christians is merely metaphoric and not literal, physical deprivation and suffering.

    Just something to consider,


  12. 159
    Timothy Kline

    Timothy Kline Member

    Jan 16, 2021
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    Perry, MI
    Good morning,

    I won't have anything to contribute in this discussion because of the future-leaning fulfillment you both seem to share, but I'll offer some thoughts and observations, for what they are worth:

    First, the Laodicean congregation was well-off materially. Their affluence afforded them comforts in the flesh, no question. They were even able to quickly recover from a disastrous mangle of earthquakes that rocked the region in their day-- while surrounding cities fared far less well. All of which is attested in the historical records accessible on the internet.

    However, their creature comforts evidently drew them into a lukewarmness that was so bad that Jesus said he was "going to vomit [them] out of his mouth." (Revelation 3:17)

    Gold, like money, lets people buy the things they need (and want).

    Because you say: "I am rich and have acquired riches and do not need anything at all..." -- Revelation 3:17 New World Translation

    As a result of their affluence, their heart was where their treasures were; and Jesus may be attempting to remind them of what he had taught during his earthly ministry:

    Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. — Matthew 6:19 Berean Study Bible

    People who are well-off financially tend to take comfort in their financial independence, with God getting relegated to the back room in case he might be needed. They become self-sufficient in their own eyes, but from Jehovah's eyes— and Jesus' eyes— there's a serious problem: do not know you are miserable and pitiable and poor and blind and naked... — Revelation 3:17 New World Translation

    Jesus goes on to tell the Laodicean congregation:

    I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire that you may become rich... — Revelation 3:18 New World Translation

    Having just been told that they are poor, one has to ask how they are supposed to buy gold, but when one reflects back on what Jesus was saying during his ministry about storing up treasures on earth, he goes on to say:

    But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. — Matthew 6:20-21 Berean Standard Bible

    Back, then, to the question of how someone who is poor can buy anything, the answer is astonishingly simple: by giving.

    Jesus looked at him, loved him, and said to him, "There is one thing you lack: Go, sell everything you own and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me." — Mark 10:21 Berean Standard Bible

    This is the same direction Jesus gave his disciples:

    Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide yourselves with purses that will not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. — Luke 12:33 Berean Study Bible

    Maybe this is relevant, maybe not; when the region was devastated by the earthquake in the first century, Laodicea was able to bounce back because of their riches... but they didn't exactly extend a helping hand to the surrounding cities, a negligence that calls to my mind 1 John 3:17.

    Laodicea's response to this scathing declaration was likely akin to that of the young man Jesus was speaking to on that occasion during his earthly ministry:

    When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he was very rich. — Matthew 19:22 Contemporary English Version

    Compare that response with that of the apostle Peter:

    But Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have." — Acts 3:6a Berean Study Bible

    Buy by giving... what a novel concept that only Jehovah God could come up with!

    Then Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, and He saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. “Truly I tell you,” He said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. For they all contributed out of their surplus, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.” Luke 21:1-4 Berean Standard Bible

    My breakfast is ready, though, and then it's off to the salt mines for me.

    Submitted for perusal and consideration,
    a believer.

  13. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Greetings, brothers.

    Thank you both for contributing.

    I don't. Money changes all the time. We are essentially cashless today. Who uses cash anymore?

    You would be saying that the 666 mark is some identification given by the beast to buy food. But the Bible identifies that mark as apostasy. And who can obtain apostasy? Is it not those who claim to worship God? I believe God gives that mark of 666. It is applied by God, just like the mark on Cain.

    Since I see 1290 days between the constant feature being removed and the disgusting thing being set up, there is plenty of time for all kinds of events to occur before the end.

    The buying and selling is as simple as @Timothy explains. What we support is where our heart is.

    "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Mth 6:21

    “Therefore, come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” 2Cor 6:17

    “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” Jhn 15:19

    “Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” Jms 4:4

    “Then I heard another voice from heaven say: ‘Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues.’” Rev 18:4


    I read that the mark 666 doesn't come from the beast but from God. One receives that mark if they become unevenly yoked with the world. God directed Solomon not to collect more than necessary physical goods, and he violated that command. Therefore, the mark of a man in Rev 13 is the mark of Solomon or man's ideology of thinking of oneself first. In Babylon, the 60x6x6 image represented apostasy, the mandate to worship the image rather than the True God.

    It's pretty simple. I believe one day, churches will adopt a governmental equality agenda to come together as one through a proclamation in an attempt to bring world peace on their own. So, instead of building treasures in Heaven, they will support government authorities in bringing peace. If anyone in these churches disagrees with this mandate, they will not be welcome in that said church. Therefore, their churches will be saying what the officials under Darius were saying. "You must worship the image or pass through the fire." The fire being confusion and a test of faith on the loyal.

    Since I believe there are 1290 days between the constant feature being removed and the disgusting thing being placed, I believe at the beginning of these years there will be a time of trials spoken of metaphorically. And at the end of this period, there will be a physical attack on the remaining of God's people.

    I see a tribulation and then a great tribulation. The Tribulation will be a time of confusion, and the Great will be a time of death and destruction.

    My two cents...


    Timeline of the End

    (7 Times, 7 Years Begin)
    666: December 28, 2028 – Asara B’Tevet
    (2,300 Days Begin)
    Apostasy of God’s People: September 10, 2029 – Rosh Hashanah/Gedaliah
    (1,260, 1,290, 1,335, 430 Days Begin)
    Preaching Given to Babylon: May 2, 2032
    (430 Days End)
    Spiritual Walls Breached: July 6, 2033 – 9th Tammuz
    Spiritual Temple’s Destruction: August 5, 2033 – 10th AV
    (777th Day, 70 Weeks Begin)
    Call to Rebuild: June 17, 2034
    (450 Days Begin)
    Governmental Collapse: October 4, 2034 – Sukkot
    (1,260 Days End)
    Coronation: October 13, 2035 – Yom Kippur
    (1,290 Days End)
    Abomination - God's People Attacked: November 12, 2035
    (7 Times End)
    Christ Appears: November 22, 2035
    (7 Years, 2,300, 1,335 Days End)
    The Final Kingdom: December 28, 2035 – Hanukkah
  14. 195

    Harry Member

    May 20, 2024
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    Hi Timothy, thanks for joining the discussion and bringing your perspective on this issue such as the valuable insight that buying valuables from Jesus can only be accomplished by giving up of oneself as to temporal things in exchange for the more tangible and everlasting glory.

    I am also interested to hear more about your seeming preterist views on Scripture passages that are generally held to be prophetic, and your reason for holding them, if you don't mind, either on this thread or on one dedicated specifically to that topic.

    Hi Joshua, yes, I believe that the 'they,' as in "that they should give these a mark in their right hand," can naturally not apply to the singular God who is One, but that the mark is given by 'them,' plural, namely the beast and its image.

    Also, I don't think that the mark of the beast has necessarily anything to do with apostasy, but rather idolatry; otherwise 80% of mankind cannot be affected by this, because they never claimed to be Christian in the first place, and therefore by definition cannot be charged with apostasy, right?

    I believe that it is called 'mark of the beast' for a reason, namely that it is the beast's mark, one that it bestows, because if it were from God, it would be called 'the mark of God,' or 'God's mark;' you mark what you claim ownership of, not someone else's slave or property.

    The 'mark of God on their foreheads' is given to Christians who have overcome the beast, which mark, logically, is in contradistinction to the 'mark of the beast' - both God and Satan respectively marking their slaves in the forehead, wouldn't you agree?

    If God gives the mark - without which no one can 'buy gold from Jesus,' as you believe - then one instance of such 'buying' would surely be to reject the mark of the beast; but doing so also means being excluded from the ability to 'buy gold from Jesus' and thus being unable to reject the mark of the beast, meaning, rejection of the mark of the beast results in inability to reject the mark of the beast - a contradiction in terms; an absurdity - that is if the 'buying and selling' means to 'buy gold from Jesus' - and if the mark of the beast were really from God.

    Do you think that this is how Jesus wants us to interpret His words?

    On the other hand, if the buying and selling is literal exclusion from the means of sustenance, then rejecting the mark of the beast results in tribulation, just as foretold, but also 'buying of gold from Jesus.'

    A literal interpretation of the ban on buying and selling is, of course, of no concern to those experiencing the bounce back of the slain beast as the very expression of God's kingdom on earth, as it unites mankind against the 'haters,' 'noticers' and 'anti-semites' that oppose the 'pure doctrine of Lucifer.'

    Have you thought about the inevitability of a global digital currency that can be blocked for individuals deemed to be in non-compliance with the globalist paradigm, just like bank accounts and even access to crypto already got blocked for people daring to buy a meal for truckers in Canada a while back, remember?

    Have you ever lived without a job, savings or income support for any length of time in a community where everyone knows and hates you?

    Do you think that this could be a challenge to one's faith in God?

    If so, that is what Re 13 seems to be all about; if not, give it a try now, just for fun, before it becomes inevitable.

    Economic hardship seemed to not have bothered Laodicean Christians back then either.

    I agree with your assessment of the situation with the Churches, but I see the same also happening with 'civil society' at large, following the beast with admiration, as it implements 'social justice,' 'equity,' 'inclusion' and 'vibrant diversity' all across the globe.

    Da 12:11 reads: "And from the time that the constant feature has been removed and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation, there will be 1290 days."

    You seem to be reading: "And from the time that the constant feature has been removed until the placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation, there will be 1290 days;" - which Bible translation are you reading from?

    My question would be: How can a disgusting thing desolate something that no longer exists because it has already been removed 1290 days before?

    Thanks for taking the time to further explain your views,


    Last edited: May 24, 2024
  15. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Greetings, brother.

    I rely mainly on the original languages in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, but Biblehub lets you explore dozens of translations, INT, Commentaries, etc. It is usually my go-to source.

    The original Hebrew indicates the 1290 days are between the two events. A few translations render it easier to understand.

    "The daily sacrifice will be stopped. There will be 1290 days from that time until the time that the terrible thing that destroys is set up." (ERV)

    "The ·daily [regular] sacrifice [8:12] will be ·stopped [turned away]. Then, after 1,290 days from that time, A blasphemous object that brings destruction [L the abomination of desolation; 11:31] will be set up." (EXB)

    "The daily sacrifice will be stopped. Then, after 1,290 days from that time, a blasphemous object that brings destruction will be set up." (NCV)


    The daily sacrifice is removed, the spiritual temple goes down, and then the spiritual temple is rebuilt again deep in the end. After which it is that rebuilt spiritual temple that is attacked by the disgusting thing.

    The original Greek is poieó, it means to cause. They cause these to receive the mark.

    I don't think you've grasped my perspective yet. Just like the officials under Darius, the edict says no one can worship unless they worship the image measuring 60x6. (Dan 3) Daniel did not stop worshipping YHWH after this edict was made, and just like Daniel, the faithful, in the end, will not stop buying gold from Jesus, regardless of the beast's declaration not to unless worshipping the image as well.

    If you refuse to listen to the beast and continue to worship God without also worshipping the image, you will pass through the fire, just like Daniel and his friends. You want to pass through the fire.

    If you do listen to the beast and continue to worship God their way, then you will receive the 666, marking you as an apostate.

    1. Jesus says to buy from Him.

    2. The beast says you cannot buy from Jesus without becoming apostate. (Worshipping the image/edict as well)

    3. Jesus will give you the mark of 666 if you worship the image/edict, regardless if you think you are still worshipping God alone. You will receive the mark of 666 from Jesus even if you think you are just obeying superior authorities by accepting the edict and continuing to worship Jehovah. I'm sure some of the Jews who were bowing to the image in Dan 3 thought they were doing the right thing and still kept the law in other areas of their lives.

    It's the beast saying you can't worship God without worshiping the image too, not Jesus saying you can't buy from Him. The beast is saying you can't worship Jesus, God, or anything without first accepting the image, the edict. When the beast says you need to be part of us to worship God or you can't be part of worship at all, the people better leave any church adopting this edict and continue buying from Jesus alone, not caring what the beast says.

    The Lion story and the 60x6 image story of Daniel explain exactly what will happen.

    Does this clarify it better?

    You wouldn't even want to hear about it. Some things are best left in the past...

  16. 195

    Harry Member

    May 20, 2024
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    Interesting; I don't remember coming across this variant reading before, although I might have.

    Jesus tells us to watch out for the disgusting thing standing in a holy place, rather than the removal of the constant feature, which according to the variant reading is supposed to have happened 1290 before - why?

    We know that from the time that the disgusting thing stands in a holy place until the return of Christ will be 1260 days of trampling on Christianity, called the great tribulation, perhaps minus a 'discount' of a few days, so that at least some holy ones will be alive in the flesh for Christ's public arrival on the clouds of Heaven.

    The great tribulation seems to be God's judgment on those professing Christianity, most of whom will join in worshiping the beast, thereby avoiding persecution and thus giving up their claim to be followers of Jesus.

    In the end the beast worshipers will come for the holy ones.

    If there are supposed to be 1290 days in front of the 1260 days of the great tribulation, then this would fit with 'a leader that is coming' making and 'keeping in force the covenant for one week with the many' whom he will 'lead into apostasy by means of smooth words.' Da 9:26,27; 11:30-39

    I would need some Scripture, other than Da 12:11, to corroborate that the removal of the constant feature equates to the body of Christ 'going down,' whatever that may mean, and that this is to happen 7 years [1290 days plus 1260] before Christ's return, and why such a significant development is not referred to by Jesus in His end time speech, if the removal of the constant feature is in fact not the direct result of the disgusting thing standing in a holy place, to profane it by removing and replacing it with the worship of the beast, which will replace Christianity for 42 month, as we know from Re 11 and 13.

    Ok, 'make' or 'cause' them to, it is still 'they,' plural, something that Jesus isn't, but the beast and its image are.

    Yes, I agree, the whole world will worship the beast enthusiastically - 'you will own nothing and you will be happy,' whether you like it or not, lol.

    Yes, the compulsion will start with not being able to support yourself by not being able to buy and sell, and will progressively get worse, even to the point of possible death in the end.

    I don't understand your meaning here; the beast doesn't say that you cannot 'buy from Jesus' so long as you worship it as well, and then it is Jesus who will view you as an apostate, right?

    Not being able to 'buy and sell' is not a prohibition laid upon you by the beast that would require monitoring and enforcement, but a punishment for non-compliance with worshiping it, a withdrawal of access to the means of sustaining life that cannot be circumvented.

    It is not that you are prohibited from buying and selling, but that it will be physically impossible to do so, in contrast to there being no possible way of preventing someone from worshiping the God of Jesus, because it does not have to be done in public to be acceptable by Him. Mat 6:6

    Same here; welcome to the club, lol; and it can only get worse.


  17. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    The 1290 and 1260 days begin on the same day. They both start with the removal of the constant feature, which means Jesus is crowned over the earth 30 days before the disgusting thing is placed. Jesus doesn't appear in the clouds until 10 days after the disgusting thing is placed.

    The 1335 days begin the same day as the 1260 and 1290. They end 75 days after the 1260 and 45 days after the 1290. The last day of the 1335th day is the first day of the kingdom.

    The moment the disgusting thing is placed is the moment God's people are attacked physically. They will need to flee at that moment. That is the Great Tribulation.

    But He does discuss the Tribulation in the same chapters of Mth 24, Mrk 13, and Luk 21, including the powerful signs to deceive from the beast (the 666 apostasy).

    "For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect." Mth 24:24

    "And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another.And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold." Mth 24:10,12

    "And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur." Rev 19:20

    He goes over pretty much everything that will occur in the time of the end.

    I did not intend to say they happened simultaneously; I was just offering a sequence (which comes first, second, etc).

    In my summation, there are years between the constant feature being removed and the body of Christ going down.

    Nebbukednezar caused Daniel and his friends to pass through the fire for not worshipping the image. Nebukednezar also caused the rest of the Jews present to commit apostasy by edict through the worship of the image.

    The beast causes Christians to become apostates through an edict to worship the image.

    Satan deceived Eve, and that's why she sinned. The beast will deceive the people into sin. Through deception, it causes them to sin.

    "and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast." Rev 19:20

    Let's say the WT adopts a UN resolution to become a member and support its ideology. Let's say the WT requires its members to accept this and teach it in the streets, or they will be disfellowshipped. Since the WT is then part of the beast, they would be saying you cannot continue worshiping God unless you worship the image as well. They would be saying you cannot buy and sell from Christ unless you worship the image. This will be false... A lie... A deception... The faithful must not fall for it...

    If you walk away from the WT you can continue to buy from Christ without taking the mark of apostasy the WT would insist you take. This will be a time of tribulation for those who walk away to remain faithful.

  18. 195

    Harry Member

    May 20, 2024
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    Thanks for the speedy reply.

    That is how I always read it too, but if this translation is true,

    the two time periods do not start simultaneously, because the 'blasphemous object that brings destruction' will be set up 1290 days after the daily sacrifice is stopped, just like I noted before, which is why I think this translation is suspect.

    I noticed the same thing of there being seemingly two parts to the [great] tribulation apart from Armageddon, which follows Christ's return.

    Perhaps that subject deserves a separate thread one day.

    One more thing back to earlier in the thread:

    It sounds like you are saying that 'buying and selling' is in the same sense as 'buying gold from Jesus,' and that being able to do so requires the mark of the beast in both instances, something that God gives for this very purpose to those wanting to 'buy gold from Jesus' - do I understand you correctly there?

    To put it another way: God gives people the mark of the beast to enable them to buy gold from Jesus.

    If so, it follows that God destroys people for wanting to 'buy gold from Jesus;' - don't you think there is something wrong with your premises in view of the rather disturbing conclusion?

    Ok, time to hit the sack here; thanks for the exchange of thoughts, very much appreciated, wish that more people were interested,


  19. 4,499

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Greetings, brother. I am just getting up and around...

    It's correct: All three time periods in Dan 12 begin on the same day. There are two attacks with a restoration in between the 1290 days.

    The first attack is God's people going down for their error/apostasy. Then, after a restoration (Dry Bones/Zerubbabel), God's newly restored people are attacked physically just before Jesus appears.

    I am saying that buying and selling are the same thing, but it's the beast saying you cannot buy and sell from Jesus unless you worship the image. This is the same thing Daniel went through. I'm not saying you need the 666 mark to worship/buy from Jesus, though. Daniel didn't.


    The beast says that to worship Jesus, you must worship the image. If you listen to the beast, you will be given the 666 mark of apostasy from Jesus. You do not want to listen to the beast but instead, continue to buy from Jesus without worshipping the image.

    It's just like Nebbukednezar and Darius in Daniel. They made edicts saying that no one could worship their God unless they worshipped the image. Daniel didn't listen to these edicts, nor will the faithful in the future. You must pass through the fire and not receive the mark of 666.

    1. Jesus says worship/buy from Him.

    2. The beast says you can only worship/buy from Jesus if you also worship the image.

    3. Jesus will give you the mark of apostasy 666 if you worship the image.

    4. Instead, the faithful will pass through the fire and continue to worship/buy from Jesus alone, without worshipping the image. Therefore, they will not receive the 666 mark but be killed metaphorically when passing through the fire.

    No, if you receive the mark of the beast, you are an apostate. You receive the mark of the beast if you worship the image. Don't listen to the beast; keep worshipping/buying from Jesus only, without worshipping the image, so that you do not receive the 666 mark.


    PS: This is why the gold we buy from Jesus is refined by fire. When you don't accept the 666 mark but still continue to buy from Jesus, you pass through the cleansing fires to do so.
  20. 195

    Harry Member

    May 20, 2024
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    Good morning Joshua, another beautiful day east of paradise here;

    you say that:

    and I agree, but the placing of the disgusting thing causing desolation begins 1290 days after the stopping of the daily feature, if you want to believe the NCV Bible Version, which I don't, to wit:


    I see a similar development, but please allow me to elaborate a bit on what I believe; I try the short version, so feel free to ask for clarification on any point.

    There seem to be two 'peoples of God' in the world since the start of Christianity, the body of Christ proper, and the 'nominal Church' that is now composed of over 2 billion self-identified 'Christians.' Ga 4:29; 1 Joh 4:6

    The small number of those born of God are in the new covenant and do not teach 'each one his brother to know Jehovah,' unlike God's nominal people, like JWs and the rest of Christendom do. Lu 12:32; Joh 1:13; Heb 8:10-13

    They have been once for all enlightened and are led by the Spirit, so that if ever they should fall away to apostate teachings, can never be saved again. Heb 6:4-6

    These chosen ones are kept from the hour of test that is going to come upon all others, and flee from 'a holy place' as soon as they perceive the disgusting thing standing there, all the time making supplication to escape all the things that are destined to befall the nominal Church in its 42 month of judgment, in order to stand before Jesus when He arrives. Re 3:10; Mat 24:15,16; Lu 21:36

    First the weeds are bundled and burned up during the 42 month great tribulation, then the chosen ones are caught away into the celestial storehouse with Christ, as He returns to pick them up. Mat 13:30; 1 Thes 4:16,17

    That is the way I see it.

    If the 'buying and selling' in Re 13:17 were metaphoric, as the 'buying' gold from Jesus in Re 3:18 is, and were in reference to it, then, since the beast cannot be privy to the personal relationship a believer has with Christ, all it could do is threaten to interfere somehow, which would be laughable, and that is one reason why I see the blocking of buying and selling as literal.

    The text doesn't say that the beast tricks believers into thinking that they need to worship it in order to buy gold from Jesus, which would be ludicrous to start with, but also because such a plot would leave 99% of mankind cold, since they do not care about buying gold from Jesus in the first place; again showing that the buying and selling has got to be in the physical exchange of goods and services.

    So you haven't convinced me on that point; not that you need to either.

    I wholeheartedly agree with your conclusions there, but am totally baffled as to how you reached them given your premises, but that's just me; all good.



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