Zech 4:6,7 "He then said to me: “This is the word of Jehovah to Ze·rubʹba·bel: ‘“Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” says Jehovah of armies. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Ze·rubʹba·bel you will become a level land. And he will bring out the top stone amid shouts of: “How wonderful! How wonderful!”’ I am opening this thread in the hopes of discussing what each of us believe the message of the Two Witnesses will be in the time of the end. I realize that some believe these two represent the brothers of Christ as a whole, and others simply two individuals. I personally believe they represent both, being both individuals representing the whole. Now with that said, I am opening this discussion in the assumption that the Watchtower is the constant feature that is destined to come down, and then a new spiritual temple will be built in the time of the end. I also understand some believe this temple is physical and will be rebuilt on the temple mount in Israel, it's easy to understand what that would look like, it is well documented, however it is the understanding that the new temple will be a world wide spiritual revival that I am approaching here. Based on your knowledge of scripture, what do you believe will make up this newly rebuilt temple?
(Post moved by moderator to here, thanks! ) Sure, open it. The temple you know is the 'Christ', right? Remember that in your approach, I'd say. 1 Pet. 2:4-8 I will also lay another block out for consideration; "All who believe in Christ, and follow him have the spirit." Please read 1 John 3 in any normal Bible, aside from NWT. (oneness is changed) One does not need a special revelation/ vision, per se. We know how it feels to have God's spirit, as JW's, we know.... Amen? The qualification for becoming freed of the condemnation of sin is faith in Jesus as our ransomer, and repentance of our sins. Then we are granted the gift of righteousness, and forgiven of all sin. All those who adhere to this doctrine are in the body of Christ; Christians.
Thank you for moving me over out of 'Trinity' talk. I think we all stand on the same ground there, as a body. Just a couple scriptures to support what I said above. If any have doubts about how they stand before God and Christ...read Romans 1-8. "God recommends his own love to us, , in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Much more therefore, since we have been declared righteous now by his blood, shall we saved through him from wrath." Rom. 5:8,9 "Therefore now that we have been declared righteous as a result of faith, let us enjoy peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.......because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the holy spirit, which was given us." Rom. 5:1,5 I know thw WT's GB will try to bend your ear into believing only the 'anointed' have God's spirit, and/or..are 'declared righteous', and have the promise of eternal life right now. But the scriptures are YOUR promise. YOU, the man/woman who has faith in Christ, his blood, and the power of his resurrection, can and will receive God's spirit, and become 'one ' with Christ....becoming members of his 'body'....and inheriting all the rewards he has promised YOU. 'You people are God's temple; God's building.' We are therefore 'living stones', and in line for the 1st Resurrection. If you bring Christ and his promises CLOSE to you, and begin to see these are YOUR verses, and promises to embrace.....and NO MAN has any right to take this hope from you, or deny it exists... You will become the temple of the holy spirit. The hope for planet earth, the resurrection of the dead, and the champions over and for any attacks in the future toward the human race , such as at the end of the 1000 years, when satan is loosed. You will receive the infinite power to take care of mankind, as your assignment, and provide relief for all men, women, and children who are suffering and have died. Rom. 8:19-23 All here, the time is past for you to be thinking you are just bystanders in this present and approaching war against Christianity from earthly and spirit-powers. The spirit and truth that has flowed out of your hearts for years on this site testifies; You are God's children. Embrace that hope. Feel the power and strength that gives you to step up and declare what you are , and where you are going. Rom. 8:28-30 You know what? YOU ARE SPECIAL! . CALLED, GROOMED, TAUGHT, and commissioned. Don't let anyone talk down to you. be proud of what you hold in your hearts and minds....but let it humble you...because we have all sinned , extensively, and none of us deserve this free gift. " May the site be blessed Father as we discuss what is available for us as your children, and the temple of the holy spirit here on earth. In Jesus' name we pray."
In my opinion, the "two witnesses" are two symbolic people, being namely Moses and Elijah (Mat. 16:28, 17:3) or more precisely said, the symbolism of their respective ministry in their lifetime in regards to Christ's future return. The same spirit and purpose will inhabit the whole of the anointed remnant of Christ's brothers during the time of the end (Rv 11:6). Therefore, by extension, the "two witnesses" symbolize also said anointed remnant still on earth during the war waged against them by the wild beast and at the end of which, they are defeated, killed, silenced or jailed and brought (back) to life, an immortal one (1 Cor. 15:51-52).
The temple is Christ's body, that is himself and his anointed brothers, his bride, his own flesh. The new temple will be built after Jesus cleanses his household and empowers the faithful remaining ones to accomplish their duty during the time of the end, them being God's temple on earth then for a while (John 2:19).
It would be awesome for Christians to have gifts of the spirit at the end. Just like the first century and Elijah's day. This is what I hope/believe will occur for a final warning witness; like Moses and Pharaoh.
Greetings dear brother! Let's dig in here. I have a question, does not 1Pet 2 say that Jesus is the "corner stone" and then discuss his brothers also as stones? Would this not indicate that the temple is made up of the entire group?
So, the first thing that comes to mind is we have some prophetic instruction from our Lord from the first Christian ministry. Mrk 6:7 "He now summoned the Twelve and started sending them out two by two," Mth 10:5,6 "Do not go off into the road of the nations, and do not enter any Sa·marʹi·tan city; but instead, go continually to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. As you go, preach, saying: ‘The Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.’" As an end time prophetic fulfillment, after the WT is no more, it seems likely the Two Witnesses would go out initially to the downtrodden Witnesses in order to gather back together those who are moaning. Then in so doing the temple of God is rebuilt, gathering those stones back together. Zech 4:8 "“The hands of Ze·rubʹba·bel have laid the foundation of this house, and his own hands will finish it. And you will have to know that Jehovah of armies has sent me to you." Being one of the Two Witnesses, Zerubbabel has the commission of rebuilding this spiritual temple, he makes it a level land in it's construction with the assistance of the stone before Joshua. This being the "top stone" with 7 eye, the seven spirits of God, the lampstand in the holy place, the finale of the Word itself. Zech 6:8 "This is the word of Jehovah to Ze·rubʹba·bel: ‘“Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” says Jehovah of armies. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Ze·rubʹba·bel you will become a level land. And he will bring out the top stone amid shouts of: “How wonderful! How wonderful!”’” As well I believe the 70 weeks of Dan 9 will be literal weeks in the time of the end. Dan 9:29 "You should know and understand that from the issuing of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Mes·siʹah the Leader, there will be 7 weeks, also 62 weeks. She will be restored and rebuilt, with a public square and moat, but in times of distress."