The Skeptic & Personal Truth

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Joshuastone7, Jul 28, 2024.

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    To whom it may concern,

    Philosophical skeptics hold that one cannot truly know anything about the external world and that only personal perception remains. The skeptic believes truth is derived through one's own interpretation. This is a form of faithlessness, for there is only a singular universal Truth. (Eph 4:4-6)

    The phrase “the external world” (a.k.a. “the objective world”) refers to everything that exists outside of one’s own mind. There is only the so-called "personal truth" that one derives through one's own experiences. Often portrayed through optical illusions, personal truth is argued based on one's vantage point of an otherwise singular object. This view demonstrates a lack of understanding of God's Word. There is only one truth, and it does not care about nor require your opinion.

    The ultimate conclusion of the skeptic's view (which one must take to its completion) is that you cannot know anything outside your own mind. There is no ultimate fact, for we all determine individually what is truth. You cannot know anything about the minds of other people—you cannot even know whether there are any other conscious beings in the world, nor, if there are, what kinds of thoughts they might be having. You can only know, at most, what is going on in your own mind. Every person (assuming there is more than one person) is in the same situation—that is, each person knows only of his own mind and his own perception, and ultimately, there is no singular truth.

    Satan introduced that ideology in the Garden of Eden. And as it pertains to God's Word, there are no grey areas; there is no such thing as more than one truth.

    The idea that the Bible (God's Words) can be interpreted through one's own view and experiences contradicts God Himself. Satan believed he could interpret God's Words in any manner he wished, and the results are all around you. Christ Jesus is coming to remove that mentality of personal truth, that narcissistic know-it-all attitude. Jehovah determines what Truth is, and we are either correctly aligned with that Truth or we are wrong. There is no grey area in God's Word. You may be right in some areas, and wrong in others. And if you're happy being wrong in the areas you are, good for you. I'm me, and you're you... Everyone must answer to God for themselves. Everyone serves God through their own moral reason.

    I am so sick of people who twist other's words or believe they know others better than they do. Only the speaker can define their meaning. I am so sick of others defining others' meanings like a satan. Don't speak for others or judge whether they are Christian enough in your eyes. Only the speaker can define their meaning. Only the speaker will answer to God for their actions. By how you judge, you will be judged. (Mth 7:2) You judge others to determine who are moral enough to associate with; you don't judge whether others are Christian enough in their understandings of God's Word, or service in His kingdom through words used! You will not take the stand at anyone else's Judgement!

    Stop assuming! One might look at this post and believe I think I know everything already. Are you in my head? Do you know what I believe? Every second of every day, I think, first and foremost, "I could be wrong." So the moment someone pretends to know me, I laugh... My family has worked on these skills every day for decades. Sit down with my 13-year-old child, and he will give you a master course on how you should speak to others...

    The leftist satanic view says that sympathy for a group is morally virtuous, and free speech is evil; however, to define, or demand my narritive align with yours is the evil. I can speak my own mind without others interpreting my intent. Agree or disagree with me, I don't care. You can never question others chosen words, you can only except their intent, or you are calling them a liar, and show you believe you are more virtuous than they.

    Whether you think no one can be right about God's Word. or you think you're right about God's Word and others are wrong, or any combination in the world, Christ Jesus is going to judge between us all... Don't think you know it all already.

    Every single day, I ask God to correct me. Every single day, I pray that if I'm wrong, I'll find it, someone will show me, He'll open my eyes, what have you. You may not, but guess what? That's you, and I'm not you. (Col 2:16-19) And every single time I've discovered I was wrong, I rejoiced! I search and pray for those moments! And one day, if God proves me wrong completely about everything I thought I knew, I will be overjoyed to the fullest; I will jump up and down and burn my books because He saw me worthy enough to correct me! I only do what I do because I can't hide what's been given me under a bush! (Mth 5:15) And I serve God because He had the right to define His own words in that Garden, no one else!

    I have had no aspirations to be anyone in God's kingdom. I have never wanted to be someone special or to have any desire to have some special work or position! Years ago, I just wanted to be able to sweep the floors in God's kingdom! Do we choose our job before Him, or does He????? Should I have told Him, "No, thanks" all those years ago? I tried, and then immediately after, a question went through my mind: "Are you willing to let go of your own desires to do His Will?" Then I proceeded to mourn that loss. And now, today, after having to deal with this satanic narcissistic attitude in the world all these years, I don't even wish to presume to even be in God's kingdom! Because you know what the world has taught me? I know just how undeserving I truly am........

    If you're a skeptic and believe in personal truth and that you can interpret my words however you wish, then yes, I have no need of such associations; but, if you're someone who listens to others and allows them to speak for themselves, then you are who I wish to associate with.

    Those who take offense presume to speak for others, and present that victimization attitude the world so loves. No one can make you feel the way you do, you choose to feel the way you do about the world around you.

    We don't have to agree; in fact, I learn more from those I disagree with. But guess what? You don't speak for me, and I don't speak for you. So presume all you want, and assume all you want on down the road, if need be...

  2. 4,489

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    What is the purpose of a forum such as this?

    Through decades of debate and many years of forum activity, it has become apparent that everyone has differing intentions for participating in these discussions. Some wish to win, others want to share their views, and some even believe they have divine authority to teach others the Truth.

    I understand each view because I have been each in my spiritual immaturity. Half a century later, I have come to understand some fundamental truths.

    Firstly, there is no advantage to winning an argument. Such a pursuit is harmful and degrading to all those engaged with you. The narcissist believes he is right and others' opinions of him matter. This is the very sequential narcist mentality that appearances matter more than fact, and your assumed facts can not be wrong. Stop caring about others' impressions of you.

    Secondly, engaging in a forum like this to share your views is another form of narcism. When you only wish to share your views, you will never be able to learn anything. Without the ability to constantly imagine, you may be wrong, you will always believe you are justified in your current understanding. And those who believe truth is a matter of perspective put themselves and others in danger of missing the mark of salvation. That approach is not salvational. God requires Truth in salvation. Had the pre-flood inhabitants listened to Noah and believed the truth of the coming flood, more might have been saved. Had more Jews believed Jesus was the Messiah, more would have been saved. You cannot engage in conversation with a selfish attitude simply to share your own views. You must constantly be looking for the truth in them and you in the hopes of saving you both!

    Thirdly, there is only one person on the planet at any given time with more Truth than all others. There is never a human with 100% Truth, for God is the only designer of Truth. Therefore, it's highly likely someone is more versed in the subject than you are. So you better be cautious about acting like you know something already because you may be exposing your lack of knowledge to a patient someone else. Knowledge of God's Word is a matter of degree; some have no knowledge of Truth, and only one has the most...

    People believe that they are proving others' premises wrong by pointing out how others' views differ from their own. This approach is one of the biggest fallacies in forums such as this. You cannot prove others wrong without pointing out paradoxes through their own understanding. And you cannot do that unless you are able to listen and learn what someone else thinks and believes thoroughly. In order to do this, you must allow others to speak for themselves, not assume, and not believe that you already know what someone else is saying. This is the only way to determine whether you are correct in your current understanding or if your current understanding needs to be adjusted to better align with the Truth.

    There are right and wrong in understanding. Either the Trinity is reality, or it is not. The earth will be destroyed, or it will not. Jesus was the Messiah, or He was not. Truth is a matter of salvation, period. If one believes they need not correct others or come to a degree of Truth within themselves, they hold the crowd mentality that will die in the coming destruction. You run the risk of missing true salvational edicts.

    In order to know, one needs to learn how to learn.

    Rule #1 - You could be wrong. This better be the very first thing that goes through your head if you think you figured something out! I guarantee you that one single person on this planet with the most knowledge of Truth believes they could be wrong about everything they believe. That's how they got there... And I highly suggest learning to enjoy those moments when you discover you are mistaken.

    Rule #2 - Listen to others intent. Only they can define their meaning. You are not a mind reader. This includes God's Word.

    Rule #3 - Do not assume. You do not speak for others. You do not define for others the words they should use or others' intent by words used. Stop assuming you know why others say what they do.

    Rule #4 - You do not get to tell others what to say. Just because you would or wouldn't say something as they do or use certain words they do gives you no right to dictate to others what they should or shouldn't say, or the words they should use.

    Rule #5 - It's your job to understand others, not their job, to clearly speak their meaning to you. No one can read your mind and tell the future of what you will or won't understand. If you don't understand something someone else says, ask them to clarify until they agree you now understand them or don't speak at all. When you assume, it makes you those first three letters. Christ demonstrated quite well in statements such as drinking His blood and eating His flesh that the words used are irrelevant; only the intent behind the words matters. He spoke metaphorically because He knew people only assumed what they wished without determining true intent.

    Rule #6 - The universe doesn't care what you think or what you feel. The world was here before you, and will be here after you. Gravity doesn't care if you think it exists or not; ask Franz Reichelt.

    Rule #7 - No one can make you feel anything; you choose to feel the way you do. You are playing a victim when you tell others they made you feel the way you do. STOP IT! That is impossible... No one can make you feel anything; take responsibility for your own choices.

    If you heed these seven basic rules of communication and learning, you will have better relationships with others; you will be able to move forward in understanding Truth without remaining static in your own views. You will find peace and contentment within yourself and your service in God's kingdom. And you will find purpose in an otherwise degrading world.

    Our Lord is coming to banish personal Truth invented in the Garden of Eden; where do you stand?

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    "The deepest truth is the proper formulation of the process by which truth itself is generated." Jean Piaget

    Truth is a spirit, not the facts of a dead past. The process by which one learns and understands represents one's spirit, just as pride is the mark of the beast.

    At any given moment, one gives oneself over to the Spirit of God and foregoes personal truth, or one remains in one's prideful ideology; there is no in-between. The death of one's sinful pride is the only path toward Truth. Not that one will ever obtain Truth, but the journey is the promise. That is the meaning of life, the journey.

    Faith is a continual process of surrendering oneself to principle. Static ideology is the lack of faith. Therefore, conformity to current affairs, including one's present understanding, invites eternal death. Just as people were marrying and being given in marriage, the status quo distracts one from the last grains of the hourglass. Vigilance in the face of egocentrism favors endurance.

    The Truth is not, "I think; therefore, I am." The Truth is, "I know not; therefore, I am." Truth is not the knowledge of the cup's existence, and is not the knowledge of the atoms making the cup, nor is Truth knowing the atoms are made of cosmic strings; Truth is an infinite mountain peak one is ever pressing toward.

    Every journey begins with a commitment; in such a journey, one must fully commit to that first step and every step after. Doubt is the antithesis of life. As the infinite mountain ascends above the clouds, a first step into the unknown is essential in the process of advancement. One must leave all doubt behind.

    We are all given a map leading to life or death, and we choose which one. The Bible is the physical manifestation of consciousness, presented to pierce each of our souls.

    In the journey of Truth, you must accept that you do not know what lies ahead; therefore, you currently do not know the path. No matter how far you have journeyed, you can only know your path; you cannot know heights untraveled; therefore, pride will kill you.

    Along the way, you will meet others on a similar journey. Some will travel paths ascending as you walk along with them, listening and learning the directions taken to reach their current attitude. However, you must maintain perspective to recognize another's misturns. When someone believes they are correct on their chosen path, you must continue to recognize they and you could be wrong. Only objectivity can release one from the dangers of narcissism and that tenacious know-it-all attitude that is pride. More often than not, you may need to continue on your journey alone, leaving behind those taking a wrong turn through that ever-pernicious pride. We offer counsel of compassion, but you cannot make anyone think anything. The only thing you can do is you.

    Paradoxes and contradictions are the Legend of the map. They tell you whether your current direction is correct or false. If you ignore them, you are blinded and allow yourself to define the map rather than the map defining itself. Only by removing personal truth may one backtrack to find a misturn. What is more important to you, being right or being aligned with the Truth from God?

    Humbleness is the ability to rejoice at determining false assumptions. There should be no greater epiphany in one's journey than recognizing a misstep. Through this determination, one continues on the path of the infinite ascension of Truth!

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Paradoxes and Contradiction - Legends of the Map

    Paradoxes and contradictions disrupt our belief systems, introducing confusion and doubt. All too often, in these moments, people resort to confirmation bias to counteract their cognitive dissonance rather than imagine they could be wrong and work to remove them. However, consider an uncomfortable moment of doubt as a moment of opportunity!

    Entropy brings chaos to order in any system within the universe. Those organisms capable of adaptation are the ones who survive. After a forest fire, the plants and animals suited to adaptation thrive in a newly constructed environment. After a forced change on the job, those who adapt to new rules flourish, while those who doubt and foster resentment degrade.

    Becoming comfortable in your current position is against nature and God. Entropy is ever-present and is constantly the predator and foe. However, even the wolves were tamed to hunt for us!

    When confronted with a contradiction or paradox of understanding, some value you currently hold is wrong. It's a bit like a tower of cards that starts to lean as it grows higher and higher. Henceforth, one of the cards below must be out of position. Therefore, you must begin removing each card from the top one at a time until you come to the one that needs repositioning, and it is at that point you start creating a new tower from that position on.

    Overcoming contradictions and remaining on the path of Truth requires effort and determination. It requires standing in the face of doubt and overcoming it. You already have the interest and motivation, but if you soothe your discomfort by becoming complacent, you will find yourself freezing to death on the climb of the infinite mountain of Truth. You'll just rest your eyes for a moment as entropy takes over, and you cease to exist.

    Don't become complacent or comfortable; you must invite discomfort! You must hunt the predator, or it will hunt you! You must search and devour contradictions until they no longer exist. One must confront disarray to bring order out of chaos.

    Leave doubt behind. There are no paradoxes in Truth; all things are ordered and discoverable; it is merely you and I who are wrong.

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    The Logos

    "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." Jhn 14:6

    In Genesis chapter one, the Word establishes an order out of chaos. The order is Truth regardless of the discipline. There is no difference between science and spirituality.

    Through the Logos, Adam was told to name the animals. God created conscious beings without the innate foreknowledge of their realm so that they could discover the order of things through observation.

    One may objectify creation; however, any observation will never change the nature of the system. Purely naming a color will never affect the factuality of the color's existence and substance. Truth is not the observation or discovery, Truth is the ever progressing discovery of nature.

    The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil introduced right and wrong into the human condition. There is correct, or there is wrong in human understanding, there is no such thing as personal truth or opinion. We are either correct in an assumption or wrong. To understand the cup exists is truth. To know that the cup is made up of atoms is truth. To believe that atoms are made up of jello is wrong. One may be on the path of truth until they are not.

    Sin is separation from God's Truth. The Logos was the only one who had the right to define the circumstances of not eating from the tree. The moment personal ideology made its way into the human condition, being wrong became a fundamental aspect of humanity.

    Morality is the consequence of evil. The necessity of moral standards came to light as a balancing force to the proclivity of sin. In the clothing of Adam and Eve with the skins of the animals they named, God covered their nakedness of sin through the Logos, which is the Truth and the nature of things.

    Through the discovery of Truth one presses toward the Tree of Life. Adam and Eve were banished from the garden, for great anguish would be through their journey, not instantaneous revelation. The path to the Tree of Life would be a choice, a challenge, and a struggle.

    Everyone is allowed to choose their path in life, just as Adam and Eve, or they may choose to submit themselves to the Truth that is the Word. Only the Logos may define His meaning; our observations are irrelevant to that singular Truth. Indeed, until there is an intervention by the Logos, even assumptions that align with the Truth will not become evident.

    So then, what is Truth?

    "Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” Jhn 18:37

    Listening isn't hearing; it is understanding, comprehending and doing. Truth is allowing the Logos to speak for Himself. Personal truth and prideful ideology are evil and will be destroyed.

    Now you tell me, how sure should you be in your current understanding? What if you're wrong? Are you still on the journey to the Tree of Life and the top of that mountain, or are you resting your eyes somewhere along the path?

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    The Issue of Truth

    The argument against a fundamental Truth is the tendency for entropy to enter any attempt at solidarity. The premise is that when two people believe they have the Truth, there will be no consensus, and debate can devolve into chaos. When scaled up to national communities, you have sects, segregation, and war.

    The premise that fundamental Truth cannot exist because of these reasons is false and lacks evidence. Excepting there is no fundamental Truth given the tendency of personal truth is like throwing out the baby with the bathwater. The prevalence of different opinions has nothing to do with whether or not there is a fundamental Truth. This is literally how the universe works.

    In any given discussion between two individuals of empirical substance, both can be correct or false; one can be accurate, and the other false in any combination at any time. The observation through the human psyche does not affect the universe; the objective world does not care what we believe about it. Regardless of what one considers the nature of light or the Bible to be, both are physical objects in the objective world.

    Communication, much like light, involves the transmission of information. The candlestick in the holy place lighted the way for the priests, just as the Word was the light of this world, separating the light from the darkness of Genesis day one. The Bible transfers information through the Word just as light transfers this post to your screen and eye. Light has its own mathematically precise reality, as does Scripture. Each line has a definite meaning, for it is a speaker's intent. To communicate information, there must be intent. To argue that there is no singular intent in Scripture argues that man and God did not write it. Do any animals of the world, humans, or any system ever communicate without the purpose of transferring accurately intended information?

    For the life of me, I cannot understand why so many who believe they understand the Bible refuse to address paradoxes in their understanding when presented with them. I know why; it's because of everything I've said above in previous posts. Cognitive dissonance keeps them from working paradoxes and contradictions out of their belief structures. I ask everyone to show me where I'm wrong and show me paradoxes in my understanding because I do this daily with myself! I am constantly searching for where I may be incorrect. But no, everyone wants to teach their current view instead.

    My approach differs from most others who come to this forum. I listen and assist in finding paradoxes in others' understandings while others tout their beliefs. You can't contradict my view by stating how it differs from yours; try comprehending it.

    For some, the subject of the Bible is a hobby, yet for others, it's a responsibility.

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    Harry Member

    May 20, 2024
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    God kicked us all out of the Garden, and there is no working our way back in, because it would be unrighteous of Him to require that we straighten out what He has made crooked. Ec 7:13

    This simple, yet foundational, truth can only be acquired by means of revelation, on the basis of faith, to those blessed with the requisite humility, and their consenting to subject themselves to the righteousness of the One working all things in us. Php 2:13

    God is observing and knocking to see who might respond to His offer of appeasement leading to reconciliation with Him, and return to the Garden. Ro 3:25

    But Satan wants to spare us the 'indignity' of having to concede our inherited moral disability by providing a less 'shameful' way back to Paradise than having to rely on a 'foolish blood sacrifice.' 1 Co 1:21-24

    This truth has to become 'our truth,' something that only God can bring about.
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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    This is where I would split with you. As I've presented above, I do not believe there can be any such thing as "our truth." That leads one to believe what they understand was given to them by God. This idea of "Making the truth your own" is not tenable and leads to many problems. We recently had members here who believed that what they understood was God-given and taught to them by the Holy Spirit. (John 14:26) They also believed they were no longer sinful, which is an entirely other issue.

    The problem with that view is that it leaves no room to imagine you could be wrong, which leads to hubris. Truth is not something you can obtain but only something you can walk in.

    "Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name." Psm 86:11

    "I rejoiced greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we were commanded by the Father." 2Jhn 1:4

    "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Jhn 14:6

    Thus, there is not your truth or my truth; there is just the Truth—the Word, the person of Jesus.

    It is more likely that your confirmation bias has blinded you to the path of revelation. Keeping this in mind is the only way to correct your path. Believing your understanding is God-given causes intellectual paralysis. Then, you present yourself as folly before others much higher on the mountain than you. Only the one who knows you are wrong understands your paralysis and blindness. (Rom 11:25)

    Truth is a journey up an infinite mountain; the Bible is our guide. Truth isn't facts but the means by which you learn and observe the objective world. The spirit you show is the process by which you walk in Truth, not some judgment by others of their impressions of your words. Others dare to come on here and determine the spirit I show is not Christian because they judge me based on their assumptions of what I should be. They presume to tell me how I should speak and act. Well, such matters are between me and my God. If I need to throw a whip around and turn a few tables over on this forum, that's exactly what I will do. And I expect someone will either catch on or leave, by choice or by force.

    No apologies and no regrets. I'm responsible for me...

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Personal Truth

    There seems to be a pernicious understanding that God's Spirit always guides us to a correct understanding of His Word. This umbrella ideology is prevalent throughout Christendom and presented by some individuals as Jesus auditing.

    I remember when I was pretty young, a teenager, I agreed to meet two persons to discuss Scripture, to find out when I arrived, some seven came in an attempt to convert me. As I began sharing the truths of God's essence and the falsehoods of the Trinity, I was bombarded with dogmatism. The basic argument from the group was a continuous admonishment to believe in Jesus, and I would be cured of my false assumptions. Regardless of my insistence of faith in Christ, the group refused to recognize this declaration of faith because, according to them, I could not be Christian or have faith in Christ if I did not accept the Trinity and their theological interpretations.

    You see, no matter how much they believed they were correct and doing the Will of God, it did not make it so. There is such a thing as being accurate and wrong in intent and theocratic interpretation.

    It is God's Will that we admonish and reason with each other to correct false assertions in Scripture. This requires listening, learning, and ascertaining the statements' validity.

    Paul reasoned with others from the source of Truth.

    "And Paul went in, as was his custom, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures." Acts 17:2

    A noble individual listens and understands the speaker's intent and examines Scripture to determine if their presentation is present in the Text; they don't just continue spouting their own interpretations.

    "Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so." Acts 17:11

    People who blind themselves in believing their understanding was given to them by God are an island unto themselves and know only their own interpretations. You cannot prove you are correct or wrong until you've fully understood another position and searched God's Word to see if what they say is so!

    "Fools base their thoughts on foolish assumptions, so their conclusions will be wicked madness; they chatter on and on. No one really knows what is going to happen; no one can predict the future." Ecc 10:13,14

    People twist others' words and assume they know others by interpreting their words through their own experiences. This evilness is the scourge of this planet and will die. Only the speaker can define their meaning, and only God judges that intent.

    Look, others are not you. Just because someone uses words you wouldn't use, you can't presume to understand their meaning or intent unless they concede (Jhn 6:54). If you do not allow them to define their words, you call them liars. And if you attempt to tell others what they should or shouldn't say, you are presuming yourself more righteous than them.

    "He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction." 2Pt 3:16

    The fool is the one who is happy with their current position and wishes to share that opinion with others instead of examining another's interpretation. If you remain in your own head and build upon your own understanding, you become that island to yourself that will be swept away when the storm comes.

    "A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion." Prov 18:2

    I have many interests, and one of those is cars, and I am well-versed in engineering. I cannot express how many times a casual conversation has come up on diagnosing technical issues, where I voice a well-known first step in diagnosing when another person simply touts a misguided assumption and refuses to listen.

    I have a narcissistic family member. For example, he says "Lambordini" instead of Lamborghini. No matter how many times I've corrected him, he refuses to accept the truth because he thinks he knows better already and doesn't need to be told anything. So, he continues on in life with constant personal fallacies, but yet boasts his false assumptions.

    "If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame." Prov 18:13

    The Text's purpose is to correct, train, and reprove; the listener is responsible for listening, understanding, and determining the validity of the other's presentation. If you are not doing this, you either think there is no Truth, or think that you know better than others and already have the Truth. The Bible calls such ones fools. (Prov 18:2)

    "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness." 2Tim 3:16

    Do you think Christ intended us to be lovey-dovey all the time and present a sheep-like character at every given moment? Just because someone may believe that doesn't necessarily mean that is correct.

    "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ." 2Cor 10:5

    Not too long ago, someone presumed to judge me by saying, "You certainly don't appear to be speaking for God." I said, "Yeah, you're right; I don't speak for God; I speak for me." He presumed I should act and speak in a manner he believed to be Christ-like. And if I didn't, I must not be Christian. I've seen these people my whole life. And that attitude will not remain on this planet forever.

    Imagine the presumption to assume you speak for God and find out that you spoke through wrong assumptions! You have two people touting two separate ideologies, claiming to be spokesmen of God; who is the liar? One of them is, or maybe both......... You don't recognize the Truth through your assumption of the Spirit shown through temperament! The lion stalks like a lamb, looking to devour someone. The sociopath lies, cheats, and steals with a smile. No, the Truth is recognizable by its validity from the Bible.

    Righteous indignation is a thing, man!

    "God is a righteous judge, a God who displays his wrath every day." Psm 7:11

    "O faithless generation, how long am I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him to me.” Mrk 9:19

    "And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables." Jhn 2:15

    Being a soldier in God's kingdom isn't only being the lamb but also being the lion! It's having a sword and knowing how to use it and when to sheathe it.

    "He who has a sword, and knows how to use it, but keeps it sheathed shall inherit the earth." Mth 5:5

    The Bible is a whole, not a part, and it's so frustrating when people believe they already have the Truth with partial knowledge. Personal interpretation and what we think of ourselves can be wrong; God reads hearts. We can even deceive ourselves about who we think we are and the person we are within. You don't even ultimately get to determine your own self-worth; you won't be judging yourself; God will! Yet people are so sure and so steadfast in their current understandings. They sacrifice the long term to comfort themselves in the present. There is no such thing as personal truth...

    It's difficult to imagine you could be wrong. It's hard and challenging to work out contradictions and paradoxes of understanding in the here and now, and it requires admitting when we are wrong, but you are sacrificing your odds of future salvation if you do not!

    "Always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth." 2Tim 3:7

    God opens the door; it's our job to walk through it. He never promised to give us all knowledge and indeed never said He would give you accurate knowledge simply by believing in Him. The Bible is a whole, not a single scripture.

  10. 4,489

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    The Reliance on Faith

    I find a prevalence of Christians fostering a faith-constructed ideology where one only needs to believe in Christ and show an attitude of acceptance to be saved. Often, this "personal truth" presents itself in accepting others' interpretations of the sacred Text, where our current convictions suffice in service of God's kingdom as long as we have faith.

    On its own, how much is your faith in your convictions worth?

    "You believe that God is one. Good for you! Even the demons believe that—and shudder." Jms 2:19

    "For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead." Jms 2:26

    "On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?" Mth 7:22

    What are the dangers of believing your current understanding is correct? What is the risk of becoming comfortable in your current knowledge? What is the danger of thinking there are no accurate and inaccurate ideologies?

    "For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark." Mth 24:38

    "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those sent to her, how often I have longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling!" Luk 13:34

    Scripture is full of people who took no note until the time of judgment came and swept them away. Just because we think we know something already doesn't necessarily mean we do.

    It would be best to cherish anyone who questions and pushes you to reconsider your understanding. They could be sent to you through God's Spirit. Only the blind close their eyes and ears to contradictions of understanding. Personal truth convinces one to believe they can remain in their current belief structure and yet be accepted by God. Is this true? Are you willing to bet your and your family's life on such an assumption? That's what you are doing.

    How many Christians are in the world, 2.4 billion?

    How many Muslims are in the world, 1.6 billion?

    Each of these 4 billion people believes in God and Christ. However, each has an entirely different idea of who God is, who Christ is, and what every sentence in the Bible represents.

    Therefore, does the Bible teach that everyone will be saved regardless of personal truth? Does it matter what you believe? Who chooses the level of accurate knowledge to be saved? (2Tim 3:7)

    You can feel however you like, but I would prefer someone to ruffle my feathers and shake my you-know-what up instead of blowing smoke up my same you-know-what. I'm not going to stake my family's eternal life on my own understanding. I'll ask anyone and everyone to prove me wrong so that I can prove myself on the right course or not. I don't want someone to tell me, "If you just be nice to everyone and believe, you'll be saved." I don't need someone to tell me what a Christian acts like. I want someone to tell me what a Christian believes. I know atheists and Christians of all walks of life who treat others well, and I'm fully aware that is not the basis of salvation.

    Having faith and treating others well will not save you if you don't recognize the mark of the beast and take it upon yourself because you think you know something already. I will never apologize for standing someone up and making them look in the mirror. Love isn't cotton candy all the time; sometimes, it's brutal and harsh. And if you can't recognize the love from others when they call you out, you must think you already have what you need.

    What not to do is pretty simple. Don't sin...... Beyond that, what is required of us toward salvation?

    My Lord fed thousands but also called Peter a satan and turned His back on him because of false assumptions. My Lord forgave sins but also condemned false understandings through very direct language. My Lord healed the sick, but also killed trees, threw a whip around, and turned over tables calling out personal truth and deceptive interpretations.

    Being a Christian isn't just being the lamb; it's also being the lion in the face of hypocrisy.

    Could I be wrong? Yep... I guess we'll see.


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