This has got to be one of the best explanations I have seen that no nephilim survived the's well worth a watch
Thank you, Thinking. This was very interesting and informative. Precise and to the point. One other thought that occured to me was: Genetics. Ham's wife could have been an offspring of the “Giants” = nephilim in Genesis. That gene which produces height could have been passed down by her, instead of Ham. What I found most interesting was the fact that all of these tall people came from Ham. That's why the Jewish and Muslims never eat Ham. There is a song that I posted back in June that says it all. What Music .... Page 50, #983. “The Things We’ve Handed Down” by Marc Cohn.
I've got no proof of my thoughts but I cannot see Jehovah allowing any corruption of any seed on the ark... The reasoning I'm thinking about is when they left Babylon to go back to worship and rebuild Jeruselum ....they were not even allowed to take their non Jewish wives and family as they were seen as unclean.... Isn't Ham the forefather of the dark races...I have no doubt they would have been tall dark and handsomeQuestion: "Why did the Israelites have to abandon their foreign wives and children?" Answer: After the Jews’ return to Jerusalem at the end of the Babylonian Captivity, Ezra, one of the leaders of the people, was given some bad news: “The people of Israel, including the priests and the Levites, have not kept themselves separate from the neighboring peoples with their detestable practices, like those of the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians and Amorites. They have taken some of their daughters as wives for themselves and their sons, and have mingled the holy race with the peoples around them. And the leaders and officials have led the way in this unfaithfulness” (Ezra 9:1–2). These marriages with people of other nations that worshiped false gods were forbidden in the Law of Moses (Deuteronomy 7:3–4). Ezra’s heart was grieved. He tore his tunic and cloak, pulled hair from his head and beard, “and sat down appalled” (Ezra 9:3). Idolatry was one of the sins that had resulted in Judah’s being conquered by Babylon. Now, upon their return to the Promised Land, Judah was again toying with the same sin. In Ezra 10:2–3, as Ezra was praying, a large group of Israelites came to him in repentance. They made a proposal to rectify the situation: “We have been unfaithful to our God by marrying foreign women from the peoples around us. But in spite of this, there is still hope for Israel. Now let us make a covenant before our God to send away all these women and their children, in accordance with the counsel of my lord and of those who fear the commands of our God. Let it be done according to the Law.” The purpose of this covenant would be to once again set apart the Jewish people as fully devoted to the Lord and remove all connections with those who worshiped other gods. The agreement required the men of Judah to divorce their pagan wives. Ezra agreed that this covenant was the proper course of action. He commanded, “You have been unfaithful; you have married foreign women, adding to Israel’s guilt. Now honor the Lord, the God of your ancestors, and do his will. Separate yourselves from the peoples around you and from your foreign wives” (Ezra 10:10–11). A full list of the families involved is found in Ezra 10. The entire process took about three months at the end of the year.
I hope,this talks come thru properly and many use commone sense when we can see some things a little wrong...but the Cruz of the material is,very encouraging and a lot,of the wheat is talking here.....I doubt if we will ever here such a talk ever enjoy...and use discernment whilst listening ...I hope,I have pasted it correct..
We know that Noah and his son's genetics were pure but we know nothing about the three wives of the sons of Noah, especially it seems, Ham's wife. Throughout the history of the Jews, they had a tendency to defile their race by women they knew (were told) would sully their race, especially the firstborns which Ham was. Do you own homework on this. If some Satanic genetics made it's way into their line, my bet is Ham's wife.
Hey Thinking, You should know that women always get their way! Look at all the examples starting with Eve. “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.” ( Gen 3:6 NASB ) "Eat it Honey! It won't kill you! It's De-Licious! Look at me, I'm not dead! And, maybe you can sleep alone out their in the bushes, tonight!!! Then, there was Delilah. “When Delilah saw that he had told her all that was in his heart, she sent and called the lords of the Philistines, saying, ‘Come up once more, for he has told me all that is in his heart .’ Then the lords of the Philistines came up to her and brought the money in their hands.” Another, Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah whom David had murdered, having had adulterous relations with her. “Then King David said, ‘Call Bathsheba to me.’ And she came into the king's presence and stood before the king.” ( 1 Ki 1:28 NASB ) And yet another, Jezebel. “It came about, as though it had been a trivial thing for him [Ahab] to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he married Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and went to serve Baal and worshiped him.” (1 Ki 16:31 NASB ) That is why Jehovah told Israel to not have foreign wives. It was that “Honey Do” attitude. Or, in the words of Leonard Cohen, the original studio version.
Hahahah that made me laugh...they are called honey traps in the spy world are they problem was not at all with those got it,all back the front was the men's see they never loved Jehovah the most.....they never put him first....any good woman worth a pinch of salt would want her man to do that, then did that sound convincing..... ..
Hey Thinking, I believe I could tell you a thing or two, or three, about women. But, as you said, “they are called honey traps in the spy world are they not”, and the spy robots are collecting all the information here, right now. They are collecting everything that is being posted. Check them out. Just click on who is signed in, then click on the robots. Robot: Baidu Viewing thread Where is our Unity?, 12 minutes ago Robot: Google Viewing thread The Stars of Heaven Fall, 13 minutes ago It is said they help those who want to find the site can just “Google it”, and Bingo, there it is. Well, I'm not paranoid, I'm a realist. That tail (spelling intended) being spread is the same biproduct coming out of the south end of a north bound bull! As I can say, I have a lot of very smart women in my life. This is my song. And, the robots can kiss the south end of that bull. Lyle Lovett - If I Were The Man You Wanted “If I Were The Man You Wanted” They all sat around in a circle They were all laughing and all telling lies Then the tall one he bumped in a dollar He said boys I’ve got nothing to hide Now if the King and the Queen stood together Then the Ace he would not be to blame And if the cards were all laid on the table Then love could be more than a game And if the stars didn’t shine on the water Then the sun wouldn’t burn on the sand And if I were the man she wanted I would not be the man that I am And I have seen my share of long nights And I have told my share of lies And I have run into the darkness When I saw the look in your eyes But if the night it didn’t lie in the darkness Then the daylight would be hard to find And if the truth didn’t turn to a weakness I would never would have spoken my mind And if the stars didn’t shine on the water Then the sun wouldn’t burn on the sand And if I were the man you wanted I would not be the man that I am So if you’re going out to California Then don’t linger in New Mexico And if you think of the one there behind you Then you might not feel so alone And if the stars didn’t shine on the water Then the sun it wouldn’t burn on the sand And if I were the man you wanted I would not be the man that I am And if I were the man you wanted No, I would not be the man that I am
I totally agree with you....they are spying on us's a double edged sword isn't it.....we take the grandkids camping over the Xmas holidays.....and now at our favorite place..we can only go by booking on line...everything is on line......that robot thing scares me........and yes I know you could tell me a few things about women as I know you are surrounded by
Hey Thinking, You remembered. Yes, they just asked me how I felt about it the other day (Thanksgiving). I told them I felt great being surrounded by beautiful women who could think for themselves, and do it intelligently with the grace of God. All of them are professionally successful as a bonus. The one thing I love about them is they can stand against anyone who would try to control them. My family genes (jeans) are strong, all the way into my great grand children. It's amazing! Here's one for the Robots, from the album: I Robot! I don't know if they can be called "Metal Heads", because they don't really have heads. I wish I knew the code to embed to erase everything they have collected. It's coming down to the fact that we will have to reject the number of the beast. Ahhhh, the code is 666. The Alan Parsons Project - Some Other time
Off course I remembered Bro T... This is such a up building talk...some of these older ones are real gems....some talks are an exercise in endurance...just listening to them I mean .........but if ever I put up a can bet your last dollar It's really worth listening to ALL of it....this is the wheat talking...
This is why we will all meet up after Armaggeddon....we won't be dotted all over the earth...we will all be together...and the real life will then start....I sure hope I make it!!,
Thanks for sharing! Christianity on display. DON'T THINK LIKE THAT THINKING. "Jehovah is greater than your heart!" Believe it. "How will a man be saved?" "With God, all things are possible"
Yes you are right brother ..I must remain much more positive...thank you for that....we have so much to look forward too...
Just some latest news from Russia that many of you may already have seen? I have been watching utube and what is going on over in Europe and the middle east with religion that we in the west are simply not hearing ......I was very alarmed and do want to post some here but need to make sure they are credible...But if what I am seeing and reading....we are well along in us falling and Babylon the great as well...deeper than we in the west even realise....any opinions on this ??
Muslim prayer call ban blasted as 'an attempt to erase the religion' A BILL aimed at banning mosques from broadcasting the Muslim prayer call over loudspeaker has been slammed as “an attempt to erase the religion”. By ZOE EFSTATHIOU PUBLISHED: 02:53, Sun, Nov 20, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:47, Sun, Nov 20, 2016 4K 455 The draft law, proposed by the Israeli government, has sparked outrage among Muslims who claim they are being discriminated against. But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims the bill is not intended to suppress Islam, but aims to protect citizens from noise disturbance. GETTY A proposed ban limiting the broadcasting of the prayer call has sparked outcry in Israel Coalition parties are expected to back the legislation, which would ban the prayer call from being broadcast at night and early morning. Moni Aloleimi, 44, a Muslim originally from Jordan now living in Jaffa, Israel, described the bill as “an attempt to erase the religion”. GETTY Muslims have said the law is an attempt to "erase the religion" People can’t accept this. If there is no call to prayer, there is no prayer. And if there is no prayer, there is no religion Moni Aloleimi He added: “People can’t accept this. If there is no call to prayer, there is no prayer. And if there is no prayer, there is no religion.” Mr Aloleimi, who runs a manpower company, said the prayer call, which is broadcast five times a day and dates back to the time of the prophet Muhammed, is required to “rouse and remind people that there is a god and to not do evil deeds.” He warned that if the law goes through, “there will be an explosion and it will end very badly”. He added: “You don’t infringe on the religion of an Arab. It starts with this and then they will take other steps like telling us we don’t need 20 mosques, that five is enough.” Amjab Rasas, 40, from Jerusalem, claimed he would flout the ban if it goes ahead, by attaching loudspeakers to his house. GETTY One Muslim (not pictured) said if there is 'no prayer, there is no religion' He added: “I’ve been hearing the call to prayer from al-Aksa mosque all my life. How can they stop it? I hear the Shabbat siren on Fridays, and there’s no problem with it. “Why should people be disturbed by the call to prayer? Whoever doesn’t want to hear it, can leave. The call to prayer was here before the Jews came.” But members of the public in favour of the bill say it will help them sleep better. GETTY FILE PIC The prayer call is one of the five pillars of Islam Itamar Siani, a painter who lived in Jaffa, told The Jerusalem Post “I’m not against praying, but the problem is noise. It disturbs people, it wakes you up, so if they lower it, what’s the problem? I hear the muezzin from my home. “I hear it from the left, the right and from behind. Of course it wakes me, and sometimes the call from different mosques is not together, you’ll get one before, one after. “It’s disturbing. It’s just like if you make a party and make noise and disturb your neighbours so that they can’t sleep.” Related articles Earliest known Ten Commandments stone inscription sells for £800,000 Anger as less than A THIRD of Muslim nations join anti ISIS coalition Trump team denies Muslim registry claims despite video endorsement