Time of The End

Discussion in 'Bible Prophecy' started by Joshuastone7, Feb 21, 2013.

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    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    I've decided to break open this category with a subject befitting it. I've been asked several times privately to explain my interpretation of Daniel chapter 12. Let me start by saying that in the Lord we all have our gifts. (1Cor 12:1-11)

    Dan 12:11; “And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation,there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days."

    Read this scripture over and over... Now read just the highlighted red areas... I realize for so many millennia, century upon century people have always understood this scripture as pertaining to the constant feature being removed and the disgusting thing placed as happening in the same moment, but I'm here to tell you today that, that is not the case. This scripture is saying that these two events are separated by 1290 days. Not only does all scripture prove this but the scripture itself defines itself... I welcome anyone at any time who can prove otherwise, please...

    When I started my work so many years ago, this was the beginning scripture. This was the very scripture I knew had to be a pivoting point. Think about it, if one knows in what order events in scripture are to occur can not one defer what each event is? I singular scripture discussing a time frame. Tell me this, if this scripture is discussing an event after these two moments 1290 days, what happens after the 1290 days? Exactly...

    Now, I am going to again jump well ahead of many questions and be very broad, because some of you have asked very good questions, but I need more specific questions like John...

    From: Guest
    To: Joshua Stone

    i am following your post and would like to ask follow up questions in regards to...therefore i need to join the site in order to reply.

    namely at the moment i would like to know from what scriptures do you come up with the:

    965 Days Pass
    777 Days Pass
    108 Days Pass
    375 Days Pass

    From: Joshua Stone
    To: Guest

    We do except new registrants, but we would need more info as to your beliefs as it pertains to trinity, immortality of the soul, etc...

    If it is just the answer of your question you are looking for, those days are the time frames in between the 2300, 1260, 1290, 1335 days. As well 70 weeks and the time and a season after the beast is killed. These days all over lap so there will be a number of days that pass in between them.

    965 Days Pass
    777 Days Pass
    108 Days Pass
    375 Days Pass

    Those are just the number of days that pass in between prophetic events..

    From: Guest
    To: Joshua Stone

    using the 2300 days, that comes to about 6 years, 4 months and 20 days...how do you come up with how many days pass between one event to the other?

    From: Joshua Stone
    To: Guest

    Here is an excerpt from my book, it is written as though these events have occurred, but they have not yet. This book is copyrighted.

    {2300 Starts}Watchtower News Reports: Date
    {965 Days Pass}
    {1260, 1290, 1335 Starts}Watchtower Goes Down: Date
    {777 Days Pass}
    {1742nd Day} Call to Rebuild Jerusalem: Date
    {108 Days Pass}
    {1850th Day} USA Collapses/One World Order: Date
    {375 Days Pass}
    {1260 Ends}Jesus Enthroned: Date
    {30 Days Pass}
    {1290 Ends}Disgusting Thing: Date
    {45 Days Pass}
    {2300[SUP]th[/SUP], 1335[SUP]th [/SUP]Day}New World: Date

    Understanding the chronology of Daniel can be quite simple actually. Once we let the bible explain itself, and take out any preconceived notions about how events should unfold, then Jehovah’s truth shines through, let’s examine.

    The best place to start is Daniel 12:11, here we find two events separated by a period of time.
    “And from the time that the constant feature has been removed and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation, there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.†The constant feature is removed, and then one thousand two hundred and ninety days later the disgusting thing is placed.

    The next verse explains itself quiet well, Dan 12:12:
    “Happy is the one who is keeping in expectation and who arrives at the one thousand three hundred and thirty five days!†This depicts those who reach the first day of the paradise new earth!

    There is also another time period mentioned in the twelfth chapter of Daniel 12:7, and that is of the:
    “appointed time, appointed times and a half.†We know from comparing Revelation 12:14 and 12:6 that this time period equals one thousand two hundred and sixty days. As well we read at Rev 11:3: “And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.†So the beginning of the time table in the twelfth chapter of Daniel starts with the constant feature being removed. Then twelve hundred sixty days later that time period ends. We know from Dan 12:11 that thirty days later, the twelve hundred ninety day time table ends, then forty five days after that the thirteen hundred and thirty fifth day comes in.

    Now let’s take a look at Daniel 8:13, 14 where we read:
    “And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the constant feature and of the transgression causing desolation, to make both the holy place and the army things to trample on?†So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings; and the holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.†Here we find a complete explanation of the period spanning the time of the end, from the first sight of transgression from the Watchtower Society; “Jehovah’s earthly representation of his organization.†to the constant feature being removed in the form of the societies downfall, all the way to ushering in the new world! The time between the first news reports out of the United Nations, and the new world is ushered in will be two thousand three hundred days. (Dan 11:30b, 12:12)

    So these events tie right back to Daniel chapter twelve, where we can count back from the thirteen hundred thirty fifth day of verse twelve and the holy place being brought into its right condition, all the way back two thousand three hundred days to the start of the time of the end and the vision of the constant feature intact alongside transgression causing its desolation.

    Now with Daniel unsealed, it allows us to finally understand that wonderful mystery, the book of Revelation. In the next few pages we will break out its chronology, and the events that fall in them. We will get into further the events themselves, and their meaning later in this publication, however, a quick break down of why events are in their chronological order as they are, is the key to understanding what each event represents.

    From: Guest
    To: Joshua Stone

    how do u conclude that from the start of the 2300 days, that 965 days pass before the

    1260, 1290, 1335 start???????

    From: Joshua Stone
    To: Guest

    The end of the 2300 days is when the holy place is brought into it's right condition at Dan 8:14. That's when the new world is ushered in at Dan 11:12. Make sense?

    From: Guest
    To: Joshua Stone

    yes i am aware what happens has a result of the END of the 2300 days...but my question to you was HOW DO YOU CONCLUDE THAT THERE ARE 965 DAYS BETWEEN THE START OF THE 2300 DAYS AND THE START OF THE 1260 ETC....

    FROM: Joshua Stone
    TO: Guest

    If both the 1335th day and the 2300 days end on the same day you have a starting point. The 1260, 1290 and 1335 days all begin on the same day, so take 2300 days minus 1335 days and you get the day the 1260, 1290 and 1335th day begin after the 2300 days begin and that is 965 days into the 2300 days.

    I understand everyone has always thought that the constant feature and the disgusting thing occur at the same moment, but this is not the case. Tell me this, if they did, what is to occur according to this scripture at the end of those 1290 days?

    Dan 12:11 “
    And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed and there [B][U]has been[/U][/B][U] a placing of the disgusting thing[/U] that is causing desolation, [B][U]there will be [/U][/B][U][FONT=arial][SIZE=3]one thousand two hundred and ninety days."[/SIZE][/FONT]

    FROM: Guest
    TO: Joshua Stone

    i can see how you are reading it...and i can't really dispute it...it seems to read either way, but will have to read more in order to see why one way is better supported then the other. i will ask at this time, if the disgusting thing is not put in place until after, then what removes the constant feature?


    The reason I post this conversation is this. I can post my book, I can write
    indefinitely, but it seems like until I place it in answers to simple questions do people understand, so ask the questions...
  2. 4,500

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Okay, we are going to expound on this information so that everyone out there will have a better understanding of the chronology of the time of the end. I will keep it as simple as possible and if anyone has questions please feel free to ask.

    The stone;

    {2300 Starts}Watchtower News Reports: Date
    {965 Days Pass}
    {1260, 1290, 1335 Starts}Watchtower Goes Down: Date
    {777 Days Pass}
    {1742nd Day} Call to Rebuild Jerusalem: Date
    {108 Days Pass}
    {1850th Day} USA Collapses/One World Order: [U]Date[/U]
    [B]{375 Days Pass}
    [B]{1260 Ends}[B]Jesus Enthroned: [B][U]Date[/U]
    [B]{30 Days Pass}
    [B]{1290 Ends}[B]Disgusting Thing: [B][U]Date[/U]
    [B]{45 Days Pass}
    [B]{2300[SUP]th[/SUP], 1335[SUP]th [/SUP]Day}[B]New World: [U]Date

    Now here is a little bit different break down to help you understand in what order these time tables occur;

    Chronology map.jpg

    As you will see in the attachment, 2300 days begin the time of the end when the first news reports out the UN occur. Dan 8:13; "And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: “How long will the vision be of the constant [feature] and of the transgression causing desolation, to make both [the] holy place and [the] army things to trample on?â€￾ So he said to me: “Until two thousand three hundred evenings [and] mornings; and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition.â€￾

    Now for now lets focus on the end of those 2300 days and when the holy place is brought into its right condition, it's the holy place, not the most holy, so this is earth. Now go to Dan 12:12; "Happy is the one who is keeping in expectation and who arrives at the one thousand three hundred and thirty‐five days!"

    So the 2300 days and the 1335 days end on the same day. So with that knowledge you can count back and you know there will be 965 days after the 2300 days start before the 1335 days begin. With me? Good.

    Now in that same chapter of Daniel verse 11 we see there are 1290 days between the day the constant feature is removed, and the disgusting thing placed. So sense verse 12 and the 1335 days are a continuation of the verse before it, the 1290 days end 45 days short of the end of the 1335 days.

    Now in that same chapter 12 of Daniel, starting these time tables is the 1260 days in verse 7; “It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half." So those days start the time tables in the 12th chapter of Daniel. So the 1260 days begin, which are the 42 months of course of the two witnesses work. Then at the 1290 day mark the disgusting thing is placed, then 45 days later the new world comes in.

    Make sense now?
  3. 4,500

    Joshuastone7 Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    "In November of 66 Jewish Zealots had driven all Roman forces from Jerusalem and had actually slain more than 600 Roman troops. The Roman occupation forces, but also the high priest who tried to smother the rebellion, were no longer equal to the situation and were slaughtered."
    Link here...

    "In 66 C.E., a priest named Eleazar, incensed at Roman high-handedness, led a movement to stop offering the customary Temple sacrifices on behalf of the emperor. What happened next is known to us in considerable detail, thanks to the Jewish historian Josephus, who played a leading role in the ensuing Jewish War. When the Roman governor, Gessius Florus, tried to re-impose his authority, Jewish rebels massacred the Roman garrison, killing some 600 soldiers."
    Link here...

    "Eliezar ben Hanania (Hebrew: אלעזר בן חנניה‎) was a Jewish leader during the Great Revolt of Judea. Eliazar was the son of the High Priest Hanania ben Nedebai and hence a political figure of the 1st century Judaea Province. Eliazar worked as a high-positioned Temple clerk in Jerusalem. At the outbreak of the rebellion in 66 CE and following the initial outbreak of the violence in Jerusalem convinced the priests of the Jewish Temple to stop service of sacrifice for the Emperor. The action, though largely symbolic, was one of the main milestones to bring a full-scale rebellion in Judea."
    Link here...

    Daniel 12:11 (CEB) | In Context | Whole Chapter

    "11 There will be one thousand two hundred ninety days from the time the daily sacrifice is stopped to the setting up of the desolating monstrosity."

    Daniel 12:11 (CEV)
    | In Context|Whole Chapter

    "11 There will be one thousand two hundred ninety days from the time that the daily sacrifices are stopped, until someone sets up the “Horrible Thingâ€￾ that causes destruction."

    Daniel 12:11 (ERV) | In Context | Whole Chapter

    "11 “The daily sacrifice will be stopped. There will be 1290 days from that time until the time that the terrible thing that destroys is set up."

    Daniel 12:11 (EXB) | In Context | Whole Chapter

    "11 “The ·daily [regular] sacrifice [8:12] will be ·stopped [turned away]. Then, after 1,290 days from that time, ·a blasphemous object that brings destruction [L the abomination of desolation; 11:31] will be set up."

    Daniel 12:11 (NCV) | In Context | Whole Chapter

    "11 “The daily sacrifice will be stopped. Then, after 1,290 days from that time, a blasphemous object that brings destruction will be set up."

    "On 14 April 70, during Passover, Titus laid siege to Jerusalem. To the northeast of the old city, on Mount Scopus, the legions XII Fulminata (a new addition from Syria) and XV Apollinaris shared a large camp; V Macedonica was camped at a short distance. When X Fretensis arrived from Syria, it occupied the Mount of Olives, in front of the Temple. The soldiers of this legion had a special incentive to fight: they had been defeated by the Zealots in 66, and wanted revenge."
    Link here..

    Just for the sake of an arbitrary date lets use 1966-1970.
    4-14-1970 - 1290 days = 10-2-1966 which means that the constant feature in that of the prayers and sacrifices for the Roman Emperor and people would have been ceased 1290 days before the disgusting thing stood in a holy place giving those of the first century foreknowledge of the events to come as well those of us into the time of the end.

    The constant feature was removed in October of 66 CE (Which; "The action, though largely symbolic, was one of the main milestones to bring a full-scale rebellion in Judea.") then in November just shortly after; ("Gessius Florus, tried to re-impose his authority, Jewish rebels massacred the Roman garrison, killing some 600 soldiers.")

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