using the shout box now that I see it , for poetry etc

Discussion in 'Shout Box' started by Poetry of Providence, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    The false dawn cometh
    and with it comes it's lies
    with it's gown of brightness
    but it's clothing is disguise

    Who will look upon it
    and realize just what it is
    who will see the the antichrist
    and the clothing that is his

    Those who place within their hope
    in sleep they are deceived
    for nothing good can come of this
    and the mark they have received

    The lamb of God he holds the scroll
    before the trumpet blasts
    As the sacrificial lamb
    and those he seals the last

    Four and twenty elders
    before his throne they stand
    Myriads of angels bow
    As he takes his sword in hand

    The reaping of the harvest
    who received the seeds he's sown
    separated from the tares
    and those he has not known

    Bow down all you nations
    repent the sins of past
    the Lamb of God is coming
    His judgement swift and fast

    Those who hold the winds of change
    stand fast upon their ground
    until the day of reckoning
    and all his sheep are found

    All those who's hearts are broken
    and within his love do live
    swiftly comes your justice
    to the nations he will give

    The cruelty and the suffering
    dispensed by wicked men
    those who's hearts have hardened
    His tolerance is at end

    Rise up all you children
    looking for his love
    The Lamb of Jah stands ready
    at the gate of God above

    source Revelation

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    This is a very old piece and is sung to Doxology Music: Louis Bourgeois, ca. 1510-1561.
    Lyrics Author: Thomas Ken (1674)


    Awake, my soul, and with the sun
    Thy daily stage of duty run;
    Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise,
    To pay thy morning sacrifice.

    Thy precious time misspent, redeem,
    Each present day thy last esteem,
    Improve thy talent with due care;
    For the great day thyself prepare.

    By influence of the Light divine
    Let thy own light to others shine.
    Reflect all Heaven’s propitious ways
    In ardent love, and cheerful praise.

    In conversation be sincere;
    Keep conscience as the noontide clear;
    Think how all seeing God thy ways
    And all thy secret thoughts surveys.

    Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart,
    And with the angels bear thy part,
    Who all night long unwearied sing
    High praise to the eternal King.

    All praise to Thee, who safe has kept
    And hast refreshed me while I slept
    Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake
    I may of endless light partake.

    Heav’n is, dear Lord, where’er Thou art,
    O never then from me depart;
    For to my soul ’tis hell to be
    But for one moment void of Thee.

    Lord, I my vows to Thee renew;
    Disperse my sins as morning dew.
    Guard my first springs of thought and will,
    And with Thyself my spirit fill.

    Direct, control, suggest, this day,
    All I design, or do, or say,
    That all my powers, with all their might,
    In Thy sole glory may unite.

    I would not wake nor rise again
    And Heaven itself I would disdain,
    Wert Thou not there to be enjoyed,
    And I in hymns to be employed.

    Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
    Praise Him, all creatures here below;
    Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

    Words: Thomas Ken, Manual of Prayers for the Use of the Scholars of Winchester College, 1674.

    Francois Barthélémon wrote this music for these words, at the request of an orphanage chaplain in London; it was first published
    in A Supplement to the Hymns and Psalms Used at the Asylum or House of Refuge for Female Orphans, printed for William Gawler, organist to the Asylum (London: circa 1785).

  3. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    The vision of you is like.............. the sun on the horizon

    which light......... does set upon the brow of thought

    the midsummer’s buds................ bring forth the harvest

    the treasures of mine heart............... within are caught

    Such a love.......... descends upon a mortal breast

    to be exercised.......... in span of shorted life

    where hope does soar............ like a bird aflight

    such sails....... hold the winds of bonded wife

    Entwined upon our souls......... does hold its rope

    The chords of Love...... the spirits promise that you gave

    for therein it is........ braids like upon us hope

    to care for each other......... like humbled slave

    It declares your love....... to those your favors chose

    whose intercourse of cares...... upon all alight

    the final numbers of all........... the called to wed

    the seal of your love............... by a messengers invite

    Cast upon us are all.........the reasons for this course

    to trod its path..... is the faithful map to true

    to all our sins and failings.......... which we divorce

    and its purity of heart........... is joined to you

    All of its secrets to your beloved..... you revealed

    and saved us by............ the knowledge of its depth

    that it be patterned................. to the nature unconcealed

    gives eternity................ to true loves life and breath

    I will enter the temple with rejoicing

    among your judges........ we will find our place

    what we have suffered.......... like an irritation

    that we might give you.......... our obeisance and grace

    You have looked upon.......... the oppressed and lowly

    who have shown.......... the justice of your King

    with patience........ have faced all their afflictions

    and know your peace............ upon the earth will ring

    John 3:29 IICor 11:1-3 Eph 5:25-27 , 30-32
    Rev 21

    Psalm 45

    COPYRIGHT © 2012 C. Michael Miller

    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Where sleeps upon the shelf his violin
    that in past with mournful tone he plucked
    who woo’d a maiden fair and shaped within
    the aria upon which ears had wanton supped

    For now that hollow wood become an empty thing
    and days her strings had sang so lovingly
    its heart now dead because of loss of dream
    and want of fingers who play now grudgingly

    Silent now the bow and string so smoothly licked
    and caught the graceful tones upon her played
    time did take its toll on misery sipped
    where in past her elation’s joys has stayed

    Gone now that audience who was his care
    buried in the tomb with their mosses deep
    the caress of the music they did share
    where both now lay in their closets sleep

    Twas grievous chords that last upon her sing
    whose chorus stroked reception to the ground
    since that place could not himself to bring
    or bless that happy wood her joyful sound

    COPYRIGHT © 2010 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Today the leaves again dance in the wind
    the view of it I never want to end
    when the trees do move and sway
    reminders that we all live within this day

    All across the earth do live we here
    and it’s beauty wondrous is near
    the wind brushes upon my skin
    and I know the same touches other men

    How close we are connected in it’s themes
    having all the same abundant hopes and dreams
    to live and caress another soul
    whose loving kindness makes us whole

    The wind itself embraces round the earth
    touches everyone who here lives in birth
    Seasons rains and sun impacts us all
    within the universe are we all so small

    Glistening dew upon the fields of grass
    for me the seasons move far to fast
    softly clothed are flowers who begin the spring
    God has arrayed so beautifully everything

    Mysteries of universe and earth
    curiously probe we upon their birth
    everlasting hills that never die
    our lives so short must we ask why

    how few of us depth of consideration give
    to the endless cosmos which in we live
    stretches vastly beyond the points we see
    and paints us pictures and dream eternity

    Short lived we are by all that does surround
    till return do we to dust of ground
    God’s love has so preserved our universe
    and within we die because of curse

    sources Gen.3 Matt.6:25-34 Is 40:22

    COPYRIGHT © 2010 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

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    Arise oh sleeper for night is nigh past
    good and pleasant as dawn draws fast
    for soon all will walk in the light of day
    in the path that Jesus showed yesterday

    The earth will fill with your glory as light does shine
    woes and afflictions belonged to another time
    mankind will bath in the waters of truth
    it’s clarity shows God was never aloof

    Gone will be the days of walking in sin
    for Gods habitation now dwells with men
    those who wrought evil do not exist here
    criminal behavior and harm disappear

    You will consider his place and find him gone
    loving kindness and goodness do here belong
    justice and judgment and Love are Law
    guidance and instruction to remove our flaw

    The killers of children won’t live in this place
    practicers of violence will Jehovah erase
    with thanksgiving the nations will Jah praise
    for the prospect of freedom and endless days

    In freedom for a thousand years
    God will have dried all our tears
    no war among nations no weapons fears
    I praise my Lord as this day nears

    Some think prophecy false that time is delay
    but time has been given to show us the way
    dispensations of ages designed for Gods end
    those whose purpose the lie to suspend

    My thirst for you oh God you know
    the earth she cries for justice below
    in hubris do men wage war on each other
    and plunder the possessions belonging another

    Men chose fornication with Babylonian whore
    whose headress paint and vesture does God abhor
    her apostasy is full with God’s Word do war
    recompense from God she’ll exist no more

    I saw Gods laughter upon his throne
    freely he offers his love and home
    but men choose to suffer in ill
    and live contrary to his will

    The fullness of Gods love did Jesus display
    his praise for his father demonstrated by day
    healing and consoling the hearts of men
    and how Gods approval we could win

    sources Romans 1:20-32 Col. 2:9
    Matthew 24:48 Psalms and Proverbs

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Autumn’s past horizon’s
    whose clouds coast above the trees
    woodland paths are dusted
    with the falls of the turning leaves

    Four corners of the Winds
    in summer exhales release their breath
    another season’s gone
    and lay’s to the past it’s death

    Often my mind has danced
    in the corridor’s of the earth
    where winter’s snow has melted
    hastening the springs new birth

    I’ve rambled down many roads
    and I’ve sang a many song
    been scratched by weeds and brambles
    and waded in the worlds wrong

    Bridges on the road I’ve crossed
    upon the many paths that man has trekked
    but only one road can lead you
    upon a course which is circumspect

    It was always for you
    every path I ever sought
    every step I ever made
    the ones my heart was taught

    I desire not gold or silver
    but the nectar of your lips
    a wine so intoxicating
    the truth like honey drips

    Like the passing of the seasons
    and the lives you so enrich
    truth and beauty enhances life
    there’s no question of choosing which

    COPYRIGHT © 2013 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Take my yoke upon you and learn of me
    counsel from Jesus if Father would you see
    harden not your hearts enter into his rest
    only by conversion can your soul be blessed

    Who does know the things God has prepared
    only those to whom Jesus revealing shared
    for the carnal man cannot spiritual things believe
    but the heavenly mind from Gods spirit receive

    Search your hearts O inhabitants of the land
    till you find the God of our Father Abraham
    the Son of God anointed Jesus declared his fame
    how is that those worshiping do not know his name

    Jehovah said unto our Lord this I will complete
    sit here at my right hand tread your enemies neath your feet
    he will judge the nations and render them their due
    for like a plague wickedness contaminates whats True

    The Judges and the Prophets with God did take their stand
    he appointed Jesus Lord and King to take all things in hand
    to enter into his kingdom the Truth you must Know
    for naked is all hearts and minds existing here below

    Your name oh Father false prophets have removed
    but within your servants hearts by spirit is imbued
    your fame oh Father anointed Jesus has proclaimed
    your Son the Beloved appointed King has been named

    And glory he gives to them who lives
    and walk in honor sow
    for on his path does wonder last
    be they to him that know
    do you within of tradition men
    annul Gods written word
    because without within their doubt
    prevents it’s being heard

    sources Psalm 83:18 110:1
    sermons of Jesus

    Matt 11:27-30 22:44

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    You have consummated the dream

    upon its fertile mind............... have given birth

    your Sons are to be Kings for ruling in the earth

    like life I wish that we would never part

    our connection like the beating of one heart

    because I have believed your heart was true

    therefore did I give mine............... permanently to you

    You have shown me...... a love of Sons of Men

    not of his clothing......... but what he hides within

    you didst reveal this................... by your own right hand

    did speak soft words until..... we could understand

    You saw not my skin............... or what one outside see

    you gazed within ............ looked upon the real me

    Enfolded in your arms just like a child

    your forgiveness and tender mercies mild

    where you hold us until each of us can hear

    understand completely the Words spoken in our ear

    Love should have been the first thing

    you met when you were born

    the warm embrace which followed

    when from wombs comfort torn

    Cradle me my Beloved in your arms

    hold at a distance all of my alarms

    I want to walk with you

    until there’s endless days

    seek the crown of creation

    and understanding of his ways

    pleasant are the days I spend with you

    my Lord , just master of his house

    to you my one only

    is my heart espoused

    Like a mighty warrior you have mounted up

    the valor of your deeds have filled my every cup

    without you near my heart is empty still

    but cries with its distress

    until with you my life instill

    As bird you gathered us beneath your wings

    your endearment descends like mountains streams

    there within the wilderness were we broken

    until we received knowledge of the promise spoken

    Songs of the Kings

    COPYRIGHT © 2012 C. Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    When you wake up....... will
    your life be a fading dream
    you run after you don't know...... what
    what have you accomplished..... anything?

    Only seems like yesterday
    I was drowning....... in my sorrow
    woke up on another day
    just to find it was........ tomorrow

    The paths of greed have stolen
    all that life has........ freely given
    how many lives..... become lost
    down the roads they..... are driven

    I never had a childhood
    that existed without.......... struggle
    all my dreams were nightmares
    and I am a common......... Muggle

    Didn't travel with the In-crowd
    or listen to the radio
    probably lost in thought and working
    upon something..... else I know

    But it was love..... that saved me
    that reached my.. own.... heart inside
    the flood gates..... they were opened
    upon a heart..... that died

    When you look at..... history
    it isn't love agree
    all the pain and war..... and strife
    the death of love..... you'll see

    My mind it..... bows to knowledge
    that this is..... the fallen man
    that you need ........ to learn and grow
    commit to love........ its plan

    Wake up from your sleeping
    realize you are alive
    find the things..... you need to do
    let love........ be what you drive

    From one man...... did I learn this
    I had to ...... examine him
    spent my time........ considering
    his paths........ among his kin

    Had I never found myself
    wading into his extensive thought
    I would have never understood
    the price he paid...... or what he bought

    You are my mind..... my wakeup
    when everyday I rise
    you removed the cloak of makeup
    the lies that were disguise

    Sources , gospels about the Christ

    COPYRIGHT © 2013 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC

    Proverbs 4
    10 Listen, my son, accept what I say,
    and the years of your life will be many.
    11 I instruct you in the way of wisdom
    and lead you along straight paths.
    12 When you walk, your steps will not be hampered;
    when you run, you will not stumble.
    13 Hold on to instruction, do not let it go;
    guard it well, for it is your life.
    14 Do not set foot on the path of the wicked
    or walk in the way of evildoers.
    15 Avoid it, do not travel on it;
    turn from it and go on your way.
    16 For they cannot rest until they do evil;
    they are robbed of sleep till they make someone stumble.
    17 They eat the bread of wickedness
    and drink the wine of violence.
    18 The path of the righteous is like the morning sun,
    shining ever brighter till the full light of day.
    19 But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness;
    they do not know what makes them stumble.

    photo Alsea Falls Trail Oregon


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

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    Why do so many fall away
    within Love’s embrace do not stay
    where faith and hope do remain
    and comfort for the heart attain

    The world is a painful place
    mistakes are made one can’t erase
    difficult it is to do
    to ones values be always true

    But the saddest things which befall
    the thing that separates us all
    to forgive the ones who fall
    who haven’t mastered loving call

    Charity begins at home
    so many become left alone
    bitterness that touches bone
    words of hatred do intone

    What does it mean to forgive
    forget the past and forward live
    lessons life that we must learn
    instruction that so many spurn

    Hearts cast down in bitterness
    not knowing loves the only bliss
    and tenderness love does display
    with solace to our lives array

    Reject we do the Love of God
    whose perfection worthy is to laud
    Love is where all good things start
    why bent are we to tear it apart

    Malice does a life impale
    and rancor leaves a lonely trail
    only love can bind our wounds
    until the time we reach our tombs

    source Matt. 6:14 1Cor. 13
    James 2:8-13 1John 3:15

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    How many will before you come that day
    Mighty works in your name did we
    our deeds were there for all to see
    and before the assemblage we pray

    How many were there lacking bread
    you didst these things to be seen of men
    but hypocrisy does lay within
    you didst not give but prayed instead

    You did only what you wanted to
    though your deeds expand the globe
    the truth in heart what God will probe
    to Jesus voice you’ve not been true

    To be seen by others as good your pride
    you did not minister to his sheep
    did not awaken those who are asleep
    and your neighbor was naked and hungry died

    Before the idols in worship you fall
    like the heathen you are the same
    to our Father you did give no fame
    and pagan celebrations fill your hall

    The widows and fatherless you forsook
    with comfort you did not fill their need
    your only desire for praise to succeed
    and in your coffers their money took

    For you have sought the praise of men
    if it is the worlds recognition you seek
    then not with God is your heart complete
    and all deeds designed to be seen of them

    You have not followed our Lords example
    other humans you idolize
    within heart the truth despise
    by your actions the truth did trample

    Seek you first the Kingdom of God
    for within is the greatest treasure
    and breath of Love in full measure
    because the path to destruction is broad

    source Sermon on the Mount
    Romans 2:29 Ephesians 6:6
    Galatians 1:10 1Thess 2:4

    COPYRIGHT © 2010 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

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    Oh beloved Son of Man
    take your heart within your hand
    open up your treasure box
    and cast its contents to the flocks

    May they come in praise of you
    and emulate all that you do
    may you give us all your voice
    and know love its only choice

    Lift them up within your land
    and the ability strong to stand
    that love and truth are one the same
    as spirit tastes the holy name

    that the hearts within will spawn
    the coming place of mankinds dawn
    when all are gathered before your face
    as fixed upon your mercies grace

    When walking in triumphant war
    and wickedness exists no more
    a thousand years of peace will come
    before the final judgement done

    Milk and honey shall they eat
    with peace the lamb and lion meet
    and each day a joy anew
    not given only to a few

    In this place death will depart
    and never be a lonely heart
    where tears and cries exist no more
    and pain upon a distant shore

    When all desires attend to good
    the laws of love are understood
    Be it soon upon this place
    triumphant mercies of your grace

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

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    A priceless dowry

    my love I gave for you

    ............ a purchase

    ................... so costly

    you would know

    my love was true

    ..... from the very heavens

    ..... the bride price went out

    that you my love

    .......... rest assured and never doubt

    eternity by my side

    ..... you will remiain

    all that is to be mine

    .......... and to share my reign

    I have sought for you

    from the very start

    .......... my perfect match

    .......... with a loyal heart

    with joy received me

    ..... and learned about our ways

    .......... though the promise was made

    ........ in the earliest of days

    my songs for you

    ..... are filled with gems to treasure

    I sent them with messengers

    .......... that you might my truth to measure

    sources Song of Solomon


    COPYRIGHT © 2011 C. Michael Miller

    via Duboff Law Group LLC

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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

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    To dip our pails in the waters of Life
    and reach the stars of heaven in our reason
    and slide around the Lunar light
    with the galaxy known within our season

    To ride the universe and it’s rifts
    to understand particles in microverse
    and soar in mind to celestial lifts
    wherein science proves it’s worth

    To understand the dynamics of law
    to probe the fields of creation
    held within the cosmic maw
    within truth and imagination

    Protons, muons , neutrinos and quarks
    vision to see beyond our soul
    with their action conception sparks
    the stuff of nature mind does probe

    the second law of thermodynamics it’s fascination
    unified field theory and relativity
    prove the clause of universal creation
    demonstrates truth in all we see

    the mind seeks truth in all it’s fields
    the phenomena of existence and time
    til consciousness and knowledge reveals
    and Intangics exist within our mind

    The fields of theory are delicious
    the ceaseless seeking the Son sublime
    when it substantiates all our wishes
    prove that truth is a precious find

    Yeah no biblical source for this only 8yrs of Science

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

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    I found you in the Mountains
    and her streams
    not among..... cherished traditions
    where... mankind.... clings
    but in the songs..... of the meadow larks
    within the forest...... and the valley’s parks

    Oh how excellent are your ways..... my beloved
    and the course you set....... is always true
    your reflections give light.......... just like the sun
    to follow you is the path..... I’ll always choose

    My heart swells...... as the floodgates of the rivers
    as a torrent of waters...... which are undammed
    its flow like the...... tidal’s...... power the oceans
    my attention is riveted...... by their demands

    Among men shall I find...... none like you
    or the spectrum...... of talents you possess
    the seeds of inspiration...... do they empower
    and it’s influence I...... wish always to express

    You mind moves swift.......... as waves of Light
    their energy is formed..... and fired by thought
    your influences..... governs life by its commands
    and the trails of life........... are in them wrought

    Unable am I..... to ignore..... all that is you
    and the abuses.......... from which I have been torn
    that drives and strives..... excellence to pursue
    to escape the slumlords.......... where I was born

    Romans 8:4-6 (NIV)

    4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us,
    who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
    5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh
    desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set
    on what the Spirit desires.6 The mind governed by the flesh is death,
    but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

    COPYRIGHT © 2014 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    retired , tired , sometimes day trader , artist ,
    Oregon Coast


    What chord does one play to make a heart sing
    that brings perspective to all life does bring
    most seek it from others and look not to themselves
    the getting or giving or the place that it dwells
    a lifetime to learn it from some it must take
    some learn it with skill upon their first partake

    Life and death are in the power of the tongue
    words that give life for millennias sung
    none of song was for self exultation
    but for the benefit to those of creation

    What vibration on the string
    lifts ones heart upon it’s ring
    it’s embrace descends from heaven
    where songs of Love from lips are given

    What cord is it that breaks a heart
    and rends it’s flesh from very start
    within it’s reach the spirit inside
    suffers so much that it has died

    Those who love receive imperial crown
    where others give hatred and with it drown
    Words we speak we cannot take back
    but beg forgiveness for knowledge we lack

    Thread my being with your music my Lord
    that joy in it makes my heart restored
    It’s melody is the Song of Perfection
    to wondrous within for any rejection

    Blessing and cursing from heart within
    show unto others inner being from men
    No fountain of water issues bitter and sweet
    if we Love others our words will be meet

    The words of Love are meant to build
    Words of hatred so many have killed
    the tongue of Love is it’s own beauty
    and through it we escape the law of duty

    sources Prov 18:21 James chtr 3

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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  18. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    retired , tired , sometimes day trader , artist ,
    Oregon Coast


    Mankind has become recumbent in his sleep
    focus on oneself is mired in it’s deep
    entangled with the webs of self dreams
    is tearing the earth apart at it’s seams

    Those who lift their arms to Jah in praise
    the knowing of the Father gains length of days
    Jesus bowed his will unto the Father
    reveals his will unto son and daughter

    Jesus who is the Master of our life
    has taken captive those who be his wife
    as himself he leads them to the altar
    they will gain the mastery and will not falter

    Oh most beauteous heart of Love
    you have revealed the Truth from above
    prostrate are we beneath your heaven
    dispense the Truth without any leaven

    For many millennia the scribes hid your name
    debased the truth reduced your fame
    Many churches follow their example
    hide the truth and Gods name trample

    When Jesus takes his place upon the throne
    and his praise of Jah to nations known
    only truth does he dispense he does not lie
    those who master love of God will never die

    sources 2Tim. 3:1-7 Jn.4:31 13:13-14
    Luke 6:40 Jn. 8:28-29 Rev 22:17-18
    1Cor 5:6 Is. 61

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC

    Photo Arrow Bamboo Falls China
    National Geographic Magazine
    by Ron Flickinger


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    retired , tired , sometimes day trader , artist ,
    Oregon Coast


    We studied history and what we found
    millennials in which war oppression tyranny abound
    wars of religions politics and conquering men
    violence destruction to Lord over their kin

    Murder was rampant by all priests and kings
    formidable weapons firearms tormenting things
    those who designed torture for bodies called church
    the lair of demons where the ravenous perch

    Greed and abuse and fornication prevail
    the assault on the senses this mindless assail
    so few in the books found worthy of praise
    even Socrates wisdom found shortened days

    The depravity of Sodom again sees it’s raise
    for modern times man hasn’t escaped these ways
    you may not view a child in burnt offerings fire
    but your neighbor will destroy just to reach higher

    Technology and convenience can never change man
    no law or potentate ever proved can
    historians of the past were dictated by ruler
    deleted the info that proved they were crueler

    The distraction of materialism and it’s convention
    cannot change hearts or criminal prevention
    men cloak their thoughts with lies and disguise
    the women of today have become equally unwise

    To the writing of books there is no end
    that knowledge alone cannot hearts mend
    to change our way God his Son did send
    for Life in us seeks he to defend

    Conspiracy theory cannot be denied
    Lucifer to the first woman he lied
    the mind needs food and absorbed that thought
    and ever since then lies have been taught

    God has set a theocracy for kingdom to rule
    144,000 kings and priests will be his tool
    to Serve mankind and those of resurrection
    until they reach the state of original perfection

    For God will gather all things in his Son
    who died so that our freedom be won
    Love by Way of Truth an Life prevail
    and nothing will this kingdom assail

    sources Matt 20_25-28 21:12-16
    Matt chptr 23 Apocalypse 4:18-22
    chptr 7 Ephesians 1:1-23

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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  20. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    retired , tired , sometimes day trader , artist ,
    Oregon Coast


    I was raised...... in a prison of darkness
    along walls of cement...... have I groped
    the hearts here...... deep scarred and callous
    no dreams of a child ...... had I hoped

    Starved ...... ...... for affection and famished
    though surrounded by people ...... alone
    sixty four rooms ...... I could roam in
    but that place ...... ...... was never a home

    Just one more workhouse...... ...... to live in
    my duties ...... ...... to serve and to clean
    no pay...... ...... for the labor was given
    I was here to work ...... and be not seen

    I could go days........... with seeing no parents
    went to school....... and to work............ and to bed
    my breakfast................. was in my room coffee
    the feral cat ................entertained in the shed

    This building ................... has so many toilets
    even the master .................. one I must clean
    I drop like a stone............ in my bed at night
    I sleep so deeply ...... to dead to dream

    Though I live now this place...... ...... with my father
    it’s no different ...... ...... than with strangers I slept
    they too...... ...... used me like a work horse
    their houses the places .................. I kept

    Somewhere was lost to me............. childhood
    not a human............ soul I could trust
    I do not know love............. it is fiction
    as into this life......... I was thrust

    There were times...... I wished mother successful
    where in the peace........... of death I would sleep
    the pain of knowing....................... I am unwanted
    was to much......... for this child to keep

    I suppose it’s ............... this very reason
    I recognize ............. the true face of Love
    the nigh hundred people............... I lived with
    qualify not of that place.......... to be of

    I’ve been exposed to violence .............. on children
    and all their secrets .............. I can confide
    recognize the damage................ it does you
    and those who these secrets ............ do hide

    It is easy to remain lost here
    where no true tracks...... be seen on your road
    where life............. has not direction or guidance
    and one is broken............ by the weight of its load

    But there are so many rooms.......... in this prison
    and each every one............... has its own trap
    the master of death ............... who has forged them
    place these obstacles...... in every path

    So while your searching............ for life and its answers
    the only one worthy............ to steadfastly teach
    should exist......... every day in your dealings
    and your connections............. from greatest to least

    I’ll not care about ........... the labor I give you
    as long as love........... my load is light
    we will share.......... in living together
    in our unity........... we can delight

    I learned .............. to take care of your body
    but it takes two ........... for the care of the soul
    I could live alone here............. without you
    but it’s the sharing.......... that makes us whole

    COPYRIGHT © 2012 C. Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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