using the shout box now that I see it , for poetry etc

Discussion in 'Shout Box' started by Poetry of Providence, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Oh death where is thy Sting
    who rulest over mankinds being
    controls the grave a perfect Son
    who resurrection for us won

    Thou takest every man on earth
    with sin which destroys us on our birth
    whose reign held sway from Adams time
    only one escape from this family line

    For perfect Love is as strong as death
    and Jesus life will regain us breath
    will empty out he mankinds grave
    from the sting of death he will us save

    Within that time we’ll see to choose
    to keep our lives or to death lose
    the first judgment has not yet come
    where the bands of death will be undone

    The keys of death to him God gave
    from tombs and crypts will mankind raise
    a resurrection to judgment or life
    those who have done good or practiced strife

    The serpent brought about this sting
    and Adams fall dids’t death to bring
    every man in death does dwell
    the common grave in error called Hell

    Of the serpents poison we all drink
    no afterlife of hell or heaven as many think
    there is no life within the grave
    eternal soul was lost when death God gave

    When Jesus opens mankinds tombs
    within that day our judgment looms
    to him the Father gave power over life
    and rule with him will be his wife..

    source Gen 2-3 Song of Solomon 8:6
    Ecc.9:4-6 1Cor 15:53-58 Rev 1:18
    Rev 21:4

    COPYRIGHT © 2010 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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  2. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    The Husbandman


    I desire you............ my Love
    like the soil craves the rain
    without your Light
    my garden.............. will not bring forth life
    my flowers will wilt.............. in pain
    Release the showers...... of Heaven
    that we................. may bloom for you
    As Jah................ sends his Life from above
    the seeds have been.............. planted
    but needs........... the tender care
    of the husbandman
    to weed...... and prune...... and make fertile
    so that it’s fruit may................... become wine
    and that all mankind............... may drink of it
    to incite his desire............. for Love
    that the earth may be................. filled with it
    that joy.............. may become abundant
    and cover the very surface.............. of the earth
    How long have the seeds............ waited
    that they may crack open in birth
    watered with the love.................... of God
    and the reign.......... of the Truth
    That the scales may................ fall from our eyes
    and that hearts become..................... tender and soft
    that we understand...... what has been........ given to us
    the wine of sorrow............ and the bread of affliction
    you have set before us...................... life and death
    good and evil,............. therefore choose life

    John chapters 15-17 Deut.30:11-20

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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  3. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Do rise bright Son do gleam a lighter morrow
    bury this my heaviness agony and sorrow
    a toast to life where spills it’s grief
    and share together times with their relief

    Down this road with dross and gold
    to stay or go fields warm and cold
    and wander does mine heart for fairer parts
    put away the thoughts for soft remarks

    Oh Jah though painted bright our future
    to hard times my loss its sight to nurture
    the curse of path where rides it’s death
    and watching now so removes my breath

    Faint does beat my heart within
    the cursed lot brought bout by sin
    where alone dwell in graveyard men
    separated from our love and living kin

    Oh separate not mine depth of connection
    for in this state might lose your reflection
    and cast off our needs and shirk this face
    to reason together and not bury your grace

    where joy within the kingdom and by you stand
    and poured out the water of life by your hand
    exist no misery or losses though undeserved
    upon a course of Love where man has swerved

    Harden not mine heart for it’s inspection
    cast me not away to the worlds defection
    unburden my soul with Son’s affection
    for relentless abused is mine thoughts ejection

    Unshielded I am to the arrows and the darts
    not unfeeling the laceration to our hearts
    overflowing anguish does poison depth of well
    and world over this distress is shared by all

    For languishing and weak I am as woman
    and the heart that beats within is human
    the cloth I wear is frailty and slight
    in your Son I take shelter throughout this night

    For now we take our bread with bitter herb
    an to taste not sweet wine but vinegar
    to vast in time and wide is this chasm
    and daily feed it’s mouth with mankind’s spasm

    To there be my refuge and in your mountain
    for refreshment to our soul in living fountain
    and forward look to the call of resurrection
    where like mirror we show your minds reflection

    Lead as you didst fair Sarah and Abraham
    dwellers in tents unto the promised land
    for this the promise and to your loves inheritance
    in foreheads sealed until we get thee hence

    For core oh Jah you are the heart of we
    by your Son’s example we are elect to be
    by faith and hope and love the temple builds
    unto the harvest time and her yields

    The first fruits to the temple go
    and like your Son will your praises know
    and to the temples service are dedicated
    for unto this purpose were we created

    Aaron had his sons Jesus begets his own
    the household of service for God alone
    follow the paths of the chief corner stone
    master builder where God will make his home

    And you Oh Jah God of our fathers days
    into the temple of your King we bring your praise
    Sealed we are to serve you everlasting days
    and to teach every nation about your ways

    sources Psalms and Revelation 19-22

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    Via Duboff Law Group LLC


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  4. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Like......... snow covered peaks

    ......... of the mountains ranges

    mine eyes....... are drawn upward

    ........................ to gaze upon your pristine

    ......................................... visions

    its perspective draws me

    ........ to look upon it intently

    ................ and gaze into its depths

    Its attraction holds me in its grip

    .......... where all things....... are sweet

    ...................... to the touch

    Where it is no longer a dream

    ............ but a reality

    My soul.................... lays naked and open

    ............. where everything

    that is pain ............... is restrained

    ...... the spectacle of barbary

    ..... has been left well behind

    To dance in the meadows

    ....... where the wildflowers of spring

    .............. are collected in its bouquets

    ................... for the picnics in its woodlands

    You have dissolved all the hollow precipices

    of a society bent on destruction

    ........ of all that is beautiful

    ................ and the facades that disguised it

    Gone now are even the remnants of the lies

    that have torn humanity apart

    The promise of Love

    the great equalizer has arrived

    ............... and all can wear its garments

    ..... We thought our exuberance of life

    ..................... was gone

    We played hide and seek

    ............ I sought you

    ................ I found you

    ...................... I will never let you go

    back to the damaged land

    an unforgiving place of residences

    a place deserted and..................... full

    .......... of jackals and beasts of prey

    Where promises are kept

    ....... and not broken

    Like the home of your............ previous life

    ................ I am unable to look away

    ..................... am engaged with its fulfillment

    for the Words of Paradise

    ................ have reached my heart

    Isaiah 35 , 55 , 65:17-25

    II Peter 3:13

    COPYRIGHT © 2011 C Michael Miller

    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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  5. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    oh Jah you have given me just a peek
    of how the future will be
    shouldn’t this be the place that we seek
    where life exists in harmony

    Instead with words tear each other apart
    till their naked pain we see
    Can we really return to the start
    and in perfection eternity

    I want to look into your eyes
    to see your life and it’s spark
    peer beyond the disguise of lies
    and know which god did you mark

    How does one not remember the views
    hardened to horror in daily news
    seared of conscience is a course to choose
    some drown it daily in consumption of booze

    Those who believe that God left his station
    when wasn’t it his only begotten Son
    died himself for fallen creation
    who for God our ransom has won

    and murder their brothers they do in God’s name
    not knowing they’re in a deadly game
    unto the teaching of Jesus give shame
    ridicule continue and Jehovah defame

    Atrocity upon atrocity has been committed
    claim Christianity is the source they wear
    the will of man has God permitted
    in the trap of Lucifer’s snare

    It’s amazing the labyrinth do any escape
    or upon it’s questions do puzzle
    government and religion the nations do shape
    seek the Word of the Truth to muzzle

    We don’t go to heaven but heaven descends
    Will on earth as it is is heaven
    to cleanse mankind and make amends
    where religion has dispensed it’s leaven

    In beginning Man needed no King
    for God was Father and friend
    Law was exposed for disobedient thing
    to instruct his mind and heart unbend

    On Jesus name they bring reproach
    insidious lies upon inhabitants coach
    the fullness of Truth do not approach
    upon the Word of God encroach

    Pollute the Truth and do blaspheme
    In forehead and hand are marked
    the things they teach are unclean
    upon Satan’s path embark

    That Mary was the mother of God
    and kneel before the idol
    cloak pagan celebration and neighbor defraud
    their tormenting words don’t bridle

    To trust in a spider be caught in the web
    with no antidote you can find yourself dead
    you must seek the answers from God to be fed
    upon the Truth where Jesus is bread

    Gen 1:27-31 2:18-25 John 16:12
    John 1:17-18 Matt.6:10 Rev 13:11-18
    Rev 20:4 21:2-3
    IITim 3:1-5 1Cor 10:20-21
    IIChronicles 33:1-7

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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  6. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    retired , tired , sometimes day trader , artist ,
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    to see it correctly
    link to the correct formatting ..


    .... Life is precious , therefore he cultivates it
    ..... it's vastness among all his compositions
    ... they flow like an aria from many instruments
    ......... you are excellent , oh my beloved
    .. your handiwork threads all that surrounds me
    ................ the displays of your gifts
    ...................... are bountiful
    ...... our rooms are overflowing and the table
    ......................... laden
    ....... with every good and perfect present
    all completed by the workmanship of your hands
    ........ your visions perceive the finality
    .... before even the crafting of it has begun
    ........ amply actualized by the fertility
    .............. of your own mind
    ......... your occupations are productive
    ........ as the lathes of heaven they turn
    ......... upon the axis of your thoughts
    .......... formulation upon formulation
    ............ their energies inexorable
    ....... the molding painting weaving casting
    ......... carving shaping and engraving
    ......... of the objects to be constructed
    .......... the movements of your mind
    ........ stretches into the grand designs
    ............. the substance of wealth
    ....... and nothing that does not delight
    ..................... is missing
    ..... Your furnishings occupy the expanses
    .............. the depth of your artistry
    ...................... is masterful
    ........... the pressure of your furnaces
    ........... mold our gems and ornaments
    .......... whose color radiates their clarity
    ................ the vaults are well lit
    ... each rooms lighted chandeliers are suspended
    .................. in their canopies
    ... each room sprayed abundantly with blooms
    ......... their fragrances permeate my soul
    ....... our curtains a covering in every shade
    .............. surrounding our homes
    .... you have carpeted its surfaces with a mosaic
    ........ of brilliant treasures and whose form
    ............. is harmonious and pleasing
    ........... here every beautiful creature
    ............. play among their pillars
    ..... you have chiseled out the high ranges
    .......... the carvings of many sculptures
    .... their dominion overshadows the landscapes
    .... with an awl you split open the rock face
    ...... and release the mantles of the deep
    ....... where the water courses rush
    ........ to the well watered resting places
    ....... you churn the soil until it is fertile
    ....... and the tender sprouts spread
    .............. like legions of armies
    every touch by you is nourishing and flourishes
    ............... those whom you apprentice
    ............... are bound to the ways
    ..................... of the Master
    .......... where creativity has no boundaries
    ................. and every field is full
    ................. of life's expressions
    ........ Your instructions are in precision
    ........ and your skills you effectively teach
    .......... your productions are exquisite
    ............ your activity is ceaseless
    ......... as the burning energy of a Son

    Genesis 1 Proverbs 8 John 1:1-18 Colossians 1:16

    COPYRIGHT © 2015 C Michael Miller
    Poetry of Providence


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  7. 494
    John S

    John S Member

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Petal, MS ,USA
    Sister POP, Does Brother Michael have a site where he teaches or a forum ? I find his poetry a wonderful gift, and quite upbuilding. He is an artist who uses his gift for the most lofty purpose, seeking no glory for himself. Praiseworthy, and indicative of his heavenly ....or should I say earthly yet, anointed ...ministry. I, too, see us all returning to earth to minister to the Great crowd. I even had a vision dream several years ago about it; I was walking up a fir-covered mountain slope with boots, blue-jeans, and a Pendleton shirt (Oregonian old-school term), and smelling the conifer smell with intensity unlike a regular dream. I said to myself; "It's good to be back again, after so long a time." ...meaning a human body; meaning on earth. I walked up into the sunshiny beams of light filtering through the trees, and felt no weariness, as I would if I was in my present 60-yr-old body. Then....I awoke. To contemplate...'Yes, I just had another dream from Father!' Acts 2:17..." and your old men will dream dreams..." I am sure we will have earthly bodies again sometimes, or all, I don't we enjoy our posts , living among, teaching, and helping our appreciative earthly children students.
  8. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Thank you John ...Michael is a female , lives in Oregon ...and is myself
    my sites are in my signature , I live in the open it's just that since
    my name is very common (Michael Miller) and there are probably
    300 such names per county , I use my nom de plume for my sites ...
    I live on the coast ...and yes the ministry has been laid out by the
    Master ...
  9. 494
    John S

    John S Member

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    Well, my sister in the Lord. I am so humbled to know you, and what a blessed gift you are sharing on this site.

    Your love and humility in having this gift, and sharing it so tactfully, humbles my heart. I am way too outspoken as you know by now. Sorry. I was raised in Humboldt County, akin to your own you know how rebellious men from this region sometimes are.......

    But, my wife will have even more incentive to read these songs of praise now. She rarely looks online at present because she hates bickering over doctrine (a bad habit many brothers have, me too). She is a wonderful soul, beautiful in heart, mind, and everything. But she has her pride, and won't stoop to arguing scripture. I see you too are very tactful. We men need to learn more from our sisters!!!

    It's a pleasure knowing you as well as all here in thus family. We are all on a similar journey, I believe; the pursuit of our faith, and the learning more every day is something we just have to exult in and share. No?

    We loved the pictures of Oregon...Crater Lake, too. My wife was an avid back-packer (Rockies, and Grand canyon, Utah, and Midwest). We have been married just over two years, and she wants to see the west coast and hike the Pacific Trail. That will be something if we ever get there. I miss the area, but all my 'people' are JW's who will not associate with me or her, of course, now that I resigned 5 year ago.
  10. 494
    John S

    John S Member

    Feb 22, 2015
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    A Question;

    I love your avatar picture. This particular style of art we studied in high school in Arcata, CA. I am an artist myself; outdoor signage and murals.

    Would you share your reason for this piece's endearment to you? It is beautiful. I always wanted to do stained glass...but my time for that, too, has run out.
  11. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Thank you John for the compliments . I have spent some little time
    around Fort Bragg , Albion , Eureka and Arcata , two communes
    when I was under 20 . the Lighthouse Ranch in Loleta , and the
    "Lords Lands" in Albion ...spent some time in Rev Durkin's mega
    church there way back when ...The fish , one because it reminds
    one of the times where anonymity was a necessity(in Rome) but
    also because my grand uncle married Louis Comfort Tiffany's grand
    daughter and her son (my cousin) is blowing glass in Seattle . I have
    loved glass works since I was 15 and spent the summer with
    them in their summer house in Tyringham NY ..and of course
    Chihuly (Dale) who also does Glass now world wide from his
    Seattle Studio ...I find nearly every art inspirational as these
    are truly gifts , and so many have so little time to pursue
    them , yet they fully demonstrate just a few of the abundance
    of quality's that our Great Father and Jesus have gifted their
    children with ...
    Are you and your wife still in Oregon ...if so you have standing
    invitation to visit here as I have two guest rooms..
  12. 494
    John S

    John S Member

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Petal, MS ,USA
    Thanks, Sister

    We have yet to come west together, as we are tenured to a small business for about another year and a half. Someday we may come out west to hike the beautiful Cascade and Coast ranges. We may even get up that way. We'll see.

    Yes, we will have eternity to pursue every wish and whim of art, music, hiking, and whatever else we want. No death or unpleasant thing will mar our lives again. Peace, and happiness forever.

    Loleta's beach access always scared me as it was just too flat down there; I was always afraid a tidal wave would come in.

    I do miss the beaches , and beauty of Northern California, but not the high real-estate...nor struggling to make a go of it as a young man with a small janitorial service (window washer, and bar cleaner said in another way).

    I was enslaved by the 'Pioneer Spirit' it was called. This demon haunted me till I got married in Miss. I was so glad to have a reason to quit. (years 19-22)

    I only went hiking twice the whole time I was a young witness, because I had such a frantic schedule working part time and pioneering. I grew to resent that when I got married to a woman 27 , I was 22, and she had two little girls I helped her raise...then three of our own.

    I will look forward to at least semi-retirement in two years. Then we will do some catching up on having some fun.

    If you are in middle age, you know what I mean.

    My wife is 39, and she works way too hard. We are having a tough time getting through this lease, but with God's help; the spirit, we'll make it.

    We will enjoy hearing more inspiration from this site.

    Bless you and peace to all here.
  13. 494
    John S

    John S Member

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Petal, MS ,USA
    It was interesting to know more of your background; Tiffany glass, artwork , and Seattle. I worked in Seattle several years ago, and saw how cosmopolitan it is; interesting, and similar to London, actually, or France in liberality.

    Yet intellectualism has its place; without it, we have dull , non-imaginative stagnation; zombies without goals; aspirations; zeal. The world needs imagination, courage, 'spirit'...along with 'truth'...which is the mind of God on matters.

    Sooooo; up with new ideas...fine wine....reaching for the stars...or even the heavens to see God's face.

    Keep up the creativity. It will always be appreciated...... by a few , anyway.

    I will give this site a rest, now. Peace be with you, sister.
  14. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    please remember everyone these get posted in public groups
    for ourselves it would be the continuous self inspection of
    what we ourselves believe and practice .


    Weep you men like the willows
    by waters edge hang heads down
    lay in sleep upon your pillows
    till knowledge of your God be found

    Dead asleep upon your beds
    a false dream blossomed in your night
    lies and deception have filled your heads
    and for the truth no longer fight

    Howl you nations as a woman’s travail
    to his anointed he gives his sword
    the trumpets blast his King will prevail
    against everything wicked and untoward

    In God’s glory was he originated
    Oh day star who sought God’s throne
    God’s relationship with man he hated
    cast out of heaven have you been thrown

    Mislead he does the nations of earth
    myriads of angels did follow your lead
    the First to give the lie it’s birth
    the time is short you will not succeed

    Idolatry is your primary tool
    mankind you lead into transgression
    In false worship do the peoples fool
    the end is near God’s appointed succession

    The day will come as a thief of night
    you will cloak yourself as an angel of light
    but the signs are clear in plain sight
    against sword of Jesus you will fight

    From ancient time the Word has spoken
    over the world as god you would reign
    the time and place your hold be broken
    imprisoned in abyss with God’s own chain

    the earth will feel your wrath and anger
    as armies you raise to war with the Word
    so few people see the time and danger
    for they do not know who is their Lord

    With signs and wonders deceive mankind
    though confess to believe you have made them blind
    a fabrication of truth has colored their mind
    unable to recognize the times or sign

    the inhabitants of earth don’t understand
    that they do battle with God’s own right hand
    all flows towards war as was planned
    God will repossess earth’s throne and land

    the inhabitants of the earth have become like father
    every detestable thing has been made legal
    iniquity practiced by son and daughter
    compassion for others can no longer feel

    Every schools instructions filled with lies
    the preparation has begun
    the twisted fabric of his disguise
    the rule of lies will be undone

    sources Gen 3:1-5 Is. 14:12-15 Matt 4:8-9
    Mark 1:15 Luke 11:2,12:39-40
    Revelation 9:15-21 , 12-13 , 16:15 19:14-19

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    you who read have seen this posted already I believe but I finally
    found a great video to post along with it in any of the groups I
    am involved in (at least 30 of them on FB alone)

    Proliferation the wonder of it all
    from a tiny seed becomes a tree tall
    pollen from stamen floats on winds call
    DNA puzzles do many enthrall
    Written instruction for what it becomes
    answers to life’s perplexing problems
    a manual so tiny naked eye cannot see
    engineering so fine progresses what is to be
    Stored information that’s dynamic in action
    investigation that understands just a fraction
    plants that convert light into sugar
    directions malfunction converted to injure
    So much of language we don’t understand
    and deny designer on length of it’s strand
    like God we conceive with plans and action
    to science becomes a single mans passion
    We draw and layout a similar pattern
    imitation configured by nature so learn
    skill of arrangement and execution
    who would replace design with evolution
    We ourselves imitate all creation
    by things produced in every nation
    like God we delight to work something new
    to admit being like God are those of us few
    Why do so many have difficult time
    that like our Father have creative mind
    able to produce from imaginative skill
    beauty and pleasure which in our souls thrill
    Everything speaks of brilliant design
    it’s language to the specifics define
    communication of action individual speech
    in every molecule order does teach
    Expressions of Love in all that’s created
    conditions within the things investigated
    intelligence for foolishness many have traded
    and thirst for learning becomes castigated
    We comprehend not the speech of our tongue
    or the effects upon whom it belong
    direction of growth all order is spoken
    connection with Father has become broken
    Genetics embody progression of growth
    contains language and communication both
    from within does come outward advance
    to intricate to have arrived by chance
    In all of nature instruction is written
    the Bible a book of directions submission
    to understand Love and how we should live
    and what is hidden within his missive
    Jehovah to earth sent his only begotten
    with his sacrifice might our hearts soften
    so we might have our freedom of speech
    to understand the heights that we may reach

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC

  16. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    SLANDER (1982)

    Well those of you who know my background might understand
    how this one came about , when we consider life and truth ..
    In retrospect not one of us haven't sinned with our mouths
    whether in ignorance or not .


    Speak we of our character lost
    Effect of slanders wicked cost
    Aimed as a weapon to fire
    Puts reputation on burning pyre

    Careful planting the malevolent word
    Pretending to wish it hadn’t been heard
    Within the confines of inevitable fate
    Rarely give the dice a fair shake

    Loaded meaning are there to be found
    Casting unknowing victims to ground
    Caught in the fire is the unwary
    Who know naught that the intent to bury

    Alas the attempt to defend ones self
    Does nothing but reinforce such stealth
    It is better for the one who has bled
    To leave his ranting and raving unsaid

    For only time can heal the wound
    When malignant speech comes to tomb
    Time unfolds the tales told
    Even be they glib lies bold

    So rest comes easy naught
    To the one who’s lies have bought
    His friends and world eventually
    Won’t be blind but certainly see

    That actually to reverse was true
    That he was wicked but not you

    IS 5:20 MATT 15:11 JAMES 3
    PR 10:12 PR 17:9 1PET 4:8

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC

    Photo polluted water in Lithia Park Ashland Oregon


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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2015
  17. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Oregon Coast

    And just to go along with it , just in case you thought
    I thought I might have escaped my own humanity ..


    I bit you

    and drew blood

    one I would rather

    die than EVER hurt

    and yet there it is

    the poison of distrust

    the multi millennia of Eves

    whose self deceit destroyed

    the man they loved

    the decades of abuse

    violence , rape , neglect

    and homelessness have taken their toll

    not a pound of flesh

    but of heart

    and left the sting

    of scorpions desert under the tongue

    like a razor to flay

    the skin of your soul

    oh foul being

    that slips so easily

    into a pattern thought destroyed

    the good that I would I do not do

    and the evil that I eschew

    is what is displayed

    oh ruinous and fell creature

    in whose sight I cannot

    forgive My self

    I did not show you mercy

    and I see none for me

    whose self control has

    slipped so easily upon old ice

    no apology I can

    conceive will retrieve

    the damage done

    or the sum of what I see

    detractable in myself

    stupidity has mounted reason

    and whipped her senseless

    all the scriptures in the last one
    will serve just as well for this one

    COPYRIGHT © 2011 C Michael Miller

    via Duboff Law Group LLC


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  18. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    retired , tired , sometimes day trader , artist ,
    Oregon Coast

    this was written long before it was sent to copyright
    as were many others (some thirty years ago)
    many might have the copyright date but not the actual
    date of being written .


    My fury and outrage remain unabated , it seethes like magma
    and spreads itself throughout my being , it is barely contained
    I shield it to keep the damage within , so it does not consume me
    or those I love and want not to hurt.
    My dark raving hisses and steams awaiting release , with screams,
    hysteria that I may not be able to save the one that becomes my
    vent , the outpouring eruption of pain , that I would whip and lash
    with lurid pitch that it might cloak with agony the one whom I love
    upon its receipt .
    Why cannot I cover it and shift my focus to that which builds and
    does not tear down and ravage as I have been ravaged?
    Why does not that majesty of things that stand before me
    not move me to ease or peace?
    Oblivion , that vast chasm that plunges deep within my
    soul ice cold heart , I wish it destroyed , but its the only thing
    within that seems still alive and beating.
    I wish it replaced with tenderness and warmth that it may
    mark you with pleasure and not agony, clothe you with
    beauty and not the ugliness that has taken up residence
    and keeps its rent.
    In sackcloth and ashes I mourn the loss of innocence , not
    for myself only but for all those who suffer , and raise
    not their hands against the perpetrators of their suffering.
    God do not let me join in acts of perpetuation , that I strike
    others in kind , in repayment for their deeds.
    My life has been sacked and looted , thieves have stolen every
    precious piece of personality that might make me redeemable.
    Raw and naked estate exposed, my inheritance from Adam ,
    I was molded in pain and forged by fire imprinted by a storm
    of ire……
    Oh God , why did you preserve me so that I had not died and
    left me alive to cry , scream at the trials of fire that blister
    the souls of men….
    Awaken oh my heart , do not sleep in the death of love , and
    the reign of savage pain , and the cries of those who live in
    affliction , whose cries have been silenced before you…..
    My tears have become stone , my walls a castles fortress
    I cannot cast aspersions it holds you as well as I,
    unlike the earth my stone cannot drink in the sun

    Job moments

    COPYRIGHT © 2010 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC

    when the spirit rips through and gives one a clear
    look at what we as humanity without truth and love
    truly are it is a frighteningly clear perspective .
    Repentance from sin and forsaking the paths of death
    are fully necessary steps to become a new creation ..
    The transformation from death to life is a gift .One
    so great that psalms and songs have continued for
    two thousand years of its grace and magnanimity
    that those so broken by its experiences and blind
    can receive and see such a love that excels anything
    that can be comprehended in the paths of the world.


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  19. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    retired , tired , sometimes day trader , artist ,
    Oregon Coast

    what does a woman do when she falls in love with a man
    who for all intents and purposes is a roman and she is
    a Jewess , she might explore those feelings but not act
    on them ..unless he converts ...I haven't put these up
    but I'm sure many of you have explored these things
    more deeply ..

    Man Beloved

    Oh bright star man beloved
    upon your visage mine heart has hovered
    examined closely the paths you travel
    your soul I desire to unravel

    depth upon depth draws forth your design
    and within a formidable mind
    wherever you turn there is success
    the things that your hands caress

    carefully constructed a life that's yours
    fathomless love of the forests outdoors
    and of painting the perpetual shores
    having roamed the Irish moors

    appreciation for God whom you imitate
    fabrication and artifice do you create
    always tendering for something new
    Love for nature shows in all you do

    My heart within has become entwined
    upon table of life you've richly dined
    all those lives that you pass through
    can't be untouched by what is you

    in ancient times deemed for courts of Kings
    maidens sing of your deeds with tambourines
    danced for you would the ladies fair
    for each would deign your table to share

    Sometimes I think your a little remiss
    that they all want softly your lips to kiss
    within your presence they wish to stand
    that God has designed a glorious man

    Do you know oh man , do you reflect
    what is your impact and upon those you effect
    and lift our souls when upon us you shine
    and show us that God's gifts divine

    Like mountainous meadows richly clothed
    and habitation wherein creativity abode
    a man who dwells by the motherlode
    who knows that life is richer than gold

    indwelling a man is spiritual fire
    the work of his hands shows inner desire
    embrace the gifts that Father does give
    to show wherein your loves do live

    God would gift you even more
    because for him your heart did bore
    to receive those that he would gift
    you must your eyes to Father lift

    COPYRIGHT © 2009 C Michael Miller
    Via Duboff Law Group LLC


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  20. 881
    Poetry of Providence

    Poetry of Providence Active Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    retired , tired , sometimes day trader , artist ,
    Oregon Coast

    in keeping with the love songs this week over on FB ..
    may as post them here also ..enjoy them all you who
    have loved another ... and others .


    One of a kind there'll never be another you
    what you hold in your heart to them have held true
    I've looked upon the core of what you store within
    for me you exist as unique among all men

    The song that you sing it's truths held so high
    oppression of those different wherein injustice lie
    to the robing of nature her diversity and vest
    in a poem of tone inequities do you suggest

    The external show some may just see as art
    but what you paint and sing and write demonstrates your heart
    I told you early on I judge not by outward show
    but what is seated inside that I wish to know

    All that you paint on canvas and in song
    demonstrates reality and courses right and wrong
    what you depict sets forth description of your mind
    a spectrum of vision coloring inferior to whats fine

    I even see the sweet things you so carefully thought hid
    been learning to read have I ever since I were a kid
    When you looked across that room what did you think you saw
    for the night before I saw your minds cognition all

    A woman loves a man for who he is inside
    the character of his self that he can never hide
    for what he thinks and does demonstrates his care
    his ability to display and with it others share

    Do never judge me like the world which in you live
    For the greatest teacher does truthful insight give
    what is truly frightening is that I scare myself
    that vision is so clear unlike minds so full of stealth

    One who is wise will choose a man for his heart
    that is his essence where communion can start
    perception is his own gift where he chooses to live
    to share it with another its benefaction give

    COPYRIGHT © 2010 C Michael Miller
    via Duboff Law Group LLC

    OH this should work in the reverse case also .


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