We haven't had the District Convention in the area where I live - so I don't have anything that I can analyse, assess, "mentally dissect" or "say what I see." So I'll just write about a Bible character or write about a positive point from a passage of Scripture. And I'll add some more touristy stuff about Aussie Land on this thread and the "Jenolan Caves" one. Gonna write some more about the ear and other parts of the body, later on. Wallflower
The "Twelve Apostles" (no, not those 12 apostles, I mean these ones) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Twelve_Apostles_(Victoria)
I love coastal landscapes and the tidepools around them . tho the rocks don't change the sands shift daily and what you see is never the same view .. here even some of the rocks appear and disappear under the tides shifting sands so the beach is rarely the same daily ...