Weather Radar Over State of Western Australia, Australia

Discussion in 'The Universe' started by wallflower, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. 2,257

    wallflower Moderator

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Variety of roles
    Australia (the Big Island)
  2. 328

    Shikinah Member

    Feb 16, 2013
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    Hi here's a video reporting on this phenomenon and they say it's to do with Haarp.
    We here in the UK, have been having endless rain and flooding which seems never ending, are there any other strange weather reports in other countries?
  3. hi Shikinah:

    If you have time, check out the video I posted on geo-engineering and its part 2. They are very informative.

  4. 2,942

    Utuna Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Contrail : Contrails (/ˈkɒntreɪlz/; short for "condensation trails") or vapor trails are long, thin artificial (man-made) clouds that sometimes form behind aircraft. Their formation is most often triggered by the water vapor in the exhaust of aircraft engines, but can also be triggered by the changes in air pressure in wingtip vortices or in the air over the entire wing surface. Like all clouds, contrails are made of water, in the form of a suspension of billions of liquid droplets or ice crystals.

    I'm sure that it was just a plane or a squadron flying over the sea.

    According to Frank's link, that is effectively what it was, nothing more. It doesn't change the weather in any way. That's just a S-shaped cloud. That's not because a plane is flying high above your head that it's going to rain cats and dogs.
  5. Hi Utuna:

    That is not correct and is a gross over simplification. Educate yourself on this topic. Watch the videos when you can, then respond. This is either geo-engineering or weather warfare or both but not just airplanes flying in an S pattern in the skies off the coast of Australia.

  6. 2,942

    Utuna Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Source : A source with knowledge about weather phenomena told blips on the weather radar are common and are sometimes caused by flocks of birds and insects.
  7. 2,942

    Utuna Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    The link you provided as well as others on Internet affirm that the S-shape was caused by ships and aircrafts. There is no need to go any further.
  8. Watch the videos, then I welcome your comments.

  9. 328

    Shikinah Member

    Feb 16, 2013
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    Funny enough I checked it out already, and written a comment:)

    Thanks Frank
  10. 328

    Shikinah Member

    Feb 16, 2013
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    I'd also like to say I posted years back on chem trails, about a fluorescent substance I found all over the grass one morning when I woke up, it was tiny minute fluorescent particles as fine as powder. A few years later I learnt about chem trails and did some investigation and low and behold, I found an article in a news paper which stated that they had been doing chemical air tests over England, these tests had been carried out years before I discovered my particles but I believe it's still going on.. Here's the article
    Also here is a documentary about what took place, they are actually showing you how they made these chem sprays.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2014
  11. 328

    Shikinah Member

    Feb 16, 2013
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    Sorry I forgot this is part two of the video shows more spraying attacks.
  12. 2,942

    Utuna Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    There are lots of websites that debunk that HAARP thing, at least regarding the wildest theories about it... I don't need to watch those videos to know the answers to my questions.

    I like X-files very much and have several DVDs of this series but I know what is reality and what is fiction, and there is for me a clear and unmissable demarcation between them both. :)


    The truth is out there... but so are lies !
  13. Hi Utuna:

    You are so wise.

  14. 2,942

    Utuna Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    ;) lol

    Love you bro ! :)

    Edit : You cracked me up. I'm still laughing. You didn't take it personally. I like that... lol
  15. 2,212

    SingleCell Experienced Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Lala Land, Israel
    That was quite stunning Frank, thank you for sharing.

    The distinction between 'geoengineering' and 'conspiracy' is a key comment I think, usually these videos fall into 'conspiracy ranting' land, this however was very well done. Thanks again.

    I was truly angry for a moment, thinking about the disrespect this shows to Jehovah, us, and his creation.

    Reading Habbakuk helped.

    Here is a youtube link:

  16. 2,942

    Utuna Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Argh !!! I wanted to make the effort of watching the video you just posted. I could stand it 2 minutes, not a second more.

    The guy starts his conference by talking about the plane trails supposedly containing chemicals... [​IMG]

    Besides the chemicals usually contained in any exhaust fumes, there is nothing else inside.

    I tried a few minutes more...

    Regarding the pictures of tanks inside planes, if the pictures aren't touched up, there is no way to know exactly why they were installed there in the first place. It can be anything but what the guy is talking about.

    The winding plane trails in some pictures are just straight ones being deformed by strong atmospheric winds. In addition, spraying chemicals above a determined location from such a high altitude would be useless as the chemicals or else that were supposedly sprayed are so light and thin that strong atmospheric winds would scatter them in the upper atmospher everywhere else in the world than where intended to fall down. The logical consequence of this would be that such chemicals, toxins or whatever would be found in air quality tests on site and in other places in the world, which isn't the case.

    Algaes in China ? That's the leftovers of fertilizers drained by the rivers and that end up in the ocean. The same thing happens in Bretagne, in France, because of the nitrate contained in swine manure. Later on, he talks about "dead zones" with several dots in France.... lol He's delirious.

    That guy casts numbers, pictures and alarmist ideas all over the place without proving anything.

    This video reminds me of the GB's arguments used to prove people that we are in the last days... lol Mere sophism...
  17. 2,942

    Utuna Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    According to several paranoid conspiracy theorists (PCTs), chemtrails look like contrails but they are intentionally created by unknown people to poison us with unknown chemicals for some unknown reason (Thayer).


    Consider, however, that any biological or chemical agents released at 25,000 feet or above would be absolutely impossible to control, making any measurement of effects on the ground nearly impossible. (Presumably, the perpetrators of this evil deed have immunized themselves against the effects of their poisons.) Such an exercise would be pointless, unless you just wanted to pollute the atmosphere. And where is the evidence of the illnesses being caused by these agents? Surely, these chemicals have been identified and the diseases have names? (Yes, according to Clifford E. Carnicom, who claims he's analyzed ground-level air samples and they contained a lot of bad stuff.* Of course, we have to take it on faith that these ground-level samples blew his way from some government plane that dumped toxic chemicals somewhere in the sky at some time, presumably in the past.) If you have a desire to poison your people, do it on a night when the wind isn't blowing and fly at low altitude, so you can have some control over where your poison lands. And use something that's invisible. Cobwebs and clouds dispersed in the troposphere might land more than a thousand miles from where you spew them out and would be visible to many people.
  18. Hi Utuna:

    You are missing the whole point of what geo-engineering is trying to accomplish. They are not "trying" to poison anyone (although if that happens, that is a positive side effect, as far as they are concerned) They are attempting to "cool" the earth by reflecting the sun's rays away from the planet in an effort to halt global warming. The "poisoning" of the planet is an unintended consequence of their faulty approach to "science". You are much too intelligent to be this naive to think that this is nothing but contrails. They are also in the process totally destoying the protective ozone layers of the atmosphere of the earth. They are "ruining" the earth as much or more than those they are attempting to compensate for. Wake up, Utuna, take the blinders off and get your head out of the sand. You gave it a whole 2 minutes, bravo to you. You probably also did not look at the video that I posted of the whistleblower who worked as an environmentalist in the Air Force who had knowledge of just this activity during her career. She started out to "debunk" the idea of geo-engineering but uncovered incontroverible evidence of it's existence. But your way too smart to fall for that one.

  19. 2,942

    Utuna Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    That reminds me of a wonderful article that I read here last year. They were explaining how several studies have shown that during sandstorms in Africa or in other arid locations in the world, very thin grains of sand and even microbes or microorganisms go up in the sky, blown away by very strong winds and end up in the upper atmosphere. Thousands of miles farther, they go down back on earth through rainfalls and may contaminate the land, the vegetation and the people down below.

    (PDF NASA)


    Asian and African Dust Influences North American Weather

    Dust from far abroad — with help from skyborne bacteria — helps determine how much rain and snow fall in the western U.S.

    Mar 1, 2013 |By Stephanie Paige Ogburn and ClimateWire

    In the western United States, winter precipitation is key to providing the water states like Colorado and California need to survive their dry summers. The snow and rain that comes in the cold season runs off into reservoirs, where it is stored for drinking water, agriculture, hydropower and other uses.

    Now, researchers have linked airborne dust and other particles from as far away as the Sahara and Asian deserts with the precipitation that falls over California's Sierra Nevada mountains. The paper, published online yesterday in the journal Science, was co-authored by Jessie Creamean, a postdoctoral associate at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colo., and Kaitlyn Suski, a graduate student at the University of California, San Diego.

    "Basically, we were able to show that dust and biological aerosols that were lofted from deserts all the way across the world in the Sahara and Asia were airlifted all the way across the world to make ice crystals in clouds in the western United States," Creamean said.

    Before this study, researchers had no idea that dust from such distant places would show up in clouds in California. "Evidence of Saharan dust in precipitation along the U.S. West Coast is somewhat surprising. It is more than half a world of circumnavigation away," said Ryan Spackman, a NOAA atmospheric scientist familiar with the study.

    The aerosols catalyze the formation of ice in the clouds, which could increase precipitation, although more research needs to be done on that linkage, Creamean said.

    The researchers do know that the presence of certain aerosols plays a large role in the formation of ice that leads to precipitation, but they also need to tease out the importance of that with other factors, like the amount of available water vapor and vertical storm winds.

    Although past research had showed that dust from Asia travels far -- even demonstrating that the aerosols have circled the globe in 13 days -- no one had yet shown that dust from far away influenced precipitation.

    Tracking by satellite and airborne lab

    In order to figure this out, the researchers had to put together a lot of different data, detective style. They used images from NOAA's Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) satellite to track the dust, and confirmed it was traveling all the way to California. During storms, they flew a research aircraft with several powerful instruments, including one that can identify the type of particle in a cloud and determine whether it was dust or some other type of aerosol.

    "It can do that really fast and in real time," Creamean said. "We can look at very detailed information about the chemistry of individual aerosols."

    At the same time as the aircraft were taking measurements, Creamean and her colleagues also took samples of the precipitation on the ground and analyzed them to see whether that dust was in the rain or snow landing in the mountains. This, combined with the cloud sampling, helped them gain confidence that the dust was a factor in creating the precipitation.

    Paul DeMott, an atmospheric scientist at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, was one of the scientists who flew through the clouds. When the plane got to the higher levels of clouds, where the dust was, DeMott took cloud samples.

    While in the air, he tested the samples to see whether he could make the dust particles in them create ice nuclei again, inside his instrument. The ability to essentially re-create in the aircraft what the researchers believed was happening out in the cloud further confirmed that the dust particles were creating ice nuclei.

    "I'm taking a particle that was in an ice crystal in a cloud and demonstrating that there was something in it that makes ice," DeMott said. "So we were making these measurements while people were on the ground collecting the precipitation and getting radar data," and together, they were able to paint a better picture of how what happened in the cloud influenced the rain or snow falling on the ground.

    In 2009, a similar study had been conducted with just on-the-ground and satellite data, said DeMott, but because it lacked the cloud sampling it was more difficult to understand what was actually happening with the dust in the atmosphere.

    Climate change a factor

    Spackman, the NOAA researcher, said the scientific community often debates the quality of aerosol measurements taken from clouds, but because the authors used multiple data sources, he said, this strengthened their interpretation. "The complementary meteorological and satellite data and interpretation provided by the authors strengthen the case that dust from disparate global sources can enhance precipitation in certain meteorological environments," Spackman wrote in an email.

    Overall, Spackman said, the study makes a strong contribution.

    "This is a cutting-edge study in the field of cloud-aerosol-precipitation interactions that includes an interdisciplinary group of atmospheric chemists and meteorologists," he said. "It contributes directly to a number of key science questions on the impact of aerosols on clouds and precipitation."

    Climate change is likely to influence rainfall patterns in the Sierra Nevada as well as the amount of dust that makes its way into the atmosphere, so the hope is that a better understanding of how aerosols affect precipitation will help water managers in the future.

    "Understanding which factors lead to more or less [precipitation] and how this happens is critical to developing infrastructure to capture more water, reduce flooding, et cetera," Kimberly Prather, a study author who holds appointments at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the department of chemistry and biochemistry at UC San Diego, wrote in an email.

    Prather added that the results from this study can improve climate models by clarifying the roles of aerosols on precipitation. As the climate warms, researchers expect more dusts to make their way aloft, possibly having impacts on precipitation by changing where rain or snow falls.

    The study was part of the CalWater research program, whose goal is to help Western states better understand how their water supply might be altered under climate change. A follow-up will be done in the winter of 2015, Prather said.

    "Hydropower is an essential source of electricity in California providing, on average, 15 percent of our annual generation," California Energy Commission Chairman Robert Weisenmiller said in a news release on the study. "This state-funded study in cooperation with NOAA will help us understand how small particles in the air affect precipitation and hydropower generation. Additionally, this information will be useful in estimating the effects of our changing climate."

    Reprinted from Climatewire with permission from Environment & Energy Publishing, LLC., 202-628-6500

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