The question posted is one that has baffled me for a long time. Even before I gave my heart to Christ and began to follow the Way, I didn't understand how a person could say they was a follower of Christ, or that they was saved and yet continue to have sexually immoral relationships, drink, smoke, cuss, and do everything the same way that the world does them. If this post offends anybody I would say that I apologize, but I don't, because the truth must be spoken if I truly love you. And the truth is, if you say that you follow Christ, and you live like the world, the Scripture makes it clear that you are a liar and the truth is not in you. This doesn't necessarily make you a bad person. There's plenty of people who are in the world that are great people, but they are not saved and headed to Paradise. They are lost and headed to eternal torment, which is separation from the love of God forever! When I became truly saved, I knew when I had done something wrong, and I know when I do wrong every time because the Holy Spirit convicts me so heavily that I feel no peace no joy, no love, no hope. Not until I ask God Jehovah to forgive me, and truly mean it when I say I'm sorry. I don't for one minute believe that it's plausible, nor do I believe that it is possible to live the ways of the world and yet be saved by Sovereign Grace. Even the apostle Paul quoted that we should not use Grace as a license to sin, but rather that we should walk in the newness of life that we have been given through the shed blood of Christ our Savior! I've been guilty, as everyone has, of falling into sin since I've been saved. The Bible quotes that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. This is why we need it. Jesus sacrificial life death, burial and Resurrection. He was our substitutionary sacrifice that has taken away our sins through his death and given us opportunity to be risen into a new life through the resurrection back to life from death on the third day when he was raised by the Holy. Even as he walked, we should also walk not as the world does but as Christ did. So why do so many denominations teach that as long as you say a prayer ot accept Jesus Christ as your Lord when you're 9 years old you can live the rest of your life doing whatever you please and still walk into the kingdom of God when this is just not so? Personally, I believe this doctrine is taught so many places and so freely so as to give people a false sense of security as they walk through life bound to sin and addiction so that they don't have to feel the shame of it all, because they don't want to accept the responsibility that they are in opposition to God's word, God's law and God's commandments. The book of Ezekiel tells us plainly that if a man turns from his righteousness to doing what is wicked, his wickedness overrides his righteousness and his righteousness will no more be remembered. And also in contrast it says that if a man turns from doing wicked to doing what is right, his righteousness overrides his wickedness and his wickedness will not be counted against him. My friends this teaching wasn't just for the BC era as the word says all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is useful for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction and righteousness. And what is the reason for this? That the man of God may be blameless and fully equipped for all good works! Personally, I don't want a feel good doctrine. I want a truth giving doctrine because if I'm doing wrong I want to know that I'm doing wrong so that I can correct it. And yes, the Holy Spirit will convict you when you do wrong, but sometimes Brothers, sometimes sisters, We need to hear a reminder from those in charge and see an example through those in charge so that we are encouraged to continue in the truth as Christ is the truth, and continue in the light as Christ is the light. Amen!! God bless you all!
Also, I would add that it is worthy of noting that the Wicca teachings quote "if it hurts none, do as you will." Now why are we bringing a devilish teaching into Jehovah's Kingdom preaching? The Bible even says to beware of false prophets and those who are wolves and sheep's clothing. Brothers and sisters keep your eyes open and your heart and minds in tune with God so that you're not deceived!
That's right, because those for whom Christ died are dead to sin and Law, and the world is dead to us, as we are to it. Ro 6:11; 7:4; Gal 6:14 Those who believe otherwise are kidding themselves. Harry
Exactly even Jesus said it's not what goes into a man that defiles him. But every word that proceeds from his mouth. that is what will defile a man or prove him righteous. The old saying what goes in must come out is very true. If we put the word of God into our minds and allow it to dwell within our hearts, it's going to flow out of us. We will not be able to stop it from flowing out of us. Just as if we were to drink a gallon of water, we cannot stop it from leaving our bodies through the human natural waste system. It will come out! Therefore, to say I am a Christian and then allow ourselves to speak and act as a heathen proves that our words are very shallow and very false. Whereas a man may never say out loud to you, "I'm a Christian", but you can tell by his actions and by his words that there's something different about him and that he has God in his life! Again, Jesus said you will know them by the fruits that they bear. A good tree doesn't bring forth bad fruit. Neither does a bad tree bring forth good fruit. So a godly man does not bring forth unrighteousness and an unrighteous man cannot produce godliness because they are contrary one to the other. Now that's not to say that as a man of God we may not slip and fall and do something that is out of character. But what I mean by not producing these things is walking in a way that they are brought forth in abundance and in continuance. Even an evil man can speak a kind word, but it's impossible for him to maintain that tightness for a long period of time because it's not his nature. It's out of character for him. It's forced.
I hear people say I'm saved. But when I asked him what are you saved from they can't tell me. They give me this textbook answer oh I'm saved from hell. Well friend I can tell you what I'm saved from I'm not saved all the way because I'm not dead yet and I haven't woke up in front of Jesus Christ. But I've been saved from crack cocaine addiction 15 years of it. I've been saved from a life of dishonesty and conning people and lying and cheating. How many drug addicts realize that every single time they go purchase their dope they're committing a felony? How many drug addicts or alcoholics realize that in the course of one year you're probably racking up 500 felonies? Sooner or later the law of chances is going to be against you and you're going to get caught. Jesus and Jehovah God save me from that kind of a life. And I don't want to go back and by the grace of the good Lord I hope I don't do it.
As with you so is sit with me. I have been saved from the wages of sin which is death and I have been saved from hell which is the resting place of the wicked, or the unresting place of the wicked would be better fitting for it. But I've also been safe for numerous other things. I've been saved from the sin nature itself. I no longer want to serve selfishness and sinfulness. I want to serve Jehovah God and the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ. I've also been saved from drug addiction and sexual lust and from powerlessness overdoing everything My flesh says to do. As with you, it's only by grace through faith in Jesus name that I have been given these gifts and blessings and also as with you and the name of Jesus and by the grace of God I pray that I don't go back to this stuff and as long as I remain in Christ he will remain in me and I won't have to worry about going back to this stuff. But as soon as I start to think I've done this I can rest assured that I will fail!
Yeah it's the I have I arrived attitude that the devil's watching and waiting for whenever we think we're confident yeah that's when we fall. I was in recovery with a man whose nickname was low down. And one of the things he taught me. Is if you stay humble if you stay simple minded if you keep your mind on the bare necessities. And you spend your time on God instead of material pursuits. Well if you should fall you're already on your knees you don't have far to fall! That's something to remember stay on your knees stay low down before God. And if you fall he won't have far to fall
Yes, Elvis Presley sang a song back in the '70s that says "when I'm down on my knees is when I'm closest to heaven", and it goes great with the verse. "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God and he will exalt you." And also with the verse that says "God resist the proud, but He upholds the humble." Humility is a wonderful and a beautiful characteristic and personality trait. It shows that when you're wrong, you're willing to admit it. But along with being humble, we also need the characteristic traits of being bold, courageous and steadfast. Being steadfast means that you won't be swayed to the left or to the right once you have found truth. Being bold and courageous go hand in hand. It shows that you're going to stand up for what you think is right. And fearlessly share it with all those who will listen. And you're not going to care about what people think or say because the most important thing when you're bold and courageous is doing the right thing in a crowd and in private and also not backing down no matter the consequences. When you put boldness, Courageousness, humility and steadfestness together, you get a person who will go far in life and will have less worries of failure because they know what's right, they know what's wrong and they know how to take correction and turn it into positive energy. If you lack one of these characteristics it can throw the whole balance of life off and make for a disaster. Any one of these characteristics alone can make for a hard head, but all of them together makes for a soft countenance.
Let me correct myself. Humility is the one characteristic that you can have of these four mentioned and not have problems in your life Any one of the other three characteristics in your life without humility to power it could cause serious life choice dangers because it goes from being a good characteristic with godly instruction to being a haughty high-minded person who is not willing to listen or to be taught
I like how Peter bring this out: (2Pe 1:5-11) “5 Yes, for this very reason, by YOUR contributing in response all earnest effort, supply to YOUR faith virtue, to YOUR virtue knowledge, 6 to YOUR knowledge self-control, to YOUR self-control endurance, to YOUR endurance godly devotion, 7 to YOUR godly devotion brotherly affection, to YOUR brotherly affection love. 8 For if these things exist in YOU and overflow, they will prevent YOU from being either inactive or unfruitful regarding the accurate knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 For if these things are not present in anyone, he is blind, shutting his eyes to the light, and has become forgetful of his cleansing from his sins of long ago. 10 For this reason, brothers, all the more do YOUR utmost to make the calling and choosing of YOU sure for yourselves; for if YOU keep on doing these things YOU will by no means ever fail. 11 In fact, thus there will be richly supplied to YOU the entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
Thanks Roland for that simple but powerful acknowledgment. I appreciate that. That was for the scriptures I posted right?