Hi All: Another stunning article that should be epiphianic to many, but assuredly won't, I fear. This is an older article from February of this year and I just recieved it from a friend today. So 3 month's old and I have seen nor heard hide nor hair of it until today. You would think that information like this would be broadcasted worldwide with the biggest megaphone ever, then again, maybe not. http://dailycurrant.com/2013/02/01/message-god-hidden-dna-sequence/ frank
Hi Frank, That article is utter nonsense. Furthermore, they say : "The findings will be published in the journal Nature next month, and are expected to provoke the biggest scientific controversy since Charles Darwin published his theory of natural selection in 1859." Where is that article supposedly dated March 2013 ?
Hi Utuna: I think you may be right on this one. I cannot find corroboration on this article anywhere. Oh well, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true. Got me. Thanks for the heads up. frank